Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

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Other urls found in this thread:

Zoe Quinn raped me


God, these creatures of the bean sure need to hurry up and kys themselves to death. Zoe is doing everyone a favor by removing these people.

Can you kill her now

Why do you people blame the victim? Zoe risked it all to come out with this heinous information and you chuds try to ruin her life. It's fucking pathetic.

You made this thread yesterday and got more than enough (You)'s. Do something else, OP.

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>Say something about someone
>It happens to you instead

What's your totalbiscuit moment, Yea Forums?

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men can't be raped, silly user

I'll keep posting it until enough people rise up

I told someone to have a nice day but then I had a nice day

Back to chapo


It's good that she accused him of rape and he offed himself. It's even better, she ran away, making it even more obvious that she was trying to take the attention away from her scams. Not only it's one less "famous" onions infused fag ready to jump on the witch hunt these people usually carry and it also makes it less likely that new devs will want to associate with any of them. And to put the cherry on the cake, even his sister is unwilling to stand up for him and somewhat protects zoe.

Rape is not funny, I got molested a bunch of times by my aunt when i was 11 years old.


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That's kinda hot

It'd be cool if trump got his ass licked by a 16 year old fit big titted girl then doggy fucked her with no rubber on

It'd be cool if trump lost his virginity h-haha

>some SJW gets backstabbed by another SJW
>Yea Forums pretends to care about it
Lmao you GGtards are pathetic.

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>Zoe Quinn back on twitter
>Guy they bullied to death being vilified as some sort of evil monster for having mental health issues and Paranoia
>former coworkers dancing on his grave while he's still waiting to be burried

She fucking won bros

Up the ante

Stop using senko to shitpost please

Sjw pretend to care about mental health issues but they dogpilled and backstabbed a known suicidial mental case

That isn't a shitpost my dude.

Projecting is a real thing, user.

This is your brain on /pol/, pornhub and pot

Just remembered that NITW fan game.
>alec was involved with it
>got sick and left
>eventually it fractured in to two
>the original one has commented on all what went down
>the other has been totally silent

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fuck off gay man, every sane man would kill for that to happen to him

Projecting what?

The thing I always wonder is how much of what they say is a coping mechanism. "Oh, he was abusive for years, even when he was 'better'," is easy to believe if you played a part in his suicide.

serves him right
for being a whiteknight

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Guys I'm scared to say this but I got to, Randy Pitchfork and Tim Sweeny raped me, I'm female

What’s the basic gestalt of this

>sleeps with a person who clearly has issues
He has no one to blame

I’m so glad I’m faggot where the only thing I have to worry about a sexual encounter is stds

Women serve no purpose to me for any reason.

Jesus, every time I read this

You may be a faggot but this post is unacceptable. You need to learn that negative space is not some amazing framing element to get the most upcummies.

I hope Trump gets raped by brown ebony goddess and her younger sister and that they turn into 10000 dollar bills and high value stocks as he climaxes

Shut up faggot

She's back on Twitter?

How dare you assume my gender

>Indie dev has mental health issues and is suicidal
>Zoe Quinn makes outrageous claims about him that he kept her prisoner in his apartment and that he used her vagina like a puppet
>He gets dogpilled by SJW cult
>His closest friends and sister believe Zoe and he's cut off from the company
>Commits suicide
>He's not even buried and his former co-workers come out to dance on his grave, saying he was bipolar, a bad boss gave them PTSD with his behavior.
Now portrayed in SJW circles as some sort of a monster and is quietly accepted that he deserved to die. Isn't buried yet

>For all your faults
>All your failures and shattered dreams
>you are still not this faggot

you incels already lost
social justice rules you now so be very afraid

Yes apparently , in protected mode.

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You are believed!

Yeah she's not cut out for that

>>He's not even buried and his former co-workers come out to dance on his grave, saying he was bipolar, a bad boss gave them PTSD with his behavior.
maybe because it's true?

imagine posting the pictures where she hides the fact she is the size of the side of a barn

She desperately needs to delete tweets that can get her into legal trouble. It's so obvious what she's doing

rules what? they keep eating each other

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How long do I have to see this bitch spammed on Yea Forums? Are you that desperate for patreon money you fucking whore?

I really doubt this backstabbing male vagina got PTSD.

Also what the fuck is his problem airing this guys dirty laundry while he's not buried yet. If he was a shitty boss why didn't he confront him / quitt, instead of dog-pilling him to death then making it all about yourself like you're the victim here


This is what this cunt wrote while he's not even fucking burried. JFC you nasty horrible fucking maggots

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Hopefully she can’t recover from this once her social media gets mined again.
Most likely scenario is she disappears into the woodwork again for awhile, and re-emerges with a new project, and then most likely another string of abuse claims will occur. She has already established a pattern and she’ll continue creating chaos as long as she’s in the industry. I would say that she’s entirely to blame for inciting discourse.

>I survived the holowkaust
they're gonna make stickers with that

>these are the people who call you incel on Yea Forums

Also he claimed he developed PTSD by working 7 hours a day to dliever the game


Everyone involved was a fuckup, one less fag and Quinn's reputation is even more rekt. Perfect victory.

I HOPE ____ gets a 6’2 bimbofaithful gf

fucking gets me everytime, it's what you would expect from someone feeling betrayed and realizing something and then that last fucking post just goes full retard.

The influential people in the journalist / indie scene who enabled her and propped her upon are to blame more

I'm not going to defend him being a pussy because he definitely sounds like one but assuming that several people all got together and concocted a big lie to take him down is far more unlikely than the obvious answer, that they're right and he was a fuck up

>She’ll continue creating chaos as long as she’s in the industry. I would say that she’s entirely to blame for inciting discourse.
Imagine how different things would be today if Zoe Quinn never had sex.

>more fucking Zoe Quinn threads
Giving her attention didn't work last time you retards, why do you think it will now?

can't this vile fucking trollop an hero herself, astounding she even has an audience. What a bunch of rubes, believing the absolute SHIT this woman comes out with, and now her lies have taken a man's life

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I doubt she can delete everything, there's too many people well aware of her crap.

7 hours? That's nothing.

Brave, brave, brave. I am shocked and appalled. I just wanted to say that YOU ARE BELIEVED. Brave.

People say he was a fuck up , doesn't make what Zoe said true. Not one person has corroborated anything. She made up being "kidnapped" and "raped" and is directly responsible for inciting a twitter mob against a person she knew was fucked up and suicidal

She's going back and deleting every tweet that could possibly get her into trouble as she speak. She's reactivated in protected mode as we speak. She's going to flush the evidence before any miners get to it

>Yea Forums:
>also Yea Forums:
blacks girls are pretty cute tho

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How that worked out in real life

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>Not one person has corroborated anything
they did, just not to you
read the guys post


People are "aware", sure. But legal trouble is the only thing that will get her tribe to leave her behind. She's making sure that won't happen

why, did you promise to donate?

Someone had to archive her tweets.

No they didn't...It was some vague fucking shit about "abuse", no one has ever corroborated her story that she was held against her will in his apartment and raped, or that he ever made anything inappropriate sexually to women

its simple. kill the nonwhite men and keep the women as fuck slaves

you're destroying your mental health thinking it exists, user

>thinking Yea Forums is one person

It’s a pissing contest if you try to place more blame on her enablers. The fact of the matter is that people are blatantly ignoring how horrible of a pariah she is. She has some clout in the industry which drives the sjw agenda, and she has threatened her way through life- she’ll continue this pattern because she has so much support. She’s honestly a tyrant at this point. Still pretty insignificant, but she commands respect in the least respectable way I’ve ever seen. I dislike her a lot.


niggers =/= black people

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Niggers are not cute black girls.


>kill the nonwhite men and keep the women as hand-hold slaves

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Can someone give me a tldr on wtf this woman about

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read scotts post on alec, he talks about how he heard all about him from other people (not zoe)
>no one has ever corroborated her story that she was held against her will in his apartment and raped
he was never even accused of rape
why are you playing internet detective when you can't even get the basic facts right

It can exist when bimbo is supposed to mean an airhead

I hope Trump finds a cute shy femboy bf that loves him despite of his faults.

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Don't tell anyone, but I'm Trump's secret bf

>if you dont share my political views, DIE

A narcissist sociopath isn't going to kill herself. Might do a save suicide attempt for attention, though.

She claimed that he kept her prisoner in his appartment and jammed his fingers inside her forcefully then walked her around the house. Sounds like rape to me.

>he talks about how he heard all about him from other people

It's all "HE WAS MEAN AND BIPOLAR AND GAVE ME PTSD" bullshit , there's not one mention of sexual abuse of women.

Is it bad that I weirdly respect her for pulling it off? She already managed to turn her abusing her ex into a consulting business where she gets to speak at the UN. She's gonna find a way to make it so this literal death is just a speed bump on her quest to more patreon bux.

Despite being a 4 at her absolute peak, She managed to use sexuality and manipulation to go from absolutely nobody to worldwide recognition.


