I want a new Fallout game so bad, guys

I want a new Fallout game so bad, guys.
How do I fill this void?

>inb4 kill yourself

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Other urls found in this thread:

nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/2684724?tab=user files

mods I guess


use horizon mod with sim settlements

I hate what fallout has become

help out the F4NV team, i guess? that mod’s all i’m waiting for before i go ahead and pirate 4

Fallout 76

Play Days Gone

Honestly kys

>keys used to trade for >$5 prior to the battle royal announcement
>those same keys trade for $18-20 now.
HOW THE FUCK DID TODD DO IT? MORE IMPORTANTLY HOW DOES HE GETTING AWAY WITH IT? People who hogged those key when they were selling for literally nothing turned a fuck huge profit jesus fucking christ.

kill yourself

Far too much tedium to be enjoyable.

its called supply and demand dummy
demand increased so the price went up

WHO THE FUCK IS DEMANDING FALLOUT 76. WHO? I have literally not once, read a single positive review, a single streamer giving a single praise, it has negative people watching it on twitch. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE. GIVE ME THEIR NAMES. THEIR SOCIAL SECURITY. GIVE THEM TO ME NIGGER. GIVE THEM TO ME.

Why is Fallout 4 so shit?

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End your life for wanting more of this shit reddit series cuck.

you could write a literal essay on how bad fallout 4 is

I can smell a conspiracy here, the only plausible answer is Bethesda bought up all the keys from the market and are resupplying those at a hefty markup. Look into it. I promise you, there is no demand for Fallout 76 yet the blackmarket yet the price keeps inflating. Look into it, they're laundering money I promise you.

FNV with FO4's engine
don't (You) me

play new vegas with mods

California runs like shit. Disappointing.

Zoomout 76

really? aww shit.

Yeah sucks cause it's well made. From what I read they overloaded(?) the engine so you often get 40-50 fps.

Todd always wins.
They invest heavily into VR hoping to get in on the ground floor. It is a huge bust and if not for Carmac's idiocy would have been a huge loss. Ends up being profitable.

Soulle starts big timing Todd and demanding more money for TES 6. FF to today and Soulle will work for half of what he used to.

76 has a horrid launch but the exclusivity deal with M$ and enough whales get landed turns it into a moderate success financially.

NEVER bet against Todd.

fucking hell, and I wanted to try it out.


And Bethesda plotted against Obsidian to crash a game Bethesda was getting all the money from to save a million dollars.

You are called Obsidiots for a reason.

how does he do it?

What is so good about horizon?

He pushed out Fallout Shelter before they could fully implement the monetization plan because he wanted the "It's available TONIGHT" moment. They had hoped it would make 2 million the first year. It made 2 million the first day.

With the China launch it is closing in on a billion. If you add in the West World game suit it tops a billion.

He has the best instincts in the business and nobody else is even close.

For what it's worth, it's an ok product nowadays. Not surprising that more people are willing to buy it.

Does it still have survival and item degradation? I know they added a full PvP mode and was wondering if they added a mode for people who aren't fans of tedium.

How is it even a game

ESO showed them they don't have to get a lot of people playing a game just get the right people to play the game. They landed the whales they needed.

You could write a literal essay on anything. This is why Academia and higher learning in general is so shit.

There's the adventure mode with opt-in PvP and survival mode with automatic PvP. Item degradation is still there, but it's only a pain in the ass if you're low level.

Garbage RPG elements, a plot so full of holes it could pass for a house at ground zero and some of the most braindead shooter gameplay possible, combined with a frenetic need to collect garbage, haul it back and see if you can add a plus one to stability for your shitty prewar car exhaust assault rifle.

I realize now that by survival you mean the food and water thing. Yeah, that hasn't gone anywhere. Doesn't annoy me personally since the whole game is absurdly easy 90% of the time.

I want a Morrowind remaster. Can the game even be run on modern computers?

That's a shame.

Shitesda should remake a lot of their older titles on their "modern" engine. New Vegas comes to mind.

Me too. But made by a competent team with a good engine. Id love to see CDPR have a go at fallout.

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Wouldn't they remake one of the good games first?

Well, The Outer Worlds is gonna be releases in the not-so-distant future

overhauls the entire game in a good way

Outer Worlds comes out next month and will likely at the very least be better than Fallout 4

>you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about



It's cute that you actually believe that.

Witcher 3 ruined bethesda 'RPGs' for me

Witcher 3 CDPR doesn't even exist anymore.

Fallout 4 has 1,000,000,000,000x better combat than Witcher 3


kill yourself

How so?

>witcher 3
>has anything to do with rpg

If only.

Movie games are all the rage nowadays.

