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Other urls found in this thread:

Well he's not entirely wrong, they're enslaved stands and they hate it so much

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They're not stands at all.

Stands ARE you, they're part of you, they come from you. Legions are just like walking around with a pitbull with a magic chain that controls its movements.

Reminder Woolies stand is a FUCKING TREE


7th Stand User playthrough, Pixies
But he cowards out and uses Deep Purple (which, admittedly, is a pretty cool stand atmosphere-manipulating stand)

That's why I said he's not entirely wrong, they act like stands despite not being stands

He played 7th stand user and got pixies as his stand.
>Can invade small things, living or otherwise, and control them. The Stand itself is tree-like, but its energy takes the form of tiny ‘pixies’. Cannot manipulate anything larger than a small child. The larger the number of pixies the user manifests, the weaker and harder to control they get. In addition, the arboreal portion can use its roots to manipulate the ground."
He bitched out and picked a admittedly cooler stand though, Deep Purple.
>Made of smoke, it can manipulate atmospheric density. It can poison the air around it, change the air pressure, and detonate hydrogen and oxygen particles. However, its range is extremely short. The smoke that composes the Stand flows out of the skull-faced jar in the center."

That pixies one sounds awful.

Cool thread, OP. Anything else you need attention/validation on from your anonymous brothers on Yea Forums, you underage e-celeb watching faggot?

Yeah, I came balls deep inside your mom and I was wondering whether I should make her keep the baby or not.

Compare pics of old pat to new pat and he looks fucked up.

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you really shouldn't look directly at pictures of manchildren without protection

Jojobronies need to be thrown into a furnace.


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Why is Peach Saliva still living with this dough ball?
How much does he make from paypigs?

Him and Paige are really trying their best to see who's gonna die first
At least Paige has an excuse, Pat is just a fat fuck for no reason


Kill your local moderator.

They're demonic Pokemon.

Why deny the impact of jojos punchghosts on japanese pop culture? Shit is huge.
Just like Fist of The North Star influenced most punch shonens, including Jojos.

lawsuit when?

Well... then should we call it a JOJO REFERENCE????

So you know when you hold the toilet paper roll in your hand while you're in the bathroom?

What do you mean nobody does that? How do you know how much you need then if you don't hold it?

this, anons can't into cultural history

>So you know when you hold the toilet paper roll in your hand while you're in the bathroom?
Yes retard.

You stick two fingers in the hole then grab a the end and wind it round your hand until you have enough. Leaving it on the holder is awkward.

>t. showfags
I bet you don't even have raws from D4C's first appearance.

So you're telling me you hold it the whole time despite a perfectly good holder/roller on the wall that you can easily tear sheets off?

You're a retard Pat.

>dude that robot with a pilebunker is just a stand lmao
fuck you pat, my robot is a robot

I read the duwang translation back in the day. Does that count?

I stopped reading the manga at the start of part5 because its shit and gay and duwang.

It's awkward and balling the tissue up isn't efficient, learn to wipe pleb

Genuine question: always JoJo the first manga to popularise the unique powers meme? Specifically the trope where someone has a power that's super niche and specific but are still a tough opponent because of the creative ways they apply the power.
I'm trying to think of something older that also uses that trope but nothing comes to mind for me.

Jojos is probably the first that pushed it to the extreme like that.
Bad guys with special techniques were always common, you can see it in stuff like HNK but they never went as far as in Jojos.
Jojos itself didnt start off like that either. it was originally way more generic kung fu fantasy and vampires.

Is this ripping off Chaos Legion then?

>everything is a stand
>fallout ripped off fist of the north star
>ulfric is a meanie racist
>vtmb chinatown is super racist dogshit

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No, it's an Evangeliongame.

You forgot
>Wow this is totally like evangelion

>That pixies one sounds awful.
sure, until you just start throwing shards of glass through people.

How big is your asshole that you need to wrap your whole hand to shove in there? I'm actually kind of interested now about the differences in bathroom habits people have. I'll try it your way next time I need to shit. Makes a little more sense to me now the way you put it instead.

What would happen to Pat if Red Letter Media and Jim Sterling stopped making videos? Would he stop having opinions?

He'd probably just give up and eat himself into a sugar induced coma due to the confusion and stress from trying to formulate his own opinion.

She likes fat little goblin men. She wants to fuck Rich Evans from Red Letter Media.

I mean, they go out of their way to say they're only visible to other people with them, you feel through them, they have a limited range they can go from you, each one has it's own unique powers, they can be materialized and dismissed at will by the user.

It's more of a stand than a pokemon.

Honestly, the opening cutscene made me think more Eva than Jojo.

it literally is though, have you finished file 3?

Astral Chain is the best Persona game to date.

well Pat's excuse is that when Paige dies he doesn't have to be sad and alone for a long time

>How big is your ass
Big, muscular and plump. I'm a man with a large, shapely ass.

user I haven't even played the game, but he says that shit about everything that even remotely has an oppressive tone to it's story and that is more what I was referring to rather than Astral Chain itself.

Maybe. Kinnikuman and Ashita no Joe are probably the starting point of shonen manga as the core story is fight loads of guys, climb the rankings/ladder to reach the boss.

The question I have is did JoJo start the concept of stands/seconds fighting for you? Like Pokemon, you throw out a supernatural being to fight for you and they even have different stats, strengths and weaknesses.


reminder that the first yandere is from Jojo

Berserk and Evangelion came from Devilman.
Guts = Akira
Griffith = Ryo
Casca = Miki

But Ryo didn't fuck Miki in front of Akira just to spite him.

Well this is literally the only time that he's right about something being like evangelion

Stop seething so hard weeb

God i hate being a jojofag sometimes when apes like these exist

I'll stop seething when they stop pretending to be hardcore weebs instead of the surface level normalfaggots they are.

Sounds awful, sure, but iirc it has a lot of out of combat uses for ouzzles

not even Miura will go to the craziness level of making Guts seeing demons putting Casca's head on a spike and dance around it.

It pretty much is.

Not really, it's in folklore/history.


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What's funny is that the story and general concept is way closer to something like Kamen Rider, with both the police and the modified human elements. But I guess ironic weebs haven't watched shows like that, they aren't popular enough.

It's so fucking bizarre to see people think Legions are like stands. Like, maybe the Arms move where he punches a bunch or something?

>WoW players toxic!
>FFXIV players intelligent!

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They're invisible to everyone but you and other legion users, so it's easy to make the connection

they are absolutely like stands you tryhard weeb

They aren't even invisible, though. You can clearly see them during the tutorial, you just can't hit them because "uhh gameplay stuff".

What's even more retarded is how all the characters can magically not only keep seeing them after they lose their Legions, but now they can even attack them as well. The universe just straight up makes zero sense.

>jojofags are retarded
Color me surprised

They're invisible unless the area is drenched in corrupted phlebotinum, then you can see them. But for the majority of the time they're invisible, you can even use them to eavesdrop on people

This is a trans man.

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7th stand user any good?

very good

You can't deny their influence, user.

>Stands are defined by their wacky specific abilities outside of a handful of them in Part 3
>users are very rarely shown fighting alongside their Stands using their fists or weapons
>humanoid Stands usually have a very unique aesthetic that are supposed to represent the user
yeah the legions just seem like any other summon used in tandem with your character to me that just happen to have the "only users can see them" characteristic, but then again, this is the guy who was screaming STAND when his class in FFXIV got a shadow clone

Form over function user

>look at twitch chat
I've been watching their shit too long, the community slang has become way too fucking obnoxious. I wish Woolie streamed a bit more and actually played interesting games, his community is a less of a circlejerk.

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Its alright. Deep purple, sonic youth and ocean blue best stands. Caravan is your inner kike.

Evangelion is totally like ARIEL

stands have all different forms, range and usage
these thing in the game are more like just one type of stands

Are they planning a playthrough together? Pat seemed to sort of hint it

>reading twitch chat ever

>tfw Woolie always has his unintelligible friends play with him now
It'd be fine if it was now and then, but literally every stream he does it's him and guys with heavy accents.

Was McMuscles secretly based? Castle Superbeast has been pretty disappointing so far.

