Encounter fat fuck in the middle of the street

>encounter fat fuck in the middle of the street
>fat fuck's level is too high so he locks away game content and acts as a level barrier

who the fuck thinks this is fun?
also yakuza thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


>total playtime longer than previous games
>previous titles had total playtimes around 150 hours

>strong enemy soft barrier
isn't that just Mr Shakedown? No doubt it will be hard but doable if you cheese it

Apparently this game series is super popular with women, in japan.

>level check at the end of every 2 chapters to keep you from being underleveled
Knowing Yakuza, you will be able to level up characters by doing Minigames that may be character based. So.. it encourages you to do the side stuff even more, instead of being a filthy casual and blast past everything for just doing the mainstory and tapping square.
I like this.
>all the sexy hunk characters in the game

>longer playtime

only because combat is going to take twice as long now

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why are you black

Soft barrier just sounds like strong enemies in areas too high level for you typical rpg shit.

are you actually crying about leveled areas? go play skyrim.

fuck no, Skyrim's a boring walking simulator

Does total include all the side content?


Oh hey I recognize that arm
How you doing nigbro

>who the fuck thinks this is fun?

nips hate the change to turn-based RPG

>Game is longer than previous entries
>because they put in level-locked content and bullshit grinding
God of War did the same shit. Adding needless RPG elements to action games is a mistake.

150 hours is the usual completionist time for later Yakuza games. Their use of the words total playtime has me assume they mean the completionist, 100%, platinum, etc style of play will be longer.

You never fought Elvis from God Hand, did you?

weak pandejo

It's not an action game though.

This might be the first Yakuza to not suck ass since 2. Honestly excited for it

Use your fucking brain. Shin Yakuza is an action game from an action franchise that they decided to add a needless RPG system with clear grinding and levellocks thereby making the game take longer and be less fun.

Going for platinum in yakuza games was torture anyway.

thereby also making it not an action game. You need to accept it sooner or later.

And now it'll take even longer.

Yakuza has always been an RPG series, just with a beat-em-up battle system.
Hey, Mother 3 has rhythm elements in its battle system. I guess it's a fucking rhythm game now.

shut the fuck up

>he likes turn based trash

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reminder that only brainlets hate turn based combat since it's too hard for them

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>RPG elements
RPG elements as Fallout 4 is an RPG. Yakuza is an action game no matter how you look at it the combat is the focus in the main gameplay of the game, not earning points et cetera.

Some turn-based combat games are among my favorites of all time, but when a lot of what you do in Yakuza is fight random groups of people on the side of the street, you're gonna get this x100 youtube.com/watch?v=USzWr1rR8KE

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How is turn based ever difficult? You literally flick through menus and have all the time on Earth to make a move. The only turn based game that made it interesting was xcom.
Turn based games are dogshit.

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my nig

>Orchid Palace Mahjong blocked off by burly level 37 Omi Alliance thugs
>Have to play through half the story before I've levelled up enough to get my fix



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Do not pursue lu bu!

It all means jack shit as long as they're still abandoning the god tier combat the series is famous for

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Sounds just like Black Panther 2

>Become underground champion of Kamurocho
>Beat the shit out of every possible hard ass motherfuckers from boxing champs to your bullshit overpowered dad
>Travel to states, shit on american boxers daily with no issue
>Come back to Kamurocho some time later
>Bump into fat, diabetic, generic Yakuza NPC in the street
>Get knocked the fuck out in two punches or wail on the lard for five straight minutes

Peak game design.

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Don't forget Tatsuya's arms and hands were basically crumbling to dust once he got back to Kamurocho until Ryo used magical acupuncture to help him out before getting them stabbed again.

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Welp. There’s always judgment.

>still no Judgement on PC

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t. OP of that thread

Holy cringe