The people who know and are actually excited for this character are way too old to still be playing smash...

The people who know and are actually excited for this character are way too old to still be playing smash. Find a job or start a family you fucking boomers

Attached: notKen.jpg (1280x720, 404K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine being proud of your ignorance.


I'm glad so many of you smash idiots are upset. I hope the last character is goomba, just because i hate you damn smash nerds.

Shut up edobean

>wanting Jacked Pokemon Trainer

I'm 21

Attached: Hat Ken.jpg (500x940, 141K)

I'm the OP and I would unironically like Goomba as a fighter over this literal who. Goomba has actual potential as a unique character

I fully support alolan ken and fighting type pokemon trainer.
Snk was a shit arcade games in the 90's and it still is today.

>start a family


Literally any character Mashed Potatoes Samurai could put into Smash would cause outrage, even characters that are perceived as "the one literally everyone wants with no exceptions".

>Start a family
>12 years later my zoomer retard son makes a post as shitty as OP's
I'll pass.

>Terry Bogard a literally who

Attached: funny_picdump_3013_640_15.jpg (656x600, 33K)

Im at work now you asshat

>start a family
force me to

>kek NERDS lol
>he says as he posts on 4channel

>faggots falling for the SNK meme
>when nintendo has done this shit before and absolutely fucking nothing has come from it
This is the next grinch leak, have fun getting fucked guys.

Don’t you people ever get sick of acting like this? Like literal children?

Attached: 27333A80-1654-4781-8A51-77B26D54EC67.jpg (400x349, 58K)

>start a family

Reminder that anyone posting hat ken at this point is either baiting or unable to comprehend logic and thus not worth responding to either way. That goes for the ones who respond to this post, so don’t dilute your excitement for a good character by getting angry at them.

This "terry is ken" meme makes me chuckle every time because a french fgc commentator has the nickname "ken bogard"

If you are such a "sucess" why are you posting on Yea Forums ? smartass.....

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I’d be upset too if my mom wouldn’t give me an early allowance so I could buy Terry for smash. Maybe in a few years you’ll be old enough to get a job so you can get all the neat dlc for smash :)

His shiny hunting are really comfy

Attached: 1555416016374.jpg (262x206, 12K)

>K. Rool
>Banjo & Kazooie
Smash Ultimate is the Boomer's game.
Know your place, zoomers. You shouldn't be playing video games in the first place, you should be studying and going on dates with your future wives. Besides, you guys got Inkling, Incineroar, and Isabelle. Be thankful for what you have, son.

If you claim to like games but dont know who SNK are then you're a fraud. They were the face of the early 2000's arcade industry and had their own console hardware and a (fucking awesome) portable for fucks sake. I refuse to believe anyone could have a vested interest in video games and not be familiar with SNK and their properties.

Attached: 1567397620156m.jpg (1024x768, 154K)

Zoomers are lucky that they got bones thrown at them in the first place. They should be grateful that they got Isabelle, Incineroar and Joker. Sakurai could just as easily have decided to be merciless against them.

Attached: Hugho telling the truth.png (678x1268, 1.06M)


They would eat that up too

>the face of the early 2000's arcade industry
Thats like being the face of the current VHS industry.

Based and Hughpilled


These faggots unironically prefer a generic mook enemy because
It's all so tiresome

Last time I played a game with Terry in it was on the ngage gaming phone. It was good

I don't play smash I just like fucking with smash fans cause you faggots are a bunch of cancerous retards

people who play smash are either too young or too fat to be on this board

Attached: aliens-sigourney-weaver-.jpg (2048x1536, 413K)

>Dude smash
>Unique characters

Attached: 1566261769257.png (461x394, 64K)

Boomers hated Erdrick when he was first leaked.
Hero is neither Boomer nor Zoomer.

