What is the best star wars game?

What is the best star wars game?

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beat saber

Republic Commando

episode 1 racer

for me its jedi knight series and xwing vs tie fighter

Rogue squadron 3

Kotor 1 and 2. Battlefront 2 is also a good one .

Kotor 2 and Jedi Academy.

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Is this webm from one of the new movies? Because holy shit what the fuck


Yeah, from the trailer for the new one.
They're getting desperate.

Looks like a spoiler

Battlefront 2017

Attached: 1496929481735.png (500x678, 505K)

Nah not really. It's got the same kind of filtering effects as other visions/flashbacks in the other nu movies. This is just being shown without context for shock value and is likely not actually going to happen

hardly a spoiler, its in the new trailer. apparently the entire main plot of the movie has been leaked and corroborated by multiple independent sources. its full retard which should come as no surprise to anyone.

star wars has always been cringey numale garbage

that filename. a man could only dream of a scene like that in the new movie.

The one getting a remaster on the Switch


X-Wing vs TIE-Fighter: Balance of Power

>dream sequence
>15 min middle movie sequence
place your bets for "evil" mary sue Rey

No More Heroes 2!

>Jedi Academy
I think you mean Outcast.

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Had the most fun in battlefront 2 and Jedi Academy

>Caring about spoilers
>Caring about Nu Wars
Stop being so pathetic

Star Wars Trilogy Arcade

Attached: Star-Wars-Trilogy-Arcade-Deluxe.jpg (480x680, 90K)

The Clone Wars

Attached: Star Wars The Clone Wars.jpg (3256x2156, 1.49M)

Spoil me chief, I haven't seen any of the new movies.

i don't particularly care about the star war but a sword-breaker lightsaber looks pretty cool to me

The few i remember are
Sheev is back, Rey is his daughter.
The webm in OP is a vision.
Sheev is a changed man, a family man.

Empire at war was and is the best.

how do you spoiler tag? cuz i have a question

You stop bieng a newfag, namefag.

Of course it's a fucking vision, they are too scared to make something actually interesting.

well that's not very helpful :c

I'm fond of Jedi Knight 1 and X-Wing Alliance.

Unironically based and redpilled, the only right answer.

My theory is that this is actually Rey's twin sister.

The new order took the twins because of their force potential and Rey's parents could only save one twin and dropped them off on that one planet while the one that couldn't be saved was trained as a sith

Kill yourself

Looks goddamn stupid what the fuck

>folding tuning fork of doom

ooo boy I bet those will fly off toystore shelves

>No longer canon

Someone post those Kyle Katarn dissing Luke pics

why o:

I've got you pal

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I used to play this game with my dad :(

and empire at war is the right answer

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I love these. Do you have the one where he's at Lukes wife funeral?

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Lego star wars 1-3

Different user thou.

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Who did it the best?

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holy shit my dick what is this from

That lightsaber is on par with the double club from Spoony's counter monkey... Imagine if that was a steel sword and how gay would it look

Tie Fighter

Does kotor 2 use the same gay dice rolling BS for its combat like the first one??


retarded lightaaber design, but still less retardes then that helicopter lightsaber from the clone wars

Maul. His weapon actual makes somewhat sense. Everyone else is just wacky.

This here.

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Whose Sheev? Formerly Shucks?

Fuck off with your shit Yea Forums meme.

Nobody knows

Does anyone ever get your references, autismo?

If you want lightsaber combat, probably Outcast and Academy.
If you want scifi action, Republic Commando and whatever Battlefront is alive.
If you want to experience the setting, the Old Republic games.
If you want to be overpowered, Force Unleashed.

star wars is dead. bury it. consider this mercy.

Why isn't her tongue falling off from melting???


The Force Unleashed.

Lucas armor.

>this and the original Battlefronts gave us an awesome tank to zoom around in real fast
>new Battlefront shits all over it by making it fat and slow to simply mirror the AAT
Fuck EA.

It still pisses me off that they refuse to add more vehicles and have them spawn on the map.

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kotor, jedi outcast and jedi academy

Reminder that Brazzers made a video with Darth Talon
Reminder that fucking Brazzers was more respectful to the EU than Disney's been since the buyout.

I have this

shneed's alive?

Maul followed by Asajj

Is the latest Batlefront fun yet
Is it ded on pc

Tossup between BF2, or Republic Commando.

God that lightsaber looks so dumb.

>Sheev is a changed man, a family man
it seems today that all you see
is Jedi in movies and Sith on TV


kotor 2

that saber looks janky as shit

It’s going to fun shitting on it when it releases.
I’m still not sure if I should pirate it or pay for jumanji 3 and sneak in, just to join in properly.


watch those wrist-rockets!

original battlefield 2

but that's not a star wars game

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Maul because his isn't a meme weapon by virtue of it actually making some sense

Ventress should just use the two sabers because the connecting thing is gimmicky, the Inquisitor sabers are stupid fucking toy shit, and Rey's is literally just "NEED TO MAKE A NEW LIGHTSABER THING"

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My thoughts exactly, holy fuck

Tie between JO/JA, and X-Wing Alliance. Cannot count how many times I've done the Death Star Tunnel Run with no shields at full speed.

