Unreal Engine 4.23 released!
It's fucking over, Tim won again
holy fucking based, this is like unreal 5.0
>change engine version
>building shaders 99999999999
fucking why,they were already built last time,ffs
daily reminder tim is a killing machine :)
Post the dog
epic owns video gaming
Source 2 was released?
Havok is still shit.
tsk, tsk.
>give you free games
>made and let you use the best engine ever made
how a man can be thia based?
No one hates Epic for their Unreal Engine, no one should hate Epic for Fortnite, everyone should hate Epic for their exclusivity mongering garbage
Reminder that the unreal engine was the sole responsible for the bleeding wou d that was the 360/PS3 Generation.
By paying the games with your datas for chineses.
Nuke China
still waiting for the dog
Oh come on mutts do the same shit.
mutts are at least people in my country
>steam drones getting btfo once again
this is kinda embarrassing
>epic selling data
>in reality : gaben already sold his soul to china
you guys are really on subhuman lvl
He's paying for may games. This man's alright.
Unreal engine is shit, it's bloated as fuck and requires massive downnloads when you offer small patches.
You know when you download a 2 gb patch when all they changed is some text, thank unreal.
valve is dead
>You know when you download a 2 gb patch when all they changed is some text, thank unreal.
Its in the soup
ill use ue4 to make my billion dollar (at least) game when the editor doesnt run like shit and crash evey 5 seconds on linux
Godot mastrr race
>Unreal engine
>Everything renders like a fucking cheap cartoon.
I think he meant dogs being boiled alive as that's a chink delicacy
>still no shipping cart
Compare the install size of an unreal game and compare it to the install size of a game made with anything else.
Unreal is shit.
>fire up the Unreal Game Launcher
>Not being a piratefag in 2019
>Still buying from Steam or Epic
I'll remind you that Berber Pirate CHADS won against the US and managed to grab ahold of the USS Philadelphia. Why don't we all follow in their footsteps and be winners instead of slack-jawed losers that BUY their games in 2019?
>Buying games
Fucking Normalfag, lmao.
UE4 unironically did more for the gaming industry than Valve at this point.
>millions of funding for developer even without egs support
>best engine on the market for free
>monthly updates
>blender donation
>ceo is a tree friend
gaben can suck more kike dick
>Japanese devs where all getting in UE to make games in 7th gen
>they're all building their own engines in the 8th gen
UE will be the place for AA devs or people who don't have any idea how to build games. Just look at PUBG, all this time and millions of dollars but they still have problems with memory leak.
what happened to Gaben?
actual brainfart epic shills
>coping this hard
even respawn abandoned their source version for unreal
unreal will take over soon over everything, ea will abandon frostbite soon too (literally killed bioware)
Dude is worse than Todd.
Source is shit
Egs is shit
They're even
Yeah, Dota 2 has been running on it since 2015
>fan of unreal engine for years, having worked on ut2k4 mapping in game's high point
>no problems with ue
>egs still hallow shell of a platform having just set all upcoming features to indefinite time frame
>entire library of games still on other platform rich with features and tens of gaming friends and family members
>have zero use for egs
>censorship on both platforms that someone needs a mushroom print across the jawbone for
Street Fighter V have this problem, you practically download the whole game again every month.
>have to install and use Epic Launcher in order to use this piece of shit
Can I just pirate it instead so I can run it without the need of that retarded launcher?
>>they're all building their own engines in the 8th gen
Source? Big unreleased Japanese games such as FF7R and Tales of Arise as well as future ArcSys games are still using UE4. And Japanese games are mostly AA anyway.
Wait, MS Hololens is still a thing?
waaaaaaait a moment
I thought this was an ue3 problem that ue4 fixed?
just steam drone coping
What a demented comparison.
Meanwhile amazing games are all being produced thanks to UE4 which is much more significant.
on development right now
based sony listed first
Is it still gonna be tens of thousands of dollars? Why did they ever bother making a conker game for that thing?