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I don't think Yea Forums shitting on him so much is fair, but at the same time he also acted like a bitch a lot of the time. He was the perfect partner to Pat's shit until he got tired of it.

>Stands ARE you, they're part of you, they come from you.
sure, Araki.

Woolie got so fucking salty about the negative response to FE3H last podcast and it's great, finally people are waking up to his shitty play-style and commentary and it's making Woolie second guess everything now and actively act like a shit to his collective audience for daring to speak out against him and his low effort garbage.

no he was a whiny alcoholic insecure diaperfur who spoke like a 72iq valleygirl
what superbeast needs is someone to tell these 2 fucks that they're sheltered communities and not everything is based on the thing they happen to know

if they just had plague on more to challenge their opinions a bit more that would drastically increase the quality of the podcast. Fuck, even Paige might balance out their bullshit once in a while.



>ulfric is a meanie racist
>vtmb chinatown is super racist dogshit
Where can I find him saying these? I want to laugh at this smalding manlet.

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That's what they've always been though. Obnoxious referential humor. I'm embarrassed that I ever enjoyed watching their shit.

No, he just seems that way comparatively now that he's only doing premade videos. Matt hasn't given a shit about video games for years even before the group split up and had no real delusions of being some insider of connoisseur of gaming, and his new videos reflect that by being the most basic style of youtube clickbait analysis seen in hundreds of other channels.

Pat and Woolie meanwhile spout their opinions loud and clear and are proud of themselves despite their opinions all being surface level at best and downright retarded at worst. Together as a group, the main draw was the comedy between them and you could ignore everything else for the most part, but now that all their content is separate, you don't get any of that. And the podcast is just a breeding ground for bad opinions so even that's not going to get any better.

I hope so, Chaos Legion is one of the best hack and slash games I've played.

Paigefags need to sunset themselves

>comparing this shit to JoJo

yare yare daze


remember the time Pat said the guy buying the leftovers of Telltale's bankruptcy was a scumbag that wanted to scam the workers out of their medical insurance

even though he had 0 to do with the company going bankrupt

he got this from believing fat Jim Sterling's 16yo highschooler commie "capitalism am bad" stereotype saying this, Pat is sinking this fast into lolcow stupid territory

The one fucking character this might apply to, Yosuke, they never once mention because he doesn’t follow the stereotypes of your typical gay dude. They’re so fucking surface that they can’t see shit if it’s not beating them over the head with it, and even then they miss the fucking mark.
I miss the golden age of Best Friends, before they turned into these sad, desperate, insecure shells clinging desperately to anything that made them popular once upon a time.
inb4 “nobody’s making you watch it”
Obviously, I just miss when the thing was good instead of not.

In his Skyrim and Vampire streams?

His videos would benefit so much if he switched to the old tbfp machinima style editing, especially since it would fix the SNAIL PACE and his non entity friends being dull. I just can't watch his shit anymore


For all intents and purposes Stands are just magic ghosts that the user controls.
They're Stands. Fuck off.

>mfw trying to watch the DaS2 playthrough with woolie
Holy fuck Pat you fuck, why are you so obnoxiously loud?

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fuck no, that takes effort
if its bad and slow it becomes really epic because its bad and the fans think bad content is so funny
wait why is nobody watching

I dislike Paige on her own, but Pat and Woolie need somebody else on the podcast to stop it from being the constant circlejerk it’s turned into.
Personally, I want Plague because he has zero qualms calling them out on their self-absorbed horseshit. He’s the only semi-decent thing about Woolie Will Figure it Out


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>Emet-Selch's motivation is literally the most important aspect of the Shadowbringers story
>Pat: "fuck this guy for killing people and fuck anyone sympathizing with him I'm going to ignore everything the story is throwing at me"
>Pat: "wtf why is the game making my self-insert sympathize with him"
>Pat: "why does my video have so many dislikes? it must be those fucking edgelords who say griffith did nothing wrong"

Girls with dicks HOT N YUMMY

used to be they were enthusiasts doing shit alongside normal lifes, it felt like they had perspective within reality

then they became flanderised eceleb manbaby versions of themselves with 0 relatablity with normal fucking human beings

>the podcast is just a breeding ground for bad opinions
This actually sums it up so nicely, recently they can't even get through news without saying something baffling

Agree on plague.

They are though, regular people can't even see them. The only way they could be more blatant stands if they had abilities with weird gimmicks and you could name them.

“Hahaha, Snailborne, am I right fellas? W-wait... why is nobody watching?!”
It’s so sad to see them just not give a shit about their content any more.

pick a friend who's funny and can speak english as a replacement you dumb weebnig

Does Woolie still have the crippling fear of wasting time which causes him to rush things fuck up and thus waste time?

Emet's the best part of ffxiv as a whole and pats take is unforgivable


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Almost a third of the DMC V play through, outside of cutscenes, was dedicated to reading menus and demonstrating moves outside of combat, followed by slow and boring explanations of very simple things. Granted, some of this was Pat, but it’s Woolie’s channel and he absolutely could have edited around it. He just chooses not to because that’s almost work.

In chaos legion they are more or less souls you create then summon and use the statue as a catalyst like how necromancer in d2 makes skeletons by asking for local spirits to inhabit the skeletons it makes. Except Thanatos he's a total bro and actually want to help you

Matt makes the best videos and content. Anything that is plan and scripted is usually good. It’s his social media, streams and podcast appearances that suck.

>if I slur my speech that means Im funny xD haha

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Is Liam still alive?

I can't put my finger on it, but something about the way he worded that response just pisses me off to no end.

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nah his content is surface and bereft of charisma, that dumbfuck can't formulate a single sentence without having to stopping in the middle and saying 'like'

he makes scripted yt videos, motherfucker either doesn't write a script, or can't fucking read

>it's a Woolie has to remind everyone that he doesn't understand how MMOs can be fun episode
Reruns every week

>Have to listen to old sleepycast episodes just to feel some sort of happiness for the xth amount of time

Why do people have to grow old bro's?

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>so you're telling me [blank] is like [blank] from [shitty fighting game]?

You mean guys with tits, girls with dicks are 2D only.

Doesn't he hate auto attacking or something? Maybe he doesn't understand that characters have skills.

>ignore castle trannybeast
>been rewatching Omikron and DS2

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what I don't understand is why Pat started orbiting troons

How is woolie still alive?

I remember when Pat was talking about how Gaius and Varis were making some really good points and even he was being convinced before the race war. Fast forward to Shadowbringers and people getting mad at Pat for shitting all over Emet while pointing out he understood Gaius and Varis's motivations despite their reasons being 10 times more flimsy.

Cue Pat raging about how everyone's an idiot and that he was CLEARLY saying that he was merely pointing out how everyone who thought Gaius and Varis had good points are edgelords and morons.

And no one's there to correct him because he only pays attention to messages from his twitter followers and twitch subscribers who worship the ground he shits on.

This guy is so fucking stupid

It's so self righteous and condescending. Like it or not, he is an entertainer, and an entertainer saying no fuck you i'm doing my own thing fuck what you want is so arrogant
I can practically hear the fart sniffing with "I don't know how to break this to you"

No, but he developed a crippling fear of disappointing his fanbase which is causing him to currently disappoint his fanbase

can't wait for him to get a lolcow thread on kiwifarms

The Digital Devil Story mangas existed way before JoJo and even in mythology the idea of sending out spirits/familiars to fight for you is extremely fucking common.

Also people forget that Stands, conceptually, are just visualizations of Psychic powers. Araki himself based them off a sequence of a fight in X-Men between Professor X and Magneto. Star Platinum isn't a punch ghost. Jotaro just has fucking insane psychokinetic abilities.

Because he did it to shame that person and to say that what you want will never happen. He even pinned it so people will back him up.

>Woolie: "Wow MMOs must really suck if you wouldn't replay it in its entirety if your character data was deleted."
>Pat: "Uhhhh imagine I bonked your head with a rock and you lost all memories of fighting games but you still remembered you like fighting games would you still get back into fighting games????"

I don’t follow him on Twitch, but he almost never uploads on YouTube any more. And for the last couple months I followed him, he just seemed sad all the time. Now the only time I see him in my feed is one sponsored stream per Smash DLC character.

