What did we think of The Bank?
What did we think of The Bank?
Nice level but a bit too empty for the price. I hope the resort is bigger.
Dont know user, Im still on Miami trying to master it, then I will continue on to the next level
designed by a woman and overly simplistic
even so I enjoyed it
give us a fucking airport goddamn mountain kikes
still waiting for it to come out separately, fuck season passes and fuck the sniper maps.
Miami was designed by a woman too
Blood-money sized
The best level in the game (according to mrfreeze2244)
it shows
Good although unbalanced, IMO
There's a bunch of cheap way to routes and others are too riske
Not sure if the easy ones are a mishap or if the harder ones are broken
Ie: having the cloroform literally next to the AC machine is too obvious
The same as getting the vault key card just by opening the golden box in that very same room using the key one of the guards on that room drops
It feels rushed
>that little baby finger
have the devs never seen a real hand before
Bad item placement - the level
What do you guys think of the new SONKO (Suit Only No Knock Outs) trend for contract mode?
Not all women are diversity hires, there are outliers in everything.
you arent women tranny
So I played Blood Money recently and couldn't help but feel a little let down by the game. A lot of its missions just felt too railroady despite giving the illusion of being open
Only other one I played was Silent Assassin and I don't really want to try the new ones until the bundles are on sale. Anything else I should look into?
>The same as getting the vault key card just by opening the golden box in that very same room using the key one of the guards on that room drops
That one was just plain sloppy
Good map but the trophy kill challenge was dumb. Had to kill all the guards and wait for about 15 minutes before she finally wandered over to the trophy.
Pretty sure you can try Hitman 2 for free (you get like 1 level I believe), give it a go
Is there any way to unlock the outfits from the tutorial missions?
imagine hating women this obsessively
you just have to activate the gramophone?
>Finally get a prison level
>it'a god damn sniper mission
Obviously I tried that. She just completely ignored it every time.
And it was set in Siberia
The kino potential was off the charts
wrap your lips around this
People have such a hardon for Kotti and other autists, clearly.
Comfiest level in the game
I like it, on par with Paris and Hokkaido
Season finale better be some Russian level
Why aren't you playing Contracts? That's the most unique of the bunch.
I don't really know much about it, no one seems to talk about any Hitman games that aren't either the new ones, BM or Absolution