>Still no Virtual Console
>Have to pay for Nintendo's shitty online just to play SNES games
Fucking Nintendo
>Still no Virtual Console
>Have to pay for Nintendo's shitty online just to play SNES games
Fucking Nintendo
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh fucking boy
Can't wait for ninty to slowroll these releases when there is literally no reason they couldn't have just dumped the entire library on the switch from day one.
>Controller available exclusively to Nintendo Online subscribers
Fucking seriously? You have to pay for the subscription just to get the privilege to pay $30 for it?
How fucking jewish can nintendo get
>$20 for 20 games
Based. Been waiting on lttP
Just get an 8bitdo controller, same price, more flexibility
>been on a friend's family plan since Online launched
>get to play all these games for free, even if I didn't want them
Fuck you niggers, this is a great line up and all I wanted all year.
I got a year from twitch
hey retard instead of having to pay for each game you get a shit ton for free with a membership
I miss when we agreed subscription services for games were the fucking worst
>free with a membership
Kill yourself
>more flexibility
How so?
You don't know how to use game emulators?
>implying paying 20 dollars for access to 4 crusty nes games beats paying 20 dollars for access to a library of nes and snes games
the only problem is that your games will go away eventually, but it's not like you have played your wii in the last 5 years
b-but that would mean stealing from nintendo, we all know nintendo is a small company that needs every cent
>Demon's Crest
All is forgiven.
Or instead of the games costing way too much Nintendo actually priced them reasonably which will never happen
no additional price (((for now)))
And people will suck Nintendo's dick when they up the price
Wait, was Donkey Kong Country on there?
You can stop now, your little shitpost narrative didn't catch on
Hang yourself, this is the perfect way to sell these and prevents scalping.
>your little shitpost narrative
user there's two different posting styles among those two posts
Huh. Odd.
Eh, only a matter of time.
They did. $20 a year for a library of new and snes games they’ll keep expanding. It’s cheaper than Netflix.
Or just produce more than 10 of them you cock sucking shill
this literally is the replacement for Virtual Console
haven't you idiots realised this yet?
the family plan deal i got was super generous. I paid $35 for a year of online for 8 people. I'm still the only person on it
their not free if you pay for membership you mong, they work on a subscription fee
Not him but more button so you can use it for other games on the switch, and probably pc support
This, fucking this
At least we get good, actually fun SNES games instead of boring NES titles.
3 fucking € per year, how can you be this poor
The initial lineup almost makes the $20 worth it
There's some good shit there that I haven't played before.
do we know when exactly are they coming out? i want to play some super metroid
>have to pay
I have online until end of 2021 and I didn't pay once
You paid more for virtual console games retard
This would be a great deal if I didn’t own literally all of the good ones for the SNES already. They should put some fire emblem games up.
The games or controllers? The games come out tomorrow.
At least we're getting real games now with some actual depth and/or multiplayer, and not just a bunch of shitty black box NES launch titles.
The subscription is a better deal than VC, mongoloid
a setup that is better than actual hardware to play NES and SNES
>31Khz VGA monitor
>old laptop or desktop with at least i5 processor
>Retroarch (Nestopia and BSNES balanced or accurate)
>X-less Linux KMS
>1920x240 compiled EDID binary
why arent more people doing this? input latency is better than actual hardware
the thick scanlines of the 240p VGA monitor is more aesthetically pleasing than a PVM
Does Super Famicom Online have different games?
>people pay for Nintendo online because they want to pay online (obviously)
>get 3 NES games per month
>lately, it's only 2 games per month
>they want SNES games, fuck this NES shit
>Nintendo announces SNES games for those who pay for subscription
>20 games at launch
>suddenly Yea Forums cries more than ever
You can't make this shit up.
>games from the early 90
>have been re released on wii and wiiu
>have been on snes classic
>getting released on switch again
Omg fucking based Nintendo 10/10 direct.
>uses USB-C instead of rails
And with that, 8bitdo is finished.
No one is going to buy their trash controllers with bad d-pads now.
