Nintendo Direct

So the highlights of the Direct were:

>A remake of a 2012 game
>A censored port of a game that flopped
>Rehashes like Luigi's Mansion 3 or lazy remakes like Link's Awakening
>28 year old SNES ROMS
>Overwatch, a shitty SJW game that will run worse on Switch like Witcher 3
>Some random fighting character coming to Smash and Sans
>Old ports
>A sequel of an obscure game like Deadly Premonition

Why are people so happy with the recent Direct?

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Because they like games you don't

I dunno, it couldn't be because of
>A sequel of an obscure game like Deadly Premonition
like you pointed it, could it? You ding dong diddly moron

GAMES GANES AND MORE GAMES. We got more games and y’all got nada.

You only got ports, remakes and third party games that will run worse

Jedi Fucking Knight II. How are you not hyped.

Cause I've been playing it on my PC for years.

It's on PS4 and PC

All I hear and see is GAMES nigga. Yall ain’t get shit and we got games.

Because it's literally a free presentation of videogames during a great time to be a videogame fan. Why the fuck are you so angry?

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>yeah but theyre not good games
Games are games homeboy.

Because unlike you, they actually like playing video games. They're also not from Yea Forums like you are.

How's the drought?

The community and people I dueled with will no longer be playing it, who fucking cares at this point?

I got Deadly 2 fuck yourself with a cactus


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Is that a Jewish quarterpounder?

Why do you keep posting this man?

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It’s his selfie. He’s avatar fagging I think.

yeah I don't get it either

the direct was mostly rehashing things we already knew about with animal crossing being the worst waste of time ever, only interesting reveal was deadly premonition

the fact the only 1st party 2020 revealed were yet again ports including the shitty looking third release of xenoblade cemented it as a failure, compare to last year's september direct were they showed luigi's mansion 3, town and animal crossing

hopefully 2020 isn't a repeat of 2018 but it looks like it for the moment

>game sequel gets announced
>"obscure game" or a "rehash"
>original game gets announced
>"flop on arrival"

There's no winning with these fags


This direct was completely inoffensive(beyond Animal Crossing taking so damn long) and you're looking for reasons to whine.

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>it's bad because I don't like it

Games out the ass nigga

i dont get this
why do sonyfags get mad when nintendo is announcing games?
even better question, why is Yea Forums complaining about ports when they keep complaining about how shit modern "nu-games" are and how sjw filled the gaming space and how censored "nu-games" are?

>mfw they said that the the 5 DLC characters are not the last of the newcomers

where were you when ALL the fucking leaks were true?

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He has the pulse on core gamer values.

Seeth more

I reside in Texas.

you're a fucking npc

Because they want japan to have their money

>you only got games haha arent you mad


cool you don't like nintendo maybe make an xbox thread instead oh wait lmao

how has no one in this fucking thread mentioned the fact that smash is going beyond 5 additional newcomers, its very clearly the biggest fucking news out of the entire direct

I was going into the kitchen for some water when megalovania started playing and my reaction was "oh fuck WAT?"

Now, how is Nintendo going to out do Ultimate? Or are they going with the WOW way and remastering the game for newer consoles as time goes on? Because that would be badass.

I wish Capcom had done that with UmvsC3 instead of creating infinite.

And amazingly, the switch still lacks most features you'd expect from a handheld like the DSi or PSP, can't download and play online at the same time, and switch lite will be everything wrong with the switch but without the upside of TV mode's superior graphics and controller options

Again I'll point it out

Games newer than 2012 get remade all the time now. In this case, it's an actual good game

Link's Awakening looks good and plays better than half the shit of the modern generation of games

And you're just a dumbass that thinks that you get to decide when a character is obscure

Cope and seethe idiot

>Oh man, so cool, I can finally play those sweet games my friends all played years ago but now its on Switch and runs worse but I can take it our of the house

Should I purchase Golf Story or Cave Story + ?
Also what’s a good handheld game to play while I’m playing PS4 games with my friends?

Seethe more

>We live in a timeline where Japan time never ends, but is still flooded with people making bullshit leaks left and right


Next Smash should be a softboot in gameplay. Wouldn't mind having a Melee/Brawl-sized roster as a result, honestly. And speaking of Capcom I'm sort of surprised that no other notable company bothered making a Smash clone of their own. Some indie equivalents have been good but SSB proves that the roster carries a lot of the weight.

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yea i kinda hate that meme for the same reason

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So sad that even this is better than what sony is getting

just bought a switch. all of a sudden free super games.
cry more cryers

>xenoblade remastered
I don't get it. why is Nintendo porting over cinematic movieshit? Shouldn't the switch be dedicated to video GAMES? Them allowing movies like Astral Chain, bayonetta and Fire Emblem were odd enough, but I feel like they want to be sony at this point. I just don't understand the appeal of willingly wanting to watch 50+ hours of cutscenes before you're even allowed to touch the game.

