What's the most amount of money are you willing to pay to use the restroom? Just a random question user, nothing more than that.
What's the most amount of money are you willing to pay to use the restroom? Just a random question user...
If toilets aren't free, I'm peeing in the bushes.
You know what's more pathetic than paying to use a restroom? Cleaning up other people's shit for free
The toilet probably costs money to prevent Romanians from moving in, therefore the bushes you're aiming your penor at are probably filled with Romanians as a result. They are very territorial around toilets and bushes. It's better to pay.
t. European
The real evil is setting umbrellas to max price and all guests will still buy them when it rains
>zoo tycoon
>try to sell $35 hotdogs
>people complain
>set the lions free
Ah, to be a child again
Generally toilets that cost even small amount of money, like a quarter, are much nicer and cleaner than the free toilets.
Can you make a food analogy for how my peeing in the bushes is pirating? And how it's ruined the industry? I'm actually curious.
What I always did was make food and drink cheap, but drinks cheaper, then charge 40 dollars to use one of 4 bathrooms in the entire park.
I heard that there's a new thing called tenuvo, which a guy hides in the bushes and punches your dick if you pee in them.
As a Romanian, omegalul.
You're not wrong, though.
Yeah cos nobody uses them
Based wallachian
But user, you're paying for an EXPERIENCE
pissing in a bush is like a homecooked meal, cheap. pissing at a money restroom is like going to a restaurant, really expensive but it gives you an experience you cannot get at home. So you have to support the restaurant industry else nobody can enjoy the experience of being waited upon with food prepped by them
I prefer random pricing, it's a surprise mechanic and quite ethical.
I'd pee outside if it wasn't illegal in most cities. Good for plants if you don't overdo it.
Well answer me this.
What's the excitement level on them bathrooms?
If ya get my meanin, Mr. Frodo.
Make drinks and food free. But Toilets ridiculously expensive (more than rides)
most i've paid to use toilet was 3.5euro
They make pretty good cash when you set them too 20 cents
>Raise the amount of salt of fries,
>Rasie the cost of beverages
>Raise the cost of using the restrooms
This reminds me of Pee Island, a park I made as a kid.
It was a water park with Free Water parks, waterfalls, and sprinklers everywhere. Drinks were free, and so were pretzels and popcorn.
However, there was a single bathroom that you had to walk a long line over the water that had waterfalls on each side to get to, (and there was sprinklers there too ofc) and that single bathroom was 50 dollars to use. Once I had 2000 guests, I erased the path to the entrance and let the chaos begin.
Is parkitect coaster tycoon but better in every way?
none, I'll shit on your face faggot
Did any amusement park actually try this?
How much did they spend on cleaning excrement/piss afterwoods?
>having to constantly lower the price of rides because of guest interest decay
God I hate that shit so much. It's why Loopy Landscapes is my favorite version of the game because even though you can't set an entry fee, your rides can stay the same price forever and you never have to make them cheaper to ride.
Should have toilets that charge you based on how much mess you left based on how much there was.
Including paying you for cleaning someone else's shit.
It's romanian dude.
>tfw still can't beat Amity Airfield
How do I get good?
No its not, its Omega+Lul
>t. Romanian