What are some videogames where spawn camping is not allowed?

What are some videogames where spawn camping is not allowed?

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>bunch of stupid fucking walls
yeah this looks good

>chest high walls instead of putting mega and rocket launcher in spots that would be easily contested by teachers
fucking zoomer design s.m.h.

>no medkit pickups
>no teleporters
>no weapon spawners

Land of the free


At least we're not land of the cucks. I'll take a few hundred dead children over the shackled millions

>He pays for healthcare

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why the fuck should I have to pay for druggies and retards?

If you're not an idiot you can avoid being in a fucking accident

Anyone who doesn't have health benefits from their employer deserves to see their kiddie of whooping cough

This is unironically a good idea

Honestly I'll take a few hundred dead children without needing anything in exchange. Fuck children.

Why do Europeans always gang up to make fun of Americans

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>seething yank
Right on time.

>He dodges his taxes

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Enjoy your slippy slide into oligarchy, nepotism and fascism.

you are not white

>Muh meaningless buzzwords
Sure showed him

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Incredibly easy targets because they're very quick to say some absolute nonsense in response to even the mildest of criticism and believe it, then defend it to the death.

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>drumpf is a fascist!!!
the fact that a regular joe can get into the white house is a testament to American democracy than a country that still has a queen or a "parliament"