This is why I stopped supporting the Ps4 if you want me to be honest.

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you're still admitting that we got games
why does that make you mad enough to spit out all this damage control?

Because I played that fucking game ages ago. Why should I care about it now? Because its on a fucking Nintendo console?

Switch getting games released on playstation years ago is somehow better?

Literal NPC

Fuck off doug

Yes. Snoys drought this year is massive

What's wrong user? Why can't you answer a simple query?

ACfag is in this thread

>Seething Xcuck

But who really is buying a switch and buying old games that are already on playstation (not to mention new games coming to steam as well)? I'd honestly rather just wait for pokemon and replay Witcher 3 that I already own

Doom 64 is cool

Because it’s portable, which may not be relevant to you but is nifty

This jew made another video?

>tendies actually praising nintendo because the switch is getting ports from over 10 years ago and super downgraded games from 3-4 years ago
This is fucking satire. It has to be.

>"nooo, if I don't play that game when everybody play it I will diee"
Do zoomers really think this?

That doesn't give you the right to call games shit because they're not portable. I'm so sick of hearing fanboys call PC games "putrid dogshit" because they don't have a switch version. You know that's not fair or sensible in the slightest, yet you keep doing it.

>Why can't you answer an already wrong question?

>assblasted consolewar faggots
>assblasted zoomers
God, this day was glorious.

What's wrong about it? Come on, I'm all ears. Explain why Bloodborne is "movie shit" despite not even having a half hour of cutscenes, but Xenoblade gets a pass despite being 50% cutscenes and dialogue.

Super Smash Bros is a kids game. Not sure why so many people are interested in what amounts to some new skins in a kids game.

Because it was chock full of fucking games you draft nigger.

People dont fucking care if some are ports, your points on new games being "rehashes" are worthless, it's just games man.

Games people like. It's time to give up being so salty.

Liking games, I understand. Liking cinematic experiences is another. Like, if you want that, just go to Yea Forums.

>but it's portable!
This is the shittiest argument in favor of a video game that people ever bring up. Who gives a shit if it's portable? It changes nothing about the game itself on a functional level, and it only gets downgraded because of shitty hardware.

You mean because its portable on a Ninendo console, the jedi knight series can easily run on a modern tablet, knights of the old republic even has an android port

Translation: Because it's now on nintendo platforms.

What are they supposed to do?
Just not play them ever?
Not everyone wants, needs, or can even get more than one gaming system. Is it really so bad to limit luxury purchases to one dedicated system?

I'm starting to believe that Nintendofags are actually more deluded than sony niggers. You idiots arenunironically just starting to use the arguments that sonyfags used when the ps4 was nothing but a port machine.

>what are they supposed to do
Acknowledge that games exist outside of your preferred console? Refuse to start console war threads? Don't call people snoy trannies if they don't think the way you do? Accept criticism and the possibility that your games might not be perfect, flawless masterpieces?

That's a few starting points.

>Explain why Bloodborne is "movie shit" despite not even having a half hour of cutscenes
Nobody said this

and when that is the top point of the direct is it supposed to be a good thing?

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About the censored port part
remember, switch doesn't have a regionlook anymore...

>A remake of a 2012 game
Because maybe with Xenoblade 2's success and the 3DS version being fucking shit, it was a good time to overhaul the original?
>28 year old SNES ROMS
Yeah, it's nice to have those on the Switch considering how we're fucked on Virtual Console right now and not everyone wants to download a phone emulator and buy a bluetooth controller grip to play them on the go.
>some random fighting character coming to Smash
Zoom Zoom, double nigger. Bet you're a Steveposter or a waifufag.
>A censored port of a game"
Wow user didn't know you were from the future.
>Rehashes like Luigi's Mansion 3
That's called a sequel
>lazy remakes like Link's Awakening
Yeah, all they did was take a Game Boy Color game and make it fully 3D with a Dungeon Maker. You could say it's overpriced, but it sure as fuck isn't lazy.
>A sequel of an obscure game like Deadly Premonition
Only a faggot would hear that news and be disappointed
>Old ports
Again, really nice to have things like DOOM 64 readily available in ways that aren't a fucking emulator, and on something portable that has actual buttons.

Maybe you're just too busy guzzling cum to feel anything anymore because this was a pretty decent Direct for people who actually give a fuck about Switch stuff and you clearly would've hated it no matter what it announced.

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>he missed the 50,000 posts in the past week saying that the Ps4 had no games and was just a movie machine

>he missed posts like
Where are the people saying that Bloodborne is an exception? Oh wait, there are none.