Ok zoomer
The NES is a bad system and only nostalgiafags actually like it. Seriously, there are only a handful of NES games that aren’t archaic messes. Even then, pretty much every good NES game has a better SNES counterpart. It wasn’t until the SNES that Nintendo started making truly great games.
>same price as an SN30
>has all 4 shoulder buttons for games like boxboy
This is surprisingly not terrible.
you've got that opposite.
SNES has a completely forgettable library of sequels and games that were better on other systems.
There are virtually no gems on that system and all the 1st party shit got made redundant by better sequels.
>We finally get SNES games
>People still bitch
Why are white people always the hardest to please?
Yeah, what the fuck? I wanted to pay 8 bucks just for Super Mario World.
>owning games on their original hardware makes you a zoomer
>being excited for re-releases 30 years later because you never had the original doesn't
I think you got it backwards
What's the first game(s) you're going to play, anons?
For me, probably Star Fox and then F-Zero since I've never played those games but have always wanted to. Then probably ALTTP because I've never beaten it even though I've always wanted to. Then I'm going to finally go back to Super Metroid and start learning how to speed run it finally.
>it was already leaked ahead of time because the controller design was filed
>people are somehow surprised it's SNES online instead of VC
Just hack your switch if you don't want to pay a sub.
I'm going to buy the SNES pad and then use it with Retroarch anyway.
>20 dollars a year for 40 games
wow what a scam
what's jap list
Or you can save a few bucks and just mod an original SNES controller with the kit 8bitdo sells
It was leaked in like January when they added references of the SNES to the emulator.
NES games are garbage.
The idea of spending like 50+ hours on a long SNES RPG, and then losing your save data when the service goes under or you end your subscription, is really scary to me.
Fuck. Why can't I just buy the games?
Super Metroid, then Breath of Fire, F Zero and ALttP
Then you have to use a shitty proprietary charger.
So let me pay an extra $20 to detach a game of my choice from the service. I'd fucking do it.
their kit is still kind of bad.
It uses a pin connector for charging, I don't want extra chargers.
Plus after shipping the kit costs almost as much as a controller.
>Why can't I just buy the games?
But you can.
Based retard
On the Switch.
name one SNES RPG longer than 40 hours
you grew up with a snes, most people don't care about it.
Use a free emulator, you dumb faggot. Or if you prefer, get a real SNES and a flashcart.
Finally. Now I can see why Boomers say this is the best Zelda game.
no one care get a emulator cringe normie
Keep telling yourself that
Plus, I personally don't have any SNES controllers.
just emulate it then
Full bluetooth support with x input, d input and most models have analogs and 2 shoulder buttons
>Brawl Brothers and Super Earth Defense Force are a part of the initial line up
Shit, they're going balls to the walls with this.
You think theyll put Star Fox 2 on it?
>I’d rather pay 9 bucks for individual games instead of buying a 20 dollar subscription for all of them
>each and every game you got via the subscription will be taken away once NSO goes offline in a 3-4 years
How does this make you feel?
Any of the ones with analog sticks are not going to be $30.
>Exploit chads are getting emulation up to the GC for free
>Online cucks are just now getting limited SNES games
Imagine paying for the worst online out of any of the current gen consoles only to get a new generation of nintendo only emulators a year.
This is a really good service now
>every single game you bought on Wii is gone
You're fucking retarded. Artificial scarcity is beyond fucking stupid when applied to mass-produced consumer goods that are sold en-masse in order to make money.
>Announce product
>Intentionally make less than you know there is demand for
>Leave thousands upon thousands unhappy and unable to purchase your product
>Make less money because creating demand without supply to match it literally doesn't do anything beneficial for your business whatsoever
>Potentially lose once-dedicated customers who have become frustrated
Anyone who insists Nintendo intentionally under-produces products they sell for money is functionally retarded. The NES Mini and SNES Mini are both in-stock everywhere, the hard-to-find amiibos all got restocked and now no one cares about amiibos in general.