It is aimed at industrial applications for now
>Is it still gonna be tens of thousands of dollars?
peanuts for engineering companies (and the dream too, cad in fucking 3d is just awesome)
unreal is just more than a game engine at this point
Fuck VR, this is the future, I've just decided.
>this kills gaben
vr is dead
Fuck gaben
Fuck valve
All of them can die on a fire
Based and Piratepilled.
Don't see how anyone could not use UE4 if making a 3D game honestly, it's years ahead of the competition.
Nobody uses Havok, UE4 uses PhysX which is being phased out for Chaos now.
So what do you need to know to use Unreal? Because I know my way around Unity enough for a character to walk around and swing a sword. Is it easy to translate to Unreal or just stick to it
For a while now... But literally only DotA 2 uses it. What the fuck, Valve?
Yeah, just like the last time
Soulless vs Soul
Learning the program-specific things (e.g. how components work, how Niagara works, etc.) is nothing compared to the engine-unspecific things (how to program, how to solve gamedev problems, how to make VFX, etc.). If you can make a game in Unity, you can make a game in UE4.
If you want to make anything serious in UE4 you'll need at least a little C++, but C++ in UE4 isn't really much harder than C# in Unity since so much is handled for you. Personally, I find the tools in UE4 to be lightyears ahead in terms of tools, I definitely felt like switching from Unity to UE4 made my stuff not only get done faster but also with much better results (just compare Unity's VFX system with Niagara).
you have to be careful of memory leaks when using C++ though
you do know that the nigger is buying out land to 'safeguard' the trees just so that he can later sell them for even more money?
>scarface the world is yours the game
fucking based and red pilled
>I read and respectfully consider all dissenting arguments
sure tim lmao
>good vs trash
its quite the opposite, he bought the land because he know some tycoon buys it otherwise, now cope more subhuman steam drone and spend more money so daddy gaben can invest it in china
What arguments can you incels make besides
>You are an incel for accepting free games from Tim
Take your meds
why do you need arguments when epic keeps shooting themselves in the foot? you no longer need arguments anymore, you just point and laugh at how retarded they are.
I don't give a shit about steam vs epic shit
Just the retards who complain about
>muh china stealing muh data!!111
nice pic, saved
>shoot themselves in the foot
well you are mixing shit up my friend
This guy made enough money to keep working on the game and release free DLC
>people will fall for this
It would probably been worth for him to put in on Epic store without any guaranteed bonus. At least there the game would be one out of a few hundred. Instead of a sea of million games.
>release free DLC
well means the game is a flop and he needs more publicity
>demand and supply
To be fair, apparently its 2h game.
Why does anyone give a fuck outside of Epic hating?
Nobody on Yea Forums makes video games, so this is irrelevant to everyone on this board.
dilate more
cope levels are off the charts
Should I use Unreal? I heard it has a blueprints system for scrubs like me who don’t into C++, but how limited is it? I just wanna make a simple turn based rpg.
>muh meme words
Should also mention:
Reason I wanna use Unreal is that I want the Paper2D system.
its no limited at all
>fact = cope
okay jimbo
keep dilating
what the fuck happened, bros....
I see all the Valve drones sure stuck with and supported him, devs in the future should definitely follow his example.
>nothing personal steam bro
based CODEX or some other group will crack this in mere days. any bet epic/gearbox is so retarded they forget to even put denuvo on it and pirate chads will win again.
>coping this hard
AAA denovo is literally uncrackable for months see anno, see ass creed games, but keep seething no borderlands for you
>AAA denovo is literally uncrackable
imagine being this gullible. the games you mentioned are garbage anyway. even if it takes 6 months or more to crack, we paid $0 and get the superior non drm version. dumb ass.
but Odyssey was cracked?
>does massive pr stun shitting on EGS trying to get gamers to side with him and buy his game
>fails completely
Post the remote
>new destruction
this release had 8 beta versions and still has major bugs, so yeah, avoid it unless you like headaches
I thought its not actually using any source 2 features other than for the UI and workshop modeling.