>goes from Ground Zeroes, a game with great gameplay and level design
>to death stranding, a "game" focused all on showing off fancy renders of famous hollywood actors while telling a pretentious story, with almost no focus at all on gameplay other than walking around
games aren't meant to be fun user, they're meant to be art.
Anyone got any mechanics explanation?
>pick up package
>bring to a location on a big empty map and talk to npc with cutscene
>rinse and repeat
>telling a pretentious story
Well at least that is consistent.
I unironically hope that DS is a game about walking in deserted locations with a sad solitude atmosphere.
>GZ has great gameplay
>by having half the regular MGS options disabled
GZ was shit
I don't even know what Ground Zeroes is.
I am suspicious since they haven't shown any actual gameplay yet. All of the "previews" were walking and cutscenes.
I can enjoy a deep story, but there needs to be (entertaining) gameplay along with it.
I think even if it is a walking cinema simulator, it will sell like hot cakes. There have been many successful walking simulators, so the normies love to eat that shit up.
>Kojima/Kojima Productions peaked at MGS3
t. normalfag zoomer
the marketing for this game is really arrogant with the lack of gameplay and information. Do they really think people will buy it just because Kojima’s name is attached?
There were some gameplay demonstration at Gamescon
You mean Phantom Pain but aight
I saw the gamescon preview, but not the webm posted. Man that looks awful. If there really is no combat then this ""game"" will be relegated to the most casual of casual players.
I guess he really became the George Lucas of gaming. No one around him will tell him that his ""games"" have been shit for almost a decade now.
The sheer amount of trailer shown from this game has me worried. I'm afraid this is going to be another TPP where every cutscene was shown in a trailer
You forgot occasionally pissing and shaking the baby, those are survival mechanics.
piss wanker is the best psp game ever made
Those don't contradict each other.
It is up there, but really only the HD version is playable. Controls are shit on PSP hardware.
why would you go with ground zeroes of all things
Kojima ran out of 70s-90s movies to ripoff so now he jerks off to Hollywood actors faces
>he's reviewing a game that isn't even out yet
First day here?
8 years and loved every second of it.
Why does Kojima love making ugly MCs?
Ground Zeroes/Phantom pain was always a weird anomaly considering all of Kojima's other games are movie games/
yeah but TPP went back to shit tier level design as the game consists of big empty map with the same checkpoints copy pasted all over. GZ had the best level design of any of his games.
Name one Kojima game where you run around being attacked but your only option is to run away, no counter attack, and is one giant escort mission.
He's been on a decline after MGS3. MGS4, V are train wrecks.
Yeah, imagine if Kojima dared to keep making videogames instead of going back to making shitty movies.
MGS3 was a garbage movie turd with the trademark atrocious MGS gameplay qnd the worst survival mechanics ever made. Its just you MGS drones dont want videogames, you want more movies about le epic bandana eyepatch man.
See? Yea Forums has absolutely no idea abiut videogames.
>MGS3 was a garbage
Because its the most special snowflake opinion he could pick.
Everything about neo-Yea Forums is about being contrarian while pretending everyone agrees with you.
It was the paid MGSV demo that came out a year before the full game.
>shitty gameplay
>still insisting on the top down camera, a decision even Kojima knew was retarded and finally ditched with Subsistence
>cutscenes and codec calls up the ass about a story I will never be able to give a shit about since its pure schlock
Piss Wanker is just Monster Hunter: Mecha Edition.
Yes, a paid demo for MGS V was truly the pinnacle
>its a "MGS drones pretend to give a shit about gameplay" episode
Great argument. Now go ahead and complain about DS some more because its a movie while defending MGS movies and being mad at an MGS for doing whats right, ditching the shitty plot. Videogames are not for storytelling.
I've already insulted some MGS games. But 3 is objectively the best thing Kojima has created. He has been making shit movie-like "games" for about a decade now (minus Peace Walker.)
kojimbo hate thread
>He has been making shit movie-like "games" for about a decade now (minus Peace Walker.)
>decade now
All of his games have been movieshit, except for maybe the MSX Metal Gears. Snatcher and Policenauts were just glorified visual novels.
MGSV is his pinnacle, the only thing he's ever done worthy of being called a videogame, although personally he should have gone much further and made it a full blown military simulator, at the level of ArmA 3, but with a bigger focus on stealth.
The rest he's made are all movie games that tell stories, and I dont play videogames for that.
Not really a demo when it wasnt included with V
Fucking retard, wanting new MGS to play like the old MGS makes me a zoomer?
No they haven't. Clearly you haven't even played them and just want to defend your soon to be released walking simulator. The average cutscene in MGS3 is 5-6 minutes. If that is "too long" or "movie like" then you have the attention span of a retard.
>MGSV is his pinnacle
Hahahaha. The only MGS game V is better than is 4, and that's because 4 is so horrific. So it's not saying much. See above if you think Mgs1-3 are "movie like."