I hate the over use too user, but boot up AC, put on the dress uniform with no chest plate or belts and the Lappy Cap. Grab the arm legion and you're dollar store Jotaro. This shit is full of references

he's the guy that thinks dreadlocks are counter culture, even though it wasn't for the entire duration of his life and it's just a permanent fuck you to his religous upbringing, nigger you've been living by yourself for near 20 years get over it

that's the level of repressed growth in Woolie, the sensible one

Do we know what his fiancée does for a living? Maybe she can support both of them while his channel dies and he slowly comes to terms with having to get a normal job again.

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Being important and something you can empathise with doesn't mean you have to sympathise. He literally wants to magic genocide people, after wanting to magic genocide sacrifice people that wouldn't even have fallen under his "muh broken souls" narrative back before the sundering.

PlatinumGames is named after Star Platinum, their logo hints as such, they have never shied away from referencing Jojo, specifically Star Platinum's punches, so Pat's not off here.

>Dimitri is totally the one that would burn down orphanages and shit lol
>Nero and Kyrie are definitely FUCK RELIGION atheists lol
How do these motherfuckers manage to be such awful judges of character? It genuinely requires paying negative attention to these characters to come to these sorts of conclusions

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I honestly think him growing up in Canada france fucked up his already half stupid brain.

Wish woolie would shave off that moss looking shit he calls hair.

>tfw Edelgard burns down the orphans home just for added irony since Rhea took in orphans

He's primed up to get YouTube algorithm'd up in popularity. He's definitely becoming more better off over time

>Woolie projecting his hatred of biblé
>faggot friends going "THIS IS FOR ME AND ONLY ME"
>tranny friends going "THIS IS FOR ME AND ONLY ME"
the answer is they're flakey brainlets who are influenced by emotional outbursts, be it theirs or other's

Seriously, he talked about how it was thinning in that one podcast so now he can’t even keep dying it, it’ll be that ugly yellow and purple forever unless he takes the buzzpill.

i watched Devilman Crybaby without knowing anything about Devilman or much about anime and that shit fucked me up completely...

>black character with dreads announced
Did he ever stop to think that the reason there's so many of this archetype is because he modeled himself after a heavily common look?

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>non entity friends being dull
reggie is cool. but I can't stand minh, that fucking retard

But it is.
Platinum has 0 innovative design. All of their shit is just repurposed from Japanese pop culture

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just listening to this gold(turd) on the podcast
>pattern: woolie is to a T, derisive elitist faggot sub only 'cause the acting is better even though I only hear chingchongbok" stereotype who bangs that drum every chance he gets
>mail says: you are kinda derisive and not really fair to *caugh* majority to iunno watch the moving picture as opposed to reading it
>woolie: what, I didn't say that, you said that, I only said I like subs

This is a symptom of a much greater problem: their growing sense of self-importance despite rapidly becoming irrelevant
>something happens or is announced


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Darli Dagger was pretty crazily aligned to Woolie's interests so that one I get. I don't understand the Guilty Gear black guy though.

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It's weird that the majority of v hates ecelebs but actively like vinny, pat and woolie.
I rarely see any negativity about them in threads, usually they like em.
I can understand why people like pat though, he's a funny guy and hes pretty nice underneath all his grouchy demeanor brought on by being a wageslave for most his adult life.

>Pat mysteriously started FE3H over last week
Really gets your noggin' joggin'

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But Pat doesn't care about that distinction, he just says that Emet has no redeeming qualities and that people who point out the reasons the story gives you to make him sympathetic are all edgelords and sickos. Emet's last request for the WoL to simply remember that his people once lived is met with a "fuck off" from Pat and genuine anger when the WoL nods.

We can argue forever about whether his magic genocide plans have any justifiable qualities or not in the context of the FFXIV universe itself, and we need more information in future story content to make any sort of judgment about Amaurot, but the story is laser focused on Emet's motivations for the entire last section of the expansion and if Pat's only takeaway is "genocide is bad no matter what magic fictional circumstances are presented in this magic fictional game and fuck everyone who feels the emotions the writers intend for you to feel", then I don't understand why he likes the Shadowbringers story at all and calls it one of the best Final Fantasy stories of all time

I still have them looping almost every week.
it sucks we will never get anymore shit talk, advice, lies, useless information, and entertainment like them again.

>still crying about his 3H fuckthrough

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What about Adam Ant?

that's not woolie's interests, the char is sexy chick and not a flaming faggot jojolike
just try bring up that it's a hotty and he's gonna oohm and ah over it in shame
if it was a dude, woolie wouldn't shut up at how much he's down with the dicksuck

>I rarely see any negativity about them in threads, usually they like em.
user we fucking hate them which is why the threads hit bump limit every time. We USED to liked Pat and Woolie

It's a jojo game where you self insert as an OC donut steel that everyone likes
And that's a good thing

he's been an eceleb for most of his adult life, he worked in a store for like 2 years after college, cause appearantly his degree was toilet paper and or he's a retard

>eva reference
thanks doc

Didn't he start it over? I didn't listen to this weeks podcast yet.

the new resident evil lets play on oneyplays is givin me sleepycast feels

It's NOT an Eva reference! It's JUST a purple and green robot monster!

>genocide am bad
>Jim Sterling told me communism is good
>was ist holodomor, great leap forward, pol pot

Man ever since Liam's dropped out of the popular consciousness, it's become in vogue to shit on Woolie, huh?

I don't get it, Woolie seems like the same as he's ever been, maybe a little mad that people expect his channel to be SBFP 2, which I'm sure is not his fault so much as it is Pat being a lazy fuck.

Woolie is fine.
His channel just mostly sucks and he doesn't seem to want to improve it.

>dont even listen to podcast anymore
>just read the timestamps whenever timestamp guy puts them up

Haha let's take this to the discord fellas

Woolie changed.

>and somewhere off in the distance you can hear Reggie "wow!"

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He's lazy and does not give a shit about his channel, but gives off the air of "Why doesn't anyone watch my shit or like me anymore?"
Matt actually deserves his success since you can see the effort he puts in at the very least.

Going to torture myself with woolie's bayo lp now that it's done. I'll see you guys in the next life.

When you have an ideological axe to grind, you can warp anything to fit your narrative.

Fuck off Matt

X told me Y is good is a perfect assessment of Pat's character, he's so intellectually insecure that he only likes things that he's told are smart. I doubt he's came up with an opinion of his own in half a decade.

these are the same guys who shot kenny with 0 seconds of hesitation when he was fighting a woman who matt and pat both thought actually killed a baby at that moment, then specifically chose dialogue options that would hurt him the most as he laid their dying, all without a shred of humor or fun in their commentary

>Man ever since Liam's dropped out of the popular consciousness, it's become in vogue to shit on Woolie, huh?

It doesn’t have anything to do with Liam.
Pat and Woolie have become insufferable retards pissing away all the goodwill they received after the breakup.

>Woolie seems like the same as he's ever been
Yeah but now he doesn't have people on the podcast who make him look better by comparison. I find him more tolerable on his own channel only because Reggie is boring as fuck and Minh literally sounds retarded.

Fuck off Woolie. I don't even like the fucker but you can't deny the effort he puts in, it shows in his views and sub growth.

shut up nigger

>Minh literally sounds retarded.
Shit taste confirmed. He's the next Karl Pilkington

The Sonic 06 let’s play was comfy as fuck I hope they do more.

Fuck off Woolie

I don't know, I feel bad about making fun of Reggie, he seems like a really nice guy who's just kinda thick.

sleepycast is fucking great. makes me sad looking at the upload date though.

Hahaha i think i recognize some of you from the subbreddit :)

>I'm just gonna try my best and see how far it goes!
3 months later
>I'm doing this for ME and you don't have to like it!
>You don't have to watch my shit!
Nobody is watching his shit
>Why aren't I successful?!

His stand should be a gun called 「My Own Worst Enemy」 where all it does is shoot his fucking foot.

>you can't rotoscope markiplier for one gag!

>So uhh (phlegm rattles) Minh, how about that, uh, thing?
>Haha yeah totally.

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Why is Matt's channel consistently the most successful then? Who do you think we're lying to? Why are you in denial.