Scotts post mentions the zoe incident. It's the paragraph in 2013 that looks really out of place. The "his roommate at the time texted me saying she was scared, even though we had never met" which makes no sense. Also, these people only stepped forward to ride the clout wave Zoe started. People outside of Zoe's circle are speaking up too, saying that everything they've said is ostensibly false.

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Fuck no, but you're all contributing to the whole professional victim shit

Rich white girls will do generic rich white girl things

>he took his fingers to her vagoo
You lost me

I miss mothering robot
still surprised she was killed off by a copyright strike from 4 years back by sony

Zoe Quinn accused Alec Holowka of sexual assault

Alec Holowka worked on games like Aquaria and Night in the Woods

After other people also brought forward allegations, the team that he worked with for NitW basically cut ties with him. It's important to note that 1) he wasn't fired, 2) the team has publicly stated that they corroborated most of the other allegations, 3) the team wasn't planning on cutting off his royalties from NitW

A few days later he killed himself.

>there's not one mention of sexual abuse of women.
there doesn't need to be
it's just "abuse"

Why even make the attempt, when you can just say you did and everyone will believe you? Also re-establishes victim status.

any onions chuggers quinn offs in her cesspool is bonus for getting trump elected

I’ve been here since the beginning.
I don’t know if all the data is still available to be googled, but anons have been posting their screens since the newest news broke.
She is to blame for the original fiasco 5ish years ago. Don’t know if that word still gets you banned but you can take a guess at what it is.
She fucked around with married men for personal/work related gain while she was in a relationship. Five men were confirmed. She also had a manifesto of Facebook conversations that were dumped, detailing her diabolical plans to sleep her way into getting her projects moving.
Then Yea Forums found out, tried to crucify her, and she garnered a white knight following that would die for her reputation. She wrote a book and took up arms with an organization formed against cyber bullying (ironic since that’s how she gets her way).
Recently she came forward and accused another game dev of sexual misconduct, and her army of virgins “cancelled” him. He killed himself over it.
Now she has retreated again.

I guess that's why he didn't ride the lolita express that much.

Succinct and accurate.

I prefer the company of men

The guy had a history of threatening suicide to people he has known for just two weeks. Imagine what being in a relationship with him would be like. No, this isn't proof that he did anything wrong, just multiple accounts of him acting out in ways that can be identified as emotionally abusive.

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>read scotts post
The one where he says Alec is responsible for him being on meds and going to therapy. Also the one where he said when he first met Alec they bonded over being on meds and going to therapy?

Back to plebbit

Is this real

Is this fake

Holy shit I can't tell anymore

>Also, these people only stepped forward to ride the clout wave Zoe started
that's usually how it works
again you're making the assumption that the far less plausible story is true just because you don't like the person who accused him
Alec was a SJW cunt aswell you know

"abuse" doesn't mean anything you fucking fuckhead when you throw that word around to be all encompassing.

working 7 hours a day is Abuse, Working voluntarily with someone you knew was mentally unstable was abuse, kidnapping someone for a month in your apartment is abuse.

Shut the fuck up

>She claimed that he kept her prisoner in his appartment and jammed his fingers inside her forcefully then walked her around the house. Sounds like rape to me.
For the "prisoner" part, see: The other part, she never said forced. She just said it was kind of rough, and she said it hurt once in-fantasy. It's clear that they were consentually doing some kind of rough/kinkplay.

>she was a skater girl

>The guy had a history of threatening suicide to people he has known for just two weeks.

Whipping up a twitter mob against someone like that with exaggerated / bullshit accusations is obviously the right thing to do then. They don't execute pedophiles anymore, but people had to endure working with him and leech of his talents, so he deserves to die.

>"abuse" doesn't mean anything you fucking fuckhead when you throw that word around to be all encompassing.
thats why I put it in quotes, yes
I'm not defending these homos crying about "abuse" just because somebody was mean to them

Black girls would never backstab you like that
They'd cosplay with you and make you a better man

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This is what I mean. This kind of thing (plus easily subpoenaed information like flight and bank records) could get Zoe jail time if Alec's relatives decided to press charges against Zoe

The problem is that GG went about it in a really dumb way, talking about positive reviews she slept for and then saying it was about ethics in gaming journalism. If they cared about journalism, they'd track down the reviews and find that there were none and arrive to the more appropriate conclusion you have. The credibility was shot and it's hard to get around the fact that the movement gained of traction due to the involvement of women and feminists.

>google search civnatcucks
>first result is a reddit post

>Despite being a 4 at her absolute peak, She managed to use sexuality and manipulation to go from absolutely nobody to worldwide recognition.
It's pretty simple, especially if you're a woman, here:

>learn to be very social
>men: lift women: make yourselves sexually available
>target people who are powerful and easy to manipulate
>promise them the thing they want the most
>manipulate what you want out of them
>leave and lie about them if they try anything against you

>There are people who actually think Zoe Quinn is legally liable for this guy's death
So when the police tell you to fuck off with this obvious bullshit are you going to claim Zoe Quinn fucked them all and they coordinated behind the scenes to protect her?

>uh buddy you posted something pretty questionable a few years back
>Thats why we brought this mob to your door and want to lynch you

There was plenty of positive coverage for Zoe, from people she fucked.

>again you're making the assumption that the far less plausible story is true just because you don't like the person who accused him
Why is it far less plausible? Why won't you address the image in that post, or the rest of it? The Aquaria voice actress should have known Alec when he was at his (previous) worst, mentally, but didn't have a single negative experience with him, all despite working closely with him for an extended period of time.

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Who is she? It's like she's a White woman but painted black.

>She also had a manifesto of Facebook conversations that were dumped, detailing her diabolical plans to sleep her way into getting her projects moving.
Literally the first time I've heard of this and I doubt anyone else has seen these alleged diabolical plans

>Say you hope someone dies
>Die yourself
Clearly this was the result of an ironic curse and if he didn't wish death upon Trump he would have been immortal.

>racimixing is based as long as it's white male with non white female
>yes I do have anxiety over my lack of belonging and heritage, how could you tell?

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It was positive coverage, and it was found. Less than two weeks after her affair he posted this "check out this cool indie dev making an important game" type of thing. You're fighting the strawman version that calls it a review.

user realizes what people look like for the first time

>No, this isn't proof that he did anything wrong, just multiple accounts of him acting out in ways that can be identified as emotionally abusive.

The giant snake thing on her pic looks cool tho

I don't think there's anyway to make sure everybody on the same side of a cause has the correct information on everything sadly. A lot of people were repeating the reviews thing even though anybody who was paying attention knew it wasn't accurate. There was positive coverage and other cases like a Kotaku write writing about the indie dev she was living with, along with a bunch of other legitimate concerns. Any real complaints though were brushed away by lumping them in with the dumb people.

what is that image about? I don't care about Zoe Quinn. I'm saying if many unrelated people are calling Alec an abusive person, it's more likely that they're telling the truth than they're all collaborating on a lie together

>When you pretend to know how statistics work to lend a veneer of credibility to your racism

I hope he can find rest.

>british opinions

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> because you don't like the person who accused him

It's not just that we don't like her, it's that she's a proven liar with a mountainous trail of shit behind her with everything she's involved it, mostly before and after GoyGate,

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There may have been no reviews, but Nathan Grayson did write about Depression Quest multiple times without disclosing their relationship.

bitter old hag

>to worldwide recognition
Keep things in perspective, even the majority of people into vidya have no fucking idea who she is.

It's not the "strawman version" if there are STILL gamergaters repeating "she fucked people for positive reviews"

Also going to need a source on your timeline there

All these people know eachother and are friends with Quinn herself. They are not isolated people. In fact, the only person who IS isolated from their circle came out to say Alec was a great guy, and the only person to say "RIP Alec". A consistent pattern is forming.

Why is mixed race hating on the rise again?


dance with the Devil
the Devil and then you must pay
dance with the Devil
the Devil will take you awaaaaay

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>if Alec's relatives decided to press charges
hahaa, they're still against him even with all the evidence stacked against her and after he killed himself

You're just fucking strawmaning. If he was suicidal and had mental health issues, and was paranoid, "anti-harassment crusaders" shouldn't have whipped up their psychotic twitter mob to dog-pile on him with bullshit exaggerated accusations from 7 years ago.

>Any real complaints though were brushed away by lumping them in with the dumb people.
They were all dumb people if they thought they could make any legitimate complaint heard with a chorus of dumb people shouting alongside them. I guess sometimes there isn't strength in numbers.

She is back. Anyone knows what she posted? It is private

>All these people know eachother and are friends with Quinn herself. They are not isolated people.
Why do you think that? Did you read Scotts post?

look like niggers to me

Please. Niggers don't look like Europeans most of the time.

Apperantly elite gamergoys tried to hack her cellphone and bypassed twitter HQ IRC

He said "see ya later girl"

That image tears apart the one actually terrible thing that Zoe accused Alec of: Trapping her in his appartment. It's clear the two week thing is bullshit from her own tweets, she was home in less than a month. In fact, less than a month after leaving for Alec, she already had 2 way tickets to Montreal. All in spite of being so broke that she totally couldn't afford a return ticket, and Alec KNEW he would have to be the one that bought it. BUT HE DIDN'T!
>many unrelated people
How are people all from the same social circle unrelated? A bunch of people saying "I believe survivors, also he was mean" does not add any credibility to her claim at all.

