A ll
W omen
A are
W hores
is this the demaster?
no thats OG, demaster is actually remaster, for once
Easily the worst FF female lead.
Going from Celes and Tifa to this dumpster fire was a bit of a shock at the time
Rinoa is just insufferable, but really thats most of the cast of FF8
>oh no you're not a virgin like me?? =(
What a terrible character and awful excuse for a love interest
>sloppy seconds of the MC's rival
>only interested in the MC because he's "the best looking guy here"
>spends the first disk fighting with him before suddenly falling in love with him
>abuses dogs
Does this game still scale to squalls level?
Isn't Terra the female lead of VI?
no thanks
Arguably for the first half, but Celes is still a major player in the first half and the lead in the second.
Celes has the most amount of time in your party over the course of the game then any other.
That said, Terra is a good lead too when she is around, especially in the world of ruin
No gameplay changes, so yes
Literally 2 minutes later...slut
they didn't change the game at all, this is not a remake(and with the little amount of reworked graphical things, its not even an actual remaster), it's just a re-re-re-lease of the same game
they made the models sharp but the backgrounds blurry. why?
please understand small indie studio
8 wasn't fantastic but I still thought it was pretty neat.
Miles better then 9
Because most don't know shit about old games, resolution and pre-rendered backgrounds, including you.
Literally the only thing changed in the remaster is some of the character models.
but even fans using emulators have sharp, crisp backgrounds.
Is this the original PC release modded?
Because they're low resolution rasterized images that would look like shit at modern resolutions
not him, but are you implying it would have been too much of a work to do?
that's the remaster dipshit
No it's a photo of my tv. The ps4 version
censored, shitty models and blurry as fuck backgrounds that could have been done better by some neckbeard fan with one of those AI scaling things.It is sadly a demaster.
it is from the "Remastered" version that looks mostly like shit.
>trying to piss squall off because he didnt give a fuck about her going with irvine and selphie
Yet again Squall confirmed chad af
All the source files are gone and the backgrounds are like half SD resolution.
So the only way to make them higher res would be to use an AI upscaler and those change the artwork and have this smudgy look.
I guess the ideal solution would be to include both the original background and character models and the redone/upscaled ones.
But that would require competent devs.
> P R E - R E N D E R E D B A C K G R O U N D S
daily reminder that Rinoa is Seifer's used goods and Quistis should have won
so use modern tech to upscale them?
>AI upscalers change the artwork and have this smudgy look.
not necessarily true
and it's not the only way anyway
The models look good, it's unfortunate about everything else though.
I know you're baiting for (You), but you know the real problem:
>fucked Seifer
>he left her
>she pretends to love Squall
>still thinks about Seifer
Squall is the biggest cuck in the history of FF, who could easily fuck his teacher but for some reason he went for Rinoa.
>and it's not the only way anyway
What other ways are there to upscale extremely low-res artwork with good results?
IIRC they lost the files forever again so they just port what they got and redid the character and enemy models. I'm fine with it desu, graphic wise, but the original release on steam had chocobo world and this didnt, that I was kind of sad about. I wanted my chocobo tamagotchi for the extra summons like moogles and shit
There is a while mod for the 2013 release that on top of having reworked textures for all 3d models, has all backgrounds, locations, and world map textures reworked and better looking without using upscalers
>boohoo I fucked that guy last year so sad he's dead and stuff
>hey new the you're tall wanna fug ;D
9 gives you an meh protagonist, at least squall does man shit, and has a persona.
Quistis is a moron. She's incompetent.
The only worthwhile girl in FF8 is Selphie
At least Squall gets cucked by a peer.
Cloud gets cucked by superstar and an NPC most people don't even know about.
My god that is hideous.
16 is pretty late by today's standards so I'd say she is much less of a slut than most girls these days.
