Be Toby Fox

>be Toby Fox
>make small indi game
>do coding and music with next to no help
>becomes one of the most popular indi games
>fast forward 4 years
>makes the music for Game Freaks new game
>gets Sans the magic meme skeleton into Smash Brothers together with a song
>not only just meets Sakurai but get invited into his home
>chills with Sakurai plays Smash Brothers with him (and wins)
>Sakurai even talks about this on a Nintendo Direct
>Sakurai personally drives him home

how can one man be so based Yea Forums?
he's really living the dream

Attached: tobyfox.jpg (382x512, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sakurai personally drives him home
That is the most bizarre part of the story. Like, what?

Attached: soccer mom sakurai.png (594x516, 34K)

>next to no help

He made a kickstarter and hired loads of people you fucking asskiss

>gets Sans the magic meme skeleton into Smash Brothers
Why is it that when ANY OTHER CHARACTER gets a Mii costume it's a bad thing, but when it's Sans it's "HOLY SHIT BOYS SANS IS IN"?

Attached: 1546009628548.gif (201x259, 729K)

because it's from a small indi game that's just four years old

Because the fighters pass was already in development and Shovel Knight isn't even playable unlike Sans

Attached: TobyFox.png (378x320, 306K)

>do coding and music with next to no help
>next to no help
I wouldn't consider $51,000 crowd funded for him as "next to no help"

>With next to no help
That's very fucking wrong. From what I remember he had support from an entire community making assets, music and a bunch of shit all around.
You can idolize the guy but base it on the truth don't be an idiot.

Cause no one in a million years actually thought Sans would be in smash in any capacity

>Because the fighters pass was already in development
Why does this matter?
>Shovel Knight isn't even playable
And technically neither is Sans lol