Watch as this goes completely ignored or at best deflected.

Reminder that most posts that talk about destroying her life, hacking any of her social media accounts or calls to raid/threaten her with violence are created by people who are rooting for her to come out clean after all of this ends. They want you to rally to show the world that anyone who thinks she is wrong is inherently evil and must be stopped, they're trying to make us look like the bad guys so that Zoe can get away with what she's done for the 4th time

Yea, her anti bullying charity aptly named CON was a real shitshow, with their logs leaking out and outing everyone as some backstabbing sociopaths, and trannys saying they were being lied to and worked for free only to be driven out of twiiter

This is the best account I could find about the CON drama

Yeah. It's inevitable with any cause though, especially an anonymous online one. One difference is they were going up against the cliques that control online media, so of course there would write countless articles trying to discredit them by pointing out the stupidest elements (and by outright lying). You could do the same with any large enough group of protestors I think.

>How are people all from the same social circle unrelated?
Why do you think they're from the same social circle? If you read Scott's post Alec basically cold called him and he had/has no connection to Zoe Quinn or anyone else

>Black girls are pretty cute tho
Nah, but tanned Japanese girls are amazing.

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Right, so I have no idea who these e-celebs are but I get the gist.
Reading up on Zoe Quinn, there are two very conflicting sides that people are taking about her, one where she is a saint and she gets harassed by mobs and one where she is a pathological liar and is aggressively defended by mobs.

I honestly can't tell what story about her to believe, the only thing I'm sure about is she went to UN to talk about cyberbullying and she's doing a kickstarter that hasn't delivered or updated for a year. Other than that is iffy since it's mostly just twitter screencaps.

lies so she can delete tweets before anons find the juicy stuff that will land her in jail, luckily they got to some of those posts of her lying about the whole thing before she could do anything to save herself

Bleached incels and Blacked cucks made all forms of interracial as racebait

Sage, report and ignore them

I read a few years of it. It falls apart real quick if you can remember more than one or two paragraphs back at a time.
>Lemme tell you about Alec, the man personally responsible for all of my mental problems
>When I met Alec we didn't have much in common, but we bonded over our mutual mental problems
>Alec was great
>Odd at times
>His roommate in early 2013 (hint: Zoe), whom I had never met, didn't know, and neither of us had eachothers numbers, texted me saying she was scared!
>otherwise chill guy
>got lots done
>started to get weird sometimes but he would bounce back

Are you female? Cause if not, I don't believe you.

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I told people to kys but now I want to kms

date a black girl
make a blackcel seethe

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I'm not seeing a contradiction there. All of them have mental problems

>and he had/has no connection to Zoe Quinn or anyone else
Yes, which is what makes his whole story fall apart early. The early 2013 roommate was Zoe.

>people into vidya have no fucking idea who she is.
Yeah but she runs a cyberbullying consultancy and gets to speak in front of the UN. That's far more profitable than making obscure indie games.

>>yes I do have anxiety over my lack of belonging and heritage, how could you tell?
This sounds like yurotrash cope. If you base your life on just your heritage you're probably a boring person and probably incel.

Phil Fish is thirsty as fuck. Embarrassing.

its all real baby.

his wishes of death into someone else

This should be enough to get her indicted

>Zoe is accused = harassment/misogyny
>Zoe accuses = instant truth/alec an hero!

>The early 2013 roommate was Zoe.
You don't actually know that though, you just made that up to support your theory
You're a bad internet detective
Even if it was, being text messaged once isn't a connection

Well you didn't do much reading did you? Spend more than 5 minutes scanning twitter and you'll find out all the things she's been accused of in the past and yes, found guilty of

How come the leaks scandal isn't in the wikipedia page for CON?

Okay incel.


Steakmund McMuffin isn't exactly a trustworthy person. He's cut from the same cloth as all the old NG/SA people. Not to mention he wants you to CHEW THAT STEAK SLOWER NO MORE DOUBLE FEEDING DEVIL BEGGARS AND RELOCKING THE LOST

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There's also a bunch of articles painting her as this constant defamation victim, I honestly can't tell which is true and which is not.

Always remember, her real name is not Zoe Quinn.

It's Chelsea Von Vankelberg. She doesn't like using the last name because it reminds her of her privileged upbringing.


People who sage need to be tied up while they have their internal organs removed without anesthesia

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He says it himself that it's early 2013. He parrots Zoe's accusation about texting people scared while locked in a bathroom. Alec was a bit of a social recluse after his bout with Zoe in 2013, so it's unlikely that he had anyone else living with him for some time. Gee, I wonder who it could be.
>Even if it was, being text messaged once isn't a connection
Generally speaking, you don't have the personal phone number of people you've never met

We should accuse more indie Dev of sexual harassment, it's a great way to clean the industry of all garbage

Thinks how beautiful it would be if Tim Schafer got accused of sexual harassment, nobody would believe him and we would be free from his jewiness and douchebaggery

We need Zoe Quinn to accuse more woke people of shit they didn't do, it's the only way to fix this industry

I don't know you and I don't know her, but I believe you! Know that you are a survivor and that you are not alone! We are proud of you for speaking up about this, we understand how difficult it is and how brave you are! Please, anyone else who has been sexually abused by this Zoe Quinn now is the time to have your voice heard! She can't be allowed to get away with this!

Not him, but I just get so sick of seeing her name. Every time it comes up, it’s bad news. I don’t want to give her credit for being so influential but she is.

But you don't even have to try with one as utterly retarded and wrong as gamergate

Fun fact, this is actually the case in America. The FBI have a very specific criteria for what counts as male sexual assault. To make a long story short, by their legal, as in this is law, definition, unless you shove something up a man's ass, it's legal and he can't do anything about it.

>Alec was a bit of a social recluse after his bout with Zoe in 2013, so it's unlikely that he had anyone else living with him for some time
In the post he says Alec was living in a house with several developers, none of which Scott knew or had met

On the one hand male feminists are all rapists, on the other hand fuck Quinn and Sarkeesian

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"I survived Alec Holowka". mah gawd what a fuckin shitheel.
Guy gives him and his wife a jumpstart into making a popular videogame, clearly suffers bipolar medical issues, but once the Cancel Culture party van turns up too close to their home, they fire him and then also do a hitpiece on him after he kills himself.
Maybe you have PTSD because deep down you panic you're a total piece of shit, Scott.

Why were they utterly retarded and wrong? A lot of their complaints were legitimate. Not to mention the problem of anybody who remotely agreed with them getting lumped in with "gamergate."

Van Valkenburg, domme Amerikaan

The absolute state of Ivanka’s gypsy counterspell.

These people have ruined the word "survivor"

As a nigger i can agree, but at the same time who gives a fuck?

>A lot of their complaints were legitimate.
They weren't. Anyone who thinks so is retarded and wrong.

That’s half-true. Men can still be sexually assaulted, though I agree the legislation needs to be reworded.

Look at the positive, these people have no loyalty, it's just a matter of time until he gets ass raped in a divorce court and maybe falsely accused.

beat it faggot


Any company that works with Zoe Quinn needs to be black listed. Cancel that bitch.

wait, did he really kys himself?
wew lad

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Spoken like a true Redditor

He wasn't fired, Infinite Fall isn't a company

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I’d like to see you work 7 hours a day and survive with only the scars of PTSD

So brave of Scott to describe such harrowing working conditions

I wish trump would die in his sleep jajajaja

literally stolen valor

>killing yourself for someone this trashy and worthless

Attached: 1562944154126.jpg (675x534, 88K)

Boy I wish trump will get raped by a group of Amazonas ladies with big tiddies and thicc thighs

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>I’d like to see you work 7 hours a day and survive with only the scars of PTSD
This kind of people make me wish for a new World War so they get to know true horror. The only downside it's that I'd be drafted too.

Where's the valor?

>have all 7 of the dragon balls
>so poor you get your references from the thrift shop
but i did kek

the first and second panel are the same

I want to have SEX with Zoe Quinn so she could give me her STDs then extort me for money and fame

Attached: 1376712767886.jpg (797x599, 26K)

>we didn’t fire him because it’s ACTUALLY not a company
>we just cut ties and stopped any further work. TOTALLY DIFFERENT!

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>modern women
So overrated
I’m sticking to the internet and my hands.

>there are two very conflicting sides that people are taking about her, one where she is a saint and she gets harassed by mobs and one where she is a pathological liar and is aggressively defended by mobs

...and what does that tell you?

The valor is being told your so strong and amazing and heroic for surviving something you didn't actually do

That giant snake is from the Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku, which has an entry fee for the show of 8000 yen (Currently $75 USD), and that's without getting any meals.

Attached: it was a good show.jpg (2752x1548, 1.17M)

i hope trump has a group of girls force him to be their fart slave

I already feel superior knowing that I want to kill myself without a woman making me do so.

Feels really good.