You're full of shit she's beautiful
Yes but we must judge her by the standards of the time in which she lived
FFVIII is a cornucopia of awful, unlikable characters that don't adhere to their own personal logic and change motivations on a whim when the plot demands it. Not one single main party member is likable, probably why people gravitate to Laguna's crew (also morons).
>their own personal logic and change motivations on a whim when the plot demands it.
This is the thing that drove me nuts more then anything else in FF8
when will the "cute butt slut uwu so lewd femboi xd" period end?
>amerimutts cannot legally lose their virginity before 18
sounds like some jewish trick to me, I lost mine at 15 and it was KINO she literally was Riku
Age of consent is 16 in my state (which is more common in the US then 18) and +/- 2 years for younger then that (16 year olds can fuck a 14 year old, etc)
There is no nation wide federal law on it
Squall passed on Quistis for this skank?
>playing the inferior version
I hope you’re enjoying those shitty faces
I still can’t believe 8, 13 and 15 are all FF game after play 1-6. How the guck did they think a game like 8 could fit in the series in any way whatsoever, 7 was done in a well-integrated manner but 8 takes the piss.
I fucked 13 yo when I was 16. I'm glad i'm not in US.
They can't do anything about that one since its rendered with background
You're telling me they can't even prop a stationary model in front of him? Why are you making excuses for these people?
In practice, no one really gives a shit in the US, 99% of occurrences don't get followed up on.
It’s not that hard to find a good Selphie cosplay, literally go through any 60s film
>not experiencing teenage love and discovering oneselves' bodies
I heard the Remaster was censored.
Anyone explain?
How does this exactly happen? Do you need to agree to Irvine's decision or something?
You don't need to make excuses for a billion dollar company.
They could've used AI rendering for the backgrounds as a bare minimum of work.
Remember kids, the more you fuck the more your sexual value goes down as well as your value for lasting relationships. Bitches try to get you to fuck because they wasted their first time and want you to waste yours making it harder to bond with a life long partner.
Don’t waste your first anything on somebody who wasted theirs.
The remastered face I think actually make the overall look of the game worse. Now everyone has clearly detectable deadpan faces while in the original, you were primarily relying on postures and gestures to interpret the characters moods, and it was better for that.
user, you can have fond memories not without having sex. Take yourself for example.
You realize most girls lose their virginity in their early teens right?
That’s why most girls are a mess.
No, they're a mess because modern feminism tells them to get an education and a career instead of being a mother.
Incel energy is STRONG in this thread
that dyke sure wont be unless they out her as bi next season
right and they believe it because they're retards
so what's the word on the remaster? pure shit?
I know about the shitty backgrounds but apparently there's no ANALOG CONTROL either? or rumble? What the fuck were they thinking?
>What the fuck were they thinking?
"who fucking cares lol, they'll buy it anyway"
She was just doing that to make squall jealous! :c
and they're right. S-E fans are among the most retarded to walk this gay earth
Literally the only issue is the retarded blurry backgrounds contrasting with the high definition character models.
If I want to see Siren's pubes I can just search a booru.
>Literally the only issue is the retarded blurry backgrounds contrasting with the high definition character models.
Pretty big fucking issue tho.
Plus blurry overworld screen, lack of analog, lack of rumble, lack of widescreen, and apparently there are framerate drops in this 20 year old RPG for PS1.
And we shouldn't be surprised, look at Square's ports for, oh, everything. They're all trash compared to the originals. These people are fucking mongoloids.
If I wanted cut content, I'd fuck an american.
instead, you don't fuck anybody. at all
I'd say something about going to fuck myself, but man, you people really don't do humor, do you?
Lighten up, kid. We're on the internet.
I guess you think Rick Rubin is a great sound engineer.
Why does Yea Forums both worship and hate women so much?
ALL the backgrounds are blurred with a heavy gaussian blur filter. The music is MIDI files or some shit like that. Lots of censorship.
virgin lmao
You're not wrong.