I have some great news for you smash fans

Attached: 1567611893427.jpg (1075x886, 161K)

They're trolling you, you fucking retard. It's easy as fuck because saying some dumb shit in the context of smash instantly makes a bunch of people platinum mad and then the thread devolves into smell jokes.

How much is too fat?asking for a friend

>Wanted Terry Bogard for ages since CvS2 is my all time favorite fightan game
>Wanted Richter as the castlevania rep but figured it would just go to Simon because he's the face of the franchise
>Ended up getting both in the same game while Yea Forumsirgins whine over "hat ken" because it's not Doomguy or Reimu or whatever pipe dream they latched onto ever since Banjo got in

Get fucked, rosterfags

Attached: 75940727_p19.jpg (700x600, 60K)

>Smash Ultimate is the manchildrens' game



>there are people that will believe this.

hoes mad (you can thank me over not associating such a cancer term to any of your favorite fighters)

I swear to god you people never go outside and just make up shit that you think might be true. 80% of people I've ever seen who are super into smash are black or hispanic dudes who watch shitloads of dragon ball z and smoke weed. The only manchild I know plays UNIST.

Imagine being dumb enough to get the pre-pass for all of these garbage picks

I'll just take Banjo and to hell with all the others

I must be behind on leaks.
What evidence is there of Terry being the next pick?

>Find a Job or start a family

How about you stop playing video games and go to school, twerp?

>start a family

Why, so they become faggots like you?

Why would they get tired of acting their age?

imagine being older than 18 and being so dramatic about characters in a cartoon party game for children

>a character embodying the granddaddy of JRPGs ISN'T a boomer pick

You're retarded.

I would gladly take goomba over this fucking nobody

looks like a nerve has been struck :)

All of those are cool tho except Hero and Terry

all fgc players are paraplegic illiterate obese trannies

>ITT, childless boomers unironically gloating about being manchildren

>find out about terry because of a friend
>i bet Yea Forums is so excited about this haha
>its all shitposting calling him hat ken and everyone hates him

Attached: 1565893266578.jpg (583x583, 37K)

Why the fuck would we be excited about this guy

My same feels, I guess Yea Forums can turn on any character if they suddenly become popular

its terry fucking bogard you retard
the ARE YOU OK guy

>start a family
shut the fuck up boomer

Same ,I love Terry,and I thought that people in general like him as well,I think it's just smash players,cause they play only smash and no real fighting games

Yeah... the guy I just heard existed two days ago. Yippie! God forbid we got the characters we voted for like Geno or Shadow

>the guy I just heard existed two days ago

Attached: 114234666674.jpg (2280x1368, 330K)

I want Terry Bogard in every game.

Imagine wanting a character from your favourite series in smash. I hope you snkfags are gonna enjoy talking about the new kof game

I want your decapitated head on a stick, bitch.

How do you not know who is one of the most popular characters in every KoF game? If you're too young to know about games that came out 2-4 years ago, you need to kill yourself. You're too zoomer to exist and it's a danger to the environment and especially the gene pool... with your white rap and your face tattoos.

Attached: King-of-Fighter-IV-Terry-Bogard-the-king-of-fighters-39424377-500-281.jpg (500x281, 43K)

Sorry we're not excited for Fighting Type Pokemon Trainer.

Never heard of KoF

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Based. Smashbabs coping so hard over this abysmal new character that quite literally no one wanted.

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I love the Big Lebowski if that makes you feel better

I know what snk and kof is but enough with this falseflagging.

>literally who
>I want more unique characters
>Literally nobody
>Never heard of him
>Hat Ken

Attached: 1566268944830.jpg (647x831, 110K)

I wish it had been Geese so I could Deadly Rave Daisy's smelly vagina.
But Terry is still good. Inb4 all the Terry/Samus art triggering people who hate seeing attractive white people have straight sex.

Based and good taste.

