My PC can't run this. Any other games with fun telekinesis mechanics?

My PC can't run this. Any other games with fun telekinesis mechanics?

Attached: Обложка_игры_Control.jpg (1376x1256, 413K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Second Sight. Got delisted from steam though so gotta pirate.

Why would you want to play a game with a female protagonist?

I like women.


There's a difference between liking women and being a male feminist.



Just fuck off incel. Nobody wants to talk with you. Don't bother to answer because you're getting filtered anyway.


Hahaha. Go ahead. Filter me. Oh wait you can't.

Girls smell nice, have soft skin, and it feels so good to cuddle with them. You have to try it someday guys.


I don't play video games to look at the characters

Golden Sun

so no Metroid, Nier or Bayonetta for you?

Is that the “girl” from the tranny comic where “she” shows “her” cock to “her” boyfriend?

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This is false, I cuddle with my sister and she feels prickly because she shaves all her body hair.

You have a brother bro.

To rephrase the question to as to make it as specific to this game as possible, why would you want to play a game with a protagonist who is a feminist propaganda piece?

The girl in OP is some jeans and jacket wearing lesbian.

Tranny game

Attached: B656AAC7-B3D4-4210-8951-05D4150C38D7.png (680x986, 471K)

>user is so obsessed with trannies that he sees them everywhere and has to constantly mention them
Please seek help before you cause harm to your self

Attached: haha.png (269x46, 2K)

No, we're just italian.

I know you can still see me, retard. That line indicates that you hid your own post.

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Just like all wemen se wants CONTROL

Holy shit, that makes sense.

the game is fun

how is she a feminist propaganda piece? im out of the loop

unironically force unleashed.

Lets start with how she has no flaws whatsoever.

Hard to follow the clues, I know, but it sounds like he might want to play a game with telekinesis mechanics.

She has no personality to begin with you dumb incel lmao

it runs on a ps4, your pc can run it. Now whether you get above 40 fps is diff

Yeah, she's this perfect, strong, incorruptible being. Never does anything wrong.

why the fuck is this game not being talked about

it's fucking great

Real subtle, Mr Astroturf.

is it so hard to imagine someone might enjoy a video game

fuck off chink the SCP meme stopped being relevant past the 1000 series

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Only in the case that the game is shit.

This makes the question paradoxical. All games are shit.


because half the people don't want EGS and half the people mistake /pol/'s crusade against feminizing the west as hating all women all the time no matter what.

Just like most video game heroes!

I still read EGS as ember's ghost squad every time.

The game sucks.
I honestly think that Remedy just tries to gaslight people trying to think they are narrative genius.

gameplay is pretty fun the exploration is nice the graphics are great and they don't shove the story in your face too much
I like it

His final curse on the world was the chink store

Are you sure? Did you turn the resolution, like, ALL the way down then put everything on low? That's what I did and it works really well.

Not Samus, she has emotions that compel her to make decisions like obeying Adam and savi g the baby metroid. Not 2B. She's paranoid, rude and allowed herself to fall in love. Not Bayonetta. She is overly cocky and doesn't mind giving boys a good show.

Control protag: monolithic feminist role model that doesn't exist
Other female protags: imperfect, vulnerable, and actually attractive to the opposite sex.

all the characters in this game are weird schizo finnish autists and it honestly suits the atmosphere perfectly

I know that feel mea Fratello

You have TK in Dishonored daud dlcs and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

my CPU's ten years old, I pirated two versions and they both crush on launch.

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what graphics card u got homie

I'm not saying you have to play control to have fun telekinesis, but if you looked up control and you liked what you saw, you probably won't find anything really like this
I'm only saying this because I remember when I suddenly wanted to replay max payne 3 real bad, but I only had a toaster and I had to look up alternatives to get a somewhat similar feeling vydia
I replayed MP1 but even if it's one of my favourite games of all time, it's very different, still had fun though
then I got stranglehold and it was awesome, loved it, but it didn't have that "heavy" feeling mp3 does
I tried some MP2 mods too, there's one out there that's supposed to make MP2 play like MP3 but it was pretty weak

in the end I got a decent laptop and I played the shit out of max panye 3 and I still replay it every now and then

I only posted all this shit because I think if you want to play control because of what you've seen of it, you should just get a better pc, you won't find anything really like this, especially in the case of control, because it has a pretty unique atmosphere and setting

go away, noone wants to buy your game

The game could be made by the most insufferable group of radical social justice obsessed people, and I'll play it and recommend it to others as long as it's a game I had a good time playing.

