Is it possible he Epstein'd himself for publicity purposes?

Is it possible he Epstein'd himself for publicity purposes?

I had never heard of Night in the Woods until now and it's still not confirmed exactly if and when he died.

Attached: alec night.jpg (640x360, 64K)

Probably a fart dislodged a 10 month old piece of shit behind his hemorrhoids and he choked on his own vomit


>Repeat thread
You're not gonna be able to change the narrative this time mate

Cyberbully cyberbullies man to death. We knew it was coming. I feel bad for him because his relationship with her was from 10 years ago when he had severe depression, and he couldn’t have known at the time why kind of person she was. Who would think people they knew 10 years ago, who knew how much they struggled with life, would try and drive them to suicide out of the blue? The people who abandoned him are also responsible.

>epstein'd himself
Got himself killed by the elite world rulers because he was going to expose their sex crimes?

>Epstein'd himself

Assassinated by the American government? No, he's not important enough for that.

I'm sure we had this thread hours ago.
Still, The game is good.

Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)

braver than any us marine

Attached: nintendo power glove.png (618x1474, 128K)

Shut up you nigger

Remember guys, any emotional or verbal abuse towards women is a crime, you're punished with ostracism no matter how good a programmer or musicial you are.

Here is what his sister said:
>And in case it’s not already fucking obvious, Alec *specifically said* he wished the best for Zoë and everyone else, so don’t use our grief as an excuse to harass people,” she wrote. “Go outside, take care of someone, and work towards preventing these kinds of things in the first place.”
Not surprised that he saw no way out when his own sister decides to protect his murderer. In case it’s nit bivouac, the only way to “prevent these kinds of things from happening” is to actually support people who are being subjected to overwhelming mental stress from social ostracism. The point if cancel culture is to totally deny the victim exactly that support.

Well, music was good, the game was so-so.

I agree, but I'm still glad i played it.

By Epstein d himself, you mean somebody killing him? Possibly.

Maybe he found out too much about the game journalism sex ring and they had Zoe Quinn accuse him to make it look like he killed himself out of guilt because Zoe is basically an "untouchable", and probably knew where he lived.

It's also likely she seduced him before killing him, since given by Scott's statements he seemed desperate for girls.

I'm more inclined to believe this happened than suicide.

Textbook DARVO but still really sad that the response to him being bullied to death is to further monsterize him.

Scott’s statements were disgusting on a very deep level. The culture is so rotten people will debase on their dead friend while eulogizing them to protect the feelings of the person who tormented him.

Pretty sure this is a bot OP at this point but what the hell.

I'm a total fuckin' loser with nothing else to do for the foreseeable future. What sort of game should I hack together over the next few years?

Nothing an indie game developer does is ever drastic enough to warrant murder, they're all just mentally ill people


I read the sisters Facebook post and it made my skin crawl. Lady, in 10 years, cancel culture will be gone and your brother will still be dead. Quinn is manipulative bully. She knew exactly what Alec was going through. She wanted to make him suffer because she could.

>in 10 years, cancel culture will be gone
Why do you think so?

It’s being rolled back in the rest of society little by little. People aren’t freaking out about it anymore. Some understand and are promoting awareness of anti-cancel tactics (“don’t apologize”). Regret for previous cancels in the political world. Pushback against Nanette/support for Chappell in the cultural world. There will be a new synthesis soon.

I was actually shocked at how entrenched it still is in the indie games scene, but these guys are the island of misfit toys, and are going be the strongest hold outs.

He had mental health issues, paranoiac tendencies and constantly told people he was going to kill himself
Him finally following through is not particularly uncharacteristic
He was reportedly a giant asshole to everyone, men and women, coworkers and strangers
He still contributed a lot of work to any project he took part in and should have been given credit for that at least. Scott Benson is an opportunistic piece of shit that took the opportunity to try and steal credit for most of NiTW while still admitting that Alec did most of the work (while somehow not having been working on the game ?)
Him getting denounced was inevitable and a good thing, regardless of who it came from
Zoe is a liar and a cheat, and probably exagerated a lot for attention and to ruin the game because she had a 6 years long grudge, but it's not like Alec was a good person unjustly accused of being a piece of shit, either

just a paranoid retard it's not like his friends made a secret twitter group to shit talk him but forgot to secret it

so you don't understand what paranoia is

His paranoia was justified considering he foretold his own death three years ahead of time.

Also yeah Scott's a real piece of shit for making sure Alec didn't even legally possess any of the IP ownership.

>so you don't understand what paranoia is
looks like you dont understand what his friends did to him while knowing he was paranoid?

Attached: 1567516363807.png (705x808, 119K)

Considering their definition of being an asshole is shooting down completely unfeasible ideas and demanding that they put in the slightest modicum of help creating the game that they take the credit for I don't really consider Alec the piece of shit here.

it is possible he was a BPD asshole who was a bit of a dick and now killed himself as a sort of way to both deal with the out lash and get revenge, but that still doesn't excuse the behaviour of everyone else and the fault still lies in the way Quinn, twitter and indie fags dealt with the situation