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Didn't see that coming

hahahaha what the hell
this is great

what the fuck

i barely even give a shit about video games anymore but this is great

But if we play as the lady, why do we see York, and not Zack?

Zach, I think its kino time once again

>Oh btw we're making Deadly Premonition 2 and porting the first game
>for the fucking Switch

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Fucking amazing. Is it exclusive? Either way I'm hyped.


is it on everything or only switch?

>switch exclusive
srry morgan

Nintendo fucking won. It's not even E3

>Twin Peaks the Return is kino
>Dead Premonition 2 a few years later



I guess I have an excuse to try this game out now.

Oh my god this nuclear bomb just gets dropped like that what the fuck is happening.



I nearly got up and did a lap around my fucking room. Where the fuck did this come from?

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please don't be switch-only

Is it really 2?
Or just a Switch port?
I'm not watching

Yeah this is actually a system seller for me



>DP 2 switch exclusive

It's really 2, and the original is out on Switch today



I jumped up and screamed. Never done that before.

Am I stupid or came this out of nowhere?

I loved The Return but by no means was it Twin Peaks.

Both! Sequel next year, port of the original today.


don't get happy before it's confirmed that swery is in it



This came out of thin air

I can't wait to see how shitty the port is
It's tradition

Isn't this that game that was so shitty it looped around and became kino?

Holy shit I saw York and thought it was just a random ass port but a fucking sequel?
Big cums.



Zach, do you remember Super Mario Bros?

is it gonna be a switch exclusive?
He's back boys.

This is literally fucking weirder than any hopeful pick I could've made.

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This literally was my least expected fucking announcement ever.

I did not expect today to involve a DP2 announcement

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We don't know.

this literally came out of nowhere, swery is busy with the good life
oh shit you're right, what the fuck is going on

What in the FUCK this BLINDSIDED ME. I thought it was just a port which would honestly have been ok with me but holy shit.

But isn't sweet not at rising star anymore? It won't be the same without his bizarre decisions

I thought the series was dead. I am really glad to hear there is a sequel. One of my favorite games.

>can finally play a version that isn't the broken PC version
Thank fucking god

Today's a good day

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If I was lynched then I would hate the Return. I loved it, but let's be honest, it wasn't really Twin Peaks at all, but it's own thing.


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PS3 and 360 versions aren't broken

Not quite. It's a game that was so shitty it looped around and became kino, except then when you finish it you look back and realise it was never shitty at all and was actually just great all along.

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Keep this transphobic filth OFF of my console

I might actually get a switch for this.

I hope the port isnt THAT bad
I dont want to deal with the shitty PC version anymore

are you serious? I think I might have to get a coffee and a pack of smokes. Deadly Premonition 2? what the fuck is happening.

>white owl's logo is nowhere to be found
Swery's not involved, pack it up boys. I'm upset.

I unironically enjoy the gameplay. Even the combat. This game is based.

>Deadly Premonition 2
>Announced in a fucking Nintendo direct

What the fuck is going on Yea Forums?

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just download DPfix

Nice try but I know that's fake.


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I don't have either console, so this'll be the first chance I'll have

Does Swery have a twitter?

I think he still has some involvement, since he was in charge for a DP card/board game kickstarter. Hes still silent right now though.

Actually a fair opinion, I love The Return but it's not so much a sequel to Twin Peaks as it is an evolution of Lynch's later works like Mulholland Drive and especially Inland Empire.

Literally who else would make DP2, this game will sell like shit so it has to be a passion project.

david lunch lol

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It's one of those top tier comfy games



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Hopefully someone has the webm version of this

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Yes, and he hasn't tweeted about it.

Is everyone going to start pretending they've played Deadly Premonition now?

Is it a port of Deadly Premonition or a sequel? This is very important information I need to know ASAP.

Even with it I have a fuck ton of problems

Wait a fucking second.

Every single Sweary game since then has been a financial failure and cut short. Why would this be any different?

Who is making it?

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So, never played the game but have heard good things. Do I just get the PS3 directors cut? Redpill me on the game, have no idea what it's about or the gameplay.