You can only use the SNES controller with the SNES games that are in turn only available with a subscription. Only selling to people with subscriptions means the people who actually want to buy these and fucking use them will get them instead of scalpers who camp out at 6am and buy the entire shipment at every one of your local stores to sell on ebay, pissing off actual customers who then get angry at Nintendo for not policing the local Wal-Mart down the street from your house.
Your average Nintendude will happily pay again for the same roms they already had access to.
I hope not
Don't worry. We'll be able to pay for them again on Switch 2
Their selection was never bad. Just slow.
yeah but the d-pads are still fucking bad and they refuse to fix them.
People only buy retro gamepads for the d-pad, any analog sticks or extra buttons are just gravy.
If I wanted to get false-diagonals I'd just use the Pro controller.
Is there a list of GCN games people have managed to get working at an acceptable level somewhere?
You can use it on every console you want.
ye now they can drip feed us 1 decent snes game and 2 shitty ones every month for 2 years
I didn't pay $20 for the games.
>oh no I have to spend 20 dollars a year to play SNES games, with online added in and also get to play all other switch games online
>why cant I pay 12 dollars for each switch game and not get the online multiplayer features????
Literally a better option than VC. You can just emulate so what is the point of buying these 1 at a time.
Their Genesis/Saturn clone controller actually has a good d-pad, but their SNES controllers are awful.
Its like nintendo doesn't realize 8bitdo has been cranking these out for years.
Get mad.
The PSP, a console that released in 2004 has a more competent online system than the Switch and lets you still download your purchased games in 2019
I'm on a free membership until next year, you're a fag.
Yeah, but that console also supported a web browser and voice calls without a phone.
Hack your switch or emulate. Why are you crying about games everyone has played over and over
Yeah I actually bought their genesis controller and liked it but the button maps weren't amazing so I got a refund.
Planning to just buy SNES online gamepad since the SN30GP STILL have the bad dpad.
maybe 8bitdo could have fixed their trash dpads over those years
Your shitty PSP doesn't let me give money to Nintento though. Checkmate faggot.
No Mario RPG nor DKC, no buy
There are a few different options you can select for different button configurations, but none of them are in the manual.
Just fuck it and get a SNES classic, then bootleg it the fuck up
yeah I updated the firmware to try them.
Still weren't good although I should have expected it being that the switch and emulators don't expect a 6-button pad like that.
You know they're coming eventually.
I personally can't wait since I've never played SMRPG and I've only played and beaten the first DKC.
>mfw buying one of these controllers to use on my hacked switch
hope it works for all games like the GCN controllers do
how do you get resolutions like 1920 x 240 to actually work every time I try it just gives me a fucked up aspect ratio.
Yeah I have an SF30 and the dpad is ass and I had to fix it myself.
SN30 Pro is a lot better
on Arch linux
getting 1920x240@120 on your VGA CRT in kernel space
you need the linux-docs package
>sudo pacman -S linux-docs
now go to this directory
>cd /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/Documentation/EDID/
follow the instructions in the HOWTO.txt
>less HOWTO.txt
basically, you need to copy one of the .S files to use as a template for the 240p EDID
>sudo cp 1024x768.S 1920x240.S
text edit your new file 1920x240.S with the right information
>sudo vim 1920x240.S
>sudo emacs 1920x240.S
>sudo nano 1920×240.S
w-what information??
