Are you ready for SNES games, along with a price increase to $40/year?

Are you ready for SNES games, along with a price increase to $40/year?

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>with a price increase to $40/year?
What the fuck could possibly justify doubling the price? It's not like the service has improved since it came out.

SNES games

I have a snes classic so no
Also the new 3ds has some snes virtual console games so I have zero reason for nintendo online

>Not already having the entire NoIntro IMAGEsets for your consoles of choice

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>2 free ps4 games a month
>nintendo online
>2 free NES games a month


Cuz I have one of those bad boys with Over 500 games installed, so Nintendo can suck my white American cock

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>What the fuck could possibly justify doubling the price?
What, you didn't think $20 was forever, did you? It was an introductory price to get people used to paying something instead of nothing.

It'll be $60/ year by the end of the generation.

>at least we have free online!
>at least our online is only $20!
I wonder what the next excuse will be

>2 free ps4 games a month
it used to be 4 ps3 games, then 2 ps vita games/2 ps3 games/2 extra games for both and $50 per year

nigger, try to take that outside with you

SNES games

>he actually plays games outside in public

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By the time it's $60, it will include the full library of NES, SNES, N64, and GC games. That's better than anything Sony has ever offered.


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>that'll be $8 per game

>he didn't get a free 12 months with twitch prime

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This plus the $10 bundle with mario maker makes it $0.40/month for the next 2 years.

>it will include the full library of NES, SNES, N64, and GC games.
[citation needed]

I don't have to renew till 2023

The physical version of Tetris 99 stacks another year on top of this.

That came out in may so if you activated it then there's only 9 months left on it. Then you'll have to renew at the increased price

Don't get your hopes up. Nintendo just does whatever they want and let their autistic fanbase suck them.

If they do put SNES games but increased the service to even an extra $10, they are going to loose a chunk of their subscribers. Not even Smash Bros. online would convince them to continue paying. The online is garbage ethier way. Heck, even the Wii had better online and that was 2006 console.

I already own a SNES with over a dozen good to great games

>8 for the games I want
>0 for the ones I don't
>I also keep them as long as my 3ds stays alive

nice can i lick your balls?

If they did this I would stop paying. All I really do is the occasional Splatoon and some Smash. That shit isn't worth $40/yr though unless they fix their shit.

I can emulate on multiple devices in my home and I can netplay Melee or Project M with some randoms and still get a much smoother experience than Ultimate's online.

>he STILL hasn't hacked his 3ds

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>$60 by the end of the generation
doubt it'll be that quick. Even PSN/Xbox Live took longer to creep up in price. We've only got like, what, a year or so left until the PS5 and Scarlett come out.

snes9x and snes inject.
god it feels good to be a pirate emulator

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Ya but playstation is just a pc port

It'll probably 5 to $10 increase. It's not going to shoot up to $40 for a SNES emulator.


They're already disappointed with how many people are using it, they're not going to raise the price when everyone already hates it regardless of how hard you want to push this shitposting narrative.

i'll be with you when the switch gets a really good snes and gb emulators

i need my mega man and bass and my mega man I-V

Its not going to go up at all what the fuck makes you think it will

You'll see

It was part of the leak.

I'm not saying it necessarily will, but that IF it in fact does one day increase, it's not going to instantly shoot up to $40 or $60. That would be a huge shock to the consumer base and many people would simply drop off. It's a terrible business decision

whats wrong with the current ones? They work fine for me

I don't think it's set in stone, but that if they decided to do it, the price would creep up by 5 or 10, not by 20.

They've publicly stated they're disappointed with the fact that many users buy short-term subscriptions and don't resubscribe rather than subscribing for longer periods of time. They've stated they know they need to add more value to the subscription. They're not going to raise the fucking price when everyone already hates it and is disappointed with it. I wouldn't even bother just for the two games I play online if I weren't on a family plan with 6 other friends, effectively making the cost $5 a year.

And you know what, I almost wish they would jack the price just so it backfires tremendously and causes massive amounts of backlash, potentially causing them to drop in entirely, but they won't because that's beyond stupid. You jack the price when the service is successful, not when its struggling. The SNES games are an incentive, not a justification for a price hike when the service is already struggling.

They're not going to raise the price when they're already hot happy with the number of people paying and many customers do not see the current package as being worth the money.

>about 1/3 of switch owners subscribe to switch online
>about the same ratio as ps+ subscribers for ps4
>the service is struggling

>They're not going to raise the price when they're already hot happy with the number of people paying and many customers do not see the current package as being worth the money.

lmao @ nincels buying their games all over again when emulators exist
like, how cucked can you get

Actually it makes sense.
There were only half as many people as expected, stupid enough to pay for P2P online.
So in order to make up for it they need to double the cost and make more money, and since they're idiots already they'll keep paying it and maybe even say it's a good deal.

