ITT: unfulfilled vidya expectations

ITT: unfulfilled vidya expectations

>was sure we'd have destruction physics and mechanics as standard by now (e.g. Red Faction)
>they're forgotten past a few gimmick games and no one's even working on them

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As an adult it is better to have low expectations of a game you wanna play than high expectations it is what it is but it protects you

I've encountered enough blunders to not have much expectations of the game anymore but in the end it's a good thing it truly is good to be cynical

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It's because the shit needed for them increases with the level of graphical fidelity you absolute ignoramus. Yeah, we could have amazing destruction physics, if the rest of the game looked like it belonged on the PS2. Turns out, most people aren't very interested in that. Keep in mind that most games don't even aim for 60 fucking fps on console.

Hitman's Bank level is starting to experiment more with destruction physics.

Honestly I felt "unfulfilled" by most recent games only until a couple years ago. Games like Breath of the Wild and Nier Automata finally reached the expectations of my dreams.

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>Yeah, we could have amazing destruction physics, if the rest of the game looked like it belonged on the PS2.
I want that

Turns out most people are fucking retarded, like you.

Imagine how much more fun GTA would be with full destruction physics

>Yeah, we could have amazing destruction physics, if the rest of the game looked like it belonged on the PS2.

Around 2005 3d models were able to convey everything they needed in a character, from actions to expressions. Besides, unique are direction > graphical fidelity every time.

I thought DOA's Soft Engine was paving the way to a future where soft skin physics were standard and this would eliminate the clipping you would often see from a character bending their limbs inwards causing their forearm to clip through their upper arm, stuff like that.
Instead they just threw the whole thing out for no damn reason.

Games really should be at a baseline 60 FPS by now. I fucking hate that it's not an industry standard and we STILL have AAA games that drop even below 30 FPS. Those developers should be ashamed.

Agreed, but most AAA games don't need 60 FPS to function properly. Most games aren't fast paced enough or skill based, they are more geared toward experiences instead of challenge.

30FPS is unresponsive and feels like ass regardless of genre. Movies are watchable below 24FPS but that doesn't mean they're as enjoyable.

This is the kind of feature that isn't held back by technological constraints, but really just by how many extra man hours would be required. I think the biggest thing that is going to improve video games isn't stronger GPUs, but actually integrating machine learning tools in order to assist development and allow for games with much bigger scope.

For example, if Rockstar wanted all their buildings in GTAV to be fully fleshed out and destructible instead of just empty exterior facades, it would require a team of developers to sit down and hand model every structural and interior feature of every massive building. This would take an extremely long time and cost in the tens of millions but I think it would be very easy to make a machine learning program that simply recieves the outer facades that buildings in GTAV already are and just autogenerate beleivable interiors and structural information. There is no reason you couldn't do this right now, but the roll out of all these planned AI focused CPUs in the next year or two will definitely expedite this.

You know, there was a really stupid bug/abuse in Division 1 back in the day based around scenery destruction.

Division doesnt have proper destruction, like if you shoot a wall enough it wont fall down, but if you shoot the edge of a pillar it'll get a hole in it, like it's been chipped away.
So there was this one boss at the end of the Russian Consulate or whatever, and he was standing out in the back lot. You couldn't shoot him from outside the dungeon becuase the walls were impenetrable and the gates were too.
But there were pillars either side of the door.
You could chip away at the pillar, keep going, keep going, keep fucking going, and eventually you'd dig a hole out of it and be able to shoot the boss from complete safety no issue.
It was the most mind numbing but hilarious thing.

That's the only fucking time I can think of 'scenery destruction' being useful in recent games.
And that's fucking tragic.

Yeah, you could realistically get away with 4-5 different copy-pasted layouts for buildings, and 4-5 for housing, and then just randomly populate them items with an auto-generating tool, rather than place anything permanently and manually into the game. I don't think anyone would mind the unrealistic aspect given what the trade-off would be.

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Dynamically generate props and furniture is already viable and unironically Star Citizen actually seems to be doing a very good job with this technique to the point that you can't tell it wasn't done by a human. But I think you could take it even further with a true machine learning system trained with real life architectural documents. You could have every wall, strut, beam, and pipe, that is supposed to be in a house generated for you.

>convinced in the future we'd finally have monster games able to surpass godzilla DAMM and war of the monsters
>evolve is the last monster game that comes to mind and everyone and their mother shit on it

I just want to destroy a city ala Red Faction physics

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>t. people who have no clue what they're talking about.
Destructible physics are CPU heavy, not GPU heavy and the reason that physics is stagnant is because consoles are still running chipsets that were subpar a decade ago.


this but unironically


You probably should have bought more tickets to see all those monster movies that bombed in the last few years then.

Me and my bro must have played the war of the monsters demo like 100 times back in the day[/spoilers]

Only recent game with decent destruction physics I can think of is Ace Combat 7. It's a bit wasted there, as it's mostly a dogfighting game, and the big setpiece buildings are invulnerable due to plot. But there's one fun stage with a flooded, ruined city with warships hiding in it. It's possible to shoot the buildings and have them collapse on the ships. There's also a stage with a destructable offshore platform, but the physics part is missing there as they can only be collapsed by shooting at a very specific part.

I was sure we'd see a Pokemon MMO by now. Now it looks like Game Freak just hates money.

i do buy tickets to see them
they're usually all shitty especially king of the monsters save for the music
so it's not my fault it's not doing well enough

DESU I would love a return to PS2 graphics if it meant 60 FPS and destruction physics.

Oh but they love money, they just hate spending above a certain threshold in order to get more money.

Control has a lot of awesome destruction physics that play a decent part in the gameplay as well. There are doors that are locked with a key but you can sometimes just break a wall or a window nearby to get in the room. You can also stack shit to get to places before you unlock the levitate power.

You know it's bad when companies can't even port their old games to save their lives. Everything is so bad nowadays goddamn.

Funny you say this, I was just taking a look at the Castlevania Anniversary Collection port. What an embarrassment, even for konami.