Yup hes not talking about

Is it actually Swery though?
Considering he's still working on The Good Life...



Both. DP1 out TODAY, DP2 next year


Both a port and a sequel

I watched the Two Best Friends play it.


>swery hasn't tweeted about it
What does it mean

A port AND a sequel.

Probably not.

five bucks says that the DP1 port will brick people's switches

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Both nigga


>So, never played the game but have heard good things. Do I just get the PS3 directors cut? Redpill me on the game, have no idea what it's about or the gameplay.

Its the best worst game ever made.

There will be both a sequel in 2020 but a port soon


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>"So, for example, like with Spider-Man, you've got Spider-Man and the Amazing Spider-Man, so the same series but a different world. I wanted to do something like that but was told no. The producer said the fans love York, and so I have to carry on with him as the protagonist."


The original company just sold the license to some rando developer to make a sequel.

Nah it was shit but it was kino

I've pirated until I noticed that I've missed the radio then I've watched a lp

if swery isn't making it there is LITERALLY no point

I played the trash PC port. It was still fun.

>swery not involved

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Oh yeah The Good Life is still going, right?

I can't believe this is real holy fucking shit
Day 1 buy


>7 fucking years later

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Yeah I agree. I love them both for different reasons.

It's the best shitty game ever

>fucking Deadly Premonition of all things ruined by corporate meddling

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It's over

His last tweet was 7 hours ago and said goodnight. He might just be asleep as it is 7 am in Japan.

Yes they are.

I’m so happy right now, I never thought we’d see York again, let alone that he’d get another game. This is unbelievable.

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If Swery possibly isn't making it, what would be the purpose of making a sequel?


what the fuck

if you asked me what i thought was gonna happen at Nintendo's direct bulllshit thing this wouldn't have even been in the ball park.

Why would they make a second one if Swery isn't involved at all? The trailer looked like a proper sequel

is it going to be switch exclusive? I hope not, I don't want to wait for Yuzu to work

DPfix won't save switch port lmao

The vanilla 360 version is the best version

This. Can't be too sure the sequel will be as good as the original if the lead designer isn't working on it.

Does this mean there's a sliver of a chance for D4 to be continueD?

Yep. Toybox worked on the PC version of DP and it seems to follow Swery's original plan for a sequel.

okay fuck swery just retweeted the nintendo announcements
didn't say anything about being invovled

but I've played it user

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good riddance

the last game he put out was about literal trannies

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>is it going to be switch exclusive?

There is no way Swery isn't involved. No fucking way.

To make bank on a known name/brand beloved by some. The same reason as always.

pretty sure xbox version is the most bug-free version of the game. still, director's cut editions are easier so you won't struggle with the broken gameplay. choose your poison.

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It's a fever dream, just try it. As other say, it's so bad but also so good.

Am I dreaming? What the fuck?

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I played it a bit, loved it, then dropped because I wanted to watch Twin Peaks first. I never did.

uh.... guys?

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Oh sweet snoymer child

It's made by the people who made the PC version?

Don't buy it! It'll fuck your Switch up!

i love how casual the announcement was

it's an actually unique video game in a world of garbage
why would you have not played deadly premonition?

goddamnit swery say if you're directing it or not

Rip shitch
Wouldn't be surprised at all if creating a save file corrupts every other save for other games


>simplified art style of D4
>Swery not involved
>irritating female sidekick
>switch exclusive

yeah that's a hard pass

please come to PC

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Is it going to be available on PC?

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that swery recorded a song that plays during the Deadly Premonition credits. It confirms Agent York never gets his mind back.

Wait, how do you even continue after Deadly Premonition? Doesn't he have a mental breakdown and realize he's actually Zach or something?

So have I and I don't doubt a decent portion of people in this thread also have, but LPs of this game are more popular than the actual game itself. I'd just prefer it if the pretenders fucked off

cute girl

A really good, shit game.

Imagine a shitty, cheesy horror b-movie but a videogame.

Bros, where's Zach? Why is York back?

everyone saying "best worst game ever made" are right
this is one of those rare "so bad it's good" titles that lives up to the hype
the music, the unusual plot, the shitty game mechanics
everything feels like it was designed a person who was trying to create an honest good game but just had zero awareness or feedback
what you ended up with was a uniquely weird game

It sounds like it's more of a prequel.