No, that user’s right and you’re a tremendous faggot
There's room for games with little focus on gameplay and nothing but focus on gameplay. You can have both you idiots, if you don't like one don't play it.
Makes sense. Kojima is an egotistia hack who dreams of being a bigshot in Hollywood.
run around like a retard and connect people to the internet before you get betrayed by the masked man
Kojima is just retreading his own career now he's not at konami anymore.
And Death Stranding is the spiritual successor of Penguin adventure, a game where you have to walk across the world, linking the line and saving the daughter of the commander in chief.
I bet she will die or live depending on the number of pauses, just like the MSX title.
Fucken kek, no matter how much you try to preemptively poison the water, the game is going to be a huge success and people are gonna love it. And then you'll double down by shitting up the catalog with more KOJIMBO IS A HACK threads than usual
success =/= good
I "played" deathstranding at PAX.. Its going to flop hard.
I "played" deathstranding at gamescom.. Its going to flop hard.
But it inevitably equals seething niggers shitting up the catalog
Nah, people will eat it up regardless of quality. I know way too many normies that won’t shut up about it. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s going to flop
Didju rike it?
You normally can't shoot, but if you get enough fish and fall on a small hole, you can buy a gun among other items.
Wouldn't succeed if people didn't like it. The only measure of "goodness" is how much you liked it, retard.
Everything else is arbitrary and made up on the spot.
Ground Zeroes was the peak of MGS and Kojima.
Oh no people want to do more than hold up on a joystick for 10 hours. Leave the thread if you're so assblasted.
It definitely makes you a retard since the PS1-PS2 era MGS2 have trash gameplay.
fuck i can't wait to pee
Yes it would. A lot of terrible media blows up to be huge, but is very shallow and boring. The world would be a shit place if we considered the opinion of the masses as to what is actually great. That's why consumers and critics opinions are always considered two different things. The customer rarely knows what they want.
MGS1, 2 and 3 have the worst gameplay in the stealth genre. The amount of cutscenes is obnoxious and it doesnt even tell a good story. The gameplay in general feels like an afterthought, with a control scheme that only a brain damaged monkey could come up with, fixed with MGSV, that is.
They are not videogames, they are movies that fail at everything they try. Of course you defend them because you unironically think its a le epic story, we've all seen how desperate you are for movie games when you unironically believed that hilarious demon edition bullshit.
Yes, 5 minute cutscenes, every 2 minutes of gameplay, and lets not forget that 40 minute long ending.
Is it normal that you feel completely confused and disgusted at the same time with the prologue of TPP?
Jesus, 1H prologue in which 40minutes were fucking cutscenes that didn't teach me anything about the gameplay
Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun with the missions, but this is ridiculous
>MGS 1 and 2
What? I played them on release, they had more gameplay than MGS 4, and also both MGS 1 and 2 redefined the stealth genre.
Why do you want that garbage gameplay that feels like something out of a bootleg game? The only reason that gameplay was tolerable is because it was interrupted by cutscenes all the time, I can't bear an actual game with a proper amount of cutscenes, aka as few as possible, with that clunky atrocious gameplay.
the other user is completely right though
More gameplay than MGS4, the "game" with the record of longest cutscene in videogame history, impressive.
Let's pretend you are right about 1-3. Wouldn't that make DS the same exact thing, or even worse? I don't understand you complaining that MGS are boring movies, but riding DS's dick.
Maybe you think MGS's story is not good because you can't even understand simple concepts in a conversation on an anonymous anime image board.
And you'll never argue why because MGS redditors dont know about gameplay. You think a discarded COD MP map is great and deep because it has 3 cameras in it.
Citation needed
I agree, it was more of interactive cutscene, just either make it a cutscene or proper gameplay.
I stopped playing TLOU after like 30 minutes, because of non existent gameplay and I have yet to play it.
It was intended to be a prologue portion of MGSV like the Tanker chapter was to MGS2, but they sold it separately in order to fund MGSV's development.
Because DS seems to be following the path of MGSV, of being actually focused on the gameplay.
And no, MGS story is terrible because of the simplistic, cardboard cut out characters, the awful dialogue and the fact that, to establish its themes it literally just repeats the theme over and over again, like how Peace Walker includes the words "nuclear diterrence" and "peace" in every single line of dialogue.
Little, shitty gameplay, obnoxious focus on a plot when videogames are not for storytelling, and they tell awful stories in the first place, lets not forget that Liquid's motivation in MGS1 is that he has absolutely no idea how genes work.
how can you judge the game already? the gameplay videos are just fragments, I still can't tell what you will be doing exactly. we know from interviews that it IS actually a game with basic rules, you can "die", it's just handled differently, or lose/drop stuff when attacked and you carry tools and weapons. as long as we don't know how challenges / conflicts are solved in this game we can't judge it.