you get it with the cvt command
>cvt 1920 240 120
put the numbers from the command's output in the right place of the 1920x240.S file
to know which number goes where, read the HOWTO.txt and this link
after editing, run make in the directory
>sudo make
keep running make until you see the 1920x240.bin file
>sudo make
>sudo make
>sudo make
>ls 1920x240.bin
move the 1920x240.bin file to this new directory
>sudo mkdir -p /lib/firmware/edid
>sudo mv 1920x240.bin /lib/firmware/edid
you can do 240p now without Xorg but you have to let your bootloader know through kernel parameters (every reboot) or through your bootloader's config file
read this for help
now your CRT boots up with 1920x240 at 120 hz
start retroarch in the linux virtual console (not inside your DE or WM)
if the content on the display looks squeezed in and narrow, you need to edit retroarch.cfg
>emacs ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
>vim ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
>nano ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
change these two lines
set them both as "1920"
also enable integer scaling, disable the filter, and other stuff for your needs
logitech dual actoin
+roms that have been around for 20+ years
= what the fcuck is this topic
Why can't we have fucking both
I'd rather buy and own the few games I actually want to play without having to keep paying for the online subscription I may not even renew when it expires because I play literally one game online
>anyone in this thread defending it
enjoy loosing all these games again when the next console comes out because they stopped supporting this
>why do I have to pay 20 a year for 40 games
>when I could pay 3,99 for one game with virtual console and couple it with more if I want, making it easily more than 20 at the end
Face it, this is a much better deal. Virtual Console was shit.
you dont lose anything cause you didnt buy anything
Based controller desu
thanks dude I'm still new to linux. Would this still work on a raspberry pi 3 running raspbian using a hdmi to vga converter?
It's unironically worth the price now. SNES emulation for $20, through the switch so you don't have to hook something else up to your TV and you can play it handheld.
it is better niggas are dumb what you expect everyone here is 12 years old I mean it's basically netflix so why dont we just go out and buy all these dvd's instead of paying for the sub
answer: it would be retarded
Can someone explain this shit to me. I have switchfag friends that get all excited over these super Nintendo games but they have high end gaming pcs. I'm out of the loop now but I remember emulators with online play well over a decade ago.
wasn't that on Nip direct only? I figured it was just a port and not a localization
Its obnoxious to hook a computer up to your TV to play a snes game. It's just convenience.
>Fucking seriously? You have to pay for the subscription
>Have to pay for Nintendo's shitty online
WHY the fuck did you buy Switch if you not going to use online?
im just trying to understand at what level your shitty brain works
Most people use a monitor for their PC. But you do you.
The initial lineup is the same, though I imagine they'll start adding region exclusives in the future.
Then again they're including Puyo Puyo 2 despite it being Japan only so we'll see.
They have a 12kbps modem, they did dump them day one, it just takes a while
what are the chances of getting officially translated FE releases
This. Just bought a SN30 Pro recently and it's really fucking good. A little more pricey, but it's well worth it for the flexibility and quality. Especially if you go for the one that actually looks like the original SNES.
They probably aren't going to bother with that even though I would really want them too. At least the fan translation is at the debug phase supposedly.
Subscriptions are shit becasue they are either temporary or become expensive over time but if it was virtual console it would probably be temporary to you anyway. You aren't going to keep your WiiU just because it has some old SNES games you already had when they came out or you can easily emulate.
Slim to none. Translating costs money
is the dpad any good?
When the fuck are those controllers coming out. I want one to see if it is superior to my ibuffalo.
I mean considering you need a membership to use the controller in the first place...
>the Switch version of moon is now available for pre-order in Japan, and will be released on October 10th, 2019, with a full English release due soon after!
For singleplayer games dipshit
Kill yourself shill
I'm tempted to purchase the controller since I know it'll feel the most similar to the original snes controller from way back then. The fact that it uses USB and not those weird joycon rails is very cool
No you don't. You can use it with any game as long the game doesn't need more buttons.
Played Super Metroid with it and it works really well.
That's the problem. I can either play on my 22 inch monitor in my bedroom, or lug my PC out to my living room to play on my 40 inch TV.
It's more convenient to just have something that's no fuss required hooked up when I want to play on my couch than it is to move my PC back and forth.
I also can't use my desktop in bed.
You get Yoshi's Island, so who cares?
Well shit, thats really unexpected! Thank you, I didn't even check since I was ready to be disappointed.
Nintendo online is garbage and not worth paying for. There are 0 improvements over the 14 years Nintendo has had online games.
It's impressive how much better the japanese Direct is.
I'm probably going to use Super Mario World as a litmus test for the emulation, like I did with Mario 3.