>Squall is just a humongous bag of dicks for most of the game and is made leader even though he never wants to communicate with people
>Rinoa has no maturity, is the leader of a resistance group despite that, and continually winds up in danger because fuck YOU dad
>Quistis is an instructor, yet continually allows herself to be swayed by emotion and make bad judgement calls, such as when she abandons an important assassination mission to apologize to Rinoa
>Zell is an idiot
>Selphie is just kind of a spaz
>Irvine is a traitor, a sleaze, and forces Squall, who is leader of all of the SeeD forces during an attack by Galbadia, to leave literally everyone else in Garden without leadership so that he can personally save Rinoa from a dumb situation that he (Irvine) personally caused
in other words, they're teenagers. took you 20 years, but congratulations, you finally understand the story of a JRPG
Damn those graphics were jarring even when it came out. Absolute dogshit.
My issue isn't that they're teenagers. It's that people keep putting them in charge of situations that they aren't equipped to handle.
Cid's just like "Yeah, be leader of everything, Squall, even though you hate literally every kind of interaction, never open up to anyone, and only care about following orders that you're given."
yup. the story's about adults fucking with teenagers, giving them responsibilities they don't want and eventually grow to accept. it's literally all about that.
so again, congratulations, you finally understand the story of a JRPG
You can't have sex with a fictional character.
Yea Forums is a microcosm of how society really feels
I know they're teenagers, but was it ever said that Seifer and Rinoa were THAT serious?
this is what incels actually believe
Rinoa isn't a virgin then?
Why are FF games so cucked?
Aerith not virgin, Rinoa not virgin, Tifa not virgin.
Stay lonely incel
Who, Quistis?
I'm just religious dude. I don't even live in West.
>The models look good, it's unfortunate about everything else though.
This least subtle bait I've ever seen.
>hurr durr what is character development
You dumb dumb.
>>Squall is just a humongous bag of dicks for most of the game and is made leader even though he never wants to communicate with people
No he isn't. He simply wants to be left alone and doesn't want to have to carry the responsibility of others lives. He isn't much of a dick apart some very few occurrences. And despite his anti-social demeanor he has good grades and manage to think logically even during hectic events, so he has good good skills needed for a leader. He's also not prone to hot headedness and stays calm, another feature good to see in a leader.
>>Rinoa has no maturity, is the leader of a resistance group despite that, and continually winds up in danger because fuck YOU dad
A spoiled bitch acting like a spoiled bitch? Hold the fucking presses! Why is it not allowed to have spoiled bitches in a game? Why is it not allowed to have flaws? And of course she has no maturity, she's a fucking 17 yo spoiled girl. The "resistance' is a farce and everyone knows it. She only manages to do things because daddies money and getting mercenaries.
>>Quistis is an instructor, yet continually allows herself to be swayed by emotion and make bad judgement calls, such as when she abandons an important assassination mission to apologize to Rinoa
Hence why she got fired as an instructor.
>Selphie is just kind of a spaz
She's the mandatory genki girl. Name me 10 jRPGs without that trope.
>Irvine is a traitor [..]
Traitor because he left Galbadia that became obviously crazy under the leadership of a witch? I have no idea what the second scenario is you describe, but deducing from everything else you said, you are most likely hyperboleing what actually happened.
I'm 29 and never had sex or gf...... I'm not even fat or basement dweller. I work in HR.
The misogynists and the beta orbiters are two different types of people
They'd literally have to remake them from scratch.
>fuck you bitch you're suppose to save yourself for me the mr nice guy
no, this is what reality is. you're just too much of a horse with blinds on its eyes to see anything but your own perspective.
Wait.... I thought Irvine was a girl this whole FUCKING TIME
>everyone is a falseflag king for the laughs
>everyone is showing their true colours behind their anonymity
>Yea Forums is more than one person
pick one to three
That was pretty solid
Used goods cope.
>she literally was riku
Glad you’re so open with your butt-banditry, user.