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maybe? it's not funded or published by nintendo


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It's a "so bad it's good" b-movie type game

Ikr. The game is so shitty you better watch the no commentary walkthrough for the story

>DP2 and The Good Life both releasing next year allegedy

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Because fuck the qtes on pc

Its an awkward experience with a great endearing cast and a comfy atmosphere. The side content is fun to do, the townsfolk follow their own daily schedules, the combat is bad, the driving is hilarious and bad.

Play it on easy.

Actually sounds pretty intriguing. I'll try and find a cheap 360 copy then.

top kek

I beat that fucking awful PS3 port. Suck my dick.

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it goes on sale for like $2 in every steam sale

Someone edit a smash letter in

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If you understand Japanese get Red Seeds Profile, it's the same thing as the 360 version. If you only know English get the 360 version. Only get the Director's Cut as a last resort as it has way more problems than the original. It's a "so bad it's good" game, the game literally starts with squirrels that have monkey sounds and the music overpowers everything people are saying, it's amazing, and yet it has interesting characters and a lot of love put into it that clearly shows. There's some shoehorned shooting mechanics but they're easy to put to the side.
It's honestly a great game.

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There was that sequel-bait ending in director's cut if i remember right

They mentioned New Orleans, it's a sequel for sure

>switch exclusive
We just got monkey paw'd.

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>honestly Zack, I'm a bit surprised myself that they brought me back. I guess that's just how it is these days though..
>speaking of surprises, did you ever happen to catch Psycho II? It was a sequel to Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece, Psycho. It didn't do too well critically or commercially, but I always liked the movie, very under appreciated in its time.

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That's some good FK'ing news, Zach.

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I even got all the achievements in this busted ass steam version that crashed on me like every 20 minutes.

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>switch exclusive
No where did it say it was exclusive.

This was fucking glorious
I honestly I thought I missed something prior to this

It's fine considering how the first game looked and ran. It literally cannot get any worse.

>not white owls or swery
i dont see a reason to be excited

>the rapture is before the end of september
>this stupid fucking gook waited too long

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>first game is multiplat
>second game is nintendo exclusive
why does Yea Forums shit on epic, yet suck nintendo's cock for worse shit

When are we getting the continuation of D4 though?

Biggest fucking surprise of the whole Direct. I never expected a sequel to Deadly Premonition, especially not on the Switch.

Fuck you nigger stop being poor

play it for the plot not the gameplay


I just hope that DP2 maintains its sense of weird sincerity. There's always this worry with so-bad-it's-good stuff that they make the sequel too aware

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The difference is that Epic buys off devs that already announced steam versions, Nintendo pays for games that wouldn't have been made.

>Switch exclusive
all hype already destroyed

The world is ending again?

The art style is fucking ugly, but at least we're getting it. I hope it's not switch exclusive

Who fucking used the monkey's paw?

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Snoyboy utterly ETHERED, where's your exclusives now?


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hahaha söyfaggots at their finest
>new products!! yes!! we did it bros!!!

I'll be emulating Pepe smoking a cigar looking down on you from heaven as you suffer the wrath of the Antichrist and God. Eat dick, faggot.

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well yeah, because Zach takes back over. Zach is the original.

were you not on this website in 2010 or something lmao

I'm so fucking hyped, bros
>tfw none of the friends I was watching the direct with knew what it was

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Where's Dead Dreams Don't Die?

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Switch port of DP1 better not be as crash happy as the PC/PS3 version. Never finished the game because I got tired of that shit.

Why are people saying its exclusive? Where did it say exclusive?

>sony makes exclusive game
>nintendo makes exclusive game

how janky will the first game be on the switch?

I have the platinum trophy. Its a bit buggy but playable. Better than the nmh port.

It's not a shitty game. Has a decent storytelling and the characters are by far better than other cinematic games.

Microsoft own majority share, so never.
They already said that allowing a PC port was a stretch to see how well the series would do, and it sold like shit.

