Not even goty can surpass gacha overlords

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how do we fix the japanese Yea Forums ? how do we make them less retarded?

not gonna lie but when the first screenshots and gameplay surfaced it screamed cash-grab it isnt like i'm surprised that's was made by compile heart, might check it out whenever it's going to release on pc

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The bald man fears the Boobie Ships

>FGO is by far the most popular gacha
>the entire Fate franchise is worth less than fucking Big Bang Theory
The absolute state of gachacucks

How many Japanese Switch owners vs PS4 owners?

pretty sure switch is more popular in japan, nips love handhelds. And yet a PS4 weebshit game is selling more then a big new switch exclusive. really makes you think

That doesn't answer the question at all.

It won't even be a contender

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Another nuke

nips have good taste for once based


Is that physical sales? I honestly expected to be lower, considering the game is like $80 over there and they can get it much cheaper with the digital coupons.

>gambling earns a lot of money
Wow it's almost as if gambling is highly addictive or something.

Have them stop using the same shitty template for every single game ever. Actual development might solve it. Instead of copying and pasting assets and doing minor tweaks to everything.

I would of imagine a country filled with neets would had better taste in games, but overall they are just normie casuals.

This, also it was only on sale for 2 days.

Big Bazinga Theory has money from advertisers. The fate series gets all money directly from fans via gatcha games and merch

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gachachads rise up

>d-doesn't count
Oh no no no

does the PS4 game also gave the Gacha/Lootbox crap?


Crosswave is not the real Azur Lane. It's a spin off.

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Oh no what with this abysmal number? How can anyone look at it and not think those two games are literal flopping with each other?

I was looking for games the other night on Google Play's top grossing list. I made it up to #300 and didn't see Azur Lane. I saw Girl's Frontline, though. Azur Lane has equivocally 'loose slots' and doesn't make a lot. People don't spend money on the actual gacha part of the game. The buy dock expansions and skins and stuff. There's no reason to buy cubes for gacha because they're very generous with the drop rates. As long as you save your cubes for events, you shouldn't have a problem. Won't need to buy more.

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In AC's defense it'll probably keep selling at a low but steady pace. AL is probably seeing close to what its lifetime sales number will look like.

Glad to see Crosswave sold that much.

I don't expect anything from compile shit, 30k is the average number for every neptunia trash. Thing is this trash is made in 2019 for PS4 and it's look like fucking dog shit, what the fuck is those MMD models from 2000, they can't even bother to animate the water, shit look like super clunky version of Amored core on sweatshop worker budget

Is this ironic?

No? It's a compile heart game. This is actually on the higher end considering how these games usually sell. I expected it to be somewhere between 10k considering how tie in games usually sell.

>ALC west release 2020
At least we'll be able to buy for $20 after a week.

>a licensed gacha game made by CH sold better than a new Platinum IP made with Nintendobucks despite marketing and vouchers

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I think the Azur Lane sold higher than Super Neptuina

It sold 12k I think.
The last high selling CH game was 4goddesses online with 40k and that was like 2 years ago.

Yeah it did

you faggots patting yourselves on the back like this is some epic own is fucking pathetic.

I wanted to buy Astral Chain on PC but Kamiya told me that he didn't want my filthy disgusting money.

There's about 9 mil Switches sold in Japan and a little above 8 mil Playstations
The demographics and spending behaviors are not at all the same though