It's called a Madonna-whore complex and it's a pain in the goddamn ass. In modern society it's not only unreasonable, but complete fantasy to expect you'll actually encounter a woman who doesn't have a long and sordid sexual history after grade school. You know how hard it is to form or maintain a relationship with someone if that actually bothers you that much? Even if you try to logic it away, it still eats at you until it completely stains your entire outlook on that person. You will never be as happy as you could be and you just have to learn to deal with that, or be happy on your own. I just recently fucked up an otherwise good relationship explicitly after the words "don't worry, I know what I'm doing" came up in bed one time. Not only am I not proud of it, but I'd turn that shit off in a heartbeat if I could. And anyone who wouldn't seems insane to me.
>When she calls you a 'MEANY!' in that family home in Timber
I hate anime style dialogue so fucking much. I'm supposed to believe she's the leader of a resistance faction when she speaks like a 4 year old? Or is that the point, because it's all SUPA SUPA KAWAIIIII~ ^_^
Even the quiet one in the back of my class?
have sex
Especially her. Quiet, reserved girls have an all you can eat cock buffet the second they realize shit's available. How would you act if you were horny and repressed for ages and actually had the ability to get fucked on a whim? People don't realize why women who are virgins later in life are so much more likely to fuck around.
better than the blurry backgrounds
especially her
>but was it ever said that Seifer and Rinoa were THAT serious?
Not directly. But the game implies that a few times.
>I work in HR.
Just curious how you got your job and what requirements they wanted.
Same man. It's OK.
>I'm 29 and never had sex or gf...... I'm not even fat or basement dweller. I work in HR.
Same, but 36 and no job. Doesn't even bother me now. I live in a very liberal area where the women are totally psychotic so I don't even try now. It's better to steer clear of the crazies.
Yes and it's not normal.
Japanese interpretation of white sluts
report yourself to yourself for being an incel
Nowhere near it actually, Pokemon fans are easily the absolute worst. Absolute corperate servitude.
And then gachafags are next after that. Not that I'm defending Sqeenix at all, I have a pathological hatred for any FF after 10 eventhough it's one of my favorite series. Haven't bought one since 13.
How do people handle the fucking god awful writing FF8 has? I can't fucking take it.
Are they wrong?
Is this zoomed right in? If it's at the start I didn't even notice on my 55 inch.
Worse, she likes boys kissing boys.
I'm only noticing how bad it is now actually. Even though I've played it a bunch. I think the genre has just gotten a lot better with games like persona where characters are more fleshed out that it makes older games look worse
Why aren't Seifer and Squall in uniform?
>this shit was outsourced instead of anyone at Square working on it
not that Square themselves are an affirmation of quality, but jesus christ
I had this shit fucking terrible when I was a teen. Made me fucking unreasonable. It's hell to live with.
Dunno. Squall even has a uniformed model
>no proof she even so much as sucked dick
>fucking roastie cunt worst FF girl hands down
I sometimes wonder if these outrages are fake but I just dont know anymore
how to get over it user?
But I mean, even the older FF had better writing. It's inexcusable.
W hite
W omen
F uck
D ogs
I feel like I'm the only person on earth who in middle school the teachers all stressed the no sex before marriage mantra. It wasn't even a religious school, just a regular public one, but I thought everyone believed it. Then years later you find out the whole time the girls were fucking 17 year olds when they were only 12. Just what the fuck.
>literally a background character
__________________________________________________________________You Don't_____________________________
fujos are somehow even more disgusting than gays
Literally cope. I just ended up accepting that I'll never get that perfect thing I wanted so I lowered my standards and just started accepting that every female I'll ever get will have had been with at least 3 guys before me.
It got easier after I lost my virginity. It's still there in the back of my head, but I keep it locked down. It becomes an inevitability the older you get. I'm 24, there's no way I'll ever get a woman that hasn't had a load on her face. And in the age of tinder? Shiiiieeeet, I just gave up and accepted it.
