Old = Good
New = Bad
Old = Good
this but unironically
Yukari = Shit
Mitsuru = Patrician
Era of game developers designing games with gamers first = Good
Era of greedy publishers demanding games be changed to scam as many normalfags as possible and where nuDevs see video games as their outlet for political commentary in par with political cartoons = Bad
don't worry, when the current new games become old, Yea Forums will say they were good.
>Game that has a beginning and conclusion = good
>Game that follows from conclusion = bad
You shouldn't trust nostalgia fags
Old = good
New = bad
Old = Bad
New = Bad
Agreed. Yukari is a cunt.
I don't even know why you guys sweat this shit so much. Just ask me if the game is good or not. Nobody has better taste in anything than me. You're all tasteless faggots and drones.
It is true and zoomers are just mad because their childhoods is the early 2010s aka literally the dark ages.
This prisoner knows what is up. The classic era of gaming was filled with year long droughts. Any game that appealed to you would have to last. Now there are a ton of games available, but most of them are soulless and are not enjoyable enough for multiple playthroughs.
Where did you get this picture of me, you stupid faggot little cocksucker?
weeb = bad
not weeb = good
all change = good
All the mediocre and bad shit slowly gets forgotten, while people remember the gems
After a while, they look back, can only think of gems that came out, and start thinking that the era was a majority of gems, when in reality there's mountains of shit that came with it
Smash good
Weeb bad
They didn't have day one DLC in OLD, just NEW.
I love Fuuka!
There were plenty of great games this decade I don't listen to Yea Forums or game reviews for the most part
My nigga knows whassup
Yukari is just one of those girls you need to occasionally slap around, otherwise she’s fine
Old = New
Good = Bad
>old good
>new and really old bad
How to get her to leave you 101
Funny how no one really says this but stupid ops fishing for (you)s
I unironically would love for a Nokia brick or flip phone to make a comeback. These smartphones are just too damn fragile.
People are less fun than they used to be.