And Joe and Mac 2. Heard good things.
>Games will disappear when switch online no longer exists
Enjoy losing all your save files
Why didn't anyone post the list?
Hope you can buy multiples, so I can resell them
>$20 a month for portable grade A emulation with more titles being added and online multiplayer enabled
>pay for
>to play SNES games
>Got Twitch Prime
>Literally another year of free online
I'm ok with this
>No Joe & Mac 1
Why? It's a classic but the second is pure kino too
>Breath of Fire
>20 dollars a month for features Retroarch already has and with a limited selection of games over all of them
I'm honestly surprised they're just a part of the existing service. I was absolutely sure they'll continue going turbo jew mode and make a higher, more expensive subscription tier if you wanted SNES games too. I guess they're getting kinda desperate to get people onboard.
Johnny Turbo slapped it down.
Meant $20 a YEAR.
They're just rubbing salt in the corpse rot at this point. Fucking hell, man.
I still have no idea why someone decided to bring back the worst console mascot of all time.
Now, all we need are the GB and GBA with Metroid II and Metroid Fusion and then everything will be complete.
I'm slightly confused by the mechanics of this can I plug my switch into my laptop & fiddle with the games files like I could with the PSP?
Say if I'm playing Super Mario Kart and want to mess with the saves files can I do that using a usb cable?
If the saves are on the SD card and not the Sysnand I dont see why not
Oh no, your poor twenty bucks.
An elaborate plan to eventually put him in a puzzle game.
>no N64 until September 2020 at this rate
Considering you have to overclock the Switch past its normal levels to play games that arent Smash,Mario and Zelda at playable framerates, I doubt its something they will ever add
are the games up now?
fuck yeah. now if only the joycon dpad wasn't aids
I think this is better. $20 annually for access to all the NES and SNES games on the services with more likely to come is a pretty hot deal. Even when the service launched the value of all the NES games' eshop prices exceeded that of the $20 you'd pay for access to them all and with NSO there are a lot more features like rewind and online multiplayer. The only downside imo is that they're getting trickled out so slowly which was a problem with the Virtual Console to begin with.
They are gonna release the N64 mini, you know it's gonna happen
Also, Nintendo can overclock the Switch with an update
user, the NES controllers only worked with the NES games, I'm sure it's the same for this.
Well then I hope a successor is planned soon for the Switch because it's already struggling and it won't get any easier when the ports stop because devs are focused on PS5/Xbox Scarlett.
I've heard of it is it fun?
They worked with other games too. You're just limited by the amount of buttons. You could use the NES ones to play Mighty Gunvolt Burst for example.
holy shit based
demons crest is a god tier game and im so happy people will experience it!
I remember finishing it again like 2 or 3 years ago
So damn good, but i don't think that zoomers will have the skill or patience to beat it.
Depends on how good your Mode 7 depth perception is.
>No DKC games
Sounds kinda fishy to me...
64 is thousands of times better SNES is like a tech demo
Im just happy that zoomers and kids will see how neat the edgy demonc cool metal aestetics can be.
We might even have some young artists or game developers be inspired by it just like i did in the 90s!
are you niggers not aware that nintendo has to deal with licenses IPs etc? how would they dump the entire library if they dont own the licenses for all these games.
>Not hacking a 3ds, or even your switch and playing whatever snes game you want
>Not just downloading emulators and playing snes games
Why do you think there were so many fucking "Why haven't you hacked your 3ds yet?" threads?
I’m a little biased as it was a very early childhood favorite, but yes. It’s tough as shit though, and hang gliding is an exercise in frustration. Great music. I’d say it’s pretty comfy.
Gotta have something to add later.
>No earthbound, no Final fantasy
what's the point
i see a pleb
Ah Boco. You reply to my post quite often. My point was that maybe they will include the DKC trilogy in the Rare Replay game if we ever get it.
This may be a dumb question, but Nintendo does own the DKC trilogy right? Like if we don’t get Rare Replay they will for sure add it to the SNES collection I’m guessing?