Eat shit
>We are not disclosing details by each membership plan but among consumers who have purchased memberships, however, a growing percentage is now opting for shorter plans like the one-month membership. This is in contrast to the situation around the end of October of last year, when we reported that over half were opting for a 12-month family or individual membership."
>To combat this change, and in hopes to "build relationships with consumers and enrich the [service's] content", Furukawa notes that Nintendo is "planning ways to boost the appeal of the service on a yearly basis", with announcements to follow.

Nintendo came out and said recently that lots of customers are/were buying short-term subscriptions and then dropping it rather than opting for the long-term subscriptions and stated they knew they needed to add more value. Its why, for example, we saw MM2 releases with a discounted subscription or the Amazon/Twitch deal, they're trying to spread good word-of-mouth and get more people to subscribe. They want people to stay subscribed, not to just buy it for a few months and then stop.


>"a growing percentage is now opting for shorter plans like the one-month membership."

>"With this in mind, we are currently planning ways to boost the appeal of the service on a yearly basis... It is very important to our future business and we are giving it our all."

They know people aren't using it as often and in the way they had anticipated and that many don't like it, they're not going to fucking raise the price 50-100%, that is the absolute dumbest thing they could do right now. They'll add more games in an effort to make it more appealing.

dude it is only going up to $30/year

10 million active subscribers in July 2019. That's almost 1/3 of the 36 million consoles they've sold.


Why would you pay for roms on the switch when you can emulator for free and with superior emulators/options? Nintendos doesnt even let you do something as basic as remapping the fucking buttons

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you go ahead and keep stinking up that basement bro

No, they want more customers, you're retarded.

Nintendo publicly acknowledged the service is struggling and said they need to make it more appealing.

I'm subscribed for literally one game, Dark Souls, and the only reason I'll continue to pay is the fact that I can abuse their family plan and only pay $5/year along with 6 other friends. Not planning on getting Pokemon now that every future game will only have a fraction of the Pokemon coded into them, I'll play Animal Crossing locally and Smash online is still laggy garbage I don't care to play.

I mean fuck I'd be more than willing to hand them my money but they leave me no choice!

And that was disappointing for Nintendo, as many of those "10 million" subscribed for a month or so and dropped it.

You can prance around this fact all you want, Nintendo themselves said the results are/were disappointing.

>No, they want more customers, you're retarded.
They want more money.

10 million active subscribers. It was less than that 3 months earlier, so the number of people subscribed is increasing, not decreasing.

>Are you ready for SNES games, along with a price increase to $40/year?
Are you going to source this, or is this the modern trend of "say something inflammatory that I pulled completely out of my ass to get angry responses"?

And they'll get more money by attracting more subscribers, not fewer, raising the price won't make them more money.

Let me guess, you believe in artifical scarcity applied to mass-produced consumer products too?

The interview literally states that most people buy 1 month or 3 month sub and then don't renew
Makes sense, Smash is the only active game online and no one wants to play that for a year straight

>not to just buy it for a few months and then stop.
Maybe they should give us a fucking reason not to stop then.
Stuff like DBFZ and Dark Souls are completely dead on Switch online. Why would I pay for something that has no players?

inb4 roms with group headers intact

>free indie game that’s $5
>free PS4 you’d actual want but you bought two years ago
paid online is a scam either way

Again, it could be down from that now, as Nintendo STATED THEMSELVES lots of people are opting for 1-month subscriptions and not resubscribing. So it being up one month could literally mean nothing according to what Nintendo themselves said.

You're not arguing with me, you're arguing with Nintendo's own officially-released statements.

>They'll get more money by charging people less
You're not very bright, are you?

They need to just drop the stupid subscription entirely. Games are dead when they otherwise wouldn't be, paying customers get a worse experience than they would if online play were just free.

I'm paying just for Dark Souls, and its active enough for me to want to keep the subscription, but if the price goes up or the game really and truly has next to no one playing, i have zero reason to keep paying Nintendo.

>I'm just PRETENDING to be stupid XDDD

They'll lose customers by raising the price, people already don't like it

>people already don't like it
People don't like it but they're already paying for it, they won't lose half their subscribers by doubling the price so it's pure profit, they'd be stupid not to do it.

I already have all of the rooms and emulators why would I ever pay

>But they're already paying for it
We went over this, people aren't paying for it, Nintendo is not happy with the response and with the fact that many people sub for 1-3 months and stop.

Raising the price will just make this worse, it makes the service even less attractive to anyone not already paying and will make some people who are currently paying say "Yeah, nah" when it comes time to resubscribe for the 1-2 games they actually play online.

If you really want to see a dead game play Mario Tennis Aces. It's a fucking graveyard.

deal with it lmao

And its exactly what I knew would happen prior to this launching. Games are just fucking dead because instead of potentially being populated by anyone who bought the game, they're only populated by people who bought the game AND are one of the

better than stinking up the rest of the planet you inconsiderate fuck

Fucking gross

You do realize the NES app on Switch is an emulator, right?