It literally is you fucking retard

Either you're a fucking idiot or you're just lying to fuel outrage

Is that really Todd's little brother?

That she’s garbage

>learn your lesson that person has been using you for free money.
>say I’m done.
>but wait, not really, I’m donating to this other person in hopes I get pussy.
That’s some dumb shit. Miss me with that. I’m not being a mod unless I’m getting paid. I’m not doing any donations, unless some shit went down with their set up and I like them THAT MUCH as a PERSON.
How is it the same song and dance every time?

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No you're just a fucking dumbass now shut the fuck up and bend down this 14 incher is going straight into your rectum

Adam that better not be you posting in this thread

Reminder this is the kind of guy you people defend:

Attached: 1558029460286.gif (465x271, 958K)

Soldiers sign up for it, if anything they're the ones who don't deserve to be glorified for coping with the consequences.

Wow, Contrapoints looks terrible

even worse, they're mirored for no fucking reason

only in manga tho, if you look up manba on google (which is Manbagi's style) you will see that it's kinda gross

>you can’t be part of this company anymore
>you can’t be part of this group that creates commercial products anymore

Yeah. Huge fucking difference you chode

>beanboy removed from the world
>roastie's reputation ruined forever
Why are we upset again?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.53_[2018.11.28_18.35.06].png (438x705, 244K)

That Yea Forums is desperate to slander her like they have so many women before?

>$75 USD without getting any meals.
What the fuck?


Because the roasties reputation won't be ruined, just like last time.

its dinner and a show

It's not slander if it's true.

Her punishment must be more severe

It's disingenuous and you know it

We're not.
Our enemies are fighting each others and we are teasing the flames.

and we're supposed to be the monsters? look at this industry of weak leftist cucks, they're disgusting

So it's slander.

Yeah, but even a high production value show with animatronics like Walking with Dinosaurs the live show costs way less.

>tfw you know a 16 year old fit big titted girl
>tfw my roommate fucks her and not me

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How has no one picked up on the contradiction between
>I was too scared to talk about it until now
>I had to lock myself in the bathroom to send texts for help

If other people WERE aware of this happening then why didn't it come to light until now? It seems far too convenient for everyone involved to keep their mouths shut for years or be able to produce said text messages as proof.

It’s a performance show really, bunch of robots come out and dance and shit. The food and drink is secondary.

All way overpriced though

Or rather, because Zoe has a huge documented history of cons and grifts, and it also batshit crazy in the lengths that she goes to whitewash her life

Attached: Whenever this card is attacked, summon all white knights from your hand and deck.jpg (532x1949, 303K)

We're not.
Post related

It's a good show, I thought it was totally worth the cost.

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It’e disingenuous to pretend there’s a huge difference.

He was told he could no longer work on that game series. The line between that and a formal firing is incredibly thin. And you know that.

Let's be honest, if you're blaming sjws or any other group then you're part of the problem. Same goes for blaming conservatives for everything. Some people are pricks.

The woman has been involved in so much drama and scams I honestly can't even keep up

>nuking pepsi gamejam
>fake scam gameJam
>nuking TFYC
>faking "harassment" from Wizardchan
>Zoe Post
>Her FMV game scam
>Boyfriend (co-founder of CON) gets MeToo'd she throws him under the buss and says she was manipulataed the entire time

How can you have a rational cell in your brain and not stop to take a look at all this shit and realize it's not just some incel conspiracy theory but that this woman is radioactive sociopath

It's not my fault if you can't read Zoe's old tweets with information that directly conflicts the information in her new accounts of past events.

Do you actually think those sources are remotely credible and not just repositories for the same narrative people are already spreading on Yea Forums?

b-b-but incels are evil, and white womyn c-can do no wrong

Is he jewish?

People seriously believe Zoe around here. Just a huge coincidence that everybody she's ever worked with, lived with, or interacted with for the last 12 years were all just super evil and manipulative, and all their accusations were wrong because the entire world is out to get Zoe Quinn right?

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Go away Zoyy

They are definitely biased, but you don't have to listen to the people, you can just look at the evidence and decide for yourself. They generally have tons of images of conversations and interactions to back up their ideas. Yeah, they can go too far or make unwarranted assumptions, but you can just ignore those.

the one where she has the hat she looks like nostalgia critic

I hope Trump gets a qt gf

I can't believe they are re-booting kiss that dosent even look like gene simmons.

>nuking TFYC
This was literally her asking some questions and their servers crapping out because by doing so she gave them more attention than they'd ever had. Then when gamergate rolled around they smelled an opportunity to claim they'd been harassed and DDOS'd.
>faking "harassment" from Wizardchan
Incels harass woman, then feign innocence. Makes more sense to me than Zoe Quinn finding out about a bunch of wizards talking about her game out of the blue and then claiming harassment.
>Zoe Post
Because of course when it's a man you listen and believe.

I don't know enough about the rest but the ones I do know paint a picture of people with an agenda consistently slandering her.

Generally speaking, the narrative with more details and more corroborating evidence is closer to the truth.

Generally speaking, false narratives have fuzzier details, and they generate revenue and/or protect the reputation of a specific individual.

>Several people say he was abusive
>his family says he was
>his friends
>literally anyone who knew him says he was abusive

The most logical conclusion is that yes, he was an abuser.

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>you can just look at the evidence and decide for yourself
I have, and I have decided gamergate is full of shit.

>Several people say he was abusive

So I guess Zoe Quinn was abusive too?

Cool so when do we introduce the death penalty for 'emotional abuse'?

Yeah, and? Are you saying a woman can force a man's cock into her? Jesus, you sound like a limpwristed faggot.

I would say only the ResetEra Trannies and Reddit White Knights believe Zoe, but that would imply that Yea Forums isn’t comprised of 90% of these people each

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What are some examples of them being full of shit?

That's pretty stupid user. Almost as stupid as stating someone forced you to do something when you objectively were never forced to do something.


Everyone involved with Alec's death is radioactive. Really this is their own little Chernobyl. Hell, the more I think about it, the more parallel the comparison gets.

Gamergate conspiracy aren't remotely as detailed as the truth though, that's the thing. They cast everyone they dislike as part of some SJW monolith who are all "in on it" and protecting Zoe Quinn because she sucked them all off or w/e. It doesn't even occur to them that multiple people might disagree with them because their accusations are flimsy to begin with. And by doubling down they only lost more credibility.

Why? Or what part? Also, this isn't part of gamergate. Gamergate was one specific thing involving zoe quinn and her interaction with game devs and reviewers. This isn't connected to that.

Try to stay on topic, user. Your obsession with some SJW isn't relevant to the fact no one has defended him.

Unfortunately some of these people aren't trolling and really do believe everything Zoe says. I know some retards on Discord who browse Yea Forums and also think Zoe Quinn has done nothing wrong and that anyone who dislikes her in anyway are just misogynists, and believe that Zoe Quinn has absolutely nothing to gain from playing the victim.

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What isn't, honestly? It's literally FULL of shit, to the brim.
>This isn't connected to gamergate

>there are people in this thread genuinely believing that Alec was moving Quinn around with 2 fingers in her pussy
Are you all actually retarded?

>find infertile black girl
>convince her to adopt white kids
>maybe a black girl too to make it fair
How do I achieve this dream?

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Define “abuse” though.

It seems like he behaved like an absolute asshat at times. Let his mental issues get the better of him and in turn that affected those around him and generally was a difficult and abrasive character. Is that “abuse” these days?

Tbh though if this is how those closest to him react to his literal suicide, it’s no wonder he struggled to much mentally - doesn’t seem he had a very strong support group

I don't believe Zoe. His family, friends, co-workers? Yeah.

we have this thread every day ;^)

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What's the legal definition of "emotional abuse" anyway? These people use vague definitions to say anything they want and make it look real. And easy to backpedal from when you get called out.

Abusive how though? Because I'll remind you when this originally broke every news site was claiming he was a rapist or sexual abuser, which is a pretty far cry from him just being an emotionally manipulative little bitch.

And so far that seems to be all that he was; emotionally manipulative. Which isn't great but its not on the same level as literal rapist.

Not being chad thundercock and beta provider at the same time all the time.

Here's something very telling:
Discord trannies have the janitors and mods in their pockets, it's a well known fact. What they don't like the jannies don't like either and delete.

The fact this thread is still alive tells us that NOT EVEN FUCKING TRANNIES like zoe quinn

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Is there an influx of faggots here who were banned from Resetera, and don't have $10 who have to resort to starting their Zoe fanclub on Yea Forums instead?

>Because of course when it's a man you listen and believe.
Zoe denied nothing in the post, she even clarified that the fifth "guy" was a woman

Is it the only restaurant with this gimmick or are there more with these kinds of shows.

t. gamejournopro

So you are now flip flopping to

>well he may have been shitty but...
Just accept he was a shithead, did what he was accused of, and that is his fault. No one else is responsible for him being an ass and then killing himself when people say "Yo, this guy is a dick". It's called freespeech

>Because of course when it's a man you listen and believe.
When Zoe tried to file a suit again Eron preventing him from talking about her online, her complaint wasn't that it was slander. Her complaint was that it was "highly personal information"

He wasn't even emotionally manipulative. He just threw tantrums and the spineless fucks around him got scared from it.