The absolute state of anti-eceleb posting

That reminds me. Remember that month on the podcast where Woolie would literally give us a recount of the subreddits he browsed each week

how does Yea Forums feel about ding dong?

>waaaahhh why dont people confirm to my specfic standards


And get some non-parasocial friends

kek, spot on

I remember when they didn't spend ten to twenty minutes fucking with the game options and mic volumes.

It's ripping off The Seventh Tower

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tfw there won't be TBFP Man of Medan

Shut the fuck up. Woolie has people to answer to or else he has absolutely no right to complain about his channel taking a shit.

WW too. Oneyplays at this point might as well be "Chris invites a NG animator to come over and talk while he plays videogames" so it's the closest thing to Sleepycast we're getting.

He's a fat gay dude with depression who sounds like every fat gay dude with depression I've known. Why people (often with mental issues) latch onto him and Julian like they're inspirational special boys, I don't get, but I guess they have their audience. He also happens to shit his own bed too often, but is fine to listen to when I'm in the mood for it.

>I can't go to japan anymore
>because my girlfriend is a normie
Holy fuck woolie

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I bet you woolie looks at matt's channel and gets angry since he has a guaranteed 10k-15k view minimum and has a 100k-500k max if it's a edited video. Woolie rarely brakes 30k on anything he puts out and usually only hits 10-11k views on a video.

He was talking about how it's getting fucked from constantly bleaching, then dying it. Bleaching your hair really shreds it and black hair actually really thin.
t. Dreadhead.

I fucking hate the jojo fanbase. Those faggots are the reason I'm never toughing that series.



Pat is such a sociopath.

I unironically enjoy Crymetina Critiques.

>yooo kirby lore and tablelords were really successful yoooooo
>better abandon them so can I crank out LPs that get less than 10k views each
What is wrong with you Woolie?

>Pat: "Edelgard did nothing wrong!!!"

I gave it a chance and dropped it in the middle of part 2. I stopped taking their anime opinions seriously after that.

Like this?

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>Hates it when people shove things onto them by their fanbase
>Tells fanbase to go yell at other people to get into jojo, but its fine because ITS JOJO THO
>forced jojo onto warframe
fucking hypocrite

To be fair, with most Japanese products it really is a pervasive subject that is a huge influence on the country and a lot of things are indeed JoJo references.

The X Men are not a JoJo reference.

What a underrated series, pretty apt comparison though

Minh's only good when he's using his autism to fuck with Woolie. Like defending a game he hated for an entire LP to piss him off or instantly killing every bit Woolie tries to get going

Faggot and your a faggot too

The anime ruined the fanbase, the difference in it pre-anime and post-anime are light and day.

was just curious mate. chill out

It's literally true though.
Japan has JoJo in almost all contemporary media

As if, you assholes were always loud and annoying. You're like the progenitor Hunterchads.

I know it's influential but people bring it up all the time, it's why the meme exists. it feels like this only happens with Jojo online.

Wait what? WHAT? What episode was that? Doesn't he have like a fucking miniseries of her being in Japan with him?

Not the user you are talking to but I would say Matt’s channel is the most polished and definitely is the closest to what spbf was those other guys just post twitch streams. I would say Pat is the most successful but he is the human form of herpes and will probably end up driving everyone away.

>instantly killing every bit Woolie tries to get going
hahaha holy shit lol its bad and not funny...but on purpose! Maybe if we keep up this attitude we break through the TBFP stagnation!

JoJo+EVA+Digimon = Astral Chain
It's simple really

But the difference is we weren't fucking everywhere.

Something can be right and still come off as obnoxious.

The current one. He got pussywhipped hard. He couldn't even answer Pat's question
>why don't you just go alone

I don't get why, it's not lovecraft, it's designer faggot xmen with rote shonen writing in every facet

4.6k per month? that's...not bad? is that not a decent amount of money?

Women. Not even once.

Yeah but they've already been twice to japan, she's not a weeb so he isn't allowed to go anymore

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How come people don't go OH WOW TOLKIEN REFERENCE whenever they see an orc or an elf?

everything is stands for woolie and pat


>Woolie has been pushing all sorts of anime including JoJo, Undertale, Persona, etc. on his normalfag girlfriend
>tried to get her known as "Punch Mom" in the community so people would like her
>she clearly doesn't give a fuck and is just putting up with Woolie's nerd shit
This is hilariously sad

They talked about it on the podcast yesterday, basically his wife isn't into Japan or Japanese things like he is so she has no interest in going again

that cat's gonna outlive his owners ain't he

I do that all the time. I am very popular.

Pretty much, it's why Pat refuses to touch games with a controversial reputation. He won't touch anything that's called "too anime" unless it's by something like Platinum or Atlus.

Because those things existed before Tolkien and our conception of the Orc and Elf in modern fantasy issues has more incommon with Warhammer than LotR. LotR is less influential on RPGs than people make it out to be, with most things only drawing on the barest of surface things.

>He thinks social blade max is anywhere close to the real amount

dude is getting max $1k if not less

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So you're saying there's hope for the rest of us.

Because LOTR sucks

what is it with people who think they're jaded and self aware immediately devolving into lapdog tier once they cohabitate with sth that gives them a blowjob every now and then

worst one I can think of is Bill Burr, ultra cynical asshole, appearantly not cynical enough to realise his hambeast and her son bitchmade him

That's the maximum, as in he's not getting near that much. If we're generous and say 3k a month its less than the average canadaian salary. And that's not even including taxes.

I'm glad I had my jojo phase before the new anime adaptation existed, it seems to be impossible to discuss it now even on 4chins

I'd like to be friends with you.

Most orcs and elves don't act like they do in Tolkien. However, EVERY dwarf in fiction might as well be Gimli or Thorin.

I totally get you, which is why I said
>X Men is not a JoJo reference
Even when you definitely know there are autistic retards out there who are so clueless they'd see icemen and go

Wait isn't '''punch mom''' a tranny?

I don't know why people still fucking bother with these four faggots anymore. Jesus Christ.
>Pat is terrible at video games and is a screeching dwarf, his streams are shit tier
>Woolie can't make a engaging LP or point to save his life
>Matt is a unfunny fat faggot and I've never watched any of his single content
>I never liked Liam
Jesus Christ. Stop your friend simulators.

reminder Woolie thinks orc is racism against black people. you can thank Lindsay Ellis for popularizing that "just because the author say that's not their intention doesn't mean I CAN'T PSYCHOANALYZE THEM AND STATE A DECREE ABOUT IT"

>"Fuck off bill"
>"Here's a pit bull bill"
>"Kill your pit bull bill"
>"Here's a kid bill"
>"I fucked someone else bill"

Honestly I don't know how Bill burr hasn't blown his brains out yet
I would

>our conception of the Orc and Elf in modern fantasy issues has more incommon with Warhammer than LotR

Cute, but you're totally fucking delusional

Didn't "IS THIS A JOJO REFERENCE" start as a disparaging ironic meme against the retards spamming za warudo memes before the anime even started? I feel like most people are taking this piss out of jojo fans and the fans themselves adopted the phrase ironically on their own

nah, "punch mom" is woolie's GF.
"mom" is a twitter tranyn that used to be a tripfag here.

Because it's been long enough that his influence has diluted enough in pop culture that it's not immediately associated with it

Imagine if you took a bottle of wine, and dumped its contents in the ocean, then came back 60 years later and filled that same bottle up, on the same spot where you dumped the wine on. Would the contents of the bottle be wine?

>That time Pat quit a DMC level because a guy with the word Aryan in his name joined
Being "internet people" fucking ruins motherfuckers

no, she's just a white girl with a dykecut
Woolie wishes he was a tranny
and Mom is some twitter crossdressing faggot friend of his I think

>Black man tries to explain the concept of comedy to alien from another galaxy for 45 minutes before giving up

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It's called being Canadian

I never realised. Jesus christ thats fucking pathetic. Isn't she just some fat white girl? Why 'punch mom'??? That's some serious projection woolie

>tfw the best person in the group is fucking Paige

How does she do it? When Pat is streaming if Paige isn't there I just insta bail, not even worth it.

Isnt that the guy he kind of agreed with until he was 100% a nazi vs the 95%? Like they were imperialists reclaiming their supposed homelands by any means? And he was like "well they're not totally wrong." Then they brought up the untermensch?