Is it confirmed for releasing tomorrow?
all the dirty hackers work for the govn’t since 2009
>Japan will never share these
i find it hilarious how they basically released an 8bitdo controller alongside this
I see a phoneposter.
Reading directions isn't that hard.
>phone poster
>implying phones dont annoyingly and autisically captialize all lone "i"s
Hm, you raise a good point. I'd gladly trade no DKC in this if it meant Switch Rare Replay.
But yes, they own any DK game ever made outright. Except Diddy Kong Racing, thats kind of a grey area.
Pretty sure most of them work
Rogue Squadron 2 didn't work for a long time but I think they found a way.
Looks like the update is live now
>complaining about paying $20 a year to playing SNES romsamd other Nintendo catalog with free online play
>would rather pay $10 just to "own" an decades old game ad infintum
Pic related
>t. That's You in the yellow shit
What is your definition of work? You mean bootable or playable from beginning to end
no you fucktard not till tomorrow they already said that fuck you i want you to die
are you seriously fucking implying that a phone poster wouldn't have the first letter of a sentence auto capitalized user?
Can you play local co-op if your hacked game has co-op?
I.E if I have SMW II & my buddy who wants to join in can they do that?
Ah shit I got my threads mixed up lol. I was talking about Smash
gonna get all 90 exits on SMW and then who knows
Yoshi's Island of course.
Super Mario World and SMW 2
Kirby games
Super Metroid
I've been curious about breath of fire for a while but couldn't be bothered to download an emulator and rom. Guess Nintendo put it right into my hands.
>posts a cocky animu pic
>is STILL embarrassingly wrong
All weebs are retards I swear to fucking god
>what are cloud saves
user Pls you must not be retarded any longer
Any chance we might get Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Kirby Superstar, or the DKC trilogy?
8bitdo dpads are hot trash, if the snes classic is any indication this one is going to be good
>never used one
>talk shit
>implying nintendo has not been fucking up dpads lately
ill be shocked if the one on the switch light is any good
Earthbound is likely
It seems that Nintendo needs to ask Microsoft to add DKC to anything.
> “The reason it’s not some interesting, deep conversation is because with us owning Rare and the history between those two things, there are a lot of conversations over the years about, ‘Hey, we want to do “X” is that okay?’”
The plain SNES ones still have the shitty d-pads. If these can be seamlessly connected to PCs, it would probably be a lot better than the 8bitdo variant. Though 8bitdo has been on their game for a while, it wouldn't surprise me if they re-released the SNES controller with usb-c support and a better d-pad.
>I only play online games hurr
zoom zoom
Just looked it up and the only games that aren't playable or perfect on Dolphin are Quantum of Solace for Wii and 1080 Snowboarding for Virtual console.
Most likely, Mega Man and Castlevania games won't arrive cause they are on their Legacy Collections
Drip fucking releases again
Maybe not Chrono Trigger because Square Enix might try to hold onto it to release separately for $25.
>Local co-op
Yup. Works on the switch.
Nintendo wholly owns the DK franchise, they can put them in, MS doesn't own the rights of it.
I thought we were talking about using the android version on the Switch, this is just the normal dolphin list
>Any chance modern nintendo might actually listen to their American fanbase?
Not a chance in hell.
>Earthbound is likely
How so? Eartbound Beginnings was never released for NES Online service and i doubt they are gonna add it eventually
The point being that 30 year old roms are nowhere near valuable enough to justify a membership.
It took them a year to release Wrecking Crew on it. It's not unreasonable to think they'll release Earthbound Beginnings a few months from now.
and yet you are fine with paying 8.99 a pop for them?
I agree but i don't really mind paying 20 bucks for it, it's more about convenience and having save clouds.
Good. America is a fascist hellhole
I doubt that,
Nintendo had a lot of difficulty getting K Rool in smash because he wasn't fully owned by Nintendo
how i0n the fuck is America facist? its a two pasty system that spends all its time arguing and fighting with each other so much nothing ever gets done
Who said they're white? Nigger
>he cant pay 20 dollars a year for many games
Trash. Nobody listen to this guy.