They sold it separately because Konami saw an opportunity to make some extra money from desperate MGSfags.
>It was intended to be a prologue portion of MGSV
Source, nigger.
>actually focused on the gameplay.
LOL. Please post anything to prove that you do more than walk in this game. There hasn't been a single video or screenshot stating otherwise.
Can't wait to read your coping review "game play is great, critics just hate the main walking segments."
Even MGS with """bad""" gameplay had advertisements and demos with combat. DS has yet to prove there even is any combat at all.
Because men who aren't pampered pansies are rugged and not pretty
Not exactly, you can even see in MGSV when GZ was supposed to happen, right after rescuing Kaz, whe he says he remembers everything and suddenly we get a weird trailer-flashback, thats when GZ would happen.
Gee I wonder why, it couldnt be because the entirety of Yea Forumseddit has been complaining endlessly because they wanted story over gameplay on mgs v
search the archives retard, this has been discussed to death
The only MGS that had gameplay advertising was MGSV and PW. The rest didnt because the gameplay was atrocious and they would obviously feel embarassed to show that trash.
Considering Kojima is doubling down on the open world, how we've seen huge battles and such, I think DS will be an evolution of MGSV gameplay wise, and for the first time ever, im going to trust Kojima with that. MGSV also almost fooled me with the overly cinematic and story focuses trailers, but the game turned out to be quite pleasant in how I wasnt being interrupted every 5 minutes by cutscenes.
Shouldn't you be seething over Queers 5's metascore, Xcuck?
Yeah, you were interrupted by 1h development waiting times and 1-min helicopter rides instead.
Yes they did. I had demo discs for all three MGS games 1-3. Plus there were TV and magazine advertisements.
Way to expose yourself as a zoomer for sure though. No wonder you are so assblasted. You didn't even get to play vidja through the golden age of gaming.
They clearly showed him shooting a skeleton in Hades with a gun, but that doesn't matter because you will never be satisfied.
We're living in the golden age of gaming.
Gen 6 was the golden age. 7 was still decent, but the beginning of the end.
8th generation will be easily forgotten.
his facial hair is disgusting
Where? In that webm the player does not have any weapons.
2:24 for the Hades gunplay. About 1:50 for scanning and breaking stealth. I'm guessing the gameplay/objectives are really straightforward and not groundbreaking but the hook for the game is starting with basically no equipment (guns, delivery aids, no ability to scan whatsoever) and gradually upgrading every individual piece of equipment.
Exactly. Nothing will ever be good enough because you've already made up your minds. That's okay.
Well that's still not saying much. Either the gameplay is minimal or these advertisements are doing a horrible job at conveying the end product.
The development was unnecesary, you could complete the game with the starting gear, all you needed was the improved fulton for a mission where you need to extract a container.
None of them specifically about gameplay because Kojima himself knew the gameplay was atrocious, they are movie turds, after all, barely above David Cage's crap.
An insult to videogames that convinced hacks around the world to make more garbage movies.
The Order and Beyond Two Souls are the cancer that MGS unleashed on the world.
They did when MGSV turned out to not be a movie and then when DS turned out to not be an MGS.
>you could complete the game with the starting gear
Wait, can you really beat Sahelanthropus only using the rank 2 AM MRS-4?
Yes, you can even beat it without firing a single shot from your gun since you have a ton of vehicles in the area.
You mean just like what MGS2 and MGSV did?
Yeah, it's a shame Kojima has zero respect for it as an art form.
Piss and pick up some shrooms.
Videogames are not, and will never be art. Only stupid, blue haired millennials think that. Videogames are a service.
If the idea of delivering packages, crossing terrain, stealthing by BTs, and using firearms as a last resort is not appealing to you then this game is just not for you. They basically lay out the entire game in all of the footage we've been provided. Map consists of a scaled down United States with novel terrain. You have to start in D.C. and head west using the gameplay loop I've laid out with bosses sprinkled along the way.
>Videogames are not, and will never be art
Wrong. It
It doesn't surprise me, from the very beginning Kojima has always fashioned himself a Hollywood movie director.
Having movie stars in his movies goes back as early as Metal Gear 1, where the box art was just a traced-over Arnie.
Then Metal Gear 2 had traced movie stars as portraits for the characters.
Then of course, MGS1-2-3 tried their very best to be movie, though of course there was a problem: it wasn't the NES days anymore, you couldn't just take Sean Connery's face and put it in your game without. But at the same time, no one trusted him enough yet to have a big budget to hire Hollywood actors with. So he had to make do with half assed references to American film, like having a character named Snake and another named Plisquin.
MGS4, famously, was little more than a movie.
Then MGS5 is where it went all to shit.
Konami trusted Kojima too far, and he spent his entire development time and budget trying to make Silent Hills and MGSV like movies, gameplay be damned.