Because woolie is still angry at his mother for all the jesus shit. he wants to 'punch mom', get it?

It's because he enjoys being angry.

To be fair. That's on twitch or somethings since having naughty words means they get to kill your channel and revenue stream.

I hate how hard people are trying to sanitize the internet.

No it started off as honest to God people trying to seem with it and stating that kind of dumb shit, which triggered the response.


>How does she do it?
She makes your dick hard you pathetic child

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>I was only ironic to be retarded,
difference is academic at this point, ala pickle rick

Why does she date him then, I feel like Woolie's pop culture bullshit is like 80% of his personality.

Is it because he's one of a few black men in Montreal.

He's straight up an edgy atheist because he's still rebelling against his parents beliefs they encroached on him as a kid

>Woolie keeps wanting to talk about the subjugation of minorities like a good Canadian to make Trudeau proud
>poor Minh just wants to talk about video games
Man, that was fucking awkward.

I haven't been watching a lot of Woolie Vs. to be fair, so this might play into it.

Am I the only one who likes Mihn? Yeah he's a total autist, but something about watching that unfold is rare.

>actively like vinny, pat and woolie.
Show me one, fucking one, reply that says "i liek them so funnie lel "

It's kind of his job, he probably has a personality outside that but its irrelevant to his nerd shit YouTube career.

I think it's funny how Woolie cringes when Pat pulls shit like WORLD WIDE RACE WAR out but sits there and insisted that he liked Black Panther because you couldn't possibly understand what it's like to see a Superhero that looks like you, whitey.

You're in a minhority.

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He'd have to read Wikipedia articles of Hardcore Gaming 101 for opinions

How come Pat the lootbox addict '''''''doesn't get'''''''' gacha kusoge? It just doesn't add up

why didn't the nigger go back to the Caribbean then?
what is it with every nog be they from Africa, Europe or the other parts on the western hemishpere instinctually becoming an americanised MLK worshipping crynegro talking about muh plight of shitskin

the guy is from fucking Granada, and he's a Canadian milquetoast negro who's white as fuck, what fucking victimhood is he crying about

>tfw Minh only gets like 5 viewers when he streams for like 8+ hours
That’s depressing

>ANYONE expresses a different opinion against Pat
>The same group of people that consider Attack on Titan and Gurren Lagann high art and that everything is a reference
I wish someone would pick him up and throw him in a dumpster.

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>Am I the only one who likes Mihn?
it's probable. I still don't understand why Woolie thinks it's a good idea to have him in the videos

Nah, stands are formed from your personality and very being

>Yea Forums spends YEARS bitching and crying about Matt because Super Best Friends would totally be better as just Pat and Woolie
>Matt leaves
>It becomes the most boring pile of shit on the internet
Have you guys apologized to matt yet?

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Nah, that's the evil empire from XIV. In the base game their leader makes a lot of sense and makes the good factions look like bumbling retards who have no idea the stakes of what they're fucking with. He's written as an understable villain. They wanted to refocus on them in some expansion but make them non sympathetic, so they just wrote "and then contrary to what you saw before, they are going to purge the undesirables"

I still watch old LPs for background noise. It bums me out I'm not into their newer shit and they seem super circle jerky. Did anyone watch Woolie play FE3H?

I'll apologise as soon as I can chargeback the time of my life wasted watching him

No because Matt's solo stuff is even worse

>Pat "doesn't get" Animal Crossing
>Finds any excuse to shit on it when it's mentioned
>Does this with Banjo-Kazooie too
I do not understand why anyone thinks his opinion on anything means something.

Minh is fucking horrible. They're all horrible. They're just slightly different flavors of horrible.

To be fair animal crossing is garbage nu male trash

I watched it, here's the abridged version
>everything that is anime is naruto
>woolie almost dies in the tutorial
>woolie can't into strategic games and just rushes everything

Maybe I'll watch it to torture myself. He has those other 2 guys with him though it seems, and I can't understand shit they say.

Matt's solo stuff is easily better just by being consistently put out and refined. The guy knows what works and goes for it which is more than you can say about the others.

>okay just make the empire guy darth vader with expansionist goals
>shit everyone liked him or at least found his reasoning compelling
>okay make the next empire villain a selfish spoiled brat that wants to turn everywhere into a battlefield for his pleasure
>shit they like him AND want to fuck him
>alright just make them Nazis fuck it we gotta do it because they keep liking the villain faction too much

MMOs aren't fun.

Monster Hunter is at least a video game, gacha isn't.

Sometimes he hails a cab and the driver doesn't stop!

Sometimes girls with mental problems fancy him because of BBC Aggressive Negro memes!

Sometimes people mistake him for the other black man with dreads who likes fighting games, anime and has the same exact facial hair!

Here's a cheat sheet.
Reggie only says "wow", "no way" and quotes wikipedia.
Minh is the screeching siren with a stuffed nose.

>can't enjoy Japan if you don't like the anime subculture
I hate weaboos

She's a dumb room temperature iq hole with Matt tier sense of humor.
>if a statement is funny once it must be funny after 500 times it's been used!

Did you customize those colors? Or are they preset?

No, it only started after the anime. Before that we would just talk about jojos and everything would be normal.

Matt's stuff is literally another boilerplate 'analysis' youtube channel of which there's already dozens of, most of which have already covered the topics he tried to cover better and in a more professional fashion. I'm not saying he can't get better and, at some point, perhaps even surpass those other channels, but that's very much not the case right now

if it's already painful to listen to him for 20 minutes in woolies stuff, I can't even imagine how bad that must be. would probably kill myself before watching that shit, those 5 people must be getting tortured

Someone hasn't read Part 6 and 7.

Yeah but that's still better than playing dogshit like 3rd Birthday because
or thanking your subs on twitch for 2 hours.

>Nero and Kyrie are definitely FUCK RELIGION atheists lol

I mean, after the events of DMC4 it'd make sense for them to move away from religion. That and Nero was already not a fan of the church.

>decent gameplay
>shit commentary
>shit gameplay
>decent commentary
why do they refuse to make a new LP together bois

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Effort is nice, but effort that doesn't translate into any sort of entertainment is arguably worse, because he put on the extra mile to make only I have no interest on watching

When can we start killing normalfags? I'm sick of them and just want them all to go away.

They desperately need a third wheel

Matt is an annoying faggot. Even rewatching some of their oldest LPs.
I'm shocked I didn't notice it sooner.

it was funny when he talked about jap checkin him in the hotspring, but then he posted pics of him in his new jojo undies and he aint even got a midbc


Well that's nice and all but I don't think you're the king of fucking YouTube. So unfortunately just because you don't like the content doesn't mean it's not better. It may not be much but it's yielding much better results than Pat or Woolie for growth potential.

Pretty much. Hey, you want people to not prefer your big bad? Don't have his first major scene be him shit talking a pagan god, then whipping his massive cock out to punk three primals at once. Also don't make every one under him constantly talk about how they'd follow him to hell because he's basically Caeser with a gunblade.

when did liam and matt stop following woolie on twitter? are they really mad that he still does a podcast with him together?

Pat just likes streaming while Woolie is still doing the ancient lets play formats

>Woolie sees a black character with dreads

>Woolie says something so unbelievably ridiculously stupid, gets called out on it, and then goes off on an entire tangent trying to explain his retarded as fuck viewpoint

>Someone asks Woolie to LP something with Pat on his channel

Or they could make you actually give a shit about the good guys besides maybe Alphinaud and the expansion guest character. Which took them all the fucking way until Shadowbringers to figure out how to make the Scions all realized characters.

Don't forget:
>I know I'm wrong but I have to explain my though process to you on why I thought the way I did and you have to accept it.

Let's just agree to disagree

>Woolie playing RE2
>Literally slowly walking down the hallway with his gun up "just to be sure".

He is shockingly awful at anything he's not familiar with.

I do like the fact that everyone was well aware he wasn't gonna be able to do that shit once Mr. "I decide how fast you move" X showed up

The author literally said they're mental energy

Woolie probably had to be taught how to tie his shoes using fighting game inputs for reference the fucking autist

Ripple ghosts

>Liam on gameplay, no commentary
>Pat sometimes on gameplay, commentary
>Woolie only commentary
>Matt responsible for editing videos, organization/scheduling
Would this have been the ideal way to keep the channel alive?

