Do you think Earth will come to a point where it just becomes a planetwide city, like Taris?
Do you think Earth will come to a point where it just becomes a planetwide city, like Taris?
it already is
In next 20-30k years
No, the human race will go extinct long before that.
I don’t see how we could sistan all those people if it were to become one.
What, just build artificial photosynthesis plants and hydroponic farms?
Based retard
>the dude who made this gave up on the project to make his own original ip
>lost fuck tonnes of subscribers and no one gives a shit about his new series
>gave up 6 months ago
Sometimes I think us unwashed hordes of 40k fags are worse than Magic players, or may allah forgive me for saying this, smashfags
You're both stupid and wrong.
Fucking dolt.
It wasn't long ago that the idea of getting food from across the world was a luxury. Now we have it everywhere on demand. And toys. And cars. And just about anything. You can (and are) communicating with people tens of thousands of miles away instantly. Yet you don't think if we reach this point we'd just expand the same concepts? We'll be pulling oxygen from inside floating rocks half a galaxy away. We'll eat fish from Europa. We'll chat with people on other planets like neighbors.
The science isn't there today but go tell someone in 1930 that we'll be on the moon in less than 40 years.
not for as long as blacks exist
Only the elites get to live in the space colonies. You can choke to death on greenhouse gases on the planet the elites ruined like the rest of the riff-raff.
>We'll chat with people on other planets like neighbors
Mars latency is almost an hour at light speed
>half a galaxy away
this is so astronomically (haha) different from half a globe away
there are limitations in the laws of the universe that will stop this
>climate change
Frau im Mond came out in 1929 and interplanetary travel in rockets was starting to be thought about and considered reasonable in the early 20s, people would absolutely believe we could stuff humans in a rocket and land it on the Moon in less than 40 years.
Also that: And taking fish from Europa to here isn't even on the same scale as taking fish from Argentina to Europe or something. The speed of light limit is there to stay.
Not that it'll matter of course, the way things are headed.
Nah. Population of developed country tends to stabilize in numbers (since infant mortality drops down a lot and so there's no reason to have 6 kids).
What is housing like in planetwide cities? High-rise Apartment? Would there be any houses?
The problem here is that the delivery system to ship all that shit across the world is extremely fragile. One day things will become more volatile, and those shipping lanes will not be safe anymore. Pirates will spring up like wildfire and people will generally be poorer, unable to buy stuff from halfway across the world.
Yes. By the 30th millennium at least.
>Not that it'll matter of course, the way things are headed.
The elites will never allow the common man to leave the planet. They see us as cattle. Why would they let the cattle escape?
Climate change is mostly bad for the other species
What does Globalization have to do with increasing resource production, fucktard?
They would have to figure out the heat dissipation problem first.
>Implying the "elite" will escape.
They'll probably get beheaded by their security people.
Bad for us too. People need food which will have a harder time to grow, and plenty live on the coasts which will get flooded.
Not really. Other than the planet not being able to sustain that much people and infrastructure, it would just be straight-up stopped by people. Even the most blackhearted industrialist moguls know that razing the entire Earth free of arable land and replacing it with concrete is bad. Bad for sustainability and bad for business. Not shitting where you eat is basic common sense.
So, there will be new coasts. It's a short term problem. Just rebuild on the new coastline. More arable land in the northern hemisphere, too. A few degrees increase isn't the end of the world.
The other species that we eat.
You eat Tigers?
We don't actually have to eat animals anymore, we do it because we like it
fuck off with your vegan bullshit lefty
Just because you have three billion vegan restaurants within five meters of the San Francisco apartment you and your boyfriend live in doesn't mean everyone does, you privileged fudge packer. A vegan diet is a luxury and it's one a lot of people can't afford. In many parts of the world it's eat what you can get or starve.
I sure hope not, fuck cities
Not him but no, he's right. Cultured meat (Lab-grown) has been a thing since 2013. It's estimated to hit the markets in 2021.
The Amazon rain forests will die off, the icecaps will melt,The atmosphere would become unsustainable, and we would die off. All this will happen before even nearing a global city.
>Cultured meat is a thing
So is Soilent, but what is your point?
>Cultured meat (Lab-grown) has been a thing since 2013. It's estimated to hit the markets in 2021.
Cultured meat is ridiculously expensive to create and apparently isn't even that good, according to the few people who have eaten it. It's not going to become a viable option on the global scale for a long time.