But the problem is, he tricked himself into thinking he was actually an auteur. People love his games because the dialogue is corny and the situations are silly. No one ever mistook Kojima for a good writer.
So while MGSV has some of the most realistic "cinematography" and faces in existence, the gameplay consists of samey missions you pick from a menu. It's no wonder that years into development and no end in sight, Konami said fuck this, booted Kojima out, slapped together a "finished game", and threw it out.
Silent Hills was cancelled, but it's good that it was. It would almost certainly have consisted of nothing but you walking around.
Death Stranding is the first game Kojima actually has full reins on, on which he can do anything he wants. And what has he done with it?
>made every single character a celebrity he likes
>written a nonsensical story that he probably thinks is deep
>conveniently forgot all about actually making it a game
Here is your (You). Move along please.
Also, firing people in Japan is ilegal, qnd you are delusional if you think oublishere care about the quality of what they put out.
Video games transcend art
i cant wait for fedex simulator
And heres one of those SJW millennials I was talking about.
No they dont, they are pass times, nothing more.
MGS2 had a playable demo and high action advertisements. The only difference is they put Snake in place of Raiden for all of the ads.
The game isn't even out yet, faggot.
>anyone with a fundamental need for beauty/truth
I'm talking about gameplay, not objectives. I don't mind doing the things you listed, but I expect to do more than walk around. I want to see how it does before I buy it, but my point is the advertisements are either horrible or the game itself is. I would prefer the adverts to be shit and the end game be good. But from what we've seen so far and only going by that, it is not looking hopeful.
>Slow as fuck pacing due their nature
>Most restricted medium
>Cannot convey the tone of the characters because they're bound by language
big kek from me
>art isn't fun
brainlet detected
So even though we've seen gunplay and active warzones, people still think its just walking around?
>only pew pew zoom zoom open cuckbox watch funny cutscene is "gameplay"
I can only imagine what would the 8th gen mouthbreather audience say if shadow of the colossus or ico came out for the first time in 2019. I can guarantee that youre not good at a single game in existence ,multiplayer or singleplayer and you most likely play the most autist friendly games on the market in the first place. You dont know enough to open your retarded mouth about anything
>hasn't been keeping up with the game
>hasn't seen the fucking release date trailer
>passes judgement on the game
why is Yea Forums so proudly retarded?
MGS redditors are just mad that their garbage franchise is dead and that DS isnt MGS6, thats all.
They are so desperate that they keep saying a new MGS is in development, or make shit up like the demon edition..
It feels so good smearing over their faces how dead this worthless franchise is.
>first ever strand game
have sex
There was 3 seconds of standard 3rd person shooting. This shows nothing of the combat or depth of gameplay outside of the context of the story. If people want a walking narrative simulator that is fine. But I expect at least the broken mechanics Kojima's former games are known for.
Do people just buy games now on the word of the dev's/publishers without wanting to see what you are buying before you purchase it. I've watched most of the public demos and demonstrations and have yet to see what the gameplay will actually be.
If it wasn't by Kojima/Productions people would likely be going apeshit at how this game is getting away with showing nothing but being overhyped. *cough* No Man's Sky.
do videogames not encapsulate the first 3 mediums?
Unironically can't wait. Fuck ADHD zoomers. Go back to forntine
I have. Not sure how you deduced that from my post, but way to show how " Yea Forums so proudly retarded."
Or DS has yet to show what it even is...
Not a single video, screenshot, or post in this thread has shown what DS actually is besides:
>third person
>might have basic third person shooting in some segments
>escort missions
Very innovative. Kojima is Goddo!
Well, it's gonna be out on two months. Just wait for the reviews and you'll know if you think it's interesting or not. You know. Like back in the days before we had YouTube.
Where is this even from? Is it official or is it just what someone figured the gameplay would be like?
That is my plan. It doesn't mean I can't go to an image board dedicated to talking about video games and talk about the video and the (lack) of information available in an industry where making the consumer aware of what the product will be is common practice.
But it shows there is shooting, you can't just discard it.
Also, if this game wasnt made by Kojima no one in Yea Forums would give a single fuck, this isnt about DS, Yea Forums has been shitting on DS since the day it was announced. Yea Forums is going to hate it no matter what because MGSV had no plot. Its the same shit thats happening here with Cyberpunk.
Yea Forums has never had legitimate opinions.
You admitted you hadn't seen the wemb posted despite it being from the release date trailer. You were. You literally surprised at seeing it such is the level of ignorance you have about it despite it being spammed non-stop after the trailer dropped. You also said it had no combat despite again the release date trailer showing combat on 3 occasions.
You've been BTFO. next time don't act proud about being a faggot.
Yeah, and the webm didn't show me anything I didn't already know. The only one I haven't seen was the clip where it shows the player shooting for 2-3 seconds, and then continues showing the walking away from enemies simulator.
Thats already far more than the original MGS "games" had, which Yea Forums will defend to death.