Attached: Terryheaven.gif (50x60, 3K)

>make a mashup game literally full of historical video game characters, items, trophies, etc
>put in the mascot of what is one of the top competitors from the time of video gamings golden age
>zoomers throw a fit because they've never heard of it.
This is too funny.


Attached: autismsai.png (1468x1552, 112K)

I have a job and I'm not falling for your jewish tricks.

Welcome to try, faggot.

>Straight white male

remind him that donkey kong is in the game

Even a goomba would be better than Ken with a hat.

Ryu and Ken already have the "fighting game character who works like in their own game" niche covered. Terry would be redundant even if his mechanics are technically different.
If it absolutely must be SNK, I'm leaning more towards it being Metal Slug, we haven't gotten any real run-and-gun representation in Smash

t. faggot who doesn't play the only genre that's 100% skill and no RNG
enjoy smash bros lol, those items and powerups sure are wacky! XD


>who the fuck is Terry Bogard? why are we getting him in Smash? So irrelevant.
>They should add a side character from a one-off RPG from 23 years ago that hasn't shown up in a game since!

smashfags don't know what they want (since they don't actually play videogames unless they're tied to smash) and just piggyback off of the same shit. They wouldn't even know who geno was either if it weren't for those newgrounds flashes and smashboards threads shilling him.

Attached: IMG_20190903_155827.jpg (501x561, 68K)

But I am 25.
Honestly the only thing I care is snk getting better exposure to anyone that hadnt the chance to play it in their childhood or during arcade era. I couldnt care less about who is in.

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If your favorite 3rd party Japanese made character doesn't have an anime then they aren't important enough.

Attached: animeswordbrothers.png (748x2508, 1.97M)

I have a job and I like to relax afrer that job and play Smash. Also, I'm not wifing a fucking fat, post-wall bitch who spent the majority of her 20s riding the carousel. Those are my only choices now.

I'll take SNK over fucking Tracer. Overwatch switch is being revealed today so if she's in it would be announced today.
Luckily I feel confident we won't get any smash announcements this direct so when Tracer isn't announced alongside overwatch port my mind can finally be at ease.


When was this done before? Genuinely curious.

I feel the same way. The DLC has been pretty rad so far

You must be 18 or older to post on Yea Forums

I’m 21 dumbass

>jacked Pokemon trainer
Oh my fuck.

Attached: 1565316790467.gif (1260x1179, 464K)

it's exactly the same for me + I'm a DQfag, so I enjoy their tears for MONTHS now

Attached: 1546364472689.gif (300x149, 1.24M)

>"Who the fuck is Terry Bogard, sounds like some obscure asshole from some boomer game nobody's heard of."
>"Now GENO, that's what I think when I hear the word iconic. That's a character everyone wants, that's a character who really deserves the slot."
Also Sakurai said no echo fighters so you can just cry about Shadow never getting in now.

Attached: gfdgfdvvdfgr23234.png (494x416, 230K)

Cool effect I’ll give you that

>That one poster who just shouted "BUSTAH WOLF" in response to the thread
Good to see hope still exists in the world.

Attached: 1478980164669.png (377x393, 135K)

Who the FUCK is Geno?

Attached: 1546203986787.jpg (638x640, 258K)

A one off character from Super Mario RPG. Zoomers never actually PLAYED that game but a mix of social media, forum posts and flash videos makes them think Geno is the best, most underutilized character of all time.

Dude I beat Super Mario RPG like five times as a ten year old. It’s my favorite game of all time.

>he wants muscular human hat Pikachu

Attached: Borgs Beeny.jpg (387x461, 24K)

>80% of people I've ever seen who are super into smash are black or hispanic dudes who watch shitloads of dragon ball z and smoke weed.
so, in other words, manchildren.

Smash bros you need to get in here NOW.

Attached: hero1.png (640x640, 636K)

They are children though...

I'm getting home from work right now. Pretty excited to see Terry in a few hours. Its gonna be fun

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Are you stupid? You clearly are. If he added in a character the vast majority of smash players actually ASKED FOR, than no one would be mad.