Imagine being such a dumbass you believe this
describe the taste vegancucks
My point is we're not talking vegan. We're talking beef. We're reaching the point where it doesn't really matter if we wipe out all the various animal species.
Costs are falling. What was $300K in 2013 was $600 in 2018. I'll give you taste though, as I've seen consistent reports that the meat's often dry due to a lack of fat.
no, M30 terra is not that thouroughly urbanized, it is more of heavily armed and industrilized city fortresses with lots of wasteland in between.
it became the planet city over the following millennia, especially with the rise of the ecclesiarchy and the constant pilgrimages who sweep billions of people in every day.
I'm not a vegan but I've had onions milk before. It's pretty good, but there is a distinct aftertaste. I'll admit I'm curious to see how almond milk tastes.
>Earth becomes a real life Trantor and the start of The Galactic Empire
>a planetwide city, like Taris?
Ideally? No. I like having trees in my backyard.
Theoretically? If we can achieve interplanetary travel before we destroy ourselves (the possibility of casual space flight and the extinction of the human race are equally unlikely to occur. Possible, but unlikely), there is no upper limit to what we can accomplish, and we'd have millions of years to figure out how to engineer such a feat.
Still better than Dark Souls pvp
IIRC 1 square meter there is more expensive than a palace in some random planet
WIRED might have lied to you, that lab grown meat probably tastes like utter ass and never will taste like anything resembling beef, at least not in the forseeable future. Why do you think beef tastes so different based on where it herded to begin with? You can't reproduce 15 years of nature's work simply by mixing some compounds in a centrifuge.
I had that as a kid and I found it disgusting.
Doctors remind you that when you are still a child until after puberty, you HAVE to eat meat for healthy brain development. Your vegan bullshit literally denies millenniums of evolution.
You can have trees in your backyard in the city
>that lab grown meat probably tastes like utter ass and never will taste like anything resembling beef, at least not in the forseeable future.
Better get used to it though, it's all the elites will let us eat. Real milk and dairy aren't for the peasantry, you eat lab-grown "meat" and maggot sausages and you wash it down with a tall glass of cockroach milk. Eat the fucking maggot sausage, peasant.
Scientific American, actually. If you like, I can link you the article. Also, again, I'm not entirely disagreeing with you as there have been complaints, particular attention was given to how dry it is from too little fat. Fat does indeed depend on environment, true.
I think genuine beef will become a luxury in the future though compared to lab-grown. Fun fact, during the Medieval era, Lobster was considered shitty peasant food, but here we are where it's expensive as hell.
Blade Runner 2049 was right. We will be eating maggot soup with holograms that disguise it as Steak
>during the Medieval era, Lobster was considered shitty peasant food, but here we are where it's expensive as hell.
Clearly you don’t live in a small town near the water. Imagine a buffet like restaurant where Lobster is literally is the staple for the menu.
I do not, no.
>Imagine a buffet like restaurant where Lobster is literally is the staple for the menu.
See, that actually sounds delicious to me.
Look at how mediocre chicken tastes already when it was grown in those industrial hangars, and fed with antibiotics and vegetable mush. If they can't make chicken nuggets taste good without adding a ton of chemical flavors to mask the taste of the meat, they sure as hell won't manage to make that cultured shit taste good either.
>I think genuine beef will become a luxury in the future though compared to lab-grown.
That, I completely agree with.
>during the Medieval era, Lobster was considered shitty peasant food, but here we are where it's expensive as hell.
Salmon, too. It was peasant food.
Caviar too. And sushi. Actually a lot of these are seafood, which says a lot about seafood.
Lobster was given to slaves in the new world because fuck eating a mud bug and they were cheap and plentiful.
On the other hand there were laws passed banning prisons from feeding the inmates lobster more than once a week because it was just too cruel.
how would they prepare the lobster?
Sure, but it will take some time.
So much time, a Singularity(tm) event beforehands is more likely.
>damn, man, lobster again
>shut up, here *plops down entire fucking lobster and a plastic spork*
Throw em in a big ass pot and boil them.
I'm not sure there are enough resources on Earth itself to sustain a population that size
Even in a true grimdark world, the "elites" wouldn't want to starve their laborers. They'd, in fact, want to gorge them with cheap-to-produce, really high-calorie products that can keep them working for longer. A dying underclass doesn't work, but most importantly it doesn't BUY.
