Can we talk about this piece of shit for a moment?

Can we talk about this piece of shit for a moment?

Attached: download.jpg (188x267, 12K)

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I don't wanna.

Sure, go ahead

It's not bad, actually. Played it two weeks ago with second expansion (contains all mechanics of first too) with mod to multiply tech/civics cost by 3 and it was fun.

Loyalty mechanics are kinda bad and districts require special planning but it's okay overall.

a smash thread died for this

It just doesn't add to part 5, that's the only bad thing.

And that's a good thing. Smash is shitty, overrated "fighting" game for children that should be thrown into trash.

i enjoy it

only if you promise to whine about the graphics and artstyle

SJW garbage

I like it. Fuck Hungary and fuck diplomatic victory though.

it's the first civ game i've played, got it to play with a couple friends. people keep telling me it's the worst game in the series. i don't doubt it but can anybody tell me why? i'm struggling to imagine how they can take a successful formula and fuck it up

It's fun and enjoyable.

what's there to say
it sucks but not in any kind of interesting way, just a mediocre game that the franchise should move on from, like sfv

They simplified everything so girls could play it

Attached: 1552525661079.png (2560x1440, 1.6M)

Here's my experience with it:

After sucking in mp and half-assing it and too many hours fighting barbarians n shit, I decide to give it 100% and beat that smartass that always owned me. 6 hours in, I get my army ready, I manouver them into a pincer to cut him off from his allied cities, vital trade routes and key resources. He thought I was a noob so he was unprepared. I move to strike, he doesn't see it coming AND... Just before I launched my attack something urgent came up and we had to stop playing, never get the chance to continue that lan game. 6 hours of prep, tactics, timing and keening, the one epic battle I would ever be part of fucking gone.
Civ can eat shit.

that's why you play it with friends

Better than 5.


It's not as bad as people make it out to be. Sure, some of the leader choices are definitely questionable, and the new artstyle sucks DICK. But I like it's focus on city planning and interaction between tiles.
There's also a mod that changes the landscape graphics to be similar to Civ5 and that made the game a lot more enjoyable for me.

Does it at least benefit from multiple cores or threads?

What would be some non-meme comeback mechanics to be added to this game?

Feels like once you get a lead in medieval/renaissance you're only left to go through the motions for the next 200 turns.


it "runs" on a single thread on linux

well they added this thing

Attached: Civ6_Giant_Death_Robot_In-Game.jpg (1200x675, 118K)

So you have a turn time of several minutes towards the end?

yes, it's awful

>Better than 5.
And this suppose to be an achievement?
There are things you can find after turning up piece of wet rock that are better than Civ5

Attached: 1312625053689.gif (320x240, 2.04M)

"i'm fond of pigs"

Civ games suck ass. They take forever. The actual "skill" is based on autistic game mechanics abuse, and has little to do with actual skill, strategy, or tactics.

*makes all other units obsolete in your path*

>more complex than V