
Why are people talking about this game so much? not necessarily on Yea Forums, but there is a lot of buzz about it outside.

Last 2 titles from Spiders were fun, but really janky. They aren't more than 6-7/10 titles, so I can't understand why people are hyped for Greedfall. What has Spiders done to deserve eople thinking it will be good?

Attached: GreedFall-Interview-01-Header-2060x1159.jpg (2060x1159, 352K)

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it's actually unfortunate. it'll likely be a pretty fun one playthrough game like previous spiders games, but the hype this one has is gonna cause a lot of shitposting and disappointment. especially from people that haven't actually played a spiders game before

If you genuinely think this is a valid argument you belong to reddit

People are just hungry for a decent RPG now that they now that Cyberpunk 2077 isn't gonna be the game they expected.

I don't mind eurojank, but people who aren't used to it are gonna get severely disappointed with all this hype surrounding it.

I fucking hate exclusives
If they didn't exist console war faggotry would be almost non-existent

GreedFall will be epic, more epic than Boringlands 3 this month

I've been watching some dude on twitch play it. Seems fun desu. The choices and consequences actually matter. Gameplay seems pretty basic but serviceable and facial models are bad same with lip sync

shill me this game, OP. How does it play?

Does the combat look good?

Attached: 0265120.png (640x640, 111K)

Looks serviceable enough

I like the colonial fashion of the game.
I'm going to oppress the shit out of the natives.

1. Each of their games is less janky than the one before it. This could be the first one that is relatively jank-free.
2. Not a lot of story-driven ARPGs coming out this year.

Because they prodably had budget this time.

>facial models are bad same with lip sync
Christ you weren't kidding. The lip sync is so bad it would be better if the mouths didn't move at all.

It will unironically be much worse than mass effect andromeda in every single aspect and receive 68-78 scores but some sites will praise it for being a "double A fun rpg game that will delight bioware fans"

Spiders is shit and has never relased a game that is not shit ps2 tier

I fear we wont be able to go full cortez because this will be too problematic.

Can wait to have some colonial gay sex.

i just want to give beads and blankets to the brown folk and proceed to take all their land/gold/spices/women.


Having just played Bound by Flame and enjoying it, I'm looking forward to this.

Bound by Flame is actually a really good time if you go full embrace the demon route

Nice try demon, I'm not falling for your tricks.

What else would they be talking about?

I agree, this game will be just another soulless open world copy pasted and uninspired dark souls rip off that does nothing better than any other game before.
However, there aren't really any other rpgs currently to talk about.

Either way, this thread gets a sage. No point in promoting ''''developers'''' that don't have single creative idea.