You know why dystopic landscapes rarely happen in real life? They don't work. Why would our dark masters go through the trouble of forcing/tricking us to eat maggots and roaches (which they also have to capture, farm and process) when they can just give us greasy sugary garbage we willingly eat, that's already being made?
Same as today, I'd imagine. Poached, with a little bit of butter. You don't over-recipe a lobster.
>sustain a population
More like there isn’t enough resources for the population to even allow it to get that high either way. We have the vast majority of the non-desert areas of earth undeveloped still along with surplus of food that just rots and we still have people starving. I don’t think a planet wide city will ever be even needed.
That's what bugs are, high proteine for dirt cheap production costs.
Stop wondering, and just get it. My local shop sells half gallons for 2 bucks.
Try vanilla flavored almond milk. It's sweeter(because more sugar), and the slight vanilla flavor really helps. Goes great with cereal, because most cereals taste good with a vanilla blend.
No, if we are stuck on earth forever we will nuke ourselves out of boredom, if we get into space and set up colonies and habitats the depopulation would mean the earths population doesn't need as much space and wont need to keep expanding on earth and may even dimish their precense, ultra longterm the majority of teh human race could end up never setting foot on earth and we may even abandon living on it completely to let nature have it back.
And that too, agreed.
The endgame is replacing all labor with machines so the elites can finally have the universe to themselves. They'll give us the bare minimum we need to survive until they don't need us anymore.
guess what is next
My teeth fell out just by reading this.
Who even needs space colonization for the Earth population to shrink dramatically? We are naturally wired, for whatever reason, to make less kids as we industrialize. If everyone got off their asses and made that transition, we could have as little as 4bn people in a generation or two.
We could but is that gonna happen?
No, because we are going to all kill each other in the upcoming resource wars before that happens, sadly.
India and China is industrialized and subverts your theory.
Yep hopefully that starts after the 2nd space race instead of before
They're right in the middle of it. Europe also had a steep increase in its population throughout the 19c and even into the 20c. You start having less kids towards the end of that industrialization, as the middle class grows. I should've mentioned it.
Also, in the case of China, they kind of eschewed the results artificially, what with the one child policy and all.
I think it will start around the same time. What would fuel a second space race? Resource (ultra) scarcity. Shit is going to be interesting in the next 50 years.
Why? Not a fan of sweet stuff? You realize cow
milk is sweet too? Averaging about 12g of sugar per cup. While my particular brand of almond milk has 15g of sugar per cup. So it's 3g higher. Not a big deal.
>A few degrees increase isn't the end of the world.
Biological systems are both interconnected, and rely on sell-regulating operating norms. Greenhouses gasses notably include both water vapor, AND methane, (methane being perhaps the most potently warming common gas.) The problem is, if we warm past a certain point more and more water vapor and importantly, a lot of frozen 'methane ice' trapped in the seafloor will will enter the atmosphere, warming even further and stimulating further warming, ad infinitum.
If that feedback cycle is triggered there are really too many factors to accurately predict if/how global cooling could restore itself, and probably more importantly, if humans could even survive such an event (much less any recognizable civilizations.)
If shit becomes too humid after a point human's innate abilities to cool themselves shuts down, sweat never evaporates and you simply dehydrate, saturated in water, neurology suffers significantly and problem solving is stunted as the brain relies on a very delicate set of chemical interactions that, like any processor has ideal operating temperatures. A lot of common mammals would be fucked long before this as humans have very good cooling systems as far as large mammals go. Even our most common machinery also starts to suffer significant corrosion, degradation and heat related malfunctions in highly tropical environments; efficiency suffers dramatically and it results in more work, and more energy being spent to support fewer people.
How is that the fault of 40k fags? They're not obligated to like whatever this guy makes.
And how the fuck is the guy not in the wrong for dropping his shit half way through?
Based optamist
Yeah I was thinking it'd be some kind of last ditch effort to prevent a war where the major powers just sort of agree to throw everything they can at making space colonisation viable.
My money on best solution is basically we dyson sphere the sun with orbital habitats that are basically city sized, its probably easier than getting to mars and putting colonies there, they could be used as resource gathering hubs for mining operations.
That's a real risk, but at the same time, Earth used to have thriving life in an environment with much higer temps during the Jurassic period and before.