Chinks need to burn

>Just accept he was a shithead, did what he was accused of,
Why should I when I know Zoe Quinn has used such methods in the past to shut down her opponents?
Read about CON

>did what he was accused of

What has he been accused of you retard?

Thats not an argument.

Also, again, why is it so hard to accept the truth that this issue is not the same one as gamergate?

da fuq is this thread

Actually more often but mods do nothing about it

Perfect example of what I'm talking about.

She was pretty stoked about crashing their servers. Her "just asking questions" included a bunch of rants and false accusations, plus demands that people not donate to those "assholes" and instead donate to her Patreon.

Her patreon hasn't produced a single thing in 5 years of funding by the way.

>Because of course when it's a man you listen and believe.

Or, maybe people believe it because he included facebook chatlogs, and included video verifying that the chatlogs were real

Attached: 6SVLxB0.png (2543x2046, 706K)

Zoe Quinn says that Alec yelled at her and shoved fingers in her like a bowling ball and walked around the house 7 years ago. Friends and family of Alec said "yeah, that's probably true".

And now people are pretending like this is proof that Zoe is some infallible angel who has never done anything wrong and that anything negative about her is just from misogynists trying to ruin a woman from taking over video games.

How is that strawmanning?

Everyone agrees he could get angry, but not the point of abuse. Any mention of abuse is just "he was kind of mean to me once, so I stand with zoe".
>literally anyone who knew him says he was abusive
Except for the Aquaria Voice Actress whom he worked closely with for months. You know, the only person who has spoken up that wasn't in the insane SJW clique that all other accusations came from.

Don't pretend you would give a shit if you didn't hate Zoe Quinn already.


>listen and believe Zoe's accusations of abuse against Alec!!!
>but don't listen or believe Eron's accusations of abuse against Zoe!!!

He threatened to kill himself all the time in order to get what he wanted.

Listen bro, I think Quinn is a con artist sociopath but you can't sanitize the narrative just to make her look worse because all it does is make it look more like a conspiracy against her.

What are you talking about? The gamergate conspiracy is far more detailed than it even needs to be.

I think maybe you don't understand tribalism. Zoe doesn't have to go around personally seducing people for support and favors. Once she established herself as an "influencer" in the "indie game hipsters" in-group, they will defend her against anyone outside of the in-group, including their own customers.

Tribalism is a very powerful force. It's why all the Christian Republicans accept Trump despite him being a flagrant sinner, and why all the SJWs accepted Hillary despite her being a corrupt racist.

Now there's years and years of consistent scammy/abusive behavior surrounding this woman, but everyone has to keep defending her because they already started.

>resetranny caring about free speech


Nothing legally relevant. Other than allegedly locking ZQ into his apartment. Wasn't he supposed to be living with other people in one big house? And who was ZQ's roommate? That one could corroborate her story, if such a person even exists.

>no one has defended hm
That's false

You have evidence this man's family did these things?

Zoe is not the sole accuser. You cannot fall back on just "ZOOOEEEE"


>Incels harass woman, then feign innocence. Makes more sense to me than Zoe Quinn finding out about a bunch of wizards talking about her game out of the blue and then claiming harassment.

Except that's literally what happened. Wizardchan trash-talked her game, and she claimed they were prank calling her house. The claim resulted in her getting a ton of followers and her Patreon shooting up from nothing to $1000 a month. It also got her game more free press than ever before, and the wave of new support resulted in it getting greenlit

Attached: wizardchan.jpg (1057x5054, 710K)

>They are all lying
>I, a guy who never knew he existed before Friday, knows the truth

>Anyone disagreeing with me is an SJW!
Actual nutcase lmao

Most of those tweets aren't even directly about TFYC though and noticing you accidentally brought something down isn't the same as instigating a DDOS no matter how funny you think it is. You also included some tweets twice for some reason. Had to pad it out?

>”Nobody forced this man to kill himself but also ebul gaymers FORCED these innocent people off of Twitter!”

Honestly, these people all deserve to die.

Being irritable doesn't make someone an abuser. That's a huge leap you're taking.

See this >I'm saying if many unrelated people are calling Alec an abusive person, it's more likely that they're telling the truth
>if enough people say something it's the truth

It's because of fucking retards like him that the mob mentality is working.

Now you’re flip flopping from “he was an abuser!!!” To “he was a shithead”.

If someone’s a shit head call them it and don’t fucking have them in your life. There a solution, that results in you not being “abused” and some mentally ill person not killing themself

>I don't know enough about the rest but the ones I do know paint a picture of people with an agenda consistently slandering her.

What sort of agenda do you think her former co-workers have? Because 90% of what we know about Zoe are nightmare stories of working with her:

>Literally no argument from /pol/tards so they just keep using strawmen and other fallacies
lel. It's amusing to watch you guys flail.

>All those shit angles
>No ass shots
What's the fucking point
Leave my trap queen out of this

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>The gamergate conspiracy is far more detailed than it even needs to be.
However autistically detailed gamergate is, the truth is even more granular than they can conceive. It's just that they kept bringing in unrelated stuff and lumping it together.

So you agree that there is someone who he worked with closely who is defending him. Good to know.

If some other woman with a history of drama and accusations accused a man with no evidence and it resulted in his suicide, I'd be equally interested in looking into that event.

You seem to forget that the world didn't always hate Zoe Quinn. She did stuff that made them take notice and dislike her. Regardless of if her infamy started here or in the past, her actions would be noticed and taken exception to.

Exactly. Incels DO harass women. Zoe knew she could bait this and made it her whole marketing strategy.

It worked, obviously.

>Because of course when it's a man you listen and believe.
People believed him because he backed it up with documentation of his claims. Did you ever read it?

she has no ass

*documentation supporting his claims

I didn't make the image. Notice how the "not paying women" was just something she made up, and she didn't care about trans persons until she was corrected about their pay structure. One of Zoe's friends also doxxed members of TFYC, which Zoe shared

Attached: wizardchan2.jpg (1057x5454, 853K)

>Benson's giant whiny ass post completely putting shit on Alec now that he's dead and cant defend the accusations
How conveniently timed

No. He was an abuser, retard. Provide proof he was not. There is plenty of statements he was. You are now arguing retarded semantics to try and paint him as innocent because you legit cannot accept you are trying to defend a guy who did what he was accused of. You lost, get over it, wait until the next time to get your evil Zoe boogieman, tardo.

Zoe Quinn looks like a weak shit, what can of abuse she can do?

Rape is not funny, I got raped by my step dad from age 6 to 11 when my mom finally divorced him.

Where is proof?

But again, there's zero evidence that Wizardchan ever shared her contact info or planned to harass her

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>Expelled from Twitter
>Noone will believe her rape accusations anymore
>Too afraid to rise her voice at anything

She fucking lost bros... Damn, i wanr to protect her so much

Is that why you became a tranny?

She has no tits either
It's clearly not stopping her

>Wizardchan trash-talked her game, and she claimed they were prank calling her house.
And there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they were. The "incels don't dare to talk to women dey dindu nuffin" talking point is obviously ridiculous. Zoe Quinn tweeted plenty of harmless things too, I guess she must automatically be innocent of anything she's accused of!

It is when it's by a clown

Sure. All she had to do was say "I'm a woman, these incels are attacking me" and the money came rushing in. And of course, so did then the actual incels harassing her.

>Because 90% of what we know about Zoe are nightmare stories of working with her:
I don't give a fuck about workplace drama, it has zero fucking bearing on the observable facts that Yea Forums has lied on multiple occasions to accuse her of wrongdoing.

>You seem to forget that the world didn't always hate Zoe Quinn. She did stuff that made them take notice and dislike her.
Like being a woman and making a game. That's usually enough for Yea Forums.

Zoe Quinn is a lying whore. She has added NOTHING Positive to this industry, this community.

Zoe Quinn is a fucking cancer. And we should treat her like any other curable disease.

I'm starting to think trannyera raids are real. Nobody else would be so desperate to defend a worthless roastie.

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>making a game
What was it called?

What was he accused of you spastic? You can’t just keep saying “abuse”. Define it, what did he do?

>Yea Forums has lied
Any forum, especially an anonymous one, is going to have people making false claims. That doesn't mean all claims made here can be dismissed.

I haven't seen anyone defend Zoe quinn. Lying to yourself because you hate someone is delusion.

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>this industry, this community.

Good luck getting pegged


I can't believe Zoe Quinn murdered the angry video game nerd.

>mental ill woman dates mental ill man


This. Even before I came to Yea Forums to get this side of the story, I saw gamedevs and reviewers on twitter get piled on for showing the most reasonable skepticism toward Zoe. It was crazy to see professionals publicly tweet thinly-veiled threats about "coming down on the wrong side" of a fledgling controversy. It's pure tribal behavior. Professionalism and ethics have long since gone out the window.


she traded nudes with me and i was only 9 years old at the time..............................