Don't buy the Jewtendo one either though
No, I'd be cool paying around 99 cents per game for the convenience, though. Too bad Nintendo is run by fucking retards, since I can just choose to side-step their scam by emulating and not giving them anything.
Can I hook it up to my PC?
is the sn30 pro+ dpad actually better?
yes and using an 8bitdo controller like i do
K. Rool is a character owned by Nintendo, not MS
You can still buy legally DKC games on Wii U or 3DS
>believing the two party meme
>thinking America's prison system isn't just an intricate slave labor camp business for minorities and undesirables (left wing dissidents)
Yeah ok kid
Stunt Race FX is great, I'll play that first.
So does Yea Forums not use emulators anymore or have you faggots finally run of out steam and caved in for convince?
so who in congress is getting literally nothing done while the country burns around it?
15 per hour min wage? maybe
some sort of healthcare system that isnt shit? possibly
banning internet datacaps? we will think about it
oh a raise for us to continue to do jackshit? sure ill vote that
We are talking about Controllers you obsessed fucking inbreds.
I am going to inject roms into this bad boy.
my nigga!
>Paying a fucking subscription for games
Nah I'd rather pay and goddamn own them
wut? Emulators are the peak of convenience, I can play Final Fantasy 5 on my phone using speed up to save time and transfer my save to my PC or 3ds if I ever wanted too not to mention rom hacks
No, it's just newfags from res*tera and r*edditfags continuing to worship nintendo. Continuing to deepthroat modern nintendo's fat corporate dick with no issues.
They're ineffectual by design. The party binary is in place to give the illusion of choice, else you might risk the proletariat actually rising up and doing something about what is ultimately a plutocratic dictatorship run by investors. Most people will not resort to violence so long as they believe there are democratic alternatives.
>violence is the only answer
call me when you are dead and tell me how that worked out for you
its the slow drip to keep the kiddies fed. you don't want them to have an illusion of choice
This lol
You mfs dumb
>violence means going apeshit with no organization
The state's entire existence is predicated on violence, and it derives its authority from periodic application of said violence. All I'm suggesting is that the state has no incentive to carry out justice or operate in the general interest of its citizens if those citizens are all flabby pacifists like yourself.
This. They know their legions of drones will end up spending money they otherwise wouldn't have on overpriced and subpar ROMs, simply because they drip-feed them out and this causes the fanboys to gobble anything up.
>implying the snes fire emblem games are actually fun
It's ok, we're all anonymous here user no need to front
>Super Puyo Puyo 2
Fuck it. I'll buy the goddamn thing just for that.
let me guess
the government should also tell me how to spend my money and what i can and cannot buy
It only took them a whole fucking year
The snes ones are the best of the series.
They needed something to get people to resubscribe.
>what do you mean I shouldn't fund the sexual exploitation of women? PRONHUB IS MY RIGHT AS A MERICAN
>Third world slave labor? Who cares as long as I get my shitty touchpad
>You need to pay more for your insurance because I can't drinking corn syrup!
You're the reason everybody hates the US
Super Ghouls'n Ghosts is one of the Best SNES games ever made. make sure you patch it with romhacking.net
>have to pay
You can emulate these games on your phone why the fuck would you wait for Nintendo to rerelease them?
yup authoritarian right i knew it if it where up to you i would need to justify every purchase that isnt groceries or furniture including a graphics card or a gaming CPU
I still don't understand why they don't just attach a permanent price to each game that allows you to buy it and add it to your Switch indefinitely. You can still play them all with a subscription, but give the option to people who want to actually own them, it's really not that complicated.
>muh free market
Do you have an actual argument as to why anyone should be able to do any of the previous things I listed or are you just a blind consumerist doing what's best for the rich?
do you think they work well for fighting games?