Why? Because people here just want more movies about le epic bandana man.
Its why you idiots got hyped for MGSV in the first place, you never talked about gameplay, just stupid shit about the plot like
>3 seconds of shooting shows "combat"
Remember when people were calling DS vaporware and how it would never come out? DS very existence makes MGS redditors mad because its not MGS6.
>Factually wrong and strawmanning.
This. It's just a minority of autists spamming the board all day hating anything popular and good.
Yes it does.
Unless you are telling me the game has upgradeable weapons for no reason at all.
What was there to MGS beyond walking to the nexts cutscene? Nothing. Hell, you werent supposed to use your guns, which I guess was an excuse to half ass the gunplay.
The only ones talking about MGS6 are DS dick riders. Every MGS I know has accepted the franchise has ended.
In fact no one even mentioned MGS until the DS pre-release fanboys used it as a defense against the horrible demos and (lack of) information on the game so far
>MGS but gimped as fuck
even V is more fun than peace walker
Kojima wishes he was a movie director, but he can’t. So he’s making a pretentious movie game with hollywood actors and no gameplay.
I wonder why he doesn't make a movie though? He is rich enough and has enough clout to get at least a mid-tier film studio to help produce it.
He would need one hell of a co-writer though, since he isn't the best writer. But I think he could do a decent job directing.
Based fucking retard, holy shit. Did we even play the same games or are you just parroting anyone that says MGS games are movies?
kojima is the perfect example of japanese inferiority complex and worship of america
is that your favorite word to say is cringe you are so fucking boring STFU
working clas: sum
left wing liberal: female president, Amelie
4 chan people: higgs, die-hardman
Amelie says, "We have to reconnect net."
Working clas sum rejected
Central America vanished completely with void out.
higgs is anonymous and can move freely in net space (chiral space). But I don't really have a place, and I can't come here.
Die-hardman was also a former Anonymous. Because he also wears a mask. But you broke up? higgs, die-hardman is rival.
That's another reason too, but Konami also wanted a quick return in their investment, since they were spending way too much in the development of the FOX Engine and MGSV was taking too much time to be made for all the early advertisement it was getting
Kojima basically compares Ground Zeroes to the first 10-15 minutes of a movie meant to hook you in.
It's pretty obvious just from the fact that the inner files for Ground Zeroes all have TPP (for "The Phantom Pain") written over them and even the early trailers and screenshots for MGSV use Ground Zeroes footage too when they were still undecided to sell Ground Zeroes by itself or not. The main mission of Ground Zeroes is too barebones to be just a main story by itself, which is why they threw in all those side-ops and extra-ops.
>Not exactly, you can even see in MGSV when GZ was supposed to happen, right after rescuing Kaz, whe he says he remembers everything and suddenly we get a weird trailer-flashback, thats when GZ would happen.
Is this speculation or is there any actual proof it was going to happen after the Miller rescue mission. It makes sense from a narrative perspective, especially since it would've happened after you created your avatar at the start of Awakening (so they would have use your avatar's face as the medic's in Ground Zeroes instead of the fixed face he has in the final game)
You keep complaining about how MGS has “atrocious” gameplay but you literally give no examples you fucking idiot. Please, tell me why MGS 1-3 has bad gameplay without using buzzwords. If you think they’re such failures in the stealth genre, why are they so praised and talked about years and years after the fact? You’ve got nothing other than a hate boner for gameplay you can’t even give reasons for hating. Kill yourself, kid
Aside from cutscenes that aren’t nearly as long or as often as you’re exaggerating, why is the gameplay atrocious? Give me reasons other than you pouting like a child
The cringiest shit I’ve read in a while. Congrats, user
Have sex and dilate
>flip-flopping this much
you've had a nightmare here. Lmao. As I've said before, let this be a lesson to you to not be proud of being an ignorant cunt next time.
No art would be so shallow as to exclude anyone who cant push buttons in a specific sequence. In fact, the more barriers to entry a medium has, the less capacity it has to become art. Therefore music is the most artful of the mediums, transcending all barriers except deafness, followed by spoken poetry. After that is literature, requiring the ability to read, followed by film and in a distant last is videogames due to their completely arbitrary barriers to entry of pushing buttons quickly.
>Muh Wolftestein
>Muh Thief
>Muh Splinter Cell
>Kojima is never going to make another Boktai game after leaving Konami since they own the rights
>Nothing but hiking and pissing simulators from now on
Your initially post admitted and illustrated your surprise at having not seen the most important trailer released about the game to date.
When you were ridiculed about this you retardedly lied and said you had seen it.
When evidence was presented from your OWN POST showing you admitted to not seeing it you then defaulted to a new lie
Flip-flopping. You're pathetic . Fuck off you fag.
I never flip flopped. I watched everything posted here so far and yet nothing new has been learned besides 3 seconds of maybe having a segment in the walking simulator where you get to shoot.