Wow, so you must have loved Captain Marvel.


christ why the fuck do I even visit Yea Forums anymore, fucking kill yourselves

The gameplay gets old really soon, you basically have 3 guys, militar with guns, big guy and floaty guy.
You telekinesis the fuck out of the 2 first type of guys and shoot the flying guys (that if you keep trying you can also kinesis the fuck out of them).
The other styles are cool in paper, but in reality are not very effective and just slow you down.
You can breeze pretty much everything, till something spawns near you or shoot you pretty much all your life, the difficulty comes from how much of the last checkpoint you have to redo.
The "exploration" is ok going to boring, grab a lot of papers that are cryptic because, to videos that are cool but again, kinda useless. There is some variety, but not much.
It's a 6 game, for 15 bucks is a good game to try if you have an RTX card.

No, because I didn't have a good time watching it and I don't like most superhero films. I like Control because it's fun.

Attached: specs.png (773x497, 66K)

That game is genuinely underrated.
Also can pol fuck to twitter where they can actually find opposition?

Does it not run if you go in the install folder and run control_dx11.exe directly? They might be using some higher dx11 feature level if it doesn't. Kinda sucks if that's the case. If you don't have updated graphics drivers you should get those.

>third person game
>stare at ass for hours on end
>might as well be a woman

I mean I dont care either way. But you know, its a nice change once in awhile.

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Can't harm himself on the level of a self mutilating tranny anyway


This should have been the first reply

>doesn't have ass
>looks like a tranny
Yeah, what a refreshing take.

So Yea Forums, if that protag came up to you when you're with your gf, slapped your ass and whispered in your ear that she'll pay you to come to her place and fuck, would you?

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i don't have a gf

I don't have a girlfriend

Psy Ops: The Mind Gate Conspiracy and Second Sight.


why do you reply to trolls you brain damaged retards
fuck off you worthless brain damaged retard


Gay faggot

Gemini: Heroes Reborn is pretty fun. It did the exact same time travel thing that Dishonored 2 and Titanfall 2 did, but it did it a year earlier.

Try The Darkness 2.

Star Wars The Force Awakens is pretty good when it comes to being able to throw shit around. The game gets a bit tiring by the end tho. You can grab it on pc or emulate the wii/ps2 version (they play differently but both are good).

Force Unleashed


It's better than Quantum Break but not by much.
A 7/10 instead of a 6/10.

Why don't Remedy go full-on cinematic game? It is clearly what they want to do, but instead, they put generic enemy encounters that go for too long every step you make.

If you actually play any of the side quests the ratio of gameplay to cutscene is very high. It's a genuine video game not just a movie.

Try Dead Space.

The problem is, the "genuine video game" is fucking boring, the same shit over and over again. The combat loop never progresses. It is like they wanted to make a story-focused game but had to slap this shitty combat on top of it to sell it as a "genuine video game".

The combat is meh (mostly because you're way too OP with the telekinesis), but I think it progresses alright with enemy variety. What it needed was more tools, maybe a pyrokinetic power, or a teleportation power, and enemies which would force you to use these tools. In-game the only enemy that dodge your TK attacks are the flying guys, and they only dodge the first shot, by mid-game you can just chain the attacks and they'll probably die at the second or third one.

I thought the basic mechanics and feel were good in themselves. The combat loop progresses until you get bored of the final abilities you get. I agree they should have had more variety in enemies and maybe some better bosses. It was fun for the few hours it lasted IMO. If they wanted a longer game or a replayable game it could have used another 6 months in development.