Unlike wikipedia, those pages are allowed to cite primary sources.

Wikipedia doesn't, so it's description relies entirely on "reliable sources" aka professional media outlets and secondhand info. If the New York Times says my car is green, then it remains green until another outlet says otherwise no matter how many pics and corrections I post on my twitter showing that my car is black.

For most topics, focusing on reliable sources is fine, but the press and wikipedia suck at documenting internet events. So, I included two links that cite things that actually happened on social media, regardless of who looks bad. Anything wrong with the citations on those pages?

Or maybe it's a horrible coincidence that Zoe has had five different men sexually assault her over the years

What a shitload of fuck

You're standing over a corpse, and your time is coming you maggot.

A new dude came out and said Alec was a piece of shit, but he must also be part of the shadow cabal.

>I know armies of incels are attack her! I know because Zoe Quinn said so!

Yes, because the people who hate her and think that she's a professional victim, would obviously send her harassment to... prove her point and justify her delusions of being a martyr? Has it ever occurred to you why these misogynists live in a world where half the population are female, and somehow they only coordinate these mysterious harassment campaigns that nobody can prove exists, and only target people who are professional victims?

Do read up on the lonks provided because it shows a consistent pattern of Zoe being manipulative, harassing people she doesn't like and promising money and help but giving none.

>guy is a cuck
Yea Forums
>same cuck kills himself over goober gate roastie
Yea Forums

What were they thinking

There appear to be two kinds of people on Yea Forums:

Those who hate Zoe Quinn's guts and have been proven to lie in order to defame her
Those who don't give a flying fuck about Zoe Quinn and steer clear of the drama

Therefore any sort of claim you see about Zoe Quinn on Yea Forums is highly suspect.

Let's assume that this is all true. That means Alec was fine, at least externally, in 2005-2007. What changed in the next few years?

People like you are too filled with emotion to ever put up a worthwhile fight. You're the type that steps on landmines or opens doors connected to poison gas valves because you work on pure emotion and rage, with very little thinking going besides "ME AM MAD! U AM PAY!"

Theyre both shit, but one was shit enough to cause a guy to kill himself

Go back to twitter, mentally ill friend. "Black and White thinking" is a sign of mental illness.

Started dating Zoe and then married her. Later got divorced.

>And there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they were.

Why? There's literally no evidence of it.

Zoe also asserted that all negative feedback on her greenlight page was also the work of a conspiracy or "raid" and not just randos giving their kneejerk opinions

>sites like Kotaku and Polygon believe everything Zoe Quinn says, and disagree with people who call out their bad journalism
>Wikipedia believes sites like Kotaku and Polygon because they're "reputable"
>dumbfucks like you believe everything they read on Wikipedia without even thinking about the sources

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No, like creating a supposed anti-bullying coalition that scammed people, used vulnerable people for publicity and then immediately dropped them once they were no longer generating publicity.

There are tons of women in gave development, either in teams or as leads or as indie developers. Do you see Yea Forums going after every single one of them? No. Do you see them going after men too? Yes. Phil fish for instance.

I understand you want to just blanket categorize Yea Forums's interest as misogyny- and thats obviously gonna be an element to some level- but thats far from the only motivation or the largest one.

If my wife divorces me and I kill myself as a result, does that mean my ex wife made me kill myself?

He dated Zoe Quinn.

>rips the frog open and eats its still beating heart
What an absolute savage

I hope he paid for it

he was never fine
she didn't know him well

Even if it does I know for a fact that Yea Forums is no better

no she didnt, he an hero'd of his own free will

well which one are you? you clearly aren't the one that steers clear of the drama if you're posting in this thread, so... hmm...

Hi Zoe, are you posting threats against yourself again? Put me in the screencap for when you pass it around to the press

Attached: ny lie.jpg (1676x2070, 698K)

Trump, shouldn't you be golfing?

>Why? There's literally no evidence of it.
Incels gonna incel
>Zoe also asserted that all negative feedback on her greenlight page was also the work of a conspiracy or "raid" and not just randos giving their kneejerk opinions
Yeah, what a coincidence that a whole influx of randos found out about her game at the same time Wizardchan did. Just like a whole bunch of randos suddenly started sending her death threats right when gamergate started obsessing about her. So many coincidences.

she must have the worst luck
every guy tries to rape her
and she's ugly as fuck too

>What an absolute savage
Sure, let's just hope that some animal rips open his remaining arm and do the same to him, then maybe he'll get a clue.

>I hope he paid for it
It cost him an arm and a leg.

user please
two things that you could see are different close are hair and skin(not even the color)
not even mention eyes

Way to be that f'n retarded.

Fuck off Carlos

Wait, literally every single person that dislikes Zoe has lied about her? How do you even prove that?

Yea Forums is not a singular source nor a collective hivemind. But fine, you don't think we have credibility.

Do you think Zoe has credibility? Considering that so many of her former peers and coworkers keep outing her as chronically dishonest

Do you believe that Zoe stabbed to death an attempted rapist in Boston?

>being a woman and making a game
Such a BS thing to say and you know it, nobody objects to a game developer just because they're a woman. Are you dishonest or just stupid?

Attached: asuka face.png (509x474, 303K)

I was here to witness it all personally and I watched Yea Forums's cobbled-together franken-narrative form in real time, so your bullshit won't work on me.

Any company that does business with Zoe Quinn or Anita Sarkeesian should be black listed.

Zoe does not have credibility but Zoe is not the only person to come out. You cannot base your argument on just Zoe. Okay, Zoe lied user. Now prove the others did. "BUT ZOE" Isn't proof of shit.

Zoe Quinn restored her twitter account already. It's just private now.

Yeah, they're not misogynists, they also hate effeminate men or men who support women's rights! And they don't hate women who know their place!

>Like being a woman and making a game. That's usually enough for Yea Forums.

Name one other example of this besides Zoe Quinn

Didn't Zoe Quinn get like $90k in funding for a game she hasn't even started making yet?

Isn't that the same photo of her she insisted they use on her wikipedia page despite it going against wikipedia policy?

Who fucking cares. Everyone involved is a lying scumbag piece of shit including the dead cuck.

>nobody objects to a game developer just because they're a woman
Be honest. You wanted the (You)'s.

Attached: George Lucas lights up the night.gif (350x262, 2.66M)

>Bringing in Anita
But why?


>Wait, literally every single person that dislikes Zoe has lied about her? How do you even prove that?
I haven't seen a single one that hasn't glommed onto gamergate wholeheartedly.

No, I wanted to post a picture of Asuka mostly. But I'm right either way.

Seething incels

Attached: 1559067271817.jpg (1080x1289, 105K)

Because resetera has to pretend Gamergate is starting up again and is going to harass poor Zoe over the incident.

One more.

Attached: asuka18.png (1109x960, 1.53M)

>Incels gonna incel

What does that even mean? Has Wizardchan EVER conspired to harass any women?

>Yeah, what a coincidence that a whole influx of randos found out about her game at the same time Wizardchan did.

Correction, the negative feedback began as soon as the greenlight page went up. Wizardchan didn't notice until a few days later, and completely ignored it during it's first failed submission term. You know Depression Quest was submitted to greenlight twice, right?

>Just like a whole bunch of randos suddenly started sending her death threats right when gamergate started obsessing about her. So many coincidences.

But that's wrong. Zoe has been describing getting threats before Gamergate or the Wizardchan saga.

This is ProJared ALL OVER AGAIN.

Everyone Involved is a low life scum bag.

>Do you believe that Zoe stabbed to death an attempted rapist in Boston?
I honestly couldn't give less of a shit, if Zoe Quinn is a liar then it's just a pissing contest between liars.

Attached: 1.jpg (452x337, 111K)

The other women "came out" to say that Alec was a jerk, or that Zoe shared the story with them. No one else accused him of anything sexual.

Notice how the entire crowd is foreigners? I live in Tokyo and no one I've met in the past 8 years has gone there. Lowest-brow entertainment. Might as well go to Cali and see Medieval Times, that is a real show.

The only group of people you're pissing off with that image is Black Women.

this is why 2D will eternally be the superior choice over 3DPD
it's time to take the anime-pill, user.

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curious to see her total # of tweets before and after this

I mean, if he's incapacitated, yeah.

>pissing contest between liars
>one is an individual
>one is Yea Forums, an anonymous forum with thousands of individuals

How are you able to track whether anons on Yea Forums glommed onto gamergate on other websites? Most of the posts reporting negative things about her haven't mentioned GG

>But that's wrong. Zoe has been describing getting threats before Gamergate or the Wizardchan saga.
So that means we can ignore obvious spikes?

He killed himself for losing his job and being cast out of the family while he was already depressed as shit because some random thot accused him of something ridiculous and everyone went into the "BELIVE WAMEN" mode.

Identity politics are a thought crime carried out by Bernie Sanders

Okay, so you admit that Zoe has as much credibility as Yea Forums anons. I'd agree with that.

You don't have to take anyone's word, just follow the citations

Can't wait until one of the basedboys she triggered goes into an incel rage and streams himself beheading her on twitch.