What would be a good Fallout 5 engine? We all know beth is gonna go with that garbage mutant gamebryo engine, but let's let our imagination run wild for a moment.
>GTA engine
>Witcher engine
Both would are able to handle vast landmasses with vehicles.

Many have

RPG maker.

Release when brehs

when its done

nuclear winter is fun

and i wanted to hate it when i heard they were gonna do a br mode

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>sex(y) mods

I should finish 4, but my ultawide mod messed up and I dont know if I feel like fixing them all again. I have like 200 hours and never beat the story still.

Far Hrabor was great.

Miami is looking good as well.

Are there servers without savage pvp yet?

copious amounts of tiddiemods

I have fallout 4 with like 50 ESL and 254 max ESP plugins and im having a fucking blast, seriously since fnv that i haven't enjoyed so much a game, the story is trash and i have to make some really effort on my part on getting interested in it but the gun mods, the looksmenu cuties, and the looting is making me having so much fun again

I also went into the shooter route and made damage much more unforgiving because the rpg aspect is just trash, there is no reason to make "builds" anyway so just mod the game to become a shooter set in fallout universe

Vanilla looks like trash though, the game really shines with Photorealistic camera ENB, calamity weathers and flora like true grass and commonwealth conifers redux

they are literally so different there is no you can say one is "better" than the other

>garbage performance
no thanks

i better your idea of "hd" is truning the saturation slider to max and making the females expose their tits

What’s the mini PA mod?

Im more of a Patterned leggings with JC shirts connoisseur myself

kill yourself

I think the best option would be to let Bethesda create another engine from the ground up. TES and Fallout have shown they are safe bets when it comes to sales, I don't get why they don't make a big investment towards it.
I would even take gamebryo but with millions of dollars of bugfixing.

Its fascinating, Fallout4 looked outdated even back in 2015, but ran worse than better looking games of its time. I blame bethesda slapping hi-res textures on everything and needing a bat file to disable godrays. You can improve it a bit if you use the BostonFPS fix and some tweaks from the PCwiki, but nothing in the game justifies the horrid performance to visuals ratio-

Soon trademark haha

I just hope Bethesda would fix all the jank and bugs in Fallout 4 VR. I want to immerse myself in this post-apocalyptic world. When it works in VR, nothing compares.

Not even the boston fps fix can help me escape 30 fps slowdowns. It's a crying shame. Never have I seen such a poorly optimized game.

There's nothing bad in Fallout 4 outside the main quest, Bethesda laziness and bugs.

Give the same concept and ideas to a better team and you would have an amazing game. The characters and story would just have to be completely redone.

Not sure, just some picture I found

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I also find it hilarious when they talk about Boston in Fallout 4 as a very inmersive location. Not only does it destroy every computer, but it's actually just a bunch of buildings mashed together, 90% of which with no interior or purpose. It's cramped as fuck, so basically everybody is neighboors with everybody.
They found themselves in the same problem they had with Fallout 3. It was too much to render without loading zones. With Fallout 4 they has the same problem but decided to jam their dick in it and see what happens. And Fallout 4's Boston happened.

play FO1 and 2 then

I expect that once private servers are available for 76, modding will take off. Somebody will inevitably tune it for a single-player experience.

>10 buy VR
>20 wank to porn
>30 goto 10


it just has better skinner box mechanics, the loot in F4 is more rewarding for your dopamine pathways compared to the shitty witcher 3 looting

>liking the legendary system
it's retarded and makes no sense

Source on that sweet enclave paintjob?

well i disabled it and im using a looting mod, vanilla is trash

nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/2684724?tab=user files
Here you go senpai. He did the default skins for all power armors. Pretty bitching.

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Anyone got a marie rose follower? I have the race/playerpreset but it gets all fuck when forced on npcs. Do npc overhauls still cause massive microstutter?


Outer worlds


Play stalker.

>tfw 25 fps in boston

Are the sex mods good? Comparable to Skyrim yet?

fuck off with that gay shit

I found it absurd that I found raider encampents with fulblown walls, turrets and all the things that would take a lengthy set up 20 meters away from another faction encampment. Did the super mutants or gunners wait for them to get all set up before they would wage war? Turn the corner and you see another group has set up shop right next to the other. There are even encampments with Mirelurk breeding grounds in sight range. Am I supposed to believe that everyone lived in peaceful coexistence until the lone wanderer showed up?

Welcome to Bethesda RPG's, where negative space is an unknown concept. It's why the Witcher 3's world felt so much more realistic.