Cope and seethe

What the hell kind of argument is that?

Quartering really let himself go didn't he?

You don't get it, I have no intention of arguing with an autist

>Is it really so bad to limit luxury purchases to one dedicated system?
Yes because in the time it took from initial release to rerelease on Switch you could have easily owned a different system and played those games, then traded the old console and games in when you purchased the Switch.

Has Quarterpounder finally lost it?

>if you don't blindly worship cutscenes and movies, you're an "autist"

Geez. I'm so sorry if I think gameplay is the most important aspect of a product, in a medium renowned for interactivity. Instead of actually answering the argument and providing logical reasoning behind it, you attack me and use blatant, stupid strawmen.

>when the cap finally comes off the Onions bottle

>Doug Harris aka ACfag

>A sequel of an obscure game like Deadly Premonition
This could actually be pretty good.

All I'm getting here is that you're not intelligent enough to set up an emulator, which would cost much less and offer many more games than a Switch

So is that actually the Quartering or not? The more I see this, the less he looks like him. Beard and glasses, that's it.

You can keep repeating that ad nauseam, but it doesn't make my criticisms disappear. All it does is showcase how you have no rebuttal.

> downgrades a game that ran fine on a geforce 3 and celeron

Nobody fucking cares

Did you know that some people don't care for Smash?

Hey Michael

>"You don't want to carry your laptop and a USB controller everywhere to save a buck by emulating everything? YOU MUST BE RETARDED"

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How are you actually upset about this? Nintendo direct isn't supposed to be some bloe your socks off, give us all your money presentation... it's just Nintnendo telling their fans what's going on. I'm not a fan of Nintendo amd their games, but I see no issue with this.

Then why spam threads 24/7 about how the "evil snoy is ruining the industry with movies"? Sounds like you care alot, but you can't take criticism when someone levies these same complaints against your company.

Yeah it was actually pretty weak.

Most of it were probably e3 leftovers that not even nintendo thinks they are good considering how soon most stuff releases

Cool opinion

They're not really opinions. I can back them up with facts.

How the fuck is ultimate even NEAR the peak of anything? It was a rushed smash bros game with shitty graphics and balancing. It has shit game modes and anybody who can find more than 20 hours of content within it either hate themselves or have never played a video games that had actual heart put into it.

Ultimate is just Sakurai trying to make a quick buck by appealing to the memers.

I can't stand how they made it pay2win by locking fighters behind a DLC paywall.


Good, I'm glad we came to a mutal agreement. Nintendo is at their best when they're not pushing movieshit like Astral Chain or Xenoblade. Finally someone agrees.


Nope? why not?

I'm talking about Witcher when downgrading, not Jedi Knight you fucking moron.


So, no argument.

This is my last reply

You have no argument, so that's to be expected. Adieu.

You nigga must have never played a rpg to not see the difference between playing a long ass Jrpg on a tv and in bed.

The switch allows to play all the 60+ hour long ps2 rpgs everywhere without being stuck in a chair and making room for 2+ hour sessions.

>don't you get it? With portability I can easily take my tablet to the bathroom and not have to stop playing! And when Jamal bursts into the bedroom demanding that I hand over my gf, I can easily just leave! Isn't that awesome???
I've used the switch before, and have used handhelds before. Portability is a fucking meme argument.

Deadly P 2 and remaster of xenochronicles is worth it. Everything else being ports is eh especially since they're all playable on PC. The only ports Id give a shit about would be gamecube ports like skies of arcadia.

you can literally download a SNES emulator from the playstore

You seem mentally conflicted user. No one said anything about cuckshit.
I'm just saying that being able to launch FFXII, without being obliged to have 2 hours free to make some progress, kinda rules

You don't have to do that as is, you sound like a retarded 12 year old.

>tendie doesn't understand whast a caricature is
You're definitely underage.

The japanese Direct was even better
>Brigandine (confirmed for the West)
>Moon (confirmed for the West)
>RS3 (confirmed for the West)
>Remakes of old Famicom Disk adventure games
>New Momotaro Dentetsu
>A remaster of a visual novel I didn't know existed

On top of Deadly Premonition 2, Luigi's Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing looking hot, new demo of Daemon X Machina and a Kirby freebie? Yeah, there wasn't any fucking Bayonetta 3, but this was great.

Because Smash peaked at Melee.

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>its very clearly the biggest fucking news out of the entire direct
New games are always better than milking the cash cow. Poor Sakurai, man.

>remaster of xenochronicles is worth it
Isn't it a remake? It looks like the engine and artstyle are completely shuffled. Hope they stay loyal.

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So what’s the verdict?

Short Nintendo?

>mad that games got announced