IKR. I cannot get over these types of shitty characters choices. Just like Joker, Rob, Palutena, Dark Pit, Inceneroar. I mean fucking hell, this roster/dlc is fucking garbage because we keep getting shit NO ONE WANTS(besides B&K)

lol pull your head out of your ass.

A character made 23 that people actually want! Unlike ken 2.

>Also Sakurai said no echo fighters
Funny that. You do know Joker is a glorified clone right? All his moves/animations are borrowed form other fighters, same thing with Joker.

Smash literally thrives off of outrage culture.

Glad you agree with me brother

Ahh. I can see you like to eat bran alone, without milk. AND you must like Adam Sandler since you like boring, uninteresting garbage.

Are people with jobs and families not allowed to play Smash now?

This roster could literally be the PERFECT roster if we got just what people wanted(you know, from that fucking ballot Nintendo held for NO REASON,) instead of stupid garbage no one wants but Sakurai.

I still don't understand why smashfags are so afraid of Terry.

Attached: hJ8PNpF.jpg (700x934, 111K)

I will rip your fucking thraquea, nigger

They are not afraid. It's another shitty character that looks and WILL plays WAY TOO similar to shit we already have, AND it's a character NO ONE WANTED being added in over ACTUAL popular and HIGHLY requested characters. Smash fags are getting TIRED of being ignored. People are getting tired of fan requests being flushed down the toilet.

I want Shadow, Waluigi and Ashley

Yes I agree. Preach it. I don’t know why we even had a ballot if Banjo, K Rool and Bayo(?) were all we were gonna get out of it.

Just let them be Zanon, if anything all these boomer picks only increase the chance the last one will be a full-on Zoomer fighter.

I hate you stinky motherfuckers so much

Attached: 1567057941074.jpg (1024x910, 99K)

Ashely is pants on head retarded but I’ll give you a pass for Shadow and Waluigi.

He IS a literal who nerd

Character slots should be reserved for popular iconic characters that people actually care about (Crash, Spyro, Chief, Doomguy, hell even Tracer and Steve) not some literal who buff Pokémon trainer from a fighting game no one plays.

So Sonic with a teleport and generic projectiles.
So tall Luigi.
So Toon Zelda.

>Rosterfags still out here begging for Black Sonic instead of my nigga the E.G.G.M.A.N. OG
No, please continue telling us how people shouldn't be excited for Terry since he will play too similar to characters already in the game. Keep telling us how more unique characters like Metal Slug should be in instead.

Attached: ANNOUNCEMENT.png (500x500, 335K)

>banjo gets in
>people shit on him
>terry gets in
>people love him

Bayo was not on any ballot. The she won the ballot thing was fucking BS, and anyone with half a brain can see this. If you think Bayo is more popular than RAYMAN or CRASH you are a delusional moron that needs help(not directing this towards you, just people who think bayo won the ballot.)


i WISH rosterfags were ignored. sakurai has catered to you faggots constantly and it's never enough.

ya seethe?

Attached: abcdvahsj38y.png (500x309, 171K)

if only they thrived on soap and water


That why I put a ? after Bayo. I don’t think she actually won it either. I mean she’s popular I guess but there’s NO way more people voted for her than Banjo or K rool

Uuuuugh, such FUCKING BS!!!! These are the WORST NEWCOMERS out of ANY FIGHTING GAME, EVER!

Bump. So fucking MAD.

Reddit's that way, friend

Attached: The-Terry-Bogard-Workout.png (869x919, 663K)

This but unironically
I hope they fire Sakurai

Preach, brotha! We're all by your side here. We've been cheated by that HEEL Sakurai. HE NEEDS TO BE FIRED ALREADY SO THE CHARACTERS WE ACTUALLY WANT CAN GET IN!

Tch, by all means, keep jacking off to HAT KEN, fucking fanboy!

