Bubsy in smash? What could pawsably go wrong?

Bubsy in smash? What could pawsably go wrong?

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Yeah, Bubsy. Not that pathetic tranny OC. I hate whoever made that and whoever posts it even moreso.

Think the one on the right would give me a titfuck in exchange for a cigarette?

you have shit taste, and evidently you hate human rights

Shit oc can stay in oc land. Bubsy is not your tranny fetish. Glad they slapped your shit for fun by letting out 2 new games.


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your brain has been turned into jello

shut your fucking shit nazi bootlicker

what just because I take what my progressive friends seriously? I have listened from the work that Skeiv Ungdom does that there are still big hurdles that the LBGTQ community has to tackle


Either this is poor bait or you don’t belong here jumping to conclusions like that.

Also Bubsy is a meme

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No, Sans fills the meme quota character

I don't care about the Bubsy part you piece of shit

execute trannies

>suspenders and briefs

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thanks for affirming the toxic masculinity stereotype, as if I needed more confirmation *pukes*

It's a classy establishment

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I fucking hate this problematic representation of trans people that "trans" bubsy is supposed to show. Trans people are not psychological wrecks that keep their dead names/genitals, let alone be covered in surgical stitches like some sort of frankenstein shit (which is obviously a stab at transexual surgeries).

Fuck off and die.

why is it okay for you to misrepresent white males like me then? checkmate democrats!

>not psychological wrecks

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a majority of Trans people live normal lives

A normal life for a trans person involves suicide

>Glad they slapped your shit for fun by letting out 2 new games.
That was the funniest shit

is bubsy a shota

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Unfortunately not, but if he was, he'd look like what do you think?

Bubsy's an adult bobcat, but he has nephews

bubsy's last 2 releases were unironically both better than shitty forces. Game basically was trashed universally. We don't even talk about team sonic racing.

What....what happened to him?

>be careful who you call ugly in middle school
>it might have mental issues, become a transgender crack whore and stab you while leaking oil out of its eyes

can i dump my trans bubsy collection or will i be banned
i like seeing train wreck trannies aka all of them suffer

>another literally who character that only the west cares about

nothing, what happened was a few years ago some SJW shit tier artist tried to claim Bubsy as their own and declared that that was 'canon modern bubsy'

So much for the tolerant left

Most trans """women""" dress like 5 year old girls and spend their days arguing with people over perceived slights in real life on the internet.

What's the joke? He's still ugly.

>the actual 'modern' canon Bubsy is still egoistical dickhead

Some retard estrogen sniffer tried to claim them as their fursona and made a bunch of tranny fetish pics. They probably paid people to draw art of it and eventually the people who make the games were like lol no and just made some more bubsy games completely ignoring their faggotry.

Cartoon foot, hand and head proportions just do not mix with porn.

Man, what the fuck
I'm surprised someone would do such a thing and try running with it. Its such a weird take on the character.

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fuck off faggot

you're generalising based on degenerate tranny art

I'm generalizing based on most art that has gigantic feet and hands and huge bobbleheads, but also wants to wedge in all the sexy business.

yeah thats why i like em

Find better artists bro

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this comic wasn't funny or sexy. What the fuck were they thinking?

Yes, but do realize you are taking advantage of a person down on their luck and your request is quite deplorable. Consider the potential ramifications that may befall your eternal soul.

>popular furry artists draw "boobsy" (just r63 bubsy)
>Autist hates it

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She'd do it for free

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i think this is part 1
chronologically doesn't really matter

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yikes, really got triggered didn't you?

This artist is a super sadcow.

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i think this is part 3

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Sorry part of my quotes got deleted. Doesn't matter. I was just replying to a post that is deleted now.

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Tbh, Bubsy seemed to have something going on with Virgil in the cartoon pilot, but I s'pose it's because he just wanted to test that helmet

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I'd make a Picardía but I'm phoneposting

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You can stop. Also
>Jim Sterling in the background

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ill just post everything i have saved.
The artist is one of those insane furries
like that guy who eats poop, shmorky, dry ice hands etc

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>no bulge
What's the point of it all?

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>like that guy who eats poop
Nick Bates or that one furry guy? Didn't the furry die who ate his own shit?

Didn't this nigga ruin a Space Funeral game?

This is what happens when you don't move on from the console wars, huh?

No idea, there's quite a few poopooeaters though

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>move on from the console wars
he said, posting on Yea Forums.

He actually cancelled it.
>one of the parts was supposed to be professor genki asking if bubsy is boy or a girl
>answering "boy" could've led to instant game over

Hey man, I've never given two turgid dicks about console loyalty, don't brand me.