Can you turn off the overlay menu or does Nintendo still not give a fuck?
they should be able to do them because they want to do them if i want to go blow 1400 dollars on an rtx 2080ti and i put the money back that should be all i need to get one i shouldn't need to jump through red tape for it or prove to the government i need it if it where up to you how would people be approved to spend their money?
Only if it's the brand new Pro+ which finally fixed the issues with the older models. All of the older 8bitdo SNES-style controllers suck.
Their Genesis controllers are good.
I've been told most of there controllers are shit but the new model 8BitDo SN30 Pro+ is allegedly pretty good.
>Because I want to
Terrible justification. You could say this about literally any immoral deed just the same.
Things that are provably against the public good should be outright banned. Junk food, for example, has literally no measurable benefits while having a number of measurable detriments. Something like a computer has legitimate utility, so you should be able to buy one just fine.
ok so people just just walk around depressed all the time with no entertainment or distractions from their not so nice lives?
>8bitdo is shit!
>Its just shit!
That's what the shills say every time.
This brand new model that came out last month uses USB-C and has a good dpad, also sticks and triggers and macros. Nintendo is late to the party.
It also costs twice as much.
they have been using usb-c for a long time my snes 3pro has usbc
Sounds more like what everyone does now. People would be happier if they were healthier and had fewer financial worries due to a less wasteful economy, for sure.
people would be happier making enough money to live on in the first place with lower rent/housing prices wouldn't stop them seeking distractions and escapism
let me guess you also think video games should be banned
I think SNES games are pretty neat
Finally some good shit i'll actually sink my teeth into. Kirby Dreamland 3 was never released in Europe and I never got to emulate it, so this might push me.
Also, Puyo Puyo being on there basically means that along with Tetris, Nintendo Online also basically has a free online version of Puyo Puyo, just that you need to hook up with someone.
It's no N64, but it's honestly pretty neat.
what's wrong with the 8bitdo dpad?
>Still no Virtual Console
Who the fuck wants virtual console, at least this stuff is on top of the online thing, i don't want to have to pay 5 dollars to play ballon fight
apparently if you hit down wrong it sometimes registers a left or a right movement and is apparently fixed with some tape in the right places on the PCB
You can just emulate retard
The SNES models had a very sensitive, finicky pad where it would trigger a diagonal when you wanted to just press a nautical direction. There was a fix that involved opening up the controller and adding a bit of a spacer to the pad contact so it wouldn't happen so easily.
The Pro+ fixes the issue by default.
can you play snes/nes games offline? Like i download the app or whatever and I can play offline? this lineup makes online worth it for me and I couldn’t care less about a snes game after i’ve finished it
Can you play online coop with randoms in any of these roms?
It needs to call home once a week, but yes.
its funny cause i have one of the snes models and i dont seem to have that problem or i have to really try to make it happen
Why? that game sucks. Where is Axelay?
>Super Tennis
>Super Soccer
>doing all of this autistic shit for games you'll finish in at most two hours
I'm going to enjoy Breath of Fire but II is just way better
Is the Japanese game list any different?
>All these anons that are going to pay for the same shit, again
>Not just buying a raspberry pi and running retropi
I bought one off ebay like a year ago for 65$, came loaded with nes, snes, genesis and n64 games, along with 2 usb snes controllers. Great investement, i have a couple other microsd's I can put in when I want to run raspbian or kali or whatever
The 20 dollar fee has been easily worth it
Do the NES and SNES games require you to be online to play them?
i mean if i was going to emulate i would just do it on my PC
Do we know what time these will be available?
Why would i buy one when i can already have every one of those games on my PC
>How fucking jewish can nintendo get
I thought they were Japanese.
I was going to get a raspberry pi anyway, I decided to spend the extra 30 bucks for the sd card and controllers. But yeah, I run emulators of my pc too. I also got an R4 card for my nintendo dsi that I packed full of games as gift for my neice
>all these retards going to pay for the same shit that I just paid for
:^) you got me guess i'm not so smart after all lol
No, you need to connect with a friend.
Apparently not.
Just about time for panel de pon with online options.