Miss me yet, Yea Forums? come on, enough nu-mmo bullshit. come to daddy

miss me yet, Yea Forums? come on, enough nu-mmo bullshit. come to daddy.

Attached: everquest.jpg (640x480, 200K)

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Doesn't this shit actually still run?
Maybe I should check it out

>Giving money to daybreak

i came back to daddy
then i remembered that daddy was the cruelest of all

Never played Everquest. How bad was it?

It was the best.

There's always private servers.

Depends on if you go retail or private servers.

If it was your first MMO? Amazing and purpose-defining.
If you already played UO? Limited and thus trash.
If you've played most vidya up until now? Old, clunky, grindy, empty.

Grindiest game I've ever encountered. Well, moreso of a chat program with a game welded to it. Still pretty fun. Question is, what's your favorite class? I had a soft spot for the bard.

Attached: ogre.jpg (81x70, 3K)

Originally warrior for me, after going to p99 after years of not playing, shaman.

My main was a wizard but I grew to dislike wizard. Druid was a lot of fun, but I think my bard twink was my favorite. Had him a full set of RFV at level 20 lol.

I would have liked to level an enchanter, but I am not dragging myself through that grind again. If there were a private server with a boosted exp or support for solo play I'd consider it

Rogue was my first and my main. Will always have a soft spot for backstabbing and hiding when the party gets wiped.

Best implementation of sneaking in an MMO.

Hey OP, my mom, she bought me this new game. It was at a yard sale!

Yep. And nothing more fun then running through Kithicor at night while every one else has to wait at the zone entrances.

i unironically miss the setting.
mostly an EQ2 fag myself, but between Everuqest, Champions of Norrath and the hype ofr everquest next, i realy start to like that generic as fuck setting.

I kinda realized that there isnt quite anyhting like it

We know, it's Everquest 2 and it sucks!

no I miss FFXI

Attached: 1561510373942.jpg (1920x960, 1.04M)

which race will you be playing in 2024?

Attached: all-races-to-scale-wallpaper.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

I remember hearing something about this game years ago. It's still not out yet?

still in pre-alpha
any gameplay that's been shown publicly has been the same raid and unfinished zone so it's not even in the content phase yet, they're still working on the core game features

it's essentially 100% modern Everquest down to having the exact same class options


Why have you not played the superior MMORPG, not the casual esports shit that is WoW, Yea Forums?

had a friend who played this, i hear it's still updated every now and then lole

how does it compare to everquest?
I've been considering trying it out on the Eden private server
the "made for ps2" aspect kind of puts me off, I'd expect the controls and interface are even worse than everquest

What expansion is EQ on now? 30th or something?

I miss it every day.
No point in playing on a server with 12 people tho.

I played nasomi for a month or so. Home doesn't exist anymore.

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I miss champions of norrath so badly. I want #3 damnit

retail still a better mmo than any on the market right now unfortunately

Just run the zone wall.

I heard retail is a nightmare to sign up for and install

the best thing to do is convince existing friends to start playing with you
any dead mmo can be made fun again if you already have friends outside the game

yeah, but i would rather just play TTG with them, or convince them to play 3.5

Ogre Shadowknight
Ogre Shaman
Ogre > every other race

play online launcher sucks so fucking much yea

Its another kickstarter scam.

Tons of MMOs right now are pretty much preorder scams, pretty much marketing the game as either "The Revival of the Genre" or "The big next gen MMORPG" with a $100+ founders pack that gates the beta of the game and preys upon MMO fags who experience insane stockholm syndrome once they start playing the 'alpha', only to find that the game will either never be released and all development will cease before it ever even sees light of day (And no refunds) or the game launches a month after everyone gets their beta keys and the game is dead on arrival with none of the promised content, just the first 10 levels, which is so buggy and fucked that people will still spend 50 hours trying to get through it before they realize they were fucked.

I don't miss searching for my corpse in dark elf territory. Oh wait, I kind of do.

I don't miss everquest, but I miss the style of MMO everquest was.

I wish someone would make a next gen everquest, without instancing, with large worlds full of dungeons that will slap your shit if you try to yeet your way through it like a modern WOW clone, and dragons and shit rampaging through zones occasionally requiring hundreds of players to defeat.

Sadly we won't get that, we'll just keep getting more instanced korean WOW trash.

pantheon and project gorgon
both never getting finished but gorgon is at least playable

Nothing says hardmode like rolling an Iksar Shaman

There's always THE private server, project 99

You mean Troll, not Ogre?

what the fuck
it's gonna take that long??

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You know the gist, Yea Forums.

Which one and why?

Attached: eq.jpg (1600x1800, 1.13M)

top had soul, and i mean this unironically
Old 3D rpg games unironicly look better then any modern 3D rpg game

Sounds exactly like the upcoming Pantheon which is being developed by the creator of Everquest.

I plated this when it first came out when I was 7. My dad and I quit around Gates of Discord, when we moved onto City of Heroes and bounced between that and World of Warcraft. When Phinnigel and Fippy Darkpaw dropped, we tried those TLP servers out and were appalled by how awful they were. Later, we went to try out P99 a year or so ago and it was extremely faithful to the game. It was enjoyable, but the biggest problem was how much of a sheer time sink the game became to make any meaningful progression. It's not quite fun when you have to sit in the same camp for literally half of a day and are completely set back if some jackass runs through your camp or due to a bad pull and a group wipe. While I love the game, I've come to realize that it simply has some glaring issues that could very easily be diled down on. Unfortunately, Sony took too much liberty with that idea and butchered the concept of easy access and characterization with Planes of Power. Druid or Wizard? Fuck you, free books for everyone. Economy? Get fucked, you can get all the spells you need here instead of traveling and discovering. It was such bullshit; I didn't mind the time sink of traveling and exploring because it was adventurous and humbling. It's a good and fun game, but it had its time. It deserves its rest, except for those that have the time to still enjoy it.

WHAT DID THEY DO TO HER FACE, JESUS CHRIST? Also, Erudites were such a fucking wacky race.

>Praise an Ayy Lmao that makes it rain
>Giant-ass foreheads
>Had a crazy magic war that blew a hole in the goddamn ground
>Created the concept of Necromancy
>Located off in the land of fuckall

Erudites worshipped the pacifist god Quellious, or the ocean god Prexus. Solusek doesn't count since all wizards could worship him.



No but it will be very niche, which is a good thing since we won't have a bunch of zoomers crying about the lack of QoL features.

the placement of the big tit yolandi elf bitch render next to the 3d model with its torso twisting off into another heavenly object's gravitational pull is killing me

I wanna breed the elf

Attached: Frostfell_FV.png (470x422, 87K)

I'm digging Yakub on top checking out da white wimminz
Also the elves actually look like elves on the bottom one, they ruined the feral/amazon woman by giving her muscle definition
Orc guy literally looks like he was photoshopped in from wow fanart

Play project 1999

Top easily, Has soul and all of that classic sword and sorcery design and flair.
Bottom is just the typical generic fanfare.

You think you do (and so do I).

Attached: ff11classic.png (300x163, 45K)

>the cartoony warcraft artstyle has become so ubiquitous its basically the LoTR of fantasy art

Attached: iizt3qd2ek831.jpg (1080x1070, 63K)

>I'd expect the controls and interface are even worse than everquest
Comfy if you use a controller as that's what it was designed for. Some crazies swear by keyboard controls though. The ps2 limitations don't stop the world from being a big bloody adventure though, believe me.

Runescape is still the best MMO. Prove me wrong

Could are you talking about the wood elf in plate swinging her sword, or high elf strapped to a rock behind the lizardman(iksar)?