>Got all the achievements except one
>The achievement is to get all the achievements
What the fuck

>developed by literal who western studio
It's gonna suck, isn't it?

>but by no means was it Twin Peaks.

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Got you cheif.

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>Microsoft own majority share, so never
user, I...

My friend bought the direct's cut on PS3 day 1 for me but I have yet to play it. She told me this game would be an instant favorite for me. Is it really that good? I was planning to play some other game this Friday but if this worth the time then I'll just play it.

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But DP was shit.

It was Twin Peaks but also Lynch pouring in everything he had as well. It "isn't" Twin Peaks because one of the themes of the show was subversion and many wanted the comfy Twin Peaks to come back, it didn't because comfy Twin Peaks is dead. Judy devours all and the world is crumbling so even the Twin Peaks scenes are kind of depressing, weird (weirder than usual) and cynical.

>no swery
Who cares?

>Travis Touchdown and Francis York Morgan for season 2 Fighter Packs

>Is it really that good?
It's simultaneously one of the worst and best games ever. Imagine if David Lynch wrote a brilliant script and gave it to Ed Wood to direct. But that's what makes it special.

Probably. Doesn't really bother me if it means we can talk about Deadly Premonition more often.

It's one of those rare instances when Publisher intervention actually saved the fucking game. Developer originally wanted something more along the lines of Dead Dreams Don't Die, but publisher insisted on giving the player something to fucking do while listening to Amazing Grace in the thickest Japanese English accent to date. Don't get it on PC, it's a buggy mess. Graphics and performance aren't great on PS3 but it's still worth one playthrough. Pleasantly surprised me.

It's this

Attached: NSwitchDS_DeadlyPremonition2_04.jpg (1280x720, 522K)

Swery just retweeted the announcement a bunch. I think he's involved.

nice, hoping it's not just a switch exclusive.
Developer is TOYBOX inc, never played any of their games, are they competent?

fuck you for having female friends that buy you things. I'm a fucking incel virgin at 30 that hasn't spoken to a woman since highschool fucking burn me alive.


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Why are there vaginas on that tree?

It better not be shit like "Executive Producer". I want to hear DIRECTER.

How do you think the first game was made?

Put like 15 hours in to the pc version before it crashed completely. Not sure I want to do that again

It's beautiful...

how much is origins?
I have the PC version but it's a fucking struggle to get it "playable".

I watched giant bomb play it is their newest game

It's great ya GEEKVIL mark.

Is it me or the game looks slightly worse than the first?

You think the port of the first game is gonna be alright?

I had always kept an eye on that game since most people describe it as being the closest thing we will get to Twin Peaks in vidya form, but I have also heard that it's godawful on the technical side

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I played it at release on 360 faggot. It & Nier were full of jank but had Kino stories and characters.

please don't creepy to my daughter.

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this needs another episode

It must be pivotal to the story.

Let's be honest, it'd be hard to make the gameplay any worse than the first game

The game is undeniably shitty, yet has a really unique charm that makes it fun. You think its just going to be a crappy twin peaks video game but the game has a way of making you like it and drawing you into its bizzare story where the dog is the mastermind. If the gameplay, graphics, & performance were refined it would it would a traditionally great game.

That game is absolutely DREADFUL. Don't be swayed by the cute artstyle.

I played Nier and DP, i'd say Nier is the better game

So this is a prequel, not a true sequel where Zach has to take down the dog and the Red World.


>Not wanting DP: Fire Walk With Me

Yeah, playing as York seems to suggest it's a prequel. At least the "past" parts. The parts with the female agent are probably set after the first game.

I still own my 360 hard-copy, poser!

Better than any western cinematic game. Fuck that b-movie narrative. Its not an Ed Wood game.

No way it's a Switch exclusive no? Not trying to console war, I have the Switch, but I want it to sell as much as possible. Buying the Switch port rn


Isn't that the apartment from D4?

Why does Yea Forums pretend to like this shit game?

>Directors Cut added sequel hook
>resigned myself to never getting a sequel
I think I'm gonna fucking cry bros

It's kino

>engraved eye-patch
It's a nice patch, I'll give you that. But the engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever, unless you were planning to auction it off as a collectors item.