The E3 trailer with Lea Seydoux captivated me and I could not care less about Kojima at the time.
I'd rather play call of duty.
>Admits to having not seen the melee combat
>Admits to having not seen the shooting combat against enemies
>Admits to having not seen the shooting combat against bosses/BTs
>All shown during the biggest and most viewed trailer released yet
>so clearly hasn't seen the trailer
Hey guys let me tell you all about a game I haven't played
Don't waste any more time with them. They say there's no gameplay, you show them gameplay. They give an arbitrary reason why that gameplay doesn't count.
Post it. Because no one has posted anything you've listed.
>samefagging this hard
It's all of the gameplay released so far mashed together.
>what? more than one person in a DS thread likes DS? that's impossible
I did, I watched it all. It was all walking/walking slightly faster from enemies and 3 seconds of shooting.
I'm looking for gameplay of the combat, if there is any combat in this game. If it is a walking sim that is fine, but everything in the video has almost little to no combat besides walking away from enemy attacks.
Are you intentionally being a faggot now? pic related. now fuck off you spastic
>more than one person in a DS thread crying about MGS that's... very likely
It's sad that MGSV was wasted on its fanbase.
>he wasn't at PAX
>I did, I watched it all. It was all walking/walking slightly faster from enemies
You didn't watch it all because if you did you would have have seen hand to hand melee and package melee.
>3 seconds of shooting.
>That's all the shooting the game has
>only 3 seconds
>because that all the trailer showed
>because trailers show all the gameplay in a game and not just snippets to give people an idea
does your caregiver know you have access to a computer?
cope and seeth
It wasn't playable at PAX. They just showed the Briefing Trailer again.
But you've already seen the combat. You are saying that because only little of it was shown that there is none.
And the OP obviously wasn't either.
Yes over how poorly it was received because it didn't follow some deviant art fan fiction
Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. If you know of more, please share with the class.
yes it was
Which means you've already made your opinion of it. Let me guess, you were also calling it vaporware a few months back and said it would never come out.
MGS redditors dont care about facts, they are a bunch of hormonal teenagers on their period who spouts stuff based on how they feel at the moment, and for the past 4 years its been extreme anger due to MGSV not being a 15 hour long cutscene depicting Big Boss mutilating children.
Well, tell us about it, then.
No I haven't, lol. You are the one claiming it has all of this stuff yet has nothing to prove it even exists besides GOD KOJIMA TOLD US SO.
I know MGS redditors when I see them and you've always been a bunch of pretentious posers.
You are not fooling anyone when you say you care about gameplay, you never have.
See, now you go back to MGS. We're talking about DS here. Stay on topic user.
Feel free to look up any E3 release and demos for MGS1,2, and 3. All show the combat, story, and what to expect when you purcahse the full game. 2 months from DS coming out and yet nothing is known.
Kojima already spoiled
At least 1 boss fight with the Oil Lion.
At least 1 human-camp to invade
At least melee combat
At least 1 monster fight with the Oil Slug.
Pew pew fight in hades
Just chill anons.
Thing is the opinion you have of DS is not because of DS, its entirely because of MGSV not being a movie, thats what made you asshurt at Kojima, which is why you've been shitting on DS since it was announced.
You dont care about facts, you were all saying that DS was vaporware, the moment they announced a release date, you didnt give a shit and went on to shit on it for other reasons. Deep inside, that reason is both MGSV not being a movie and DS not being MGS6.
You are mad and desperate because MGS is dead. Thats why, while you were shitting on DS, you were also hyped for le epic MGSV Demon Edition.
Their presence here is confirmes easily, just shit on MGS1, 2 and 3 and the drones will come to defend those movies.
MGSfags are pathetic.
LOL Saving this projection for later. SEETHING.
It was all trailers focused on the plot, since thats obviously the only thing that matters in MGS. Otherwise MGS2 would have done something more than being MGS1 with better graphics, or MGS3 would have been something more than MGS2 with constant menu crawling.
What projection? I've always hated MGS, I liked MGSV because it was a videogame and had little focus on the plot, except the obnoxious first level.
MGS, up until MGSV, has been an insult to videogames.
> I liked MGSV
>thinks he has something worthwhile to say about games
ahahahaha get the fuck out of here retarded zoomer. the worst part is that everyone who spends any significant time in here recognizes your cancerous autism from thread to thread
Lol clearly you've never watched the trailers nor played any of the MGS demos. Before MGS2 was released you knew what the combat was like and even got to play a 30 minute demo.
DS is just this cloak and dagger "we're not saying too much" approached which seems like retarded marketing... well maybe it not seeing as you are the target player base.
Yes, MGSV is a videogame, and not a movie, thats why I like it. Meanwhile you complain that DS is supposedly a movie while defending other movies, because you are just mad that a game developer dared to make a videogame. MGS belongs in its grave, but at least it had a redemptive death.