I wish there was at least a mod to make all Brotherhood power armor just the T-51, Todd's identical looking power armors are so fucking ugly

have sex irl

have children

is there a mod that completely and utterly DELETED and ERADICATES from the game that crap 'settlement' oriented part of the gameplay?
I dont give a fucking shit about protecting settlements
I dont give a fucking ass about saving idiot npcs
I dont wanna rebuild the wasteland

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dont have children

All I can think of is SimSettlement's "fully built on game start" option where everything's already set up and you get to take it over as a raider. Honestly the only thing that sounds interesting in 4's modding community.

>some of the most braindead shooter gameplay possible
this this this
I have no idea why people praise it for the gunplay. It's generic as hell.

>be bethesda
>make a single player game
>give it the shittiest most boring environment and setting with nothing in it but settlers
>then make a fallout game with arguably the most beautiful environment in a fallout game
>make that game a multiplayer shitfest that nobody wants to play
I will never forgive them

Underrail is the closest thing to Fallout 1 available.

No, you can't even compare the two really. Witcher by comparison to either Elder Scrolls or Fallout is still a VERY static world. Which is why despite good storytelling no one plays it anymore while thousands still play Skyrim even, and it's been several years. Still videos are made constantly about it. Still it's high up on steam charts, still it's being supported. And that is because hate them or love them, Bethesda makes the least static sandbox games in the genre and STILL after decades, no one has challenge them at that, and that is why they can do all sorts of fuckery and get away with it everytime, they are unchallenged in the thing they excell most at.

People play skyrim for the mods. Witcher was a story drive game. Play it once and you're basically done (though it had a fucking shitton of hidden content). The worlds in Witcher felt so much realistic because you had actual wilderness in between the towns and hamlets. Riding between locations actually felt like you were going somewhere. It also helps the cities were actual cities filled with npcs. True, most of them were just screen fillers, but it felt so much more lively.

This pretty much. I don't get why people feel the need to compare Bethesda games to Witcher they aren't even in the same ballpark. Witcher is good but it's also very restrictive compared to something like Skyrim. You are forced to be one guy, in one role. You want to become a vampire and enslave an entire town making it your own vamp empire. You can do that in Skyrim.

Bethesda makes games with the very core idea of sandbox, and what it should be. Just any game with an open world does not truly deserve the title of sandbox to me. Only other game where you can dick around like in a sandbox as much as a Bethesda game, is Grand Theft Auto.

Most games have mod support, and yet most of those games do not achieve the dedicated player base Bethesda games do, and that is because they are unlike Bethesda games. Again, hate them or love them their worlds are the least static sandbox games in the whole genre. No other compares. That's why they're still on top and still sell millions. People eventually always come back to their games years later. The same cannot be said for Witcher.

>fallout: from wales
>set in england with start in wales
>ireland, scotland and normany as dlc areas
>can swap between 1st, 3rd and isometric view
>mutated corgi companion
>faeries, excalibur, merli, big ben, etc

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but no guns.


start a nuclear war

Why are you shifting the goalposts? We're talking about gameworlds and negative space.

It doubles down on the necessity to hoard resources and craft. I tried it a few months back and it just made the game monstrously more tedious.


Game worlds? Skyrim still has one of the best and most inconic sandbox worlds in the genre. Witcher is good, but nothing was as memorable as those towering mountains over northern lights in Skyrim lol

Bethesda world's are glorified themeparks. Find a mountain and you can literally spot 4-5 distinct zones. It's a massive immersion killer. Skellige was a better looking skyrim than TES:skyrim was (not talking about sandbox gameplay, just the aesthetic). Yes, witcher 3 is more recent, but it feels much more like a realistic not-fantasy-norway land.

>muh negative space

most of players use fast travel anyway, also negative space works because of imagination, which doesn't work on witcher 3 because you are playing as Geralt and Geralt isn't you, you are basically being cucked, it's basically watching porn at that point, imagination only works in self insert games

Negative space has fuck all to do with the player character lmao. It's about presenting a realistic, open landscape.

I've got 700 hours in Skyrim and I'm playing a new playthrough now, never touched any kind of mods. I can enjoy a new play through every once in a while and still have a lot of fun.

Witcher 3 was pretty good but not interesting enough to want to play it even a second time.

underrail and wasteland 3

>CDPR and Josh Sawyer teaming up
A man can dream...

Honestly I'm waiting for bloodlines 2 and cyberpunk

I dont think Bethesda is going to make a good elder scroll or fallout until 7 when they finally make a new engine or just use unreal. But they wont as long as dipshits buy there broken mess day one and are just ok with it . I dont think that will be until the year 2077 irl tho

Play Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

They did release a fallout game last year if I'm not wrong...

Schools give you essay topics before you do one right?