I think the real risk of this vicious cycle triggering is not (at least mainly) the amount of greenhouse gasses, but rather the pollution of the oceans (plastics and so on). Most of the greenhouse gases that get captured on earth are captured by marine life, such as plankton. You turn those oceans into lifeless voids, there is nothing to take in that excess.
As for the matter of rising temperature, keep in mind that most of the landmass has a continental climate (the Eurasian landmass). I am a brainlet when it comes to this, but I'd imagine that rising coastlines, coupled with a few extra degrees would turn big parts of that into more liveable areas. Temperate Siberia doesn't seem like a bad thing.
Basically Alpha Centauri IRL.
>My money on best solution is basically we dyson sphere the sun with orbital habitats that are basically city sized
That is thousands of years into the future in scope, sadly. A dyson sphere would be ten of millions of km in diameter. We would need to empty the entire solar system of its mass, process all of it into workeable materials, and then build the thing. How long does it take to build a skyscraper, six months? A dyson sphere is the equivalent of trillions of skyscrapers. That's not even talking about the technological gap.
I am reminded that Homo Sapiens are actually a Tropical/Savana species and that we would actually thrive even more with increased temperatures. Especially when agriculture can spread further norther and south closer to the poles.
Youre funny
>let nature have it back
Fuck off with this Elite Dangerous sòy shit. Earth is our home and will forever be the homeworld of any Human government should we ever become interstellar.
We're coming home, bois.
I've heard they just crushed everything together, shell and all
of course that sounds retarded so I don't know that I believe it, but I've heard it.
Literally none of this matters though because climate change is a liberal hoax. I’m being completely unironic and unsatirical when I say this. You’re wasting your time by thinking about stuff like that.
Shit movie
We are talking about people who invented pies because they were too retarded to come up with plates, so anything's possible.
Fuck you pies are delicious you dumb nigger.
That doesn't work. At some point the poor figure out how to self sustain using the machines the rich use to exploit them. When money loses meaning, the rich are no longer right and power doesn't work.
That's because we figured we might as well eat the whole thing, the dough was originally borderline inedible.
Maybe in your little costal elite world where you never leave the city.
>actually buying into the seizing the means of production meme
>If shit becomes too humid after a point human's innate abilities to cool themselves shuts down, sweat never evaporates and you simply dehydrate, saturated in water, neurology suffers significantly and problem solving is stunted as the brain relies on a very delicate set of chemical interactions that, like any processor has ideal operating temperatures. A lot of common mammals would be fucked long before this as humans have very good cooling systems as far as large mammals go. Even our most common machinery also starts to suffer significant corrosion, degradation and heat related malfunctions in highly tropical environments; efficiency suffers dramatically and it results in more work, and more energy being spent to support fewer peopl
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how cooling works. Water is highly thermally conductive, especially if it is a saline solution (which is why sweat is salty). All it needs to be is on the skin the move moisture away. Also humans operate significantly more efficiently in humid environments. That is why more pro-athletes per-capita in the US come from extremely humid temperate climates in the south/gulf-area. Humid air, high in water vapor, is easier on the respiratory system than dry air. Warm air is easier on the respiratory system than cold air.
The real issue is that white people would suffer the most towards the end of our current ice age (which will happen, with or without humanity, as it has for billions of years) due to that race evolving by remaining near the circles and essentially tanking the cold, adapting and evolving around ice and snow for millions of years while other races migrated towards the equator and towards heat, retaining higher pigment, lower fat content, etc.
However the end of an ice age is always much slower than the rapid cold snap of the start of a new ice age. If humans survived the snap of an oncoming ice age before, we can easily survive the slow lumber of the end of an ice age.
>All it needs to be is on the skin the move moisture away
to move HEAT* away.
Realistically how would our world and economy handle having matter conversation technology like Star Trek replicators? I don’t think a Secular Humanity as a whole to have the capacity to seek interests to better themselves for the sake of it.
my friend bought this shit once and it just tasted like watered down pancake batter, i don't get how anyone could enjoy this stuff
Honestly fuck humidity. My dream is to move to one of the Four Corner states (minus Cuckerado) and enjoy the nice dry heat where sweat works and the air isn't hotter than it actually is. Fuck Summer and fuck humidity.
GW would wait for his stuff to be 80% complete before dropping a legal bomb in his ass. It was better to make his own IP. N
ow, if this IP was at least similar to 40k, 40kfags could've at least given him some internet points.