I liked quantum break a lot more. The story was a scifi mess but the characters, graphics, and game feel was a lot better i think. Also sonic 06 has unironic cool telekensis gameplay with silver

Is it better than Alan Wake? You know, shine light shoot repeat?

>Anno Domini MMXIX
>Someone in the studio asked what the final boss would be
>Someone answered that a mob rush would be fine instead

Seriously I don't fucking get it.

alan wake is a stinking turd compared to control

>buff scientist dude with kebab arms
>the tranq gun
>that fucking twist that was obvious but still got me
I'm glad I bought it for line $4

My PS4 can't run it either.
I'm actually stuck in a boss battle that turns the game into a slideshow alternated by literally being frozen for multiple seconds.
Same for Remnant. Base PS4 is no longer viable.

She has no strengths either. She is just a confused women guided by an entity living in her head, gets all her powers just through a supernatural gun and doesn't really do a single thing on her own, and is relying on instructions given by others or visions given to her by the former dead male director.

Jesse is literally just genderswapped basic action character who solves all problems with violence, it would be exactly the same game with a male character. Jesse being a woman doesn't matter at all.

So she doesn't earn any of her power and has it gifted to her. That's pretty typical of most female heroines.

pretty typical of western heroes in general
also typical of real life

I'd say it's quite basic "chosen one" narrative, game kinda explains it with traumatic supernatural experience Jesse had as a kid which also ties her to the bureau.

You have to be a character to have flaws
give me a non retarded reason for her being a feminist propaganda piece

>Iron Man builds his suit
>Thor's origin is him losing his powers until he proves he has a right to have them
>Captain America earned the opportunity to become a test subject for the super syrum with consistent acts of valor and gruelling training
>Spiderman's signature ability is actually an invention he created himself
>Green Lantern had to prove himself worthy of becoming a lantern and underwent training to master it

By contrast

>Wonder Woman was born powerful
>Captain Marvel gets her powers from a freak accident

It's like that saying. A man climbs a mountain to put a flag on the top. A woman claims that where she is standing is the mountain top and plants her flag there. It just appeals to women more when they are given powers instead of acquiring them.

I wish there was something to do post game, this is cool though

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Funny how you conveniently didn't mention Superman, who was born with his power and is arguably the most famous superhero to have ever existed.

You're probably one generation too early, it runs on my Bulldozer CPU and surprisingly well at that. Not really surprising, as it's clearly a console title, so you can't have CPU intensive mechanics.

>amd graphics card

you know that when the amd shills shitpost about how great amd products are, they referring to the processors right?

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>Internal Movement Detected

Poor guy. At least he looks like he's chilling out in the fourth screen from the left.

That card is 10 years old. Back then it was called ATI and they were ahead of Nvidia.

Dead Space.

Or Spider-Man, who is literally a power fantasy aimed at geeky boys. Or Batman who is able to live out his retribution fantasies because he inherited endless fortune.

I also didn't mention Batman, who is more popular now, and he has no powers except his gadgets and training.

The funny thing is that the Jesse Mirror fight would've been fine both gameplay and also story wise as final boss.

Is it safe to uninstall once i've finished the game?

I did mention Spiderman you dumbass.

Isn't it weird how magic ends up making a character more realistic since it makes her powerful despite the fact that she's a woman? Remedy has admitted that the reason why the game has a female protagonist is that their games hadn't had one yet. Could it be that the writers actually do believe in there being differences between men and women and they were just waiting for an actual plausible excuse to have a female protagonist but they previously couldn't because it wouldn't have been believable?
Max Payne was a DEA double agent infiltrating a crime family who's goons consist entirely of men. There's no way Max could have ever been female. But write a story about a human being getting superhuman powers and all of a sudden there are no real world restrictions. Like how it's perfectly reasonable to have female soldiers in CoD Advanced Warfare because the strength of soldiers wearing exoskeletons is only limited by the horsepower of said exoskeletons.

Advent Rising

She abandoned her little brother and is a vagrant

Could also be because the devs are feminists.