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I just don't understand. the shock is too much.

also what version of deadly 1 are we getting?

he's retweeting the trailer a bunch i guess that's good

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So do I, neither of us is a poser

Yeah this ain't lookin good

Direct didn't say anything about it being exclusive. Either there will be a statement later, or we can expect to see the other platforms announcement in a week or two at TGS.

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So what version of the game should I play? I own it on both PS3 and PC. I heard the PC version can be fixed with patches, is that true or is it still a buggy mess regardless?

I retract my admonishment, sir. You are NOT a nigger.

Yeah, that sounds about right. Get York scenes in the past for context and to fulfil the "obligation" mentioned in , then follow Not!Diane in the future. Has Swery been allowed to admit he watched Twin Peaks yet? I wonder what he thought of Fire Walk With Me and The Return.

So i'll have to get the directors cut considering the sequel hook?

It looks like its just the DC repackaged for Switch.

>it's real

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I dont believe you.

>Swery not involved
wait what ?

well, atleast it's not a mobile game

If it was exclusive, they would have said it was exclusive. It will be a multiplat, they just announced it for the Switch because that's where most of the target audience is. Same thing as Panzer Dragoon.

get the PS3 version if you still own one. Avoid the PC version like the plague if you do. Heard there's a screencap fix floating around the internet though, but it's multistep and looks like a pain in the ass.

>deadly premonition 2 is actually happening
>we wont see pat and mat playing together
this is truly the worst timeline

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I really wish the 360 version wasn't such a pain in the ass to play, because I feel like I'm missing out by not getting very far in it

The combat and lack of checkpoints was awful.

PS3 and PC are both bug ridden and this cannot be avoided

Feels good to not be one



>this is the zoomer's first though when a game gets revived out of the blue
I hope your house, extended family, and yourself, die in a fire tomorrow you fucking cancerous shit stain.

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>target audience for Deadly Premonition

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Speculation, but the White Owls logo doesn't appear in the trailer so it's a little worrying. Swery hasn't clarified one way or the other, but he is at least retweating the trailer so there's no public hostility towards the project. Then again it's Japan so who even knows.

>mfw people in this thread don't know that Tomio Kanazawa, the producer of Deadly Premonition, is one of the founders of Toybox

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every version of the game is a pain in the ass to play. it's well known to be a functionally shitty game

>Origins launched today
>Still not out yet

It's currently today, Nintendo.
Where is it?

If swery isn't the director I really doubt if it will be as good ad as 1. He's the guy who made 1 and can make unique games like D4, not others. 2 might become like SH4.

how is most of the target audience on the one platform the first game wasnt on
it was on xbox, playstation and pc
not on any nintendo platform
how is that the target audience

So it's only got York in the past before the original and not Zach and a shitty female protag? Dropped.

At the time I also played the 360 version. check on how to get the unlimited machine gun to easy out combat. then imagine it's a retrogame, you need to finish it. it's super worth it

If he's involved in this project i'll buy it, otherwise, I won't

All 65 of them.

Real gamers have a Switch. Only 2% of PS4 owners bought Persona 5 and Bloodborne, the two best games on the system. Meanwhile, 10%-15% of Switch owners will probably buy Fire Emblem: Three Houses. 98% of PS4 owners are Call of Duty dudebros, not gamers.

Deadly Premonition was always well known on Yea Forums though, when the game first came out then again when it was ported to PC.

Its a goofy jap game, it'll do fine on the Switch

>Implying most people weren't exposed to Deadly Premonition because of them.

>Real gamers

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98% of PS4 owners did NOT buy Bloodborne.
Justify that.
You can't.

Oh God, What the fuck? It's real?
What is it even going to be like without Swery around?

That's because there is no call of duty in switch lmao

I am fucking stunned by this. It's just so fucking out of the blue. When is is Deadly Premonition 2 or 0 or whatever being released? Also York needs the same VA from the first one or it's no deal. What the fuck is happening.

Why does nintendo try so hard to save this doomed industry?

