>SCP will die out in popularity before a good SCP game is released
I get that SCP is solidly reddit now but I still like it as a concept
SCP will die out in popularity before a good SCP game is released
It peaked at Containment Breach.
Control is fantastic
containment breach is pretty good
lobotomy corporation is good even if it's more of a spinoff
make no mistake, there will probably be more games based on this concept, even if they're not actually SCP.
>implying lobotomy and secret laboratory aren't tons of fun
Would having a bunch of SCPs in a game or one giant SCP be better?
Apparently old blood is in RPC Authority but I agree, its again another concept run to the ground by normalfags.
Containment Breach Unity version is looking good
If only they could finish it before the end of the century
I miss the old days bros why did they take it from us?
Secret Laboratory was fun
It's a shame that the dev decided to just sit on his ass and be a cunt on the steam forums
because people who can maintain quality and people who want to be in power generally do not overlap.
It takes a lot of energy to deal with people bullshit and its a not stop barage of faggots.
Generally people who are stable see stuff like SCP as a hobby or a fun project and as much as they may have invested into it realize that at the end of the day internet drama bullshit is not something really worth fighting for and move on.
On the other hand for faggots internet drama bullshit is the only thing they know, so for them having it their way is some sort of major triumph.
Bullshit, few old blood are in RPC, far less what SCP still have. RPC is mostly made by butthurt newfags who tried to make their own Foundation (what collapsed because drama and shitstorm)
I think one main SCP being the true conflict and antagonist with you interacting with a few other minor SCPs while progressing through the story would be the best way to do a game solidly about the SCP and not just a spin-off
Game based on one SCP can be good, but little to specific. If you want SCP Foundation game you need many SCPs
But Control already released, user.
Control has little to do with actual interesting anomalies since you interact with all of them in the same way, just kill baddies and throw shit at em
I wrote one of the very first SCPs about Josie the Half-Cat. This is my one claim to fame in life at present.
I know the guy who did the red ice scp. Haven't seen him in years, wonder how he's doing.
I'd actually like a SCP game where you go out and investigate then secure the SCPs in the wild
I’d be down with an exploration type F2P game with one of the alternate dimension SCPs. Maybe an FPS game with that one SCP that’s a bunch of black demon creatures that create randomized rooms and only die via bullets and prayer. I forgot the number but that one is one of my favorites, mostly because a D-Boy was the one to neutralize the threat in the end. It could work since these games love making you play as D-Class anyway
>scp 914 initial test logs are interesting and not too outlandish, actual experiments
>devolves into the same seven tumblr users making doki doki literature club and undertale references for like 6 pages
burn it to the ground and rebuilt, its soiled too thoroughly to salvage
secret lab would be so much better if the playerbase didnt consist of 50% children & 50% spergs who think spouting memes every 2 seconds of the mic is funny
playing that game with Yea Forums was pretty fun, which is odd because you'd think it'd be fucking terrible
Secret Laboratory is great tho
>read log about scp
>its start talking about nintendo and consoles
>scientists are devolved into manchildren
>some fag even created an entire OC scientists who whole role is to be a "lol so goofy and funny" faggot that should have been terminated ages ago
The hotel was cool, but they need to keep fucking sending you back there every 15 mins
game where you destroy the trans homestuck fan satellite
SCP is already contaminated by trannies. And we have good SCP-lite game
SCP has been dead for years.
Is Secret Lab still a thing? I heard they dev is doing updtaes again but it's been a long time.
>I get that SCP is solidly reddit now
*solidly tumblr
A lot of SCP's are based on copyright material and said copyright owners ha e already shown they'd show no pity regarding any projects containing their work.
SCP-173 (arguably the most well known scp) is the art of some jap who goes turbo autism on any monetized project containing 173.
This, LoboCorp has a much more interesting world, cohesive style, and better game (soon to be games) than SCP, and it won't be pozzed by trannies, bronies, and other scum.
keter threat, destroy this
I want to see if it's possible to infiltrate the SCP wiki circlejerk and hopefully reach high enough to be given ownership once the current owner retires. Ideally, you'd need a few intelligent people (intelligent enough to not trust anyone and keep the facade for years) and start acquiring some of the top positions mlre easily and already have some light influence.
Does anyone know if they have anywhere where they recruit? A discord? Anything.
i can't believe they ruined scp
is anything safe
There is a game coming out called anno:mutationem that has scp elements but it's a little vague on what they are.
It looks like it's mostly just regular cyberpunk but with some scps thrown in as boss fights, we really don't know anything about the plot yet though
Haha imagine having such an ego you make SCP about your self insert
Also thank God for lob corp, that said I definitely would be down to try secret lab with Yea Forums
Monster Hunter but with SCPs, I like it.
What's with fags and pride? I don't get get it.
I want a game based on SCP 4000
A subnautica type game where you might encounter SCP 1148 or SCP 3000
You know how people repress the truth in seriously fucked up ways? Some people run away from the truth so much that they make their life entirely about what they're running away from.
Faggots and Trannies always know deep down that they are ugly fucking abominations. They know they are disgusting creatures and so they try and repress the truth by forcing their agendas and "acceptance" down everything they get their hands on.
What starts as "positivity" ALWAYS ends up being passive aggressive and they know how ugly it all is, and that they are at the core of the fucking ugliness.
It's a shame that their fucking faggotry is at the highest level over at SCP now, but this only happened because someone let it happen.
they ruin everything for everyone.
Vanity and Ego. Best represented as cardinal sin - Pride
I think there's a Yea Forums sever out there, they might have a general on /vg/ but I'm not sure
/vg/ imploded a little while back I think, typical /vg/ drama dragged it down.
>Containment Breach Unity version is looking good
Heres your SCP 173, bro
Fuck, I wanted to try it out with Yea Forums friends too once I had gotten a new mic
>Oh shit, it's the statue!
>Hey guys, let's break his arms off, then he can't break anyone's necks!
>5 D class personnel were found stabbed to death in their cells today, an open ventilation shaft is the only clue
but why
Presumably because the artist who made the original SCP-173 would throw an autism fit if they were getting Patreon money with it.
They plan on selling it and had to change stuff because of copyright. SCP 173 was one of them
Not true at all
you are two years late mate.
It wouldn't have happened if redditor didn't push it to /vg/ because damn talk about video game and having OC on Yea Forums, you have to make room for the bazzilionish e-celeb thread
you're right, it's worse than death
Forgot to add one of their go to's for this is " we need money for our hard work dood!" but conveniently ignore that they are already getting money monthly from Patreon
>entire universe of interesting anomalous monsters and entities
>many sites with their own quirks and designs
>relatively little canon so devs can go crazy
>dev only puts in 173,106,049, and 096
>this goes for 80% of SCP games
fuck your tranny-managed gay ass wiki
I'm pretty sure I saw some Secret Lab Yea Forums threads a couple months ago tho
some autists try to keep it going but the enthusiasm for the game is gone. Those servers finally died this year and will stay dead