Frankly I'm sick of all of their Canadian passive aggressive bullshit. They really don't do themselves any favors by sitting with their arms folded and literally pouting at something they don't like. It doesn't help that their brick-brained retarded fans follow and hang off their every word, so their dumb-shit logic and opinions constantly get reinforced by people that actually think they're their friends.

The greentext that user wrote in the other thread about Woolie being taught how to make a pizza was scarily accurate.

They're preset, but they're super easy to get after the first couple

>What's even more retarded is how all the characters can magically not only keep seeing them after they lose their Legions, but now they can even attack them as well
Being able to see them is explained as being an IRIS function. One of the desk jockey Neuron officers mentions it.
As for being able to attack them, I think that's actually always possible because chimeras are physically present and capable of interacting with the world but it's kinda hard to hit what you can't see and that's why people outside of Nueron can't fight them.

>They aren't even invisible, though. You can clearly see them during the tutorial, you just can't hit them because "uhh gameplay stuff".
For one, that's a pretty common trope to allow the audience to know something is there but the characters themselves aren't actually in on it. For another, it's possible that the twins can sort of see the shadows naturally because of the circumstances they were born under. Their mother was in the middle of redshifting when they were born and the two of them somehow survived that. It's why they have such a high sync rate with their legion and why the twin you play as can achieve perfect sync.

>sekiro playthrough started half a year ago and he's still not done
how does everything take this guy so fucking long? is it because of all the cons he visits?
he might aswell drop it at this point since everyone already lost interest. it barely gets any views on youtube or on his streams

Hell, that idiot detective asshole is a thousand times more interesting than the scions for most of it. And he's a weirdo joke character with a weirdo joke plot framed like a TV show

You can get a Stand from the Corpse or one of Pucci's Discs if you're compatible enough, doesn't make it "your" Stand necessarily

There are lots of things that can evoke a Stand or a Stand-like ability but a Stand developed from your core self would probably be different from one you got from an outside source (Gyro's Scan vs Ball Breaker for example).

No. It would have died faster.

Why does everyone think Garleans are "evil"? They are no better than any other empire, really. Yeah they're racist, yeah they conquer lands, but so did every single other empire in the history of the entire world, and some of them were more ruthless than Garlemald (see Assyrians and their weird fascination with just burning shit to the ground).
Garleans aren't supposed to be "irredeemable baddies" or nazis.
I mean fuck, Limsa are literally pirates who decided to come clean because that was the only way to survive, Ul'dah is having almost entire world in an economic chokehold and Gridania can't even solve its own problems.
Only factions with reasonable military strength are Ishgard and Garlemald. They're just stronger, that's their thing, it's not their problem that other city-states and countries are weak as shit.

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I lost interest the moment Minh came in half way through the first stream.

It took them three whole expansions to figure out how to make the entire cast actually work. The writer lady deserves a fucking medal

The garlean empire is by design a force meant to bring about calamity by its creator.

Empires are evil retard.

I wanna make an anime/videogame youtube channel and go out of my way to completely sandbag every JoJo reference I go over, pretending it's referencing something else

>Oh yes, they say 'ora ora ora', like in Symphogear
>The power ghost floats behind the user, like Unknown from Tekken
>Then he throws barrages of knives, like Sakuya from Touhou

Liam had his moments, when he hit gold it was fucking hilarious
Pat should only play games that he is autistic enough about to pay serious attention to
Other than that I think you're right

>Matt responsible for editing videos
No. He absolutely ruined the Sonic Adventure playthrough because he was the one editing.
Not a single one of them can edit for shit, and then they hired Minh to edit for them, and that didn't help at all. All of them think that they need to show every single second of footage being recorded, and actively make themselves look like retards. I remember a long time ago Pat on a podcast with someone making fun of DSP for one of his Witcher LP videos being a second long because of some fuck up, and it's like, Pat, you guys do the exact same type of bullshit of not putting an ounce of effort into your videos and just shit them out.

Also, Matt can't organize or maintain a schedule for shit. He always showed up late to the podcasts, showed up drunk, or both.

A dumbass weeb who only consumes dumbass weeb material is amused when he realizes theyre similar, more at 10

Yeah but you're thinking in real life, not JRPG. Empire bad, misfits good

Y'know the more I think about it a lot of shit I don't like about them comes to the surface. I learned what "dead-naming" is because of their channel. I'm not sure why I'm a fan. I guess it's because they like the things I like even though though they say they turn their fans onto things...

I haven't watched a lot of Woolie's new LPs but the W101 playthrough with Reggie is legitimately entertaining and surprisingly enough, Reggie does know a lot of shit that I wasn't really aware of. I'm hoping the Bayonetta playthrough is just as good.

No it fucking isn't, because they exist on the Source. The calamities OCCUR on the Source due to the rejoining of other shard, Garlemald exists to keep the balance of light and dark in check and start shit when things get too quiet, which is not a very bad idea if you think about it - peaceful times create weak men and all that.

he does look way better than he used to physically though

>woolie did you know this game was made on a computer
>whoa man really, just goes to show

Hildibrand is the best part of FFXIV dont you fucking diss my man

No they ain't, brainlet kun. It's only thanks to the fact that empires existed humanity was able to get a semblance of order throughout the history.

You obviously dont play. A calamity needs to happen on the source and a reflection for the merge to happen. The garlean empire was created by emet selch to help this happen.

Yo, I'm on board for that, and I'm a dyed in the wool Jojo fan. Your examples are already ahead of the game.

They would all have to be stuff that is clearly inspired by JoJo to rub extra salt on the wound, and one would have to keep the kayfabe up at all times, which can be tough

I unsubbed from all of them like a month or two back and haven't thought about watching any of their shit since. I just come into these threads to talk shit about them because it's fun and amusing just how far they've fallen. Although looking back, it might be hard to say if they were ever truly all that good to begin with. Their unedited LP format makes them look extremely lazy, and the fact that they ended up having like a dozen or two LPs that no one watched or cared about because of their "We don't drop games" motto made them seem stubborn. They always wasted their money on random shit instead of investing it into the channel to buy new mics and equipment, and you can tell that they're pretty checked out at this point.

That said, they're all posers about the shit they pretend to like, and then when people bring up specific things, they'll either nod their head pretending to know, or look up a wiki article.

Was it that LP that talked a bit about Shinji Mikami's life? I really didn't know his dad was slightly abusive when he was growing up.

I guess I've wasted 2k hours for NOTHING THEN, because even Emet-Selch shows that when a shard is absorbed, it pretty much _creates_ the calamity on the source. If there was a fire, it's now a firestorm, if there was a bit nippy, then it's going to be a second Ice Age. It doesn't have to be Garlemald that sets things up - I mean if the Source absorbs a water-aligned shard, what is the Empire going to do - create a little wave on its own and wait for it to turn into tsunami?

>stop sexualizing underage girls in anime
>oh fuck i love KLK

>Dude this is just like blue dragon.



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>pat called woolie a stupid wigger for constantly fellating wakamoto
fucking based

why are jojofags so obnoxious and autistic

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They literally LITERALLY say that it was gomna be caused by black rose.

because thats their personality

they're the hipsters of weekly shonen jump

Get Woolie to edit but also put him on commentary. Matt commentary only.

No, that's HXHuntards.

>>stop sexualizing underage girls in anime

The literally _literally_ say that it's just going to amplify Black Rose effect, since it's also light-based, if I remember correctly, not that the Black Rose itself will be the calamity.

The only thing that got me through the 2.x slog. Which is my point that I cared waaay more about him and his assistant than the actual good guys

Its so bad somebody made a "This is how you don't play FE3H".

She has half the same name as his real name. Wearing his colors. From the Caribbean. Ontop of being his fetishes.
It's a coincidence but a weirdly persistent one.

In videogames Empires are baddies. This is basic ass Star Wars tier shit you smoothbrain.

