Favorite Yakuza game? Are you picking up the remasters? If not, why not? What do you think of Yakuza 7? Do you think we'll ever see official western releases of Kenzan or Ishin? Discuss all things Yakuza here. (do not post footage of any of the games or respond to anyone who does)
Yakuza thread
>Favorite Yakuza game?
> Are you picking up the remasters? If not, why not?
Already played them years ago and don't particularly care to replay.
>What do you think of Yakuza 7?
Ichiban seems like a decent new protagonist but he still doesn't strike me the way that Kiryu or even Akiyama did. Excited that a new city is getting the main focus rather than it just being a early game thing and Kamurocho being the real site of the story again. Combat has always ended up kind of a chore in these games anyways so the change to turn-based doesn't bother me as long as you can get through the low tier punk battles fairly quickly.
>Do you think we'll ever see official western releases of Kenzan or Ishin?
Kenzan seems pretty likely based on the producer saying that it's next in their sights for a remake and specifically mentioning that the Western audience never got to play it. Strangely Ishin seems less likely now.
are Kiwami 1+2 good remakes?
Yep. The only things shit about them (which is a lot) are problems carried over from the originals.
Sana is best girl!
Name 2’s problems
Holy fuck I'm an idiot I forgot the image
The bomb being a fake in 2 sums up perfectly why the writing in these games is terrible. Nothing ever actually matters or has consequence. Things happen just to have a melodramatic scene which ten minutes later doesn't even matter anymore. Kaz can be stabbed and left to die and then be back on his feet and fine 2 minutes later. These games are full of this shit. It's not even "twists" because that would mean things would have to be foreshadowed or at least still have consequence. But literally everything that you think is happening can be undone at any moment. RUBBER BULLETS is the most extreme example but the games are full of this garbage. It only annoys me because when people point out how shit the gameplay is they defend the games by saying "you idiot, you play for the story" but that makes no sense when they're written so badly.
2 in particular suffers from a lot of this, but its bad writing is let slide because a lot of people have nostalgia for it.
>its bad writing is let slide because a lot of people have nostalgia for it
Sadly true. I had fond memories of it but when playing the remaster I was wincing at how shit a lot of the plot is. It was fine when I was a 15 year old braindead weeb but playing it now it astounds me that adults could make something so dumb.
>thread image
the autist won, congrats op.
>the autist won
OP here. They didn't win. Everyone on Yea Forums now knows Yakuza footage is just bait to be ignored. The falseflagging autist lost.
Considering he's replying to himself as seen by the two posts above yours the thread's probably started by him since it wasn't a new IP. He's been spamming the picture in every thread he can find too, a Shenmue thread even had it.
Can we just discuss Yakuza please and ignore the shitposter/critical posts?
>discussion without criticism
you mean circlejerk?
I wouldn't use that word, but yes
>bitching about the reminder
I knew you'd show up eventually to ruin ANOTHER yakuza thread. How mad are you that your webms won't trick anyone anymore? What are you going to do from now on?
Kiwami 1? FUCK NO!
Kiwami 2? Absolutely.
Kiwami 1 was recreated using Yakuza 0's engine, but the development time was rushed due to being behind schedule. As a result, the game is basically Yakuza 0 gutted. Several minigames were removed from the game.
Yakuza 2 Kiwami was created in the Yakuza 6 engine, but this time around, developers put their full effort into making the game.
No matter what, the series floundered as a whole in America, but due to the director getting an executive position at Sega, he keeps pushing the games out.
>Kiwami 1 was recreated using Yakuza 0's engine
>Yakuza 2 Kiwami was created in the Yakuza 6 engine
Recently started Ishin after learning Japanese, this shit is fucking good. It's like Kenzan, except better. Hopefully the fan translation will get somewhere soon so that EOPs can also experience it.
there is a fan translation?
what are they going to do if it gets localized?
How was learning Japanese for you? Did it take long and is there anything you still struggle with?