That's a nice hat you got there, Ken

Hat Ken will be the death of all us true Smash fans.



And here is Terry Bogard as a woman in that game SNK Heroines that just came out recently on the Switch.

Now you faggot incels will never forget him.

Attached: SNK-Heroines-Tag-Team-Frenzy_2018_08-02-18_004.png (1024x576, 887K)


I'd rather have Rock Howard than Hat Ken

im 18, not a boomer at all. i just liked CvS2 and its characters

that's a really shit opinion, user

I can't wait until the characters are all revealed so this severe cancerous autism can finally end. Never in my life have I seen intellectual bankruptcy at this level. You people take small random tweets or blurry parts of pictures and you make huge baseless assumptions about a video game then form massive online communities based entirely on these small assumptions. It's not even autism, it's like you're all some brainwashed cult.

Cope hat ken nigger

So how can you know that a character you never played and don't even know about will play like other characters?

Rock howard is just jacket ken.

If you're old enough to post on Yea Forums you're already too old to be playing smash.


Attached: DpTRZAsVsAAVSWV.png (769x577, 845K)

what the fuck are you even talking about? I think Terry would be a fucking retarded choice for a dlc character, because he has absolutely nothing to do with nintendo
these months of shitposting have rotted your brain, you can't even form coherent thoughts anymore

Yeah, until Fighter pass 2 is revealed or the next smash game starts.
enjoy the reprive

i'm 19 and knew about snk 2 years ago so this does not apply. neck yourself nigger

I'm honestly perplexed. Never in my life I thought Terry incorporation to Smash would receive negative feedback at all. Especially stupid shit like hat Ken.

is not terry user, is shitposter and falseflaggers, any character would get a negative feedback, specially here. This is an echo chamber.

I understand that. It's just that my standards of what is sacred in the eyes of trolls is a little too positive it seems. Like, it's Terry fucking Bogard man. Who the fuck shitposts against Terry.

>Terry Bogard
>First appeared in Fatal Fury

Mario, Bowser, Link, Donkey Kong, Samus have all been around longer.

Terry has been around as long as Sonic the Hedgehog has. He's an SNK icon, just deal with it that another gaming icon might be added to an already amazing roster of fighters.

is not the assumptions that are cancer.
Smash is in a weird spot because it's a mix of various communities from different games.
The "cancer" part about smash are the roster fags. They either throw shit at other characters, be a false fan or don't even play the game and just want to world to burn.

Smash is cancer because it attracts every community, that includes it's cancer too.

A timeline of events helps explain how it happened. Let me run it down:
>SNK leak happens (still unconfirmed but decently likely since it was on their website)
>SNK fans and secondaries get excited and start running down the list of who could be the rep on most social sites with Smash presence, most people assume Terry as a mascot rep
>FGC shitposting circles (mainly SNK/T7/DBZF guys who like to dunk on Smash because of Melee reputation) start pulling reactions from Ultimate players who don't know what SNK are to shit on them
>Small time Ultimate twitter posters start raging out at these posts in response, people calling SNK niche and forgotten and Terry a Ken clone
>twitter screenshot threads pull those and post them on here, get a lot of (you)s
>People realize calling Terry "Hat Ken" is an easy road to get (you)s and spark long thread convos, so it becomes the new phraser to trigger Ultimate shitposting after Steve renders got BTFO and Tracer rumors got mostly quashed

Children's party games are serious business.

Wow, you support boring characters.

Literally my mom's Ken

Hero was for the japs

Banjo was for the west

Joker was for both

Terry is for Latins

What will the last slot be appealing to?

I'm looking forward to dabbing on seething zoomers all day once Terry Bogard is playable.

Attached: 1510589826433.gif (217x238, 245K)

Smash bros you need to get in here NOW'

Attached: hero2.png (640x640, 636K)

>smashfags in general
>smashfags playing other fighting games
it really shouldn't have been a surprise.