>There's no way Max could have ever been female.
Mona throws a big wrench in that theory, she essentially follows the same narrative beats as Max through the game down to getting captured and escaping at almost the exact same time.

Tell that slut to wax

A feminist character doesn't need supernatural powers to be equal to males. Jesse is the first female Remedy protagonist and she needs superpowers. Doesn't sound very equal comrade
Mona wasn't a government double agent, she was an assassin. Female assassins often use their sex to their advantage.

IIRC Mona was just the sister of a mob boss's wife, so if there were a female protagonist it might as well have been Max's sister or partner picking up after he gets killed on an undercover case. There are female cops.

Dude shes just a video game character, and the game doesn't seem to have a feminist agenda, it seems to have a finnish nationalist agenda as it has Ahti the janitor.

Why do the rockets in this game home onto your position? This is the Dark Souls 2 of shooters.
Even if you dodge multiple times the rockets can loop around to blow you up. Its a gamble to try to grab them out of the air and frequently multiple will fly at you simultaneously making it impossible to grab them all.

Wait, Im lost. Whats wrong with the protag being female?

They follow your paranatural energy. Never saw one do a 180-degrees turn just to hit me

Dumb zoomer.

why are you being stationary instead of darting around and throwing stuff? also rockets are explosives you might wanna check your back and the shield exists

the rockets work the same way your launch/telekenesis does

Retards afraid of cooties.

When people can't find a specific flaw about the protagonist being female they point out that there's no point in her being female. That she's interchangeable. Because those people are just the other side of the feminist coin. Feminists want characters to be female specifically so that they'd be female. They want strong female characters. Those who disagree don't think the gender should matter. But those on the opposite end think that the character being female should explicitly have a point, which is the feminists' opinion as well.

Janitor Jesse a cute. A cute !

Did Jim Sterling make Deadly Premonition on switch happen? this was a tweet he sent yesterrday

Attached: Screenshot 2019-09-05 at 4.18.06 AM.png (595x107, 20K)


Just finished this yesterday and only managed to unlock half of the abilities. Wtf

This game is surprisingly fun throwing shit around, i pirated it though since it's on chink store and i can't force myself to pay until Sam Lake can be allowed to go back to Alan Wake series.

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These. God damn zoomers.

FUN FACT: The woman that plays the MC loves being in the kitchen.

What are my chances of running this on a i5 6300hq and a 950m

Probably alright, but not on high quality

All settings on low or off


It's misandrist.

I'm convinced the people that hate this game are either too stupid to pirate or too poor to afford a decent pc.

Give up, it requires SSE 4.2 instructions, something your prehistoric CPU does not support.

It's really not. The only time any yas queen stuff comes up is after you beat the game and talk to the emily chick. They have a short convo about how they will do it better this time.

So are you Russian, (White)Russian or African(Ukrainian)?

You can patch it to work

You can then enjoy your single digit fps.

Finally, a perfect current gen console experience emulator.

He's a retard. The game has zero political shit in it. ZERO.

>shitting on someone for not having brand new PC parts
I get his PC is old but you don't have to throw words like "prehistoric" and talk down to him over it.

Whatever you do, you need to go into nvidia control panel and use the ultra low latency mode that's on the latest drivers. Latest drivers suck for everything else though, so go back to stable drivers after you finish playing.

>console players
Stop using your shitty gamepad and use a keyboard and mouse. It's a shooter and you need to shoot things.

Most of the abilities aren't part of the main quest so maybe you shouldn't have rushed through the game, especially a game as short as Control.

It is prehistoric, that model is 10 years old, you can't expect it to still hold up.

>tee hee of course I’m a real girl this is a girl’s penis bake the cake bigot

I don’t buy games without beautiful cis biological non-trans women so this one is a no from me

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I didn't rush through the game but why the fuck are House Memories only available post game? I found a total of 3 in my first playthrough

how can Yea Forums ever recover?