>one is Yea Forums, an anonymous forum with thousands of individuals
And the ones invested in this? All liars.

I read up on many tweets and as far as I can tell, this is just a case of a bunch of terrible people doing terrible things to each other.
Zoe was abusive to Alec and vice versa, Alec was abusive to his friends and coworkers and vice versa.
Holy shit why would anyone want to be an indie gamer dev? It sounds like people behave under post apocalypse rules in the indie scene.

>Yea Forums has lied on multiple occasions to accuse her of wrongdoing.
Agree. Particularly jarring in her case since Zoe is ready to be canonized.

It's a tourist trap, what do you expect? Medieval Times also gets a lot of asian visitors

I have to say that this sounds like a good reason to go insane.

I think that was the huge Skype (or some shit) chat log Ian Miles Chong dumped that got her Crash Override network shut down. Turns out they had been carefully planning their own fake doxs and doxxing people they didn’t like.

If you ask them about it the gamergate talking points come out every time.

I love how we say isolation causes mental illness, like overexposure to people would cause it too.

Mental illness is caused by extremes, like any illness.

way ahead of you user. i literally do not get aroused by real women anymore, only anime girls. and ive never been happier.

You guys realize us doing this is why she's famous, and we should just go video games instead

The last few days ive been on Yea Forums the only 500 post threads I see are non vidya
Fuck this board

I'm pretty sure they hated Phil Fish because he literally told people to choke on his cock on twitter.

Gaming sites have been shilling for Zoe and telling people to give her money long before Gamergate even happened.

What obvious spikes? No one's measured any, and there's no instances of Gamergate instructing or encouraging people to contact her.

Why? Because they hate Zoe and yet know that she will profit off any harassment sent her way. Even the #fiveguys IRC chatroom set ground rules that Zoe was not to be touched, but starved from attention

Attached: questions3.png (1011x334, 36K)

The entire scene for the Gaming Industry has become fucking retarded. The fact that Zoe Quinn and the fucking retards like her get any media traction is proof enough that gaming has jumped the fucking shark.

>Other woman
What about his family, 4+ co-workers, that guy earlier etc.

You got a lot of work to do.

Cool? You want a cookie?

Anything negative about Zoe is "gamergate" talking points? Therefore anyone talking mess about Zoe is gamergate. That's circular logic

Were there any lies in this article?

If we didn't do this then she'd have to make "games" for them to talk about.

I wish I was raped by a gang of loli

Are you seriously that fucking mental?

To be fair we were trying to start GG again but no one cares about this.

>Now prove the others did
that is now how it works buddy
the one that points the finger is the one that need to bring proof

Anyone here could pile on accusing YOU of something without concrete proof. I bet you wouldn't like that don't you sweetie?


Could you really call the particular being in question a person though?

Does not matter. Gamergate will harass ZQ and that is the end of it. Even if they have to make it up themselves. They now need to make themselves the bigger victims and GG is the perfect scapegoat for that.

>Lowest-brow entertainment.
Ah yes, a true connoisseur would go to Japan and visit art galleries and such. Actually I went to an open-air museum a few days earlier, that place fucking sucked.
>Might as well go to Cali and see Medieval Times, that is a real show.
Why not both?

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How convenient for Zoe that she could do anything and if you point it out, you're goobergate. A potent defense mechanism.

The only thing poor about Zoe is her fan's moral fiber.

I think they hated Phil Fish because he trashed anime games. Imagine anyone on Yea Forums actually being upset over being told to choke on a dick.

The first time around mods and jannies were pruning threads constantly. People can actually talk about it now, it'll fizzle out unlike last time.

What's your point user? That he deserved to die, or that we shouldn't have sympathy for him, because people said he was an asshole? I don't care if he was guilty of everything people have said, he didn't do anything all that bad even if you believe it all. Announcing your grievances from nearly a decade ago with him in a very public way when you know he has mental problems is fucked up.

What do you even do in this situation?

You're accusing people of lying and as such must prove your accusation. Stop being a hypocrite.

why would anyone defend him

Yes he is. Please note that those people have been mass-invading the threads since Scott made his post and Zoe made her twitter private.

I bet that those threads are going to be used as ammunition in whatever next article we will soon see about """toxic gamers""".

Museums are pretty dank but they lack replay value

No, they hated him because he's a smug piece of shit. Fuck Anime Games. He's a fucking social retard.

They all said they believed stories of him being a jerk, which is what Zoe's claims boiled down to.

That's also something Alec admitted to and was getting professional help for. Zoe knew he was mentally ill but still decided that siccing an internet mob on him would "help". Despite her spending years educating the public about the trauma of internet harassment. Especially towards people with mental illnesses.

I'm not even sure if she's claiming sexual assault or if he's just bad at fingerbanging

Attached: suicide.jpg (576x7417, 991K)

>Even the #fiveguys IRC chatroom set ground rules that Zoe was not to be touched, but starved from attention
That so? Because the chatlogs I saw were gleefully discussing how they might get her to kill herself. Gamergate was always saying one thing, and doing another.

>Spend hours of your precious life on learning how to code a game
>invent a completely new mechanic and more than a hundred puzzles
>people were mean to you
>disappear off the face of the earth
some passion

That each individual is responsible for their own action and trying to blame others for someones actions is retarded.

I am assuming you are retarded.

Not an excuse in any way, shape, or form.

>Gamergate was always saying one thing, and doing another.
Because it was a disorganized group made up of a lot of different people with different opinions and goals.

Is Night in the Woods even good?

It looks like hot shit.

Nigga, they're Black Women
They can fight and fuck whoever they want
As for the sexually frustrated beta white males of Yea Forums (and the fucker who an hero'd) that's a different story

Attached: louie.webm (1165x720, 3M)

>tfw dated a Chinese girl for a few years
>was seen together in public often
>everyone would fucking seethe if we had any physical contact in public (hand holding, back touches, etc)
>she ended up leaving me because her parents and the Chinese community eventually wore her down and convinced her we were too culturally different even though we enjoyed everything together

Attached: IMG_20190829_135035.jpg (794x592, 56K)

>To be fair we were trying to start GG again but no one cares about this.

Why? This doesn't connect to any wider industry issues. I had a fun time with GG and all but we hit most of our goals already

Attached: Misconceptions+about+gamergate_86adbc_5377881.png (1000x3500, 296K)

Thus GamerGate was never even real. It's all a bunch of made up BS that only proves how fragile and pathetic the people involved with in this industry are.

>siccing an internet mob on him
Not sure if it's rhetoric, but I feel like there wasn't enough time for a mob to move in. However, if he was getting bombarded with threats and insults, it would be pretty ironic considering that's the same shit LW1 claimed Gjoni did to her.

What's your opinion on gamergate, though?

What IQ must you possess to be this gullible and stupid?
He sounds exactly like a parody of a fedora wearing skinnyfat acne faced incel, the absolute worst caricature of a person you could imagine, thinking internet personalities are their real friends or even thinking that they know each other, and there he is, existing in real life.

If you didn't check out the museums in Ueno Park then you really missed out. The Western art museum in particular is fantastic.
If you see the Robo Restaurant might as well pay up for the Ninja, Jail and Hospital themed ones as well. Did you notice all the niggers hanging around the Robo Restaurant? That should have been your first clue.

i wanna be paid to shitpost and defend zoe quinn but retardera itt do it for free :((
make sure you kill yourselves later on your way out

Attached: 1566361413129m.jpg (576x1024, 49K)

You missed your opportunity to move to a different city and start over with her. Maybe next time.

You chinkcels are too obvious.

Tbf if iq was inherited like that, every child would be lower than their father because women are retarded

Nobody wants to fuck Black Women. They're the lowest teir group of women out there. They're literally lower than the Gooks.

Now look how stupid you are.

A liberal does not simply equal a sjw.
SJWs are called such because of their behavior, mannerisms, and flawed beliefs. They are very much a real and pertinent problem for society.

>you must proof that the others saying things without proof are liars or you are a hypocrite
jesus christ, the IQ drop is ridiculous...

The person who claims something about other is responsible for bringing proof of it. This is one of the most basic concepts of criminal law in any democratic country. Don't take from me, go read ANY criminal book, from USA, canada, GEermany, french, italian, greek etc

Basically. Anybody who disagreed with the narrative put forward by game journalists was lumped in with gamergate.

Ah, so they hated him because he reminded them of themselves, and there is no one they hate more.

I still have no idea which side "Gamer Gate" is even supposed to represent and why.

Everyone who Zoe hangs out with turns out to be an asshole.
You know what they say: when everyone you bump in is an asshole, you're the asshole.

you wish

No, you saw ONE PERSON gleefully joking about Zoe committing suicide. Because you only saw out-of-context excerpts from the press. If you read the whole chatlogs you'd see that the person was kicked from the chatroom, and a consensus was formed heavily against harassing Zoe because they felt it would benefit her. The next person that suggested touching her was banned as well

But hey, you can see plenty of Zoe's fans gleefully joking about Alec's death

Attached: questions.png (1056x627, 72K)

this is the only post that needs to be in this thread

>just you and me, see where the night takes us
This is the most autistic shit I've ever read, a textbook definition of autism, using pick-up lines so cheesy and being so utterly fucking gullible

What it factually meant in terms of palpable effects in the real world was a whole load of bullshit. I don't care about the idea of the ideal gamergater with noble intentions who never took any part in that shit because that person, if he existed, didn't effect anything.