But that would never happen, so we live like this: official stuff is either completely crap or unexistend and unofficial stuff is stuck in the void of dropped projects and c&d letters.
They'd still find a way to make you pay for your tendies.
I way too much of a pessimist to believe in anythi g other than accidentally wiping ourselves out as a result of the greed of the rich
>three parallel discussions about W40k, climate change, and culinary habits going on
>all of it is civil and interesting
what is it with pictures of space/planets that always attracts the best discussions?
na,we will be all dead long time before we can do something like that
Nah, cities will concentrate and become ever more densely populated, while most of the rest will be converted to farmland and aquafarms. Assuming you're looking for plausible future settings that hopefully won't actually happen. Looking at Brazil or Indonesia it's not likely much of anything like natural habitats will remain though, people just don't care enough beyond giving a FB like or a retweet and just like their $oy/beef/palm too much to stop consuming everything that's causing idiots like Bolsonaro to convert the last few remaining untouched forests into farmland.
Imagine drinking artificial plant cum sugar water, and then dowsing your dried sugar bits in it every fucking morning as part of a “healthy” breakfast.
Enjoy not being able to breathe as easily, your skin cracking and bleeding for no clear reason, and dying from a heat stroke with literally no warning signs because people evolved near water in humid climates and our bodies can't easily notify us of danger in dry climates.
>Hurrrr incel! Incel! Thing I no like is incel!
Go back to pedoera.
fully covered by a city scape? nah. parts of it like Europe,coasts of Americas, coasts of Asia being covered in ever growing tall urban landscape? sure. just look at shenzen on google maps or tokyo.
"Artificial"? It's just almond juice, user. You probably have a cup of orange juice with your breakfast.
I mean, what the fuck are you even buying milk for, if not for your cereal? Don't tell me you're one of those sick fucks who drinks milk from a glass!Witch, btw, vanilla almond milk tastes way better from a glass
>Ignoring the fact that Warhammer is a satire
The absolute state of SJWs and nu-Yea Forums
Well rejoice amigo because it'll be everyone's greed that gets us killed, not just 'the rich'. It's not 'the rich' who use most of our resources
What's wrong with drinking milk from a glass?
Who is it, then?
The 1st World (and China)
What's right with it?
You don't need it for nutrition. You might think you do, if you're still under the spell of Milk marketing. But in truth, it adds little to nothing to your nutrition.
It coats your tongue, makes you phlegmy, and you need to constantly swallow before talking, just to get rid of the gross sounds your mouth would make otherwise.
But more importantly, it just doesn't taste that good on its own. Honestly, I would much rather have a glass of water than a glass of milk. milk isn't even thirst quenching. You still need to down water after downing milk. So what the fuck is the point?
Imagine how shit it would be
user, who? 2 bn people? Every last one of them? Even the infants?
m8, I think all that almond milk fucked up your brain. I have no idea what you're on about.
Correct, don't expect fantasy obsessed plebeians to comprehend planetary logistics in this of all places.
Find out what EROI is and understand that it's in collapse and that even with something like fusion power there's simply not enough raw resources to deal with the maintenance cost associated with a planet trying to catch up to the first world which is already entirely unsustainable. Developments that make things more energy efficient result in greater total energy usage via Jevons paradox and in turn result in higher maintenance cost. The planet is heating up no matter what model you use be it human influenced, a solar model or a hybrid which means crop failure and famine the world over. Potable water as a resource is already at a critical point and it's only getting worse. Attempts at mass desalinization will take massive amounts of power and disrupt ocean ecosystems already on the brink of destruction. Exploitable phosphorus is at a critical point and will result in mass crop failure in the short term as it forms the basis for all fertilization for industrial farming. Fish stocks are already beyond the breaking point in terms of exploitation and will not survive man or ocean acidification. Humanity will not survive it's own success at over exploiting resources and like any population that expands beyond those resources ability to sustain them there will be a massive and brutal population correction. Man does not exist outside the laws of nature no matter how far above them they believe themselves to be.
Yes dude
You know exactly what I mean. But perhaps you never thought of it before. Just think about what I said the next time you have a glass of milk.
Fuck em
Imagine eating or drinking something with cyanide in it.
Are you in some sort of almond milk cult?
Of course but its still easier than doing shit on mars.
We also don't need whole sphere at once, we need one working proof of concept space settlement and a group of assholes crazy enough to fund it, the human race will do the rest
This thread isn't even tangentially related to video games.