He wasn't expecting it to "hold up"

Because you didn't do any of the alerts or side stuff.

the protag is ugly as hell and pretty much a middle aged tranny

western devs get the wrong idea about realism. this actress wouldnt be ugly IRL but becomes ugly as shit in a game unless she wears a "digital makeup" cause of uncanny valley and shit.

Eh, she's about a 6/10 irl too.


I still don't understand why it's important that you should be able to masturbate to the main character of a video game. I don't think this has ever been properly explained before.


Everyone has different standards, I only buy games with pretty cis biologically female women

If the devs want to try and recoup costs by targeting only non-masturbating trannies with manjaw fetishes then they can fucking go right ahead

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yes she does - her face is pretty ugly, and she dies a lot because i'm bad at video games lol

Imagine being such an incel

News flash: real people are ugly

Trine is a fun game with telekinesis mechanics, but not necessarily a game with fun telekinesis mechanics.

Imagine having to dilate and calling it a period

your gfx card is as powerful as 1/3 of a 750ti. thats your huge problem. you wont be able to play any new game

your cpu is not a problem. has a cpu mark of almost 4000. similar to an i7-920 (it can play all modern shit)

Attached: iGDSFGmages.jpg (264x191, 7K)

That's a 10 year old card tardiso. They weren't even owned by AMD yet.

I look at real people all day, I buy video games to look at pretty girls (there are two genders and I only want to look at pretty examples of the girl gender)

you pay $60 and STILL you are denied that pleasure because FUCK YOU thats why.

thank SJW for that

Nah, money stays in my pocket



2/10, I replied.

Get a load of this faggot

end your fucking life

the fuck ? there is literally telekinesis in Bioshock you fags. Also jedi academy

does your boner ever brush her


7/10 you got me

Dead space

Imagine being so isolated from caring, beautiful women that you only play games that fill the gap

eat shit losers, lol this level of trolling is fucking 9-gag tier, fucking zoomers

A sick game. I only ever played it on PS2 though. But I still recall some really cool powers and the physics were awesome to behold at the time.

But manlet mary sues made by feminist faggots are not actual women, you know that, right?

Imagine having no neck

Half Life 2

>caring, beautiful women

Also post list of games with caring beautiful women (no trannies)

Now THIS is the bait I was looking for. Good god.

No but seriously, can we talk about this game? It took a while for me to get into it but I really love it now. I love Escher inspired levels like this.

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I’m mainly in it for the jawline

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its a garbage game made by females with a try hard story and 1 gun and 1 environment (a fucking wagie cagie)

Based and gaypilled

Jaw kino.

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why would you want to play this tranny shit even for free

I want to kiss it!

the seethening

Because it's fun.


unironically, it's a fun and simple game. What's not to like?

>Pirated this
>Enjoying it a lot, decided I want to buy it
>go to buy it
>no Steam page
>oh, it must be epic exclusive
>"please buy our game! Remedy depends on it!"

I am fucking amazed right now that I voluntarily wanted to pay money for a 100% single player game for the first time in like half a decade, and they rejected my money, when apparently the company is at stake. Just brilliant.

I’m so seething that I saved $30 by not buying Tranny Wagecage

I don't get it

Attached: brainlet.jpg (2560x1440, 481K)

Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

You're literally fuming

Have sex

Hint: Count.

>your cpu is not a problem. has a cpu mark of almost 4000. similar to an i7-920

A phenom II X4 945 is similar to a i7-920 to you? What fucking universe do you live in kid?

What are your specs?

Nintendo Switch

Does anyone else prefer female protagonists?

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Me too.

Of course.

Not me I can only whack off to trannies

stop playing in a fucking server

No I just like characters with cool moves. Male or female doesn't matter to me

Well then you’ll love this game because it has a dude pretending to be a girl

>fun game
>cool concepts
>cool narrative
>cool graphical gimmicks
>just not as fun as max payne 1

does nobody ever stop and just say "this isnt as fun as max payne 1"

she worked has a janitor

Is Remedy the only modern company that makes the same dull game twice on a row without the second game being a sequel/prequel? They'll have to try something else now won't they?

