What do you think of this guy ?

What do you think of this guy ?

Attached: Nitro_Rad.jpg (900x900, 141K)

Other urls found in this thread:


very handsome

enjoyed his content when he started out, but after a while the way he called everything "rad" and forced "dude" into every sentence really wore on me.

A glass of milk.

extremely boring and samey, like if jontron were more autistic

He tries too hard to be charismatic. Makes decent points in his videos sometimes. If you pay attention to him on livestreams and Twitter it always seems like he has a stick up his ass about something. Not funny at all.

Live-action Rayman with him and Brady as Rayman and Globox when?

I check his channel sometimes because he makes videos about somewhat obscure games I tend to end up liking but every time I actually watch a video of his something about him just kinda pisses me off. Don’t know what it is

I like his content

he said in his SF adventures review that people hated MGR when it first came out

not a big fan of content creators who lie

I like him, and I hope he will review Rayman 2D games at some point. And Beyond Good and Evil as well.

he's canadian

I like him but this is still an eceleb thread and as such you should take a blender and stick your hand in it.

I like his reviews and he makes me chuckle.

His SF adventure review was his "most im so much better then you for liking a shitty game" video

he didn't even give a reason why
literally 80% of the video was him pointing out flaws but he still ended with 'it's a good game'

I really like his non-indie horror game videos. His videos on Siren, Clocktower, etc are all very good.

Attached: exoboo.webm (1920x1080, 2.05M)

Thought this was Rabid Luigi until i saw the filename

I like that he actually breaks down whatever he's reviewing with fair points and doesn't resort to using memes or jokes. That said, he plays things really safe like he's afraid to offend anyone, so it's hard to tell how genuine he's being at times. Like said, there's tons of reviews where he'll point out a ton of flaws in a game but still end it by saying it was at least ok. I think the only game he's ever called outright bad was Bubsy 3D. Still, I do like how in-depth he gets and he does comment on a lot of little things instead of just glossing over everything that isn't the big picture, which is nice. He's a pretty comfortable reviewer all around even if he lacks a real personality.

>that people hated MGR when it first came out
I remember when it was announced some people hated it but most people I recall just reacted with confused interest.

Then when the game came out the reception was "Some people liked it, some people didn't know how to parry".

I like his stuff sometimes, but this is still e-celeb shit.

How do they get away with it?

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wasn't parrying something you had to acquire in the game though? Been a few years since I last played so might be wrong

Morons keep watching them.


AntDude is better.

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I like his videos

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>slowly pans in on face as it shifts from bemused to disgust
>miserable dorky voice
>*pauses*... wow
There's every single one of his jokes that's littered in every single one of his videos

>Hates Kirby for being too ez
>Somehow tried to snake away into justifying Yoshi's Crafted World being a great game
He's the face of nostalgiafaggotry.

violence good
sex baaad.

i liked him then learned he's a friend of known communist and tranny child endorser hbomberguy


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His mischief makers review is fucking awful.

rose tinted glasses and buzzwords discribes this entire channel. Appeals to emotion and hard nostalgia fagging.

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The most troublesome thing I find in his videos is that they are devoid of any humor or personality. They are mostly just "serious" looks at games where he talks about their features and nothing more. I get that you can get pretentious with your presentation but you could make it a little bit more interesting than what he's got going on now. I really liked his Ty reviews because he seemed to have a love hate relationship with the franchise and so threw quips at it constantly. Now he just comes off as a salesman who needs to sell you his newest hidden gem game.

I like him.
I am excited to see what the subject of his halloween videos will be this time. I really enjoyed the clocktower marathon last year.

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>Beard shtick isn't funny anymore
>"We're big men" isn't funny anymore
Just stick to Twitch, Jirard

Dude's a dumbass with a fetish for obscure mascot platformers.

Holy shit this. I love how his guest are FAR more entertaining at this point.

Comfiest vidya reviewer, doesn't try to be funny and gets straight to the point
Excellent taste in vidya

Fatal Frame.

Threw out the funny dude and STILL hasn't recovered

He is soooo boring. Dude has all the charisma of a bucket of cold piss. Remember that comic with the "extra mild for white people" sauce? If that sauce whished to become a human being, it would become Nitrorad.


painfully boring but mostly inoffensive.

Not worth watching but definitely not worth hating.

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Whats' wrong with kingk faggot?

I appreciate him for his Gex videos, a franchise I wish wasn't totally forgotten

he tries too hard to sound silly now

matthewmatosis is probably the best vidya reviewer on the Internet. Or if not, I'd like to know who's better so I can watch them

Only youtuber to talk about the lisa series so he’s good in my book

You're thinking of dodging - Offensive Defence was a bought move. You had the parry and parry counter from the start.