>Woolie brings up Koyasu for some reason

>Pat you should read JoJo if you like it so much

they're not stands because you can have more than one at any given time

>They all refused to watch Space Dandy after the first episode because they "didn't get it"

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I think I need to do that now. I started to follow them on twitter after they disbanded and I saw Matt tweet,
>If you stand with Vic, get the hell off my feed.
That shit cracks me up even though I know he means it.

Extend that to all other 'normie anime go-to reference' material, like Eva or DBZ.

>the robot is linked to the pilot, like in Raxhephon

>Woolies story about him being alone in the Kirby cafe
Imagine being Japanese and seeing a huge black man with purple dreads in a cafe.

That sounded pretty wholesome not gonna lie

That is legitimately retarded.

WH40K Imperium isn't baddies though, as an example. I mean compared to the rest of the WH universe, Empire of Man is pretty good-leaning alignment wise.

Amplify.... as in make stronger... as in there has to be a starting event for it to amplify. Woah really makes you think.

>WH40K Imperium
They most certainly fucking are you brainlet.

can confirm
>used to be fit
>have a fetish for getting fat
>but it works both ways, me or her
>get fay myself
>find a social media site about this kind of thing
>girls, real girls (not just guys pretending) actually there who want to see my big belly
met up with a few before, was very fun. even had my belly rubbed in the most erotic way possible, I can never go back after that.
They exist, and for better or worse they are just as freaky as the rest of us.

Everyone is a baddie in 40k

not when the huge black man secretely thinks your culture is beneath them and that you should abide their whitie standard.

Will Woolie ever stop seething at Hollow Knight?

>Chris from OneyPlays got asked what he thought about their breakup and talked about he didn't care because Matt retweeted a bunch of people replying nastily to a tweet he made saying that kids that do Fortnite dances in public deserve to be bullied

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The first episode is pretty dogshit.

It was pretty funny and they didn’t give him a Waddle Dee when he sat alone.

>Is there some kind of medication you're supposed to be on?

Cory made that way funnier than it actually was in the movie.

Tau are the good guys.

I thought he liked Hollow Knight? It was nice seeing Pat go from scepticle to a big fan of the game.

Pat will instantly form a strong opinion on something based on little to no exposure to said thing, but it's at least nice of him to change his opinion and be willing to change said opinion after more exposure.

>>fallout ripped off fist of the north star
as someone who has never watched FotNS, what's the reasoning here?

communism bad
anarcho-syndicalism good

LOL I forgot about that pic thanks user

>Pat and Woolie will constantly shit on Japan because "lol creepy anime bullshit xd"
>Then they'll turn right around and be a bunch of hypocritical cunts about it
Pat and Woolie are the kinds of people that Japanese people secretly hate, and make other tourists look bad.

Of course Pat would think that way.
What a fucking idiot.

No, they're just practicing peaceful genocide compared to violent one. Life is good up until the point when you realize that you've been specifically brainwashed to be docile and useless while your blue overlords do whatever the fuck they want with your lands.

>fist of the north star ripped off mad max

Reminds me how the sleepycabin episode with him and woolie in it was the worst one.

>"Corey there's a licker in the room with you."
>"What? Where-"
>Benny Hill theme begins playing

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no, they're just an effect of an alien virus

The shad one was pretty awful, Jeff saved it by calling out Shad in like 10 minutes because he couldnt handle it.

I remember Woolie saying how he loved Eddie Murphy's stand-up and Stamper didn't and Woolie seemed so taken aback lol

Shut the fuck up Araki

Not only Woolie, but Matt as well. And Chris was apart of that episode. Matt's an extremely two-faced person.
>Woolie starts it off by trying to act like a nigger and then talks about how white he is

i bet they watched the sub. the subbed jokes are fucking bad at first.
Ut's the new mlp, but they have a credible defense because the MANGA and parts of the anime arent shit.

What did Shad do?

cause bruh post apocalyptic and shiet
mad max? never heard of it

He would interrupt conversations or killl the flow of jokes with super edgy shit like. "yeah id kill that guy" or some cringe shit like that. Jeff just started calling him out.

I got a little salty about them for calling out my country as a criminal shithole. While mostly true, it still hurts when people make fun of it.
I forgot about it, but with every episode of the new podcast I kept feeling like there was more and more stupid shit all around.
Think I just mentally checked out around the time when they were making fun of "Homo Demons" which had nothing to do with homos and doing the usual off yikes routine.
Guess they really needed two (or at least one, because fuck Liam) more people for some variety. A shame, really.

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what episode? one i listened to shads storys were really cool. a lot more eloquent than i thought he was going to be as well

The first episode is funny, amazingly well animated and informs you of the characters and what to expect from the series. It's not the best episode but it is a great lead in.

That was season 2 shad i believe. But i think he appeared at the end of season 1 and barely said shit.

Liam did nothing wrong though.
He was always the most sensible person of the group, the others knew this and that's why they started to bully him.

>Its the new MLP
Do you not remember that cancer uncontained? Jojos isn't even close.

so did everyone migrate to supermega and oneyplays?

>It's not an exact carbon copy of Bebop so it's bad!
I believe that was essentially their "complaint."

Liam did a shit ton of things wrong. His passive aggressive bitch attitude during streams is what made me stop watching him. The only interesting things he ever did was play Kingdom Hearts.

He was, but he also had the personality of a wet paper towel outside of anime and sucking corporate cock.

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>has a meltdown once he figured out the midget he hates is still more successful than him
>cancels stream and wonders why he's like this

Remember the Mighty no.9? His attitude was shit.

You beaner?

No, russian.

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There certainly are FotNS references in Fallout. That's it

What the fuck was that Evangelion rip-off scene where your boss talks with three guys through skype?
>You think one kid can hold off all threats?
>No... But we can become as gods

>Has to play devils advocate about everything and unironically defends corporations to death.

SuperMega sucks, and OneyPlays has at least begun to pick up speed again after the Tomar and Lyle shitfests.

>Pat apologizes to his fans for convincing them to fund Mighty Number 9
>Liam desperately trying to claim that no one's money actually mattered despite how fucking retarded his logic is
>"Let's agree to disagree" like the passive aggressive bitch he is despite going off on an entire tangent and screaming at people for calling Inafune a Jew

>was driven to tears on the podcast explaining he had to defend Inafune from being called "Jewafune"

Nigger jojo anime fans are the fucking worst. Now so many of these faggots cant go 1 minute without signaling that they LOVE jojo. Just like mlp'ers the make that shit their personality.
Jesus thats shit. Space dandy is literally 8 or 9 outta 10
>he likes the cooperate bootlicker.

I feel like that was only boring because they didn't really know one another. Like they all met at a con and got drinks and then did the podcast, whereas the rest of the Sleepy crew literally shared a house for years.

It's got some decent stories, if you ignore Matt trying to network live on the air and explain their let's player in-jokes.
>Woolie's dad deleting his number and it disappearing like a Final Fantasy boss
>Mick's dad giving him trivial pursuit for like his 4th birthday

The worst Sleepycast is whatever one where Stamper has an on-air meltdown about how Sleepycabin has become a job, expecting everyone to agree and getting annoyed when they all clearly still enjoy working together and doing the podcast. The audio of him and his dad trying to remember who Thomas Edison was was pretty great though.

He was still terrible it just turns out that without the sbfp environment they are all terrible.

>one of the best
those are some seriously low standards, user. i wouldn't say it was terrible but i'd be hard pressed to say it was even good.

>Reveals if he's asked to do literally anything in team multiplayer games he just quits out of the game.

>supermega sucks
They have some boring/ unfunny videos at worst. And what Tomar and Lyle shitfest? They're still making videos.

It's one thing to respond the way he did, but pinning it too just makes Woolie look even more like a bitch.

Why the fuck is Yea Forums unironically discussing e-celeb cancer
Aren't you kids supposed to be back in school?

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why are there so many fucking threads of this guy up right now?

I really just listen so i can shitpost in these threads. Their takes are just too retarded for me to believe real 30 year old men came up with them.

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Stamper has just transcended years ago, he exists on a different plane of creation now. The only way to enjoy him is through having just him on the proverbial stage, because that's more than enough.
Christ, is he still on meth?

haha this is just like the discord on the subreddit good thread guys!

This guy and Asmongold have some of the most punchable faces I've seen.