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I wasn't being specific to this board with my statement, i'm aware the game will get more recognition here over most other places

That looks decent

No swery no buy.

>bros come over when I'm playing Deadly Premonition
>what the fuck dude this is so ugly
>the fuck is this points system
>combat looks like shit
>15 minutes later they all shut up, got sucked into it and complain that I want to turn it off

Weird game, one of a kind. 2/10 GOTY
I'm hyped for 2

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I jumped from my seat when i saw this. We are going home Zack....

They're not releasing Call of Duty on the Switch, because they know Switch owners would not buy that garbage ass game. EA said it themselves.

For a PS2 game?

Ok. But 98% of people who played Deadly Premonition are PC owners.
Justify that.
You can't.

>PS3 version
>not broken
I’m sorry but if the game runs at 5fps and has sound glitches out the ass, its broken.

>Also York needs the same VA from the first one or it's no deal
It is the same VA, you can hear him in the teaser

You realize TBFP are the reason the game has a cult following right

The new rendering system of 2 is so weird.

Guys, she is in!

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For a Deadly Premonition game


Deadly Premonition 0 is just the Switch port of Deadly Premonition. It should be out today, apparently. Deadly Premonition 2 comes out 2020.

Combat and action parts of this second part, are still looking so bad, come on....

Yeah man

From doesn't make good games, only nufun trash for zoomers to jerk off to being "hard".

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Most PC gamers own a PS4, a Switch, and 3DS. PC gamers can easily afford $200 for some exclusives.

>Try to play DP on PC
>It keeps crashing on start up over and over
>Try out all the fixes I can find
>Nothing works
Darkness, imprisoning me.

I honestly can't tell if Nintendo is trying to please a tiny niche audience of old DP fans, or if they're reaching so far into the barrel of IPs that don't have a sequel yet that this is what they dragged up.

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NX in the coffee

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it's giantbomb and RPS actually

Got all the achievements in the OG 360 version.

Man this is weird. Deadly P is one of my all-time favorite games and I'm blank. I guess it's just the surprise and all the ambiguity (is Swery involved, like, at all? Is York's VA returning? Did it really NEED a continuation?) Maybe it'll hit me later.

Attached: no idea what.jpg (720x540, 54K)

>Most PC gamers own a PS4, a Switch, and 3DS.
Stop trying to lump your garbage consoles with PC.

>Call of Duty
heh... some gamer you are...

What's the hardest game you've beaten?

Works on my machine

Kill yourself you actual underage faggot.

The cult following long predated the TBFP playthrough. If anything, it started with Giant Bomb, and even in those videos they acknowledged there was already buzz for the game.

I chalk it up to supergreatfriend

Call of Duty and Battlefield are both so bad that I get them mixed up.

Hardest was beating my dick yesterday. Easiest was your mom lol

Deadly Premonition

I wonder if the remaster is going to fix all the bugs, hopefully it does. maybe it won't have bad frame-rates either.

you people are so fucking insufferable, literally posing for posers

Way to confirm you're a casual.

Not a good enough excuse, I'm revoking your gamer card.

Who the fuck are TBFP

>giantbomb playthrough went up in October 2011
>TBFP machinima episode went up in March 2011

It was just a brain fart, I know Battlefield is EA and Call of Duty is Activision.

It will introduce new bugs actually

lol mad

The other agent's story takes place in Boston

They're in David Young's apartment.

>missed the direct so catching up with it
>jaw drops to the floor when I thought I saw York in scrubber
>I did
I'm ready for game of the decade.

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I was expecting $20.

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For early PS3. You really need to check up on what PS2 was cooking before doing shit comparisons boy

No, it's a great game with unfortunate issues. It's great despite it's problems, not because of them.

You've given your excuse and it was unsatisfactory, now hand off your gamer licence and nobody gets hurt.

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Yeah, I'll just wait for it to go on sale and stick with the shitty PC version for now.

Wait is it for real? WHERE’S D4 PART 2 GODDAMNIT

You fucking idiot.

Played it through on PS3 and backed the kickstarter for the board game


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As I said, it was a brain fart because I was typing fast. Call of Duty and Battlefield are both god-awful semi realistic war shooter esports garbage for non-gamers. They're practically the same thing.

ded like it deserves to be


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Swery65 never watched Twin peaks until a couple of years ago.