>good games
Sorry user... I have some hard news for you

One of Todd's greatest achievements is convincing everyone that "with a game this big there will always be hiccups "

Despite contrary evidence right in front of there stupid fucking faces. Not even CDPR or rockstar either. Most open worlds are just as big as fo4 and dont launch you across the map if you jump on a rock wierd

>Sim settlements
But my autism can't handle not custom-building all of my settler's houses myself.

>Even more voiced protag faggotry, except they make the protag an irritating mary-sue with a gravelly voice and a talent for stating the fucking obvious.
>Melee combat is now unplayable because your character has to spin at least a full 360 degrees between every single attack.
Please for the love of god, no.

Both are good, it's just fallout is a power fantasy and stalker is to make you feel dread

The sound, atmosphere and overall art direction feel shit compared to even FO3 and NV, to be honest. Maybe if I could make the atmosphere more STALKER'esque it would be more tolerable.

You can get into arma 3 islands with a lot of empty space, see how much immersion do you have when you realize there is no metagame to it other than walking around

Altis is pretty nice to just drive around on

Fallout 4 is the best sex game I ever played . Combat and story isn't great but that's not what you should be there for

>install fallout 4
>base building

fuck that. uninstalled. who likes that tedium?

>his version of 'better' isn't maxed out saturation and tits the size of small asteroids


Most people use "skinner box" as an insult but do you user

Delet this

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Skyrim has such a head start on it desu, also something about post apocalyptic settings seem to bring out the rapefags so if thsts what you want its better than skyrim, I much prefer getting mammoth tusks for yusolda to penetrate herself

They just think there is anything outside of a skinner box, life is just a glorified skinner carbonic box

Unironic autists.
I just skipped the base building elements entirely.

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Rust players


Basically everything in fallout can build a shack in 3 second like you can . It's a whole world of game logic which I'd normally be able to ignore, except most of the time you can literally see the enemy base from the front door of their rival. It dosen't help that some quest basically point thus out with quests, and don't get me started on that fucking Goul kid trapped in a fridge for 200 years 100 feet away from his parents who were "desperately looking the whole time".

A big problem with them is that they dont seem to understand how fucking long 200 years is. Like the fact that mc can even recognize anything is brain dead. I know they aren't going to simulate weather patterns or language changes over time, but you really are telling me that people wouldn't find food in fridges or even crazier, drugs or alchohol in a cabinet or shopping mall in 200 years?

I'll give you skyrim to an extent. But I don't know how you can stomach saying fo4 is organic. I've played fo4 at least 6 times and you will find the same "random encounters" no matter which way you go . You will always find a synth and a person holding eachother up. You will always run into the guys cooking and talking about synths ect. Even fo3 did it a little better eith the random deck encounters. (Although I haven't played that nearly as much to be fair) and the point is moot besides bc most people will tell you that NV is the best 3d fallout and it is the most static of any of them

Its because it's got mainstream appeal. Its THE rpg for the people who don't play rpgs. And they are milking that for all its worth and we all know that despite all this even the people on here are still going to get the new elder scrolls, the next remake of fallout when it comes out, and whatever the fuck the space one is ganna be called. Despite it being on a 20 year old engine, running like a Vietnam veteran with ms, and looking almost as good as the last game with mods, itll be critically acclaimed game of the year. And we'll be cursing Todd's name all the while

It would be cool to see fallout with a bigger focus on knives, explosives, and acid. And the dlc whith the "bad guys" that dont want anymore super mutants coming onto the isle. Could be fun

But it also HAS negative space

You still can, sim settlement just allows the NPCs to "build" shops and houses at specific locations that you designed

>sim settlements

It's a incredible piece of work but man... It makes the game so unstable and script-laggy, also it's incompatible with basically anything, i can't use pack npc attack with it for example

Fair enough. Just seemed like an odd choice of words, like I literally got confused at first because I thought you were criticizing until I reread

Make it yourself

Yeah I can't wait for Fallout: Tranny edition, now with more bullshit trailers and downgrades

Fallout: Miami could make things interesting when it comes out.

It's shocking how Bethesda can make amazing DLC but not a good base game

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Just wait until 2027 for Fallout 5 and hope that it isn’t shit.

because it was a new team with a different lead writer than god damn Emile.

Why is it good? I've never played any FO4 DLCs.

You mean if.

Alright i'll ask this here i guess, about 2 years back i built an amazing settlement using the ingame settlement creators however once i actually tried to get NPCs to walk around the facility i built i figured out the shitty engine needed navmeshes for NPCs to navigate complex rooms. Is there a way i can fix this or are settlement suppose to be limited to a shitty shake?