Fuck wow classic

fuck wow classic
booting up ffxi for the first time.what am I in for bros?

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A dead game where no one plays together anymore because it is more worthwhile to use Trust NPCs. If you want a game with a community, join one of the 75 cap private servers like Era or Eden.

No fuck you I'm gonna like it

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It's sadly very dead (aside from new high level areas). I quit before the level cap raise and went on a nostalgia trip like a year ago. Everything is empty. You could be journeying completely alone without running into anyone for hours when you're outside a city. Feels very different.

Play on a 75cap private server if you want the old-school experience.
Retail is ok of you want to blast through all the missions and story single player, but you won't fully appreciate the difficulty and feeling of accomplishment from finishing CoP

>XI not XIV
What the fuck, user? Have fun playing an absolutely dead MMO

This, the story and world are there but the community is gone, gameplay is also fucked because they raised the level cap from 75 to 99.

Even modern XI is more fun than XIV, and I play it.

>Have fun playing an absolutely dead MMO
but that's every single mmo, user

I actually also recently started playing this for the first time, and I'm having a blast. The game is archaic as hell but I love how much stuff it doesn't tell you, and how the classes actually feel like their old school classes. As a red mage I can actually learn both black and white magic and use them both.

It feels really fucking good to play an MMO from before the time when WoW came out and ruined the MMO genre by being terrible but popular. Fuck WoW to hell and back, I miss MMOs.

An extremely dated mmo that you won't find fun unless you played it when it was current.

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so fucking weird how i keep coming back to ffxi throughout the years despite shit like abyssea or the 99 cap but i dont see myself picking up xiv ever again after 4.0 or playing any other mmo for a great length of time honestly
i also have a bazillion hours in pso and continue to play it even today but thats not an mmo so

>Getting back into FFXI
>Constantly plays PSO
>Don't care for XIV
Are you me?

Honestly you aren't even playing the good version of it, 99 cap is nowhere near what 75 cap was like.

why did raising the level cap ruin things?

Not always the case. I recently played XI with a boomer and a zoomer that never played and they both loved the way jobs and subjobs were set up. They also enjoyed the mob grinding for leveling up. They hated how tedious the questing could be. i dont blame them. That shit was more of a nightmare than i remember.

It completely changed the games balance and how the jobs played, you had 8~ years of subjobs being capped at 37 and now with that wide open everything changed. It also brought about some "wowification" with things like gear score and tier loot. Old XI wasn't about gear at all, you could do the hardest content in your basic AF, and new gear was almost always nothing more than a sidegrade. Most people looked at gear as a trophy rather than an upgrade.

Quests (luckily in this case) are mostly useless shit with rewards like "you get 150 gil", so you don't lose out on much if you don't do them. Only certain missions can be grating (fucking Three Paths).

have fun. i wish i could experience getting lost in one of the nation cities for the first time again. LASTok boys where you at???
idk man with pso at least though i like to think theres a good amount of us that still cant get over how ridiculously addicting and relaxing the 200 grind is
i recently completed zilart on a new character and completely forgot about the weighted door stuff until i got to it. actually had me nostalgic since i had a buddy with a galka back in the day when i first completed it. the side quest to get the key to do it alone(which i had to do on this character) is definitely annoying, though. my tarutaru is too light lol.

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>gear didn't matter at all
You are fucking retarded if you think that and it shows you know nothing about XI at all. The game that enables (and requires of) you to switch gear in a split second to enhance your WS that takes 1 second then switch back to another gear. Gear made the difference of beating Kirin in 1.5 to 2 hours with 30 people or defeating it in 15 minutes with 6 people. I bet you are one of those retarded faggots that would WS in Scorpion Harness.

noooo comfy ffxi thread dont die

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downloading the eden launcher. i'll be postin more soon nigga

Archaic horseshit that's lost all novelty.

godspeed friend
i actually havent tried any of the private servers and only know a little about them. eden is the one thats slightly new and smaller than nasomi but is even more vanilla, right? or am i getting my shit all wrong?

don't know but that's what plebbit recommended

Correct. Much closer the the vanilla ffxi experience, not to mention Eden also has less bugs than Nasomi.

yeah, i really gotta try eden some time, then. if only to experience grinding with all my other low level bros again

I played it for the first time recently. Pretty fun, gonna buy it after I complete all the MSQ quests for XIV

fuck logging into playonline though

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I almost dropped the game after already having bought it when trying to get through account registration and playonline.

"I want you to think back - to the first day that you stepped out under the Vana'diel sun..."

Maat is the best bro.

>still has a monthly fee

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not wow classic, the goty

the amount of item management and wiki searching is ridiculous, dont know how people managed to play this back then