I'm sorry I just can't get into this series
dante just feels so heavy and sluggish
I'm sorry I just can't get into this series
Bitch elsewhere
then try to get intomthe series with devil may cry 3
>playing ugly, clunky games
is that way grampa
1 is super outdated.
Bitch elsewhere.
1 is still best for a bunch of different reasons. later games only surpass it in how flashy your combo can look.
>A capcom game is shit
In other news the sun rose today
Keep crying trannymiya apologist
you're the only one bringing up kamiya. makes it seem like you just want to fellate itsuno.
Yeah the game is kinda stiff, can't blame you if you can't get used to it. Try 3 at least if you haven't.
I like the game myself, but it's undoubtedly a product of its time. Still the action is very tight and enemies provide a good challenge.
Skip first 2,theyre shit
Skip the first 5, no capcom game is worth playing
just give up then, series aint for you, leave
>play 12345
>replay 12345
>replay 1345
>replay 135
>replay 15
>replay 1
I find that people who can't get into DMC have an easier time with Bayonetta. Just stay way from the PS3 version.
You probably have ADHD, DMC isn't for you. The "cuhrazy" part of DMC is kinda overrated, it's really not a fast paced action game.
Also this It's just straight corridors with nonstop action so you'll probably like it
casual that's exactly why it's the best one you can't just spam and do well
shit taste zoom zoom
It gets credit for having heavy influence on the hack-and-slash genre, but most other series have just done it better. DMC is clunky and needlessly complex at times. Pretty much anything from Platinum does it more cleanly.
>DMC is clunky and needlessly complex at times.
>needlessly complex
You can't just add tranny to anything and make it an insult.
git gud
that's alright, not everybody must like the same thing. it might have flaws in your eyes but someone might overlook them and just keep playing. that's how these things work.
Capcom is the single best dev.
this guy has the right idea.
Play DMC1 and then drop the series
Rare logical poster
1 is undoubtedly the most influential and best historically but that camera system aged like ass. The rest of the game is still classic though.
Is there just one dedicated retard that loves DMC1 and hates the rest of the series? Or is there a few of you? I love them all but 2.
>abllooobllooo too many weapons and combo choices, variety baaad
buy stinger
It's a hack and slash where there is no decent dodge button, just a shitty side roll that only works half the time thanks to the camera. DmCII unironically did that better.
Jump is a dodge button.
A or X depending on the controller is the dodge button, dont even need to time it either, just spam it
>It's a hack and slash where there is no decent dodge button
So like every DMC?
>nooooo why can't I spam i-frame dodges
fuck off bayonettababy
Why are people crying? OP didn't say the game was bad, only that Dante is heavy and sluggish and he is that way in DMC1.