Not that I'm complaining, it's higher quality than the vast vast majority of threads posted to this board, but usually off-topic threads at least try to tie it in with video games in some manner in the OP - but this one genuinely just doesn't give a shit, does it?
No. I'm just lactose intolerant. So I had to explore other options. I used to get lactaid.(it's cow's milk without lactose) But they're price gouging cunts. So I caved in and bought vanilla almond milk.(Because I was told it taste better than regular almond milk) And sure enough, it does the job at substituting milk. In more ways than one.
I never heard this. Is this true?
nut drinkers need to be rounded up and gassed
>its still easier than doing shit on mars.
Dude, I just said you'd need to process the entire mass of the solar system to build it. That includes dismembering and processing the entirety of Mars. That's much harder than building a few greenhouses there.
>we need one working proof of concept space settlement
Just hollow out an asteroid and live inside, like Hokkaido in Freelancer or Ceres in The Expanse. Much easier than building a giant ass man made station from scratch. But still more difficult than colonizing Mars, or the Clouds of Venus for that matter.
I know but think about it, we could turn the whole damn world into whatever we want at that point, why the fuck would we need it to be the seat of an empire?, what if it ends up not being a strategically viable location for that?
I'd turn it into a game preserve where illegal slave BR's happen
>fucking technology
we're FUCKED
aaand there's inevitable proton decay and heat death anyway so nah
well, no shit you don't like regular milk
Earth will become a Gain paradise with merriment and abundant food that leads to endless orgiastic sex to try to fill all the homes we created in the sky, ocean, and ocean floor and I still won't go outside and instead shitpost on 4000chan.
Instead of colonizing other moons and planets we should focus on making huge space stations instead, habitats built for humans. That way we can spread out and colonize other star systems as well to make more stations, etc.
That's still a trillion years away, I wouldn't think about it.
Finally, someone optimistic has entered the thread.
Oh come on. Just because milk makes me gassy, that doesn't mean everything else I said about it is untrue.
milk doesn't make me gassy and I reject your truth.
Shit opinion.
Massive megacorporations and/or the govt would get their hands on it and use it to control the populace.
Well you just keep having those tall glasses of milk, you weirdo.
goddamn right I will
It's our home, humanity oeiginated from it and it'd be like a capital of a country. You can't just abandon your home planet like that. That'd be like the Romans abandoning Rome, or London, or any capital city. It has to be destroyed or conquered to warrant abandonment.
>I never heard this. Is this true?
Are you kidding? Almonds are one of the single best sources of cyanide on earth. The only way to reduce the cyanide content to a point where it doesn't instantly kill you is by stabbing the trunk and treating it before pollination. But bitter almonds still have trace cyanide in them, and if you eat enough it will kill you.
Definitely recommend Isaac Arthur if you're interested in Sci-Fi concepts. Here's his Ecumenopolises (planet-wide city) video:
I dunno, geedubs, seems to be cool with Astartes and Hellsreach, even giving creator of the former complete control over the upcoming Blood Angels seires
Do you not know Home Field Advantage? We know the solar system like the back of our hand why the fuck would we abandon it just because we can colonize other planets?
>Hewo, this is Isaac Arthuw
>Today we wee talk about the Futuw
Nah fuel costs for getting to and from mars and resource scarcity, sending stuff slightly further in system or just to the asteroid belt between earth and mars is enough because your right, we probably will hollow out an asteroid 1st but theres more free power from building in system and power and fuel are the things we are gonna have a bit of a struggle with, we dont need to do it all at once retard, if we get the point where building anything in space is viable all signs point to dyson shit, early on itll be living in the belt between here and mars but once we have shit figured out thats next.
No, that's fucking retarded.
We are far more likely to see densely populated hubs akin to Kowloon than a global city.
There could be a treasure trove of Uranium or some unknown element that can sustain energy for almost 10 generations on Mars. Fuck that could even be on the Moon. These people crying about MUH ENERGY TOO MUCH just invest in Nuclear and then Fusion energy already for fuck sakes.