He's pretty boring and very biased when it comes to his personal favorites.

For example, he LOVES Sonic Adventure 2 and thinks Sonic 3 (& Knuckles) is overrated by the entire fandom, even though in reality Sonic 2 is the popular of the Genesis games. He got really defensive in both of his retrospectives. I'm sure there were similar cases in more videos.

He's a zoomer to the extreme that did nothing but compare a masterpiece like LttP with the Zelda games that came after it, calling it mediocre in an overly wrong and flat out wrong review.

Plugging my shitty channel, don't watch my old videos they suck


I was really into Nitrorad when he was just starting out. I think he had like, ten videos max. I've been watching since then, but I can't help but think he's one of those people who develops kind of ridiculous opinions based off of perception of games, rather than actually experiencing them. In particular I remember him always saying how the souls games just weren't his cup of tea because of their popularity, but then he actually sat down and played bloodborne and thought it was amazing, while still refusing to play equally as good of games such as demon's souls and Dark souls, because of their popular status.

Also his Canadian pride is annoying. I don't give a fuck about Canadian cartoons, please do not waste your viewer base's time with shit like that.

Oh yeah and also I'd really prefer it if he didn't do those shitty AVGN tier skits. They never add anything meaningful, and he also blathers on too much about his failed career as a movie director.

This more or less.

Nitro Rad does a good job, and I enjoy listening to his content. He tries to remain acceptable by normies standards to gain that audience I think. "Playing it safe" I think sums that up pretty well in those regards.

I also do like some of his skits, they're hit or miss, but overall I approve. Guy gets a thumbs up for me.

And since nobody else has linked him, why not.


That's really blatant shilling dude...and you know what, it worked. Sure why not, I'll bite. You got a subscribe.

Yo, can you tell me who these people are? I honestly don't even know who those top three even are, and most of the second-tier too...

I wish Brutalmoose would make (bad) game reviews again.

The only one I recognize is Monroe don't judge me

Nitrorad and Scott the Woz are the two names that come to mind when I think "bland, inoffensive, safe youtubers"

I like his comfy arcade, cooking, and vhs videos though.

>hair parted in the middle post-1990's
>extremely weak facial hair; barely qualifies as a chinstrap
>trademark youtube crossed arms pose (bonus thumbs up)
>8-bit sprites

i have no idea who he is and have never seen his videos but I can already tell you what all of them are like

Love his content


Mechagamezilla is the first one, who still makes the most unique and funny stuff on youtube, then it's Accursed Farms, which is more of a meme than actually good. Then a trap who I guess the person who made the image wants to fuck.

Other than them the only person here of note is Matthewmatosis who does quality game analysis

BrutalMoose legit makes some of the better YouTube content out there between his zany obscure shit and off-the-wall editing style. I get a kick out of it at least.

>he has a stick up his ass about something.
I don't feel this way at all. He comes off as a pretty chill guys.

They are his worst content by far though.

said it better than me

I enjoy most of his videos quite a bit, although I avoid anything of his covering those RPG maker games since they just don't interest me as much as horror or platformers.

What about him?

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>literally 80% of the video was him pointing out flaws but he still ended with 'it's a good game'
There's no way you actually watch his videos. He absolutely focuses more on the positive aspects. Of course he's going to mention some negatives at some point.

pick one

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he likes yookah laylee and the new bubsy games
shittaste beyond anything

> don't judge me

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he used to be so fucking based now hes a cuck

he's ok and I appreciate that he has a consistent voice and consistent opinions, but I fucking hate his puppet and his voice.
I actually like puppets (grew up on Sesame Street, enjoyed the recent Pili/Thunderbolt Fantasy) but something about his just rubs me the wrong way.

Probably one of my favorite youtubers. He seems like he tries to find something good about everything he plays and he puts a lot of effort into his productions.

Easily one of the best game related channels on Youtube. Maybe even currently the best game reviewer.

What is it with YouTube reviewers these days and feeling the need to mock their audience anytime the subject of their opinions comes up, they always use a stupid-ass voice while doing it too. He's not Yea Forums but a figure reviewer I used to watch regularly named Jobbythehong does that shit constantly now and it's so annoying.

I just watched your Pokemon Channel video.


Literally who?

Maybe you aren't but it's a proven tactic to get more views.

Lets be honest he seems pretty based. I have only seen that video where he shits on LGBT community using sexuality as defining part of your personality but it was pretty good.