Is this it? Was GamerGate controlled by the Games "Journos" and who ever they were fighting with was labeled GamerGate?

It is good

And in fact just as common on the right if not moreso.

Nah, this place sucked hard, it's like you know that one post where a guy talks about chiselling a dragon out of a tree and it being placed next to a crude statue of a guy sucking his own dick? That's what this place was like. A few cool architectural exhibits and a whole bunch of incredibly shitty and crude pieces of modern """""art""""".
I didn't take any other photos of the exhibits but I did pick up a postcard.

>If you didn't check out the museums in Ueno Park then you really missed out.
I visited a bunch of parks and gardens but not any other museums. If they had traditional art I probably did miss out but clearly I don't think much of modern art.
>Did you notice all the niggers hanging around the Robo Restaurant?
I was initially quite wary because I'd heard plenty about Kabukicho having aggressive touts, Nigerian or otherwise, but I didn't end up seeing a single black person there despite staying right in the middle of Kabukicho for a week.

Attached: yooooooooooooooo.jpg (756x932, 230K)

>Don't look at the things they cherry-picked, look at the things I cherry-picked! Take my word, not theirs!

You now realize that Eron Gjoni's blogpost was basically a #metoo beware story before #metoo existed.


Attached: IMG_2389.png (404x399, 12K)

not the slightest and everyone here knows it, but nice jab try

You can probably find the logs and search them yourself if you care to verify it.

Every single death threat they cited came from anonymous troll accounts with no visible ties or history with Gamergate. So, yeah

Literally just someone got a threat =


Yeah, the problem here is that Zoe didn't report this to the police or anything, she - just like any other halfbrained twitter user would have done - made a twitter post. Her primary goal was to fuel hate.

Yeah, I can see people talking about her suicide weeks before your screencap

>invent a completely new mechanic
I bet Fish and his fans actually believe this.

It's ricecel nufag
Nice cope
Doesn't change the fact Black Women have a higher success rate than you though

Attached: 1479684980258.gif (350x545, 1.98M)

Wow. Games "Journalists" are even more worthless than I thought.

>not the slightest and everyone here knows it
Of course they'd deny it, they're the ones.

Not my screencap, learn how Yea Forums works

Attached: asuka.jpg (561x640, 102K)

my fuggin dick

If you're talking about fertility then I suppose you're right about having a higher success rate.

>It's just a coincidence that these anonymous accounts started popping up right around gamergate and repeating gamergate talking points directly to gamergate's targets!

The part relevant to the discussion are the life consequences which are the same no matter what term you use.
You are the disingenuous scumbag.

Here's the entire chatlog:

>Not my screencap
Jesus fucking Christ, who gives a fuck about proper attribution, do YOU know how Yea Forums works? What's the point in me knowing that the person who just posted a picture of Asuka didn't post the earlier screencap?

Yea Forums - Video Games
>Yea Forums - Video Games
Yea Forums - Video Games
>Yea Forums - Video Games
Yea Forums - Video Games
>Yea Forums - Video Games
Yea Forums - Video Games
>Yea Forums - Video Games
Yea Forums - Video Games
>Yea Forums - Video Games
Yea Forums - Video Games
>Yea Forums - Video Games
Yea Forums - Video Games
>Yea Forums - Video Games
Yea Forums - Video Games
>Yea Forums - Video Games
Yea Forums - Video Games
>Yea Forums - Video Games

So everybody who objects to these people or wanted to mess with them must be "gamergate." Making gamergate a meaningless label basically.

Or you know, the most obvious conclusion would be trolls who like seeing both sides freak out

Except none of the documented threat accounts said anything about Gamergate, or games journalism. Most didn't even mention video games. What "talking points"?

Also Zoe had been getting swamped with death threats long before GG existed. So had Brianna Wu, for that matter

Attached: DCFuL3MWsAAhVxQ.jpg (1024x860, 111K)

Would you feel a burden if you accused someone falsely of something and they ended up killing themselves for it?
Ofc, put yourself in the shoes of a normie, I doubt I'd lose any sleep over someone I don't even know or even know relatively

So why is it gamergaters say "these people don't represent us, we can't control them" etc. whenever a bunch of harassers appear in their midst, but the same logic doesn't work for the supposed "true" gamergaters amongst the legion of harassers? Like, they can't help that a couple of idiots didn't get the joke and genuinely bought into the ethics in games journalism angle, but it's not representative of the movement.

They are

Attached: lpHE91re1sgdo1_500.png (500x601, 295K)

How can CON be a fraud if the wikipedia page lists none of the controversies?

Who is a gamergater to you? I don't like game journalists or Zoe Quinn, but I've never considered myself a part of "gamergate."

I'm not privy to twitter trials but lets look at whats available without twitter. She's a figurehead of gamergate, despite her only game being depression quest, which has been very poorly received. Its on the same level as a college project and she and the project don't deserve the attention it gets. It's bizarre. Slap some tits on someone and develop a quarter baked game and all of the sudden you're a credible game developer. In my opinion, the video game needs to crash and burn once more in order for things to go back to normal. For too long twitter and its resident trannies have been allowed to ruin good things for no good reason. Verdict: Shes a nobody who started a virtual forest fire. GUILTY AS CHARGED

Attached: 1554998560752.jpg (930x916, 71K)

>VIDEO GAME developers are not video game related

When somebody is found murdered, there's a reason detectives ask around if he had any enemies. Of course a random act of violence is always a possibility but if there was also a whole league of persons who hated the victim's guts guess what they're going to treat as more probable.

That would not be the most obvious conclusion at all, actually. It's a pathetic attempt at deflection.

You'd make a shitty detective to be honest.

Gamergaters are identified by their belief in a conspiracy theory regardless of what they call themselves.

What's the conspiracy theory?

What harassers were in the midst of Gamergate? Any attempts to organize harassment were banned from every GG forum and chatroom. Nobody has been able to find a single instance of GG directing people to contact those women. Also, 98% of the documented harassers had no ties to GG whatsoever. No history with GG and no mention of it. You don't need a conspiracy to explain where shitheads on the internet came from, they were always here, everywhere

And if their real goal was to anonymously send threats to women, then why bother with the ethics in game journalism angle? How does a phony PR campaign make it easier to create new twitter accounts and spam slurs?

Attached: 1431540042667-1.png (1592x4200, 738K)

>Me, the rookie cop: Detective, I've found several dozen death threats in the victim's mailbox, several of them signed. Additionally, I've spoken with the neighbours and apparently the victim got on the bad side of the mob. I think these are some promising leads.
>You, the next Sherlock: nah, it was probably a random psychopath taking advantage of the situation, the rest is just coincidence, it's the most logical explanation

ever heard of psychological abuse?

Attached: IMG_2288 (2).jpg (998x792, 167K)

>And if their real goal was to anonymously send threats to women, then why bother with the ethics in game journalism angle?
Because that was a really great way of getting at Zoe Quinn and tarnishing her reputation? That's what they really cared about.

cool fanfiction

>death threats are signed with blatantly fake names like "BadMobsterDude69"
>rookie ignores the possibility that they're fake and takes them at face value

Imagine being one of those idiots that believe everything Zoe says.

Attached: EDnTssOX4AACl4F.png (444x116, 40K)

Some shit about Zoe Quinn trading sexual favours for reviews which snowballed into the entire gaming press being in on it and also DARPA getting involved somehow. But most gamergaters don't go that far down the rabbithole.

We are all already dead. This is hell.

After all these years, I have yet to understand why people even care about Zoe. Her book claims she's "one of the most critically acclaimed, widely recognized indie developers in the gaming industry", but we all know that's a lie.

If CON was such a controversial thing, how come this page is clean of any criticisms?

Are you telling me all those unpaid trannies and harassed workers can't even put up a reliable source up to wikipedia standards?

Make a video game is not very important to the gaming industry.

I hope Trump finds a big tiddy qt shy short gf that likes video games but also likes talking about deep philosophy and starring at the night sky

Sorry user. I fear my interracial relationship will lead me down the same road

No, Trump is my bf, she can't have him.

you can only be psychologically abused if your of a weak mind,

What are you talking about? Even if you believe everything Zoe says, that would still mean that the co-founder, Alex Lipschitz abused his power with CON, and that all the tranny volunteers were actually super manipulative and turned on poor Zoe for no reason.

but it is abuse nonetheless

Literally every attempted study into Gamergate harassment has shown that the group produced very little.

Gamergate supporting accounts were half as likely to get banned compared to the average twitter user:

Attached: CzVxpRFUkAAMAce.jpg large.jpg (1102x1100, 271K)

>he says this after clearly getting manipulated into posting on Yea Forums
you already lost

If any of those things were true, they'd have a reliable report on it and it would be cited in the wikipedia page.