>not Trantor
Maybe security is better somewhere else, maybe we find a fucking jackpot system with 3 earths and 2 uranus' thats brand new on the cosmic scale, it isnt hard to know other places like the backs of our hands if we are spacefaring and by then the notion of needing a home field advantage could be a meme
I don't think you realize the difficulties that zero gravity assembly presents. Just because stuff is lighter doesn't mean it's a walk in the park. Building a viable biome in space, with working agriculture and all, is not unfeasible, it's just unnecessarily complicated when you have celestial bodies with at least partial gravity just laying around.
Don't retard me, you are the one who didn't realize how big of an undertaking a dyson sphere was in the first place.
>he's still going about the Dyson shit
For fuck sake, dude, get some perspective on what a Dyson sphere actually is.
A planet wide favela, with small gated enclaves. It'll be closer to elysium than anything else
Scifi fags are unironically some of the most braindead retards around.
Im fully aware but this is a thread about longterm future shit like CITY PLANETS
Dude most of the fucking planet is either water, fields, mountains, deserts or woods.
Once some idiot invents immortality, yes.
Like I said, perspective. Ecumenopolis is to a Dyson sphere what a weaponized stick of wood is to an A-10 Warthog.
not the guy you were talking to, but I would think it's a safe assumption that industrial almond growers who are turning it into milk for people to drink every day have probably treated it however is necessary to make it not poisonous.
Well if space colonies and or advanced robotics are ever created the rich will probably be living in paradise while the third world and first world poor are left to rot.
most retarded thing i heard all week
>Implying artificial scarcity and strict government regulations won't restrict any prospective immortality to only the wealthiest individuals.
>mfw someone finally achieves true immortality and realises they fucked up incredibly when they find out about Heat Death
Yes, when the entire human race goes vegan, as it will remove the huge resource requirements for massive animal farming.
How will going vegan stop all the chemicals produced by heavy industry from being dumped in most of the world's biggest rivers?
>Also my bones are frail, my muscular mass is comparable to a toddler and i can't find my testicles anymore
By declaring war to China that is the main responsible for that and turning it into a capitalist country with proper environmental regulations and no random people dying on the street.
You can't fight on vegetables alone, user.
Plus most of the soi comes from China.
>You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how cooling works. Water is highly thermally conductive,
Thermally conductive, YES, but cooling is most effective by vaporization, the mass of sweat on your body is not enough to serve as a fucking thermal sink for an entire damn human being.
> especially if it is a saline solution (which is why sweat is salty).
Sweat is salty because our internal fluids are fucking salty and it would be a vast energy expendature to somehow filter and pump pure fucking water OUT of a saline environment to not net benefit. Osmotic equilibriums, learn bout it!
>All it needs to be is on the skin the move moisture away.
By a functionally insignificant amount as compared to vapoization. This is why air conditioners, heat pumps, and even swamp coolers can get way cooler than a simple radiator system.
>Also humans operate significantly more efficiently in humid environments. That is why more pro-athletes per-capita in the US come from extremely humid temperate climates in the south/gulf-area.
I'm in the fucking American South, the reason we have more athletes is because we have more blacks you mongoloid! Particularly poorly educated, lower-class blacks, who's culture encourages them to have many children and pursue high-risk, high reward gambles like spending all of your youth practicing a sport in hopes of making millions (or in a less positivie situation, a life of gang crime.) Nobody tells these kids 'hey, forget the ball, get in them books because a boring job as an accountant with a steady income is much better odds than becoming that one in a million star player!' I mean, fuck, Lebron James comes from fucking Akron Ohio! The reason we have more athletes in the south is because people who burn themselves out as athletes come from shitholes and will break themselves to escape those shitholes!
Takes light 2 to 3 minutes to travel between earth and Mars my guy. Still not great by any means but way better then an hour.
Did it seriously steal its plot from Futurological Congress?
And you know what? Were going to make it illegal for you goys to eat meat and dairy, Try to hunt for your own meat and you're going to prison.
>mfw we're going full circle back to Feudalism and only CEOs have the right to hunt on their estates
All the while your brain is being cooked by 5G, Time is running short.
Probably not. Why the fuck would you build a city in Nunavut?
If it got to that point there wouldn't be enough vegetation to sustain the amount of oxygen needed for everyone to breathe, so no.
What if you planted trees on every roof, tho
>Yet you don't think if we reach this point we'd just expand the same concepts?
The difference between now and then is women's rights. Romans literally believed the same thing as you.
Good. Life is a disease that, if not eradicated, should at least be quarantined away in the septic tank we call Earth.
>not using CHIM to avoid all of that
get fucked mortalfags