So I just silently cope.
>play this game as a kid
>could barely read or understand English
>made it through somehow
>hated Seifer because I was a Squall fanboy
>Rinoa was my first waifu
>play the game years later
>find out she was a tease the whole time
>flirts with Seifer of all people
>Seifer turns out to be the most based "antagonist" in the game and I appreciate his character a lot
>can't get over the fact that Rinoa bounces back to Squall for no reason "but"
Man FUCK Rinoa goddamnit
>in college
>like a cute girl
>befriend her
>she talks about her "ex" 24/7 to anyone who'll listen
>still convinced myself she was a virgin
Looking back I was a real fucking idiot.
Are you me?
Anyone who's still fixated on an ex is bad news, no exceptions.
It shows she hasn't moved on, it's a giant red flag. Avoid.
That sounds like hell, is it because you haven't had many sexual partners yourself that it bothers you? I have only had a handful, but lost my V card at 16. I haven't been bothered by this so far (almost 30 now)
What if she played like a really good game? Like Donkey Kong country? Girls can't hand fond memories of video games too?
You should not be so upset about her dating life. It might have been just the tip or no sex at all. Besides virginity is an outdated concept that demeans humans.
The only girl worth spit is a pure virgin maiden.
You cucks enjoy finding out that every time a girl is fucked, the sperm permanently takes residence in every bit of her defiled flesh as a living part of her.
That's where the term "whore face" comes from, because their very face becomes more masculine from male DNA infesting and literally mutating her.
There's science journals on this shit.
It's what anyone with a brain can see. Men are obviously disillusioned by society and their place in it. Just look at any statistic involving school/work/relationships/suicide. Young men are checking out and sometimes lashing out with brutal acts of violence.
Yeah, I see it now. Even weirded was the guy was the one to dump her. She was like a solid 8 or 9 out of 10 in terms of looks, I was shocked anyone would give that up. But there must have been some serious personality issues going on I didn't see.
You think it would be the opposite considering people can live pass their hundreds now.
Back then, you were lucky to live pass 30.
Making $$$ money is important, than following bitches around.
They got rid of the scene where everyone runs the train on Rinoa why Squall is away.
Hey, if you can accept being alone forever, more power to you. But what you're asking doesn't exist after age 19. Yes, even your precious religious girls have had their fun.
>b-b-but she told me she was a virgin
Of course she did, why wouldn't they?
Females get sex so goddamn easy, you're never gonna fins what you're looking for.
But I do understand the want for it, I yearn for it too.
Hard to say. I've had mostly purely sexual relationships in the past, but at the same time the reason I rarely go further is probably at least partly because of it. I think it's just something some people have ingrained in them and others don't. Men take sex more seriously because it's less available, so it's probably a more personal thing to most people. At least on a subconscious level.
>Yes, even your precious religious girls have had their fun.
Why did they choose the path of the devil?
>FF8 getting threads in 2019
What a time to be alive
Because your body's natural needs and desires are much stronger than any ideology.
>FF8 thread
I believe you are in the wrong place, user. This is a thread bitching about whores.
too cool for school
>runs at a lower frame rate
>> is actually a remaster
The same reason the vast majority of Christians are giant hypocrites and loads of pastors diddle little boys.
It's one thing to read the book and worship, it's another to completely adhere to it day in and day out while no real world* consequences show themselves, especially in this day and age.
*by real world I didn't mean it like I'm shitting on Christianity, I mean something immediately tangible
You silly, boi
based, they really fuck 'em
Men have always been the main perpetrators of violence, yet modern society is safer than any era before it
Neck yourself
Fucking based and kino and probably the reason I'll die a virgin.
>Females get sex so goddamn easy, you're never gonna fins what you're looking for.
And neither will they. They think about their previous fucks while they're fucking you and then dump you and move on to the next cock.
