What are some good games for adults? I can't think of any

What are some good games for adults? I can't think of any.

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Star Sector
Space Station 13
Arma 3
Total War games

Games aren't really an adult hobby.


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is yoko actually kamiya??

You're confusing intellectualism with adulthood.


Super Mario Odyssey
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Wind Waker
Yoshi's Island

>jew postmodernist garbage
>adult literature

Here comes the Tolkien fag to tell us all about how elves good orcs bad is really brilliant writing for the adult mind

>Pretentious post

Bitch no child or adult could last a book of tolkien and stop with the "old good, new bad"

Fuck it, you even need youtube vids to have you explained the deeper meaning in MGS2

Call of Duty.

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Yoko's so good at hiding his identity that he gets Kamiya to stand in for him in charts.

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Do you also get mad at the writer of Beowulf?

Any strategy game, and yes that includes yugioh


Literally anything they can find to distract from wage slaving. Doesn't just apply to games either.

Media is escapism which is inherently childish. There should be nothing in the adult column for any of these

I dont care if this is bait, if you take the Hobbit to represent as the summation of Tolkien's literary career, and Narnia as the summation of Lewis's, you're a faggot

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Is there no adult artform?

Why would I be mad at him? You think I'm mad about Tolkien?

>if you take the Hobbit to represent as the summation of Tolkien's literary career
Said no one

That people need youtube videos to explain MGS2 just tells me that video game players have poor media literacy.

No. Whether it is a problem to embrace mankind's inherent childishness in pursuit of artistic merit is another matter entirely

dark souls

>you have to be mad at an author to think they're a children's author
what a brainlet post

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team ico

>being an adult is being pretentious
Something smells like Yea Forums

Good answer, thank you! I haven't heard of a couple of them and I'm gonna try their games.

Putting Tolkien under Children/YA is announcing to the world precisely that, considering the Hobbit is the only one of his works that you could place under that category

add Takashi Tokita

DCS or any other sim

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Ozu is based

Only children play games

>no Kubrick
>no Scorsese
>No Tarrantino
>No Coppola
quality bait.

The way I see it, it's more about "accessible to all ages" vs "inaccessible to children". Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings can be enjoyed by a 10 year old or a 50 year old, the adult will maybe get more out of it but it's a great all-ages book. Give a 10 year old kid Dostoevsky or McCarthy and they'll have a harder time. It doesn't mean one's better or worse.

>it's another thread about faggots insecure about their hobbies

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by what metric? LotR is easy to read, has basic themes, and doesnt have much in the way of crass language. Its easily digestible to children

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Anything by Suda for sure, no question.

agreed. The children/young adult sections need to be expanded more.



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No offense, but that's some serious goalpost shifting there mate, going from 'Children/YA' to 'accessible to all ages'. We teach middle schoolers and high schoolers Shakespeare, figuring that for an adolescent Tolkien's lore dumps are as bad as Shakespearean English, but I doubt anyone would put him under that same category

Past his accessibility, there's so much more depth to Tolkien, from the fact that the entirety of the Silmarrilion and LotR existed primarily as an extension of his linguistics passion project, to the fact that it exists as a fictional non-allegorical apologetic, that places in beyond the same categorization of Carroll or Rowling

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

just fixing a slight unrelated error

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Where is Leni, bro?

>goalpost shifting
that guy isnt even me

fuck off lightning

in the trash where that she belongs, of course. Triumph of the Will is a farce.

Obsessing over maturity is a sign of immaturity
>insert CS Lewis quote here

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Lol the history of cinema disagrees, virgin

t. armchair film "buff"

>the history of cinema disagrees, virgin
what "history", white knight?
the nazis propagandizing their propaganda as a revolution in documentary filmmaking despite doing nothing new besides having a large budget? or the historical revisionist kikes desperately trying to raise her up as a female pantheon director in the last 20 years.