It would take an entire college thesis to fully list why MGS is such a bad game, but here is one aspect: the camera system. Other stealth games let you control the camera so that you can look around. This is obviously vital to know where enemies are so you can evade them, or to sneak up on them to take them down, or whatever.
Another aspect is sound design. In other stealth games, enemies are given very distinct sounds to inform the player. You can hear their footsteps from far away. If they're not alerted, they might whistle a tune. If they are suspicious, you can hear them asking themselves what was that sound they just heard, or something like that. If they are alerted, they will cry out and call for their allies for assistance. Very basic stuff.
So how does MGS tackle these design challenges? Atrociously. The camera is fixed and so zoomed in on Snake that you can barely see a few feet in front of you. Sound design is shockingly bad and almost non-existent. Instead of addressing these issues, MGS gives you a radar that shows you the lay-out of the environment, the location of enemies and even their vision cones.
So instead of having to use your senses, to look and listen at what's going around you, you just spend the entire game with your eyes fixed on the small radar in the topright corner of your screen. Needless to say, this is not good design.
>Yes, MGSV is a videogame,
not an achievement, play better games zoomer
>Meanwhile you complain that DS is
where? are you fucking retarded? im just laughing at some autist who actually thinks liking TPP gives the dogshit you spew more credibility and not the exact opposite
>MGS belongs in its grave
I couldnt give a lesser fuck about any metal gear game because im not a mouthbreathing child who pretends to be hardcore while playing epic console shit. inb4 youll namedrop thief like always even though everyone knows you dont even play anything remotely similar and merely use them as a shield to defend your favorite zoomer autism game, TPP
Yes, I am the target, probably because MGSV was the best selling MGS of all.
t. has never played a MGS game and falls for the Yea Forums memes
>MGS is just a movie and is bad
>DS is going to be a based movie walking simulator!
You can already tell what DS's combat is like from what's been shown. It's the same shit as MGSV, typical third person shooting with a one button melee combo.
But Yea Forums memes tell me that MGS is totally not garbage movie games and that DS is also bad. Why would I listen to Yea Forums?
Hell, during the MGSV hype you idiots only talked about the fucking plot, even though MGS has writing on par with Assassins Creed.
Show it then. That video you've spammed several times doesn't show the gameplay in regards to combat.
>everyone in thread brings up MGS at the slightest criticism of DS
>endless crying about "muh MGS movie"
The only ones even talking about MGS are people who hate it but love DS for the same reasons they hate MGS.
Seems you're the only "flip flopper" here, to use your own terminology.
You do care about MGS. The thing about people who have always disliked Kojima is that they ignore him, only Yea Forums's MGS redditors are autistic enough to get this mad. By far, the most cancerous fanbase to have ever stepped in Yea Forums, and lets not even mention the subreddit-tier circlejerk that your /mgg/ general was in /vg/, I even saw fat neckbeards post pics of themselves saying they were growing a mullet like Snake's, just embarassing.
I haven't posted any video. I've just seen the release date trailer which clearly shows combat.
You like pretending you are not MGS fags, but mention the atrocities that MGS "games" have always been and apologists come out of everywhere. Its pathetic.
Show it. I've watched it and I've seen more walking and subtle hints at the story. I would rather see ANY gameplay/combat, rather than more story spoilers.
You brought it up. Read the posts in the thread. Any time there is a DS thread and people don't circle jerk to it, the DS fanboys immediately start crying about MGS.
(You) brought it up.
MGSV is the game of the decade though..
>n-no you like mgs i win haha
how fucking retarded are you? ive played through the series, I care about death stranding more than any metal gear game. Your pathetic """arguments""" are a joke and its genuinely hilarious how you think only metal gear kids laugh at you. Those are the only people who would even consider not laughing at you for being a TPP mouthbreather. Its the reddit of "stealth" games
Of course, because you hate videogames, you are angry at Kojima because MGSV wasnt a shitty movie like the garbage he released up until then.
If you've seen that trailer you've seen the combat. But if you want to keep pretending to be retarded please continue.
I never said that, every claim you've made is based on thoughts that originate in your mind. You brought up MGSV and now you're defending MGSV. Yet you claim it is MGS fanboys. You must admit, you appear as a colossal retard right now.
So this the new face of the reminder box?
See? Its an MGS redditor.
Your franchise is dead along with the stealth genre as a whole, so please, die out.
>kojimas two best games are both teaser demos for other games
silent hills would never have been as good as PT
You're coping again user. You are just a contrarian.
MGS fanboys hate MGSV because it wasnt a movie about le epic bandana man. Terrible character design, by the way, a fucking eyepatch and a bandana? Give me a break.
Again, your opinion. No one here has mentioned that and everything you've said are points you brought up yourself only to defend them a post later. No one besides you cares about MGSV here, since this is a DS thread.