>act like a catty mean girl
I appreciate Liam's unflinching ability to fuck with people (like that time he made fun of Matt because "look the white boy's afraid to say nigger") and he was very nice when I met him at a con, but boy oh boy was his behavior online unprofessional.

Woolie is like 40 now
Nigga's hair is like half gray

Pat is basically a corpse

>"Let's agree to disagree"

Honestly anyone who says this is an intellectual coward afraid of their beliefs being challenged and don't want to stand up to scrutiny. There are actually times where you have to reconcile that you can't meet on a topic but that should come after an exhaustive discussion of the subject demonstrating you and them can't give up your stance, which is fine. But people who won't change their mind when you ask them simple questions that could potentially reposition their perspective and just say that canned phrase are cowards.

What? No way he is 40, thats bullshit.

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Supermega lost steam after they stopped collaborating with Oney desu

Asmongold is way worse imo

I'm really just disappointed in Woolie because I expected so much more from his solo channel
But he truly doesn't seem to give a shit anymore

I usually say agree to disagree when i cant be bothered to sit for an hour debating.

I can't tolerate how zoomer SuperMega is and stopped watching OneyPlays once it became corporate. I only watch Jerma now.

Don't you get it? He wants to be a professional fighting game player now with Drago- I mean Samurai Shodown.


They do that about any culture that isn't there own. If you actually process what they say and how often they say it, it becomes clear they have little tolerance for anything that is different from their norm. Any if its something they like then it never gets pass a silly novelty to them. This includes anything Japanese to them. There is very little sincere interest or understanding.

>He wants to be a professional fighting game player now
Then maybe he should seriously practice

>Pat's streams are beyond unwatchable and he doesn't even attempt to be interesting or amusing anymore
>Woolie LPs are generally dull
>The podcast is so bad that if you check the timestamps and delete all the garbage topics you're left with Matt's solo LPs are embarrassing and he's forcing his dumb wife onto the channel
What a disaster.

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Asmongold is punchable because he's got that soulless stare. Pat is punchable because he oozes arrogance.

Of course, and where could you practice better than in japan itself?

I was so fucking curious to how their discord would be like and oh my god their fanbase is just as autistic, it's all just
>attention whores trying to get buddy-buddy with them
>attention whores trying to become "discord famous" in this circle
>attention whores trying to have the best opinion on something but try to say their shit takes like their "idols"
>constant drama from shitty admins that also think they're better than others/higher in a social ladder
If people remember some podcasts like years ago Woolie would sometimes call out a guy named skullgod, that guy had a single conversation with Woolie and they got to play overwatch together
This dude then became the biggest egotistical faggot that still tries to say being "friends" with Woolie means something and even gets rid of people that would try to talk with Woolie

This fanbase is the worst

Is Plague doing okay?

I say that because I don't give a fuck. If you want to waste time gasbagging about this shit go run for office.

How come there's no good ironic shitposting type channels left? Was it a fad?

Woolie wants to be a professional fighting game commentator.

Usually would just leave it at that. From my experience most people say that because they're too afraid of their reasoning coming under scrutiny.

It makes me so happy that even after the best friends become shitty that everyone still remembers Liam is the worst. It just puts such a smile on my face. He ruined so many podcasts during their best days, I wish they got rid of him earlier.

You can't do that anymore, irony is associated with incels and alt righters now

He's living with his sister, which is good. Shit got really dire for him so I'm glad to see him in a stable environment.
>got molested by a family friend as a kid
>tricked said molester into sucking his 5 year old dick and then ran away without reciprocating
>grew up into a really talented voice actor and animator
>everyone loves him
>but he's also a volatile alcoholic/drug addict
>for as "crazy" as Sleepycabin is, they've "maybe tried mushrooms like once"
>meanwhile Stamper was literally on meth for a while
>would regularly get so drunk he once drank his own piss without realizing it
>let a homeless crackhead live in his house after she knocked on his door at 4am
>tried stealing from her to get revenge for some slight
>she threatened to call her boys to come kill him if he ever did it again
>gangbangers started showing up at his door with guns
>Jeff calls him out for being a fucking idiot and convinces him to get help
>now living in Texas with his sister
>uploads like 5 videos a day demonstrating his cooking techniques and how to pick locks and shit
I hope he gets the help he needs, dude had a hard time of it.

Here's a thing though.
Sometimes it's the only way. No matter how well you will articulate your own argument, there is no way to stop your opponent from going "lol whatever fag" or just saying that he disagrees without providing substantial arguments of his own.
"Agree to disagree" in this case is just a way to stop the conversation and disengage, since there either you or your opponent have any sensible way of resolving the conflict. You have to be actually willing to reach consensus in order to finish the argument. And as far as I recall, Pat doesn't care for any opinion but his own, so you either sandbag him, agree with him or "agree to disagree".
Not defending Liam here, but there's just no winning with some people.

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I really can't wait to hear how he tries to justify FemGriffith.

probably closer to 50

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I joined it when they were breaking apart just to have more places to talk about it. Yeah they're all pretty wack but it was the only discord "community" I've ever joined.

But Nero’s monologue at the end of 4 with the false saviour’s headcrush scene had him viewing god better than he did at 4’s start.

I fear the day I should ever walk anywhere even remotely close to Woolie.
You can somehow just audibly detect how bad he smells, doubly so if you look at a picture or video of him


Define Okay
He is and always will be a miserable bastard, but financially he's getting by.

It's literally and unironically discount Evangelion.

I wish good things upon Stamper, but the man is absolutely socially inept for all the artistic brilliance he has.
Just lock him up, throw him some porn mags, a tablet and some booze, I doubt he needs anything else.

His hair literally looks like mouldy bird shit

If someone does that and we are sitting somewhere loke dinner or something i usually just go full sperg and force the debate. But literally any other situation other then sitting to dinner is a agree to disagree from me.

Jesus, I thought black don't crack, he legitimately looks middle aged here.

The fact that he said that he said something as stupid as "This is my channel made for my enjoyment and entertainment, not for yours" just shows that he literally doesn't care anymore. He further alienates both his own fans and potential new followers because of his retarded behavior. I swear all of them are so goddamn fucking touchy, they're all a bunch of babies.

>People are still paying to watch and listening to these idiots out of their own free time

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You definitely give a fuck. It's just that you give a fuck about your precious ego too much that you're afraid of it coming under duress.

People are such dishonest actors these days that I'd rather not engage them.

paying? the fuck?

Holy fuck it really does.

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>Sometimes it's the only way. No matter how well you will articulate your own argument, there is no way to stop your opponent from going "lol whatever fag" or just saying that he disagrees without providing substantial arguments of his own.

Did you not fucking read the part where I said after you've exhausted the discussion or something?

I understand the original appeal of them being regular everyday bros sitting down to play videogames. But they've long since stopped being that.

it died when fantano stopped the meme review

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Haven't listened to this new episode yet, does he at least point out the more obvious Eva overtones?

He's a white guy who's earned an n-word pass from random black dudes he's met on the street.
Stamper's charisma is maxed out but his constitution is critically low.

I use it to purposely shut off discussion because if people knew my actual beliefs then they'd disassociate with me.

Please, this isnt easy allies.

No I didn't, I've been drinking heavily recently and my attention span is lacking, sorry.

Does Hey hey people count?

Holy fuck, I want Pat to sit on my face so bad.

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Alright. I get what you're saying all the same.

Just buy a beanbag chair and pour skatole on it, same experience.

That's only a replacement for women since they don't have personalities.


Fuck, all I knew about Stamper was his professional work.

Like... they are just so stupid. The enraging part is they get to sit in an echo chamber and never have to answer for that dumb shit. But theyll get their reward when those crazy trannie fans they keep turn on them. Or when paige projareds pat.

Well what the fuck else am I supposed to say? If I was honest then I'd have no friends, I'd just be called a violent thug because I want to start fistfights.

>unkept beard
>muddy shit
>lazy eye
>teen rebel piercing
Jesus Woolie get a fix.

Is Sseth actually bad now? Cause if so I may have lost a little more faith I didn't know I had today

which of his eyes am i supposed to look at

Sseth is still good, there is some butthurt because he lifted footage from other places on a couple of occasions but besides that he's still consistently okay.