>They'll have to try something else now won't they?
They've been making the basic game for 20 years, why change now?
Besides it's obvious they would rather be making Twin Peaks inspired TV shows instead of games.

How is that a flaw ?

>take any damage
>have to hopelessly turtle because life doesn't regenerate
>don't have an invulnerable roll

it's like they controverted current game design decisions just to end up being less fun on purpose.

My nigga really said "controverted". Damn.

Is that actually a word? Reminds me of instantiate.

You're supposed to be aggressive and heal up from dropped health

Attached: Control 2019.08.30 - (684x384, 3M)

the fun of this game is not the mechanics its the lore
just like dark souls

>havent played the game

super easy to do that vs a boss that spawns two trash adds in areas where i cant go get the health, every couple of minutes.

>what is shield

i dont have a shield

How weak is your PC? I played it on a fucking 380.

Which boss is that? The first one?
Either way, a boss is a boss, it's supposed to be a step up challenge wise so do better.

should have explored better
get gud and start killingthings


>do better!!!!!!!

thats not the point, its just the game is less fun than it should be because they thought they outsmarted the industry and meanwhile its over here failing in terms of sales.


bosses and big enemies drop healing orbs when you damage them

literally git gud
the game is fantastic and its a miracle it exists in current year with all your trash crap and esports

I haven't seen any sales figures yet, and I'm sure that boss spawns a couple grunts in the big room the fight is taking place in so just heal from that.

>its a miracle it exists in current year

no its not..because as i stated earlier the game is less fun than max payne 1 and basically anyone would agree with whats special about control? I like a lot of things about it but it gives you just as many things to hate in the first hour like the babbling psycho background voice shit is really just horrible to have to listen to

Play more, it grows on you.

>the game is less fun than max payne 1
>thinking you can beat one of the best games in existence
setting the bar a bit too high
also later on it has a lot more gameplay mechanics than mp
its a fucking metroidvania for fucks sakes

>but it gives you just as many things to hate in the first hour like the babbling psycho background voice shit is really just horrible to have to listen to

Much like stubble on a tranny’s chin

>setting the bar a bit too high

why should i not expect a company to be able to beat their first effort in 20 years bruh


meaningless, you never design things to irritate the player/user/viewer, basic comfort of the engaged party is more important than some meaningless in universe babbling droning

Saints Row 4

Not him but you sound like a fucking handful. Would you like to speak to manager about this?

>why should i not expect a company to be able to beat their first effort in 20 years bruh
cause most often early things are better in any media or movies or anything
also it does beat it so youre also wrong there

>meaningless, you never design things to irritate the player/user/viewer, basic comfort of the engaged party is more important than some meaningless in universe babbling droning
get out of my fucking board you normie fuck perkele saatana voi vittu
if people stopped designing games for the likes of you this industry would be worth more than a rotten fish carcass

Asking again how bad does this run on the vanilla PS4? My dogshit of has no hope of ever running it

Pretty fucking bad.
t. Playing it on base PS4 right now.

>you never design things to irritate the player/user/viewer, basic comfort of the engaged party is more important than some meaningless in universe babbling droning
IS this one of these "a game is supposed to be fun" argument?
No, it's supposed to be entertaining, which encompasses a wide range of emotions

>spurdo sperg autism subhuman language
>mentions fish carcass because fish carcass is part of his daily life

i mean im someone who played mp1 when it came out, ie the person you want to be in this conversation, and its just nowhere near as fun and engaging

>doesnt even get the reference
>thinks playing max payne is some special achievement
just get out, this is embarrassing

Good point, multifaceted gorgeous women are also underrepresented, but let's not pretend that that user actually cares about their character when he's willing to miss out on well written women because they don't give him an erection. Pathetic.

I will, I know you don't have to imagine ;)

cant you just lower the settings?

who judges whats embarrassing? you, some incel kid? lol :D


no, that's embarrassing



Attached: facepalm.jpg (194x260, 5K)

uh yeah this game is slow as fuck in comparison


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get a load of this homo

Embarrassing post desu