>You are coping
Can someone here translate from twitter to english?
Also no, not a contrarian, I just do not like movies.
>At least 1 human-camp to invade
Which one is that?
>Kojima is never going to make another Boktai game after leaving Konami since they own the rights
Like Zone of the Enders, he was barely involved with Boktai to begin with. He only came up with the basic idea of making game on a solar-sensing cartridge for the GBA. Most of the development was handled by the Ghost Babel team.
No everyone does, Yea Forums hated DS since it was announced because of MGSV not being a movie.
Remember when you were saying it was vaporware? You dont care about facts, you are just a bunch of angry kids who have spent 4 years whining.
Pffffff hahahahah.
>i dont care about metal gear solid
as if anyone needed confirmation about your mental retardation. its even more pathetic if youre implying that you havent played through the metal gear series while frothing at the mouth over your epic "criticisms" of them. daily reminder that this autist in every thread crying about muh metal gear while defending TPP is LITERALLY link related. this isnt even a joke, the exact same retarded autist obsessively hounded REmake 2 on this board. He pretends to be some hardcore arbiter of quality but he unironically likes MGSV which is a laughable excuse of a game so he goes around in death stranding threads trying to imply that the rest of the series is shit but "tpp was a game" so its good. Sometimes he even namedrops more respected series like thief or splinter cell to make his retardation seem more legitimate when in reality he just plays TPP all day long because he is unironically retarded and autistic. Just take a fucking look at who youre "arguing" with in these threads
you may think this is some joke because you couldnt possibly be in the same thread with this "youtuber" right now but the sad part is that its 100% true. The autist was caught during the ""DEmake""" spam and even the mods confirmed its literally one person spamming shit on this board every day. If you sit on this board every day like I do, its laughably easy to identify his autistic posts since he tends to repeat his retarded autism over and over in any remotely relevant thread to what he is currently obsessed over
I don't even hate it. If you've actually read any of my posts all of my opinions are based on what is available through videos and screenshots. And compared to other games we know jack shit about DS. So it is retarded to insult or defend DS since almost nothing is known about it. But going by what we do know, the gameplay is lacking. Could it be there in the final game? Of course. But with known information the public has no reason to believe that will be the case so far.
Yeah, who wants gameplay in his videogames, right, MGSdittor?
explain in detail what does that mentally retarded reply have to do with my posts. remember to also directly reference the parts of the posts youre ""addressing""
I can't wait to build up settlements by delivering their dragon dildos while Amazon tries to murder and rob me.
>these advertisements are doing a horrible job at conveying the end product.
Right. They're holding everything back until the last minute. This is clear in the way they have shown combat, weapons and bosses but only in tiny little glimpses. Conan hasn't even been allowed to air the segment he filmed when he visited Kojima Productions yet. You really choose to believe they're being vague in order to try and trick people into pre-ordering the game and then being disappointed?
Its the main difference between MGSV and the other MGS games which you defend despite being horrible, obnoxious movies.
Yea Forums is eternally BTFO after the release date was announced and it was way sooner than anyone expected. Yea Forums was having "Kojima never finishes games" threads going from 2016-2019.
Hideo Kojima just keeps shitting on Yea Forums and Yea Forums is getting angrier and angrier.
try again
No one is asking for "everything." More of "what will it be." Not a single gameplay or trailer has shown what anything will be like besides it is third person and you walk through pretty environments. Look up basically any other game worth a damn and you will find actual gameplay, a demo, something to show how the game will actually play. I don't want story trailers.
Then go ahead and say it, MGS1, 2 and 3 are horrible movies that no one in their sane mind would watch.
And then you'll move on to shit on something else, just like you moved to focus on shitting on it for gameplay after 3 years of calling it vaporware.
>defends DS for only showing story based material through current trailers
>also defends MGSV for not focusing on story and praising it's gameplay
contrarian for sure
sure, right after you make a detailed analysis of each individual game that makes me say yes to all points
You never noticed how you spend more time watching cutscenes than playing, and how what little gameplay there is is atrocious, at the level of an indie game?
Yeah, a detailed analysis like the ones who made you stop shitting on MGS2 to saying its a "post modern masterpiece".
Thats a statement, if even that, not remotely comparable to an analysis or argument of any kind. I told you I dont care about metal gear, if you want me to say its bad then try actually formulating an argument over why anyone should consider it so (something that you cant do since your ""brains"" are on the level of an autistic toddlers)
I played MGS2 for the first time in 2014, no idea what type of retarded """""argument"""""" was that supposed to be since not only are you wrong, youre saying something completely retardedly unrelated to anything ive said in this thread
MGS 2: 60% gameplay 40% cutscene.
MGS 3: 65% gameplay 35% cutscene
Seems fairly standard even 15 years later. Maybe it just felt long because you're too stupid to understand the simplest of Hollywood tropes.