Yessir, human relationships are fucked as hell.
squall died in act 1
I'm baffled people are buying this since there fucking WAS A PC RELEASE you could just pirate, but this bit always looked like garbage. I have no fucking idea why they painted Cid into the background here but they did it from the original. I have no fucking idea why, they never do it again, and there's nothing incredibly technically demanding in the scene that merits having to remove one model and just fucking paint him in. It is the weirdest shit.
But god damn it guys, there's already a PC release you could just fucking emulate. It even came with the stupid fucking chocobo game in the files. Still have no idea how to actually play that.
stop replying to yourself retard
You know he's banging Quistis too
>ultimecias orbiter
mixed signals
adding in the 4th dimension of time? No they aren't.
Not believing in his ROMANTIC dream.
jesus christ this is horrible
>user has been jerking off and waifuing a man for the last 15 years
May as well just go full gay and get pozzed at this point.
SeeD members can wear what they want
They should have. They could have just traced them in corel or something.
How fucking retarded are you user? Or are you just an ESL? Everyone knows Irvine is a man's name.
even Waifu2x or some generic upscaler would've been better than just N64 quality texture smoothing filters slapped on everything. the overworld looks like a giant slop of vomit.
>I'm 24, there's no way I'll ever get a woman that hasn't had a load on her face. And in the age of tinder? Shiiiieeeet, I just gave up and accepted it.
>just one
why would you pirate the pc release when you can just emulate the ps1 version?
To be fair, it's as disambiguous as Jacky. Known a few males and females with that name
lol that's nothing. i fucked a 19 year old when i was 11.
No, it's not to "to be fair", did you even watching the CGI cutscenes showing Irvine? It's clear he's not a woman. Even on a 1992 CRT it's extremely obvious.
Count the number of cutscenes with Irvine in them. I dare you faggot
Why are the girls such sluts.
Why is Laguna and his kid such betas.
Seifer chad.
Zell worst wingman
All you need is one.
Listen to Mondays WTF episode, the guest on that one wrote a whole book about it
Like 3 or 4.
He has long hair therefore he's a woman :^)
Seifer isn't a Chad, you only sympathize with him because he's a loser and you project an ideal onto him so you can escape even more into fantasy
Squall and Seifer are the resident delinquents, although Seifer tries to act like he's the one upholding the rules, and Squall is respected in spite of it. At the very start of the game, when Quistis is called down to the nurse's office because one of her students injured himself training while he was supposed to be in class, the first thing she says is "I knew it would be either [Squall] or Seifer!"
>In modern society it's not only unreasonable, but complete fantasy to expect you'll actually encounter a woman who doesn't have a long and sordid sexual history after grade school.
only in kike infested western shitholes
So that you know they aren't generic goons of the school
>outing yourself as sheltered so proudly
You're delusional if you think your Japanese schoolgirl waifus are any more pure
So the relevant civilized world?
>the doesn't know about the paradise that is the middle east
keep coping cuckbrain
So whats the reason behind cards having no artwork anymore but instead 3d models? like all GF cards, also Rai jjn and Fu jjn....
Cool, when are you going?
after finishing grad school unironically
im gonna make pure kids with my mid eastern waifu
You are talking about the "everything is near death experience" game theory, right?
i kekd
You must have gotten a double dose of vaccines as a kid
Yea Forums worships 2D women and hates 3D women, it's simple.
>tfw 29 yro kisless virgin
Atleast I have job an vidya...
>Rinoa isn't a virgin then?
lol no
You have something you cherish and take pride in, that's far better than having sex, trust me. I finally did it a month ago and it's nothing special, even after doing it a bunch of times it's still not as good as everyone says.
Rinoa is the worst FF female lead
Post FF8 lewds you sluts.
only thing i have is selphie's upskirt
FF8 is too pure.
so whats the deal with laguna?
fell in love with piano lady
piano lady falls in love with a politician
laguna settles with some country chick
his child and her child bang each other in the end
did i get that right?
FF5 was the chad game.