>Kylo is searching for a device known as the wayfinder, which leads him into the Unknown Regions where Palpatine is
>Kylo and Palpatine's conversation apparently centers around ordering Kylo to find Rey and bring her to the Emperor with the goal of turning her to the dark side.
>Palpatine has spent his 30 years of PTO creating a fleet of "Death Star Destroyers", Star Destroyers with Death Star tech mounted on them, giving them the capability to destroy a planet
>Rey and the other Resistance members are looking for a dagger that points to the location of the wayfinder thanks to info from a first order mole who is Hux. They go to the new desert planet where they meet Lando and find the dagger but its sith language and 3PO cant translate. They get attacked by the knights of Ren and are forced to escape
>They go to a new winter planet to modify 3PO so he can translate the dagger, during this Kylo and Rey have another mental connection and they fight.
>The dagger reveals the wayfinder is on Endor but before they can go they get attacked by Kylo. Kylo fights Rey again and here Kylo tells Rey she is the granddaughter of Papatine. The crew recovers the Falcon, Rey reconnects with them and they all flee and go to Endor.
>On Endor they go to the emperor throne room in the wreckage of the death star where Kylo is waiting for them. Rey and Kylo fight and Rey nearly kills him but forgives him then she takes the wayfinder and she sees a dark vision of her. After this Rey decides to go back to Achto and meditates if she should exile herself then Luke appears gives her courage to confront the emperor and gives her Leia's lightsaber Meanwhile wounded Kylo has a vision of Han and then he leaves Endor but not as Kylo Ren but as Ben Solo.
>The crew reorganize at the resistance base where Leia is on her deathbed where Luke comes to say goodbye. Then everyone goes to confront the sith fleet and Palpatine.

When was this masterpiece made?


>They travel to the Sith fleet in the Unknown Regions, battle ensues. Somehow, Rey finds her way to The Emperor who has been waiting for her. Palpatine confirms that what Kylo told her was true. Apparently after his defeat at DSII, Palpatine was shaken by the fact that he wasn't able to maintain his hold on Vader or seduce Luke to the darkness due to their familial bond. During the course of their conversation Palpatine makes reference to this bond between Vader and Luke and likens it to his bond with Rey hoping that whatever familial connection they have will be enough to win her over and become as strong as that of the Skywalkers. Kylo/Ben reappears. How we get to this next part is still a bit fuzzy to me, but apparently Ben and Rey join forces and begin attacking Palpatine. Leia's lightsaber comes back into play when Rey and Kylo share the Skywalker lightsabers throughout their fight. At some point the Emperor overpowers them both and supposedly kills Ben. When it looks like all Hope is lost, the ghosts of Luke and Leia show up to aid Rey. Together they overpower the Emperor and end his darkness once and for all.
>As for what the other members of the Resistance are doing at this point, they are engaged in a space battle against Palpatine's fleet lead by General Pryde. The Resistance's goal is supposedly to take out the flagship, severing communications and making navigation out of the Unknown Regions impossible. The flagship is destroyed around the same time that the Emperor dies.
>Our heroes travel to Tatooine. During these scenes, it is supposedly revealed that Rey has cannibalized Anakin/Luke's lightsaber and Leia's to make one of her own that supposedly has a yellow/gold blade. She buries the leftover pieces on the grounds of the former Lars homestead. The final shots of the Skywalker saga allegedly echo how the adventure began in ‘77, our heroes gazing at the horizon dreaming of the future as twin suns set in the distance.

>General Pryde
>Not Thrawn, after all the buildup to re-adding him in canon.

Fuck this series. Seriously.

>serious face when zoomed in
>struggling not to laugh as soon as she starts flipping it open
This just needs to go full comedy with DeathSolarSystem after the DeathStar and DeathPlanet with the characters being aware of how retarded this is getting

Shit is seriously the most desperate marketing ploy I've ever seen

God that sounds awful

At first i wasn't much interested in the last movie but i atleast wanted to know how it would end.
Now if this is true i don't even want to see it at all, this, this is just terrible.

a game you can't properly play anymore

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>i atleast wanted to know how it would end
>even when it was clear there was no overarching story in the trilogy
But why?

is this the rei girl from the other movies?
what the fuck

>Rey and the other Resistance members
All 7 of them? Or did the Resistance magically repopulate itself after everyone got killed at the end of the last movie again

Because i wanted some closure on how awfull it was, no real reason to be honest.

It's obviously a scene from some sort of vision or whatever being used to whip soibois up into a excitement frenzy.

Something about the way it folds up looks so awkward.

Only the main characters are looking for the wayfinder but the Resistance indeed magically repopulates coz they have a big fleet to face off like 100 death star destroyers

That's kind of a shame, but I guess we can call it a running theme of the the entire Star Wars universe, people just pop into existence to support whatever faction the story demands them to support.
Overall this all of this doesn't even sound too bad, but it just doesn't sound that great either. Seems that we are destined for mediocrity to appeal to the largest audience.

So the EA game is confirmed shit right? No I won't buy the

>hurrr you have to buy the singleplayer to prove people want that!
Shit some retards are throwing out there.

It’s EA and based off NuWars.
Divine intervention couldn’t save this from being a turd

No user, he was asking about the best games, not their sequels.
2 and Academy are still great though.

>one of the major problems of the EU was that, after twenty years, the plot of a Jedi/sith/their apprentice surviving the purge started getting overdone
>Disney have managed to make the concept stale after less than 5 years

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any other game is wrong

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