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is this exclusive

I never saw DP as an actually shitty game. Sure, it was clunky and awkward, but it more than made up for it.

I'm completely right, just because two or three people on Yea Forums aren't aware of their surroundings it doesn't mean they're correct



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Did not expect this from the direct

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I don't understand. Like I'm really fucking happy this is coming, but... it's so surprising. I doubt the first did all that well. Hell if it's Switch exclusive would the second do much better? Though a psychological thriller horror game that's actually worth a damn on the Switch should certainly sell to the right folks.

I guess I'm just so used to the average shit the industry pulls that something this just plain "nice" being made shocks me. I feel like Vinny when he reacted to Banjo Kazooies announcement. "I'm so... happy."

This. And the driving. Fighting with your own car WAS the game.

Don’t be like that, don’t be rude. If DP gets a sequel D4 deserves one too.


Should have checked your coffee this morning

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Xbox One and PS4 port plz



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I'm still shocked man. What the fuck is this even.

Anybody see if Origins is a better port than the Director's Cut?

how the fuck is Swery allowed to continue working with all the fucking bombs and flops

He’s not wrong. Same with Metal Wolf Chaos.

DP is already playable on Xbox One

It's a hellish experience playing it on PC, you might even need to download a new save if it's what I think you're talking about. Still worth the pain

Video games are back.

>its getting a fucking sequel
what timeline is this
also thread theme:

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M8, don't make this difficult, I can see you also haven't paid for said gaming licence.

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>Read the script over to give some half-arsed insight and then went back to fantasizing about girls using their sexual energies to solve crimes

I'm waiting just to see if it isn't a terrible port.

They better have gotten the same voice actor. Guy was impeccable.

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Just like with Yoko Taro, he makes stuff none else makes.

Still need York VA and less shitty womyn protag.

He is, shitposter-kun:

You can hear some dialogue in the bits they showed, it's definitely him.

only bad thing about a prequel is no Emily
I hope she gets a cameo in the present/lady agent parts

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Collective unconscious.

You can already hear the York VA in the trailer

so they both in actuality deserves to fuck off from the industry then.


Not the directors cut, and it was actually removed from the store

You still can't refute the fact that 98% of PS4 owners did not purchase Bloodborne and Persona 5, so you're just posting non-sequiturs. Once you resort to a non-sequitur fallacy you've lost the argument. You've confirmed you're a casul, have a nice day.

Is that Liam’s gaming studio?

Apparently it's a "Pre-sequel" that takes place both in the passt and future at once.

they deserve to do a collab

Director's Cut is objectively worse, and you can still pop in your disc copy and play it.

Or is it?

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Ah, that reminds me of another franchise that did the same...

Not too into the cel shading but fuck it.

I love this man so much.

I wonder if they know each other.

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It's playing as York in the past and the chick in the present right? If so maybe she meets Zach and works with him on the case.

Yeah, it's weird and clashes a lot with the original aesthetic.

>Start the game
>Emily is alright, don't really care about her
>By the end
I couldn't shoot her. I just couldn't.

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Mind blown to see a sequel of the game. Enjoyed it on my PS3 despite the frame drops. Definitely picking this up.

How involved though? Is this going to be some pathfinder kingmaker shit where they brag about Avellone writing for it when in reality he writes for about one party member and that's it?

Gameplay Screenshot for DP2!

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don't tell Yea Forums about supergreatfriend

the only crossover they deserve is switching places giving blowjobs to their sugardaddies in the industry despite churning shit after shit, bombs after bombs.

Writer/Director, he just tweeted.

I had the same reactions, and I could either, user.

They just might, actually. Swery was the producer of Drakengard 3.


Attached: swery.png (878x224, 41K)

'Involved' is a very nebulous word to use. Remember that Suda was 'involved' in shit like Lollipop Chainsaw when all he did was grunt approval at a concept sketch that was thrust in his face while he was trying to drink beer and watch lucha.