Ok, I've seen this post all the time, what the fuck is this discord server, is it some kind of bait? Is this a real server or is clicking that link going to send people some kinda gore shit or a gay op server

Only character I've been "eh" about is Joker as I still don't think he truly belongs but everybody else has been great. Terry would just be more icing on the cake.

everyone, so goku

Jak and Daxter so the sonybros dont feel too bad about Astral Chain.

kys Guile

>jacked RED
now i REALLY want Terry

>Dragon Ball Z isn't cool
cope moeshitter

Attached: DragonQuestVIIIRender.png (1810x1810, 1.71M)

this is why Hugh didn't have a daughter either a Japanese restaurant just to order a nice bean rice.

What are the odds we get a Fighters Pass #2?

i updated the original infographic and added BOSATU's newest claim and the SNK leak/Terry speculation

here's a TL;DR:
-BOSATU disconfirmed Nakoruru (R.I.P.)
-his descriptions are looking to be Mai now
-the Tag-Team theory could point to both of them being added or one of the rumored KoF characters being their striker tag (if anyone played KOF 2000)
-if not, one of the insiders are going to be wrong

so who do you think is going to be in?

Attached: BOSATU, SNK leak, and Terry rumors timeline.png (3160x3421, 3.15M)

Quite likely. I don't think Sakurai wants to make another Smash game. This is it, and he's going to make it the definitive one to play. No future smash title will compare.

>Card Clash 2
>English edition
>On actual hardware

How to get this?

Attached: zim.gif (500x330, 513K)

He's right you know. Nobody fuckig knows who terry is in smash community. Has he ever made ANY top ten poll for smash? Don't think so.

Take a shower,
have sex
and stop shitposting about a shitty party game.

>since CvS2 is my all time favorite fightan game
You're alright with me user

Ah yes, how will SNK ever survive the rage of the Smashfags! Remember when all of them ganged up on Dragon Quest?

Attached: dq.jpg (1366x768, 125K)


Look up Garou and start hoping they include his outfit from that instead if red is such a generic color to you

Banjo Kazooie is literally the worst selling one there.

>The people who know and are actually excited for this character are way too old to still be playing smash. Find a job or start a family you fucking boomers
what kind of insult is this? try harder jesus christ


Attached: 1563345716784.webm (1920x1080, 646K)

What if I already did both of those?


that geese joke was pretty good


Oh FUCK yes!

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Time to go do your homework, OP.

Goomba is a Nintendo character and dwarves to be in over Terry. Fuck off

>Smash is now CvSNK

Oh boy an American screaming Engrish, that won't get really fucking old.

Get fucked. Your irrelevant goomba with a hat will never be in smash

>Mai wasn't even in the trailer

He's lasted for 30 years of fightan so far zoomzoom

if it wasn't for us there wouldn't be anymore smash games, zoomer
shit video games would be nothing but fortnight if we weren't still giving these people money

>and WILL plays WAY TOO similar to shit we already have
hahaahhhahahahah do your research kid

my hype was killed when it flew away from Geese and stomped on when it skipped Iori

lets be honest here, terry is a shitty ken clone snk wanted that street fighter pie

>He's right you know.
No he isn't.

>Nobody fuckig knows who terry is in smash community.
Speak for yourself. Ain't our fault that you don't venture outside of your fucked up bubble.

>fatal fury rep instead of Kof rep
almost forgot it existed

I knew they wouldn't be able to top Banjo.


to be fair that was one of the better ones. That and Castlevania were the best.

I don;t want an annoying "American" who doesn't know Ls.

That's the entire charm zoomer

Not charming to me.

noone gives a fuuuck

It's actually gonna be hilarious that Smash did a superior job creating a character’s 3D model than the owners of the character

KoFXIII was looking really rough

Kill yourself zoomer

I fucking love this character

>imagine being this much of a zoomer

OP watch this entire video right now