Made one failed game that couldn't even get greenlit on steam

>made one failed game that couldn't even get greenlit on steam
>lauded as one of the most famous female developers

How does she do it?

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By having retards like you endlessly talk about her like anything she has ever done was of any importance when you really think about it.

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She pretty much ruined an entire medium for over half a decade without any signs of stopping.
And then she fucking KILLS a man using nothing but words.

Don't fuck with Zoe.

Because faggots like you make threads about her all the time

a compound of tiny lies. technically she made a 'game' so she's a 'game dev'. she got harassed so now she's being harassed for being a female game dev, and not for being a wretched cunt.
normalfags and academics hear these headlines and they confirm their biases (being a woman is tough, gamers are hostile to women). I actually met a fairly well travelled academic "artist" with greying hair and a bunch of clout and he parroted the headlines the same as every other dipshit. he's a tourist to the industry and his approach to it has always been hostile in that artfag way (ie: let's not study games, we already know better so let's make primitive non-games for our non-gaming artfag friends).

Absorbing the semen of poor vulnerable wretches who've had some influence one way or another.

DARPA funded and no morals.

creating a game, not matter how small or irrelevant it might be, makes you a game developer

it's kind of sad cos there are female game developers who worked hard to get where they were, like go to school and shit
jade raymond made some good games

I once made a rpg maker game when I was 11
am I a game dev now

>KILLS a man using nothing but words.


She is probably from a true family in some way or another.

Friends and connections. Despite what Yea Forums thinks, being able to talk yourself into any clique and make them like you is much more valuable than fucking random dudes once.

Mostly because of retards like you giving her tons of fucking attention.

Women have it easy in first world countries

Is this the end of Zoe Quinn? She said that she will stop using twitter

she sucks a mean dick

Stop making these threads Zoe hasn't been relevant for years now.

i thought she was fat

Did you make something you can be proud of, or did you throw together something following a tutorial that you wouldn't even post on Newgrounds.

cliche and generic but funny nonetheless

Literally who?

I doant know anmore I wes 11

I want to see drawings of her as a fat beach whale.

>fuck "journalist"
>get exposure

Night in the Woods was literally starred by a bisexual. I love Zoe Quinn.

lol, no. I don't see an end in sight when "the face of anti-harassment TM" managed to dogpile a guy she knew was unstable to suicide.. and she got away with it and the "communities" like resettera, r/ghazi and retard shills on Yea Forums still think she's some innocent victim.

There's really no end in sight, maybe if she goes histerical and stabs a guy in the eye or something they can lock her up

Did you read her last twits? She is legitely afraid. She will go into hiding for some time

*is the most important female in game development and tech in your path*

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I'm glad the panel of who the fuck are you and why would anyone ever care what you think approves

>dumb whore makes shit text game
>gets media narrative of "harassment of women in the industry" built up around her
>gets worshipped by media and the soÿboy faggots who consume it
>feminists flock to her and give her sympathy, attention, and thousands of dollars in donations
>actual talented influential oldschool women in the industry with actual accomplishments get ignored
>Amy Hennig, co-creator of Soul Reaver, gets pushed out of Naughty Dog by slimy little fuck Neil Druckmann
>Uncharted used to be epic, now it's feminist trash
>Druckmann kisses the ground that Quinn and Sark walk on

The irony is delicious, well done Feminism

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Thanks to the attention retards like you are giving her

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not that hard to understand

Shut up faggot. I cant wait for /ourqueen/ to BTFO another libtard dev

Are you new to Zoe or something, the woman claims she's been living in mortal fear for five years while cashing in on it and appearing on every media that will have her.

She's a professional victim, one of the best.

visual novels are not videos games


>mY ACcOUnT WaS HacKeD
Probably those damn gamergaters again. Let's send her some donations to help her through these rough times

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Yea Forums made her famous. If Yea Forums hadn't sperged out over a literal nobody angry at his gf on Twitter you'd never ever have known who she were.

In my experience male feminists are the most misogynist people of all, they don't like working with women and trumpet themselves as being feminist because they're compensating for their confused feelings and mixed up personalities. They claim to support women but subconsciously resent them. They usually have a lot of baggage about women.

>she's been living in mortal fear for five years while cashing in
Yeah, but she have never stopped being active. She have deleted her twitter and have announced explicitely that she will stop using her official twitter account after reactivating it.


She's not female, she's non-binary, bigot!

This is bullshit, she's been a banned topic Yea Forums for almost five years , and GoyGate made a big effort not to focus on her or give her attention past the first week.

What it did do? She got herlself in the Hugos, staretd writing for Marvel and DC. Oh yeah and she also lead a guy to kill himslf

Ah yes, Brianna "Too Crazy Even For Reddit Feminists" Wu

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I don’t say this lightly, but if anyone on his Earth deserves cancer, it’s Zoe Quinn.

Is this the guy who grew his hair out for a motorcycle

By literally sucking cocks and cranking a rumor mill.

This is only the beginning.

I think I finally got rid of this godawful fucking facebook meme.
/([A-Z] ?[a-z] ?){5}/

But still, do kill yourself.

And why was she a banned topic? Because you niggers couldn't shut the fuck up about her for a year before that. You gave her fame, this is all your fault.

shouldn't police be looking into her or does american law not work like this idk

Same reason people act impressed when a baby does something

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I am legitimately impressed at her accomplishments.
She managed to become the face of anti-harassment and abuse victims while successfully harassing and abusing her targets and getting away with it.
Sure there's all the shit with CON and her kickstarter, but are any major media outlets covering any stories that show her in a negative light?
Just look at all the wikipedia pages involving her, not a single bad thing is mentioned, and for good reason, no reliable source can be cited.

It doesn't mean she's not a bad person, it means regardless, she simply cannot be shown in a bad light without harming the cause she claims to be presenting. Any attack on her is an attack to the harassed and the abused, despite the reality.

No no no user, you don't understand. Threads in Yea Forums are super important. Same with totally non-fabricated tweets with empty profiles. What zoe and friends actually have? the entire media support? All the other industries following the same agenda? that's nothing.

She's a woman.

>You gave her fame

The Western Indie scene is one big clique. That's why. She's pretty much just one of the popular kids who everyone wants to sit with. It's kinda weird why all the indie people congregate together though. The only one I can think of that doesn't is maybe the Stardew Valley devs and the Momodera devs.

shes been a comic writer at marvel now kek even though her dc comic series bombed

the american geek industry is really collapsing.
nepotism everywhere and if you are good at sjwing out and making a connection with twitter sjws you can immediately become a comic book pro lol

I dont think Alec's family will present charges. His sister is a brainwashed cultist and his parents are probably radical liberals taking into account how shitty the children grow up to be

She's like a queen bee school bully but on a mass media scale

she fucked five guys

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Remind me again why the Indie scene for America seem to all be connected and literally everyone in it are fucking and raping each other?

I'd love to watch a documentary that goes into anthropological detail into how this happened. Geekdom used to be such a goofy happy place. How did it get turned into this hellscape of mentally ill attention seeking assholes?

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the indie scene not connected doesnt have 'free' media exposition.