Attached: Lollipop_Chainsaw_207672.10.jpg (640x640, 100K)

Yeah, it's a weird choice, it's closer to D4's art style.
>Deadly Premoniton 2 is actually a continuation of D4, while also following York
I'd cum buckets.

We're going to get Dougie'ed aren't we
I fucking hope so

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Looks shit and I love it sucks Switch only though

Now I can actually be excited, phew.



Welcome back Agent Morgan.

Ok my excitement just went from "tentative" to "HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD"

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Oh boy, we're heading towards kino town.

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I just saw . I take it back. Get fuckin hype

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Finally the Switch is getting the kind of exclusives I expected from it. For so long this has been a machine of ports and indies, unlike the Wii which had plenty of niche exclusive games.

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Sorry you can't express joy.

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>be in high school
>regularly buy used x360 games and trade them in for other cheap used games after finishing them
>see that stupid ass looking game I've never heard of with the raincoat dude every single time
>"10/10 Amazing - Destructoid", doubt.jpg
>one day look up what the fuck it is
>some kind of clunky cult classic horror game
>buy it the next day for 7 dollars
>finish it in 3 days
>never traded it back in
That game holds a very special place in my heart.

Any changes this will come to PC? Otherwise I'm just going to have to save up to buy a Switch, just for my boy Francis York Morgan.

Reminder the Swery is a hardcore LGBTQ apologists now so you guys who wants to support him are unironically faggot and you should go kys

>tfw Lollipop Chainsaw is my favourite Suda game
Please don't tell me my life is a lie, user.

I don't think it's gonna be exclusive. However, it's great that Nintendo is showcasing this kind of stuff. Legit peak of the Direct.


I like it. It fits the aesthetic of Deadly Premonition. I want long driving sections back and York talking about his taste in movies.

Fuck off.

>Nintendo Switch

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Unironically on my top 3 favorite of all time. I lewgit seethe whenever someone claims it's "so bad it's good". It ain't bad, it's a fucking masterpiece.

What did she mean by this?

S o y posters are the worst thing to happen to Yea Forums hands down.

House DLC and Espresso Outfit. Also slightly better controls

Time to embrace the idort, user

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you go fuck off to the ocean faggot, i bet you paid money for the lesbian apologist game he made. gay gene just got debunked so tick tock, you're in the wrong side of history.

Sorry, user. Suda didn't personally direct a single game for over a decade between NMH1 and Travis Strikes Again. He had plenty of nothing-roles like 'executive director' and 'creative producer' and so on which are, as I said, very nebulously defined.

ditto, I don't even have anyone to play it with lmao

>>Who is making it?

I think this is some resurgance of nip AA devs with cult followings.

Knowing we're going to have more comfy York talks just puts a smile on my face.
I also want the car to careen off the road just by turning the wheel one degree to the side, while York goes on like it's nothing.

Good. If he wasn't I'd lose all interest. Even still I'm not too fussed on it being a prequel.

At least console warriors can't claim it has no games anymore.



That's correct, and a good thing

spoony played it years before anyone else

I own a switch, but this shit looks worse than the first, and the video had an fps below 30.

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It's a sequel, you absolute dumb fuck. Get out of this thread.

This... this is clearly a custom costume for a different game right?

I mean it looks good, but I'm kind of surprised.
Could really use some AA

>not being idort

Depends on the chick if it's kino or not. If she doesn't have something going for her like Yorks autistic charm she'll ruin the whole thing.

>and the video had an fps below 30.

its perfect

I just bought a Nintendo Switch because of this

should i play the first game on steam or on the switch? i already have it on steam but i heard bad things about the port

I honestly never ever would've thought I'd see York come back. God damn, this makes me happy.
I'm going to reinstall right now.

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Now, we only need a Flower, Sun and Rain port on the Switch and all three seasons of TP will be available to play!

>Future past
He's going full The Return isn't he?

It's either get one or wait on the inevitable emulator. That said I don't particularly feel like buying a switch for it, since other then Mario maker I guess none of the games on it particularly interest me much. I emulated botw on cemu and got bored after a while.

that was the best fucking surprise of the year, i'm so happy

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this brought tears to my eyes