Rate my Attache Case

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It's disgusting

is that the switch port or the gamecube port?

PC Port

0/10 needs more fish

didn't even try/10

Ooooooooo boy, this image does exactly what it intends.

Aussie/10 mate

>not flipping your weapons for the hidden damage bonus

Its making me reinstall the game

It's like you deliberately organized it as poorly as fucking possible

That striker piece of shit tho shoulda stuck with the pump

This. What is wrong with you OP?

fuck I forgot they did that. The pump shotgun is 100x better than the striker garbage.

I'm too busy suplexing gonads nerds

Its a great way to fish for replies though not gonna lie.

Why would you do that before the HD remaster is complete?

seething. hope you're happy OP. here's your (you)

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>those guns
Babby's First Playthrough/10

As a tip for next time, stick with the basic pistol fully upgraded to get 5x super headshots, and pick up the Mine Thrower as well though never give it the special upgrade. Mine Thrower is fucking god tier and can one shot Garradors when aimed correctly, but the heat seeking upgrade fucks up its potential

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Because I bought it on the xbone for 5 bucks and dropped it during the castle chapter.


I wanna reorganize this so bad. Plus, I haven't played this in years.

Are there any weapons that are just straight up shit? When I first played this, my cousin insisted that I shouldn't bother with the TMP, but I forget why or if he was right at all.

>my cousin insisted that I shouldn't bother with the TMP
your cousin is a pleb. TMP is great for crowd control

rate mine

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>no 3+ million flash gernades clogging up all the nooks and cranies.
Those things were dropping like candy everytime I played.


there I said it, don't @ me you fucks I can have an opinion

Not to mention the game shits out TMP ammo like its going out of fashion. Its a waste to not use it all.

The Chad storage
The virgin fitter

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if anything it's anti-autism. true autism is organizing it obsessively


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>red 9
top choice
>broken butterfly
I guess
>rocket launcher
cool and good
>semi-auto rifle
holy shit you absolute NIGGER FUCK YOU



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Imagine using weapons that need ammo

Every fucking time with you fags

>not going full knifechad
Lotta virgins ITT

I used to be a Blacktail Chad but then I became a Red 9 Gigachad

Just use the stock shotgun its upgrades are better, you get it for free, and it does better crowd control than the TMP.
Sell the TMP and any ammo you find. Only thing you need most encounters is a handgun to the knees, roundhouse kick, and knife.
Hunting rifle takes up less space and does more damage than the semi. Don’t be a baby.

yeah but ditman

Yep, just beat ruiner nerg, his intro is gonna have a lot of you boomers pissed, we have a new top dog

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>upside down guns
>no golden eggs or fish
>ammo and herbs in random spots, not grouped together
>entire case doesn't have any rhyme or reason to its ordering
0/10 see me after class

fuck off, /mhg/

striker can hold 100 shots noob riot gun not to mention striker has a cool name, actually looks cool
the riot gun fucking sucks

>Not flipping the scopes into a vertical position then putting them at the bottom-left to make it look nice and clean instead of having the overhang of one of them.

LOL so quirky and randum! Have an upboat and some reddit platinum! xD

*dabs on every boss*

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What's with the krauser knife?

Easy mode babby spotted.

Do this but put the gun dead center in the case

Sniper all the way to the top, shotgun under it, both pistols under that. Then it's kino

nah, bruh, handgun has to be in the top left so it's the first thing that's selected when you go into the case. shotgun next to it so you only have to press right once to equip it or down for the rifle. it's laid out for max speed.

>Red 9 """""Gigachad"""""
Have you ever considered playing on Normal or Professional?

You all unlocked the hand cannon right?

>the girthiest
>most inaccurate
>highest damage
>slowest reload
>required attachment
>not gigachad
Take your five-seven back to easy mode, kid.

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>no you can't use good guns you have to use pieces of shit, nooooooo!
Yes. In my prime I suspect I was one of the best Krauser players in the world.

Krauser was so fun to use.

I don't think there's any particular reason to use the Punisher. Any of the shot guns render it pointless

>Leon I need you to save my daughter. This is a national emergency.
>what’s that you’re bringing?
>my knife, and some hairspray. Oh I guess my gun too I’ll probably sell it to some shady merchant

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are you australian? why are all the guns upside down?

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Do people not know about the secret attache case glitch? If you put your gun upside down, it does more damage.

>only sending one government agent in the first place
>not collaborating with the Spanish government to find THE DAUGHTER OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED FUCKING STATES
I swear, the U.S. government went full fucking retard with that shit.

Have they made a mod for the pc version that lets you play through the main campaign as one of The Mercenaries characters? Krauser, Wesker, etc?

what is that thing on the bottom left?

Aris sucks dick.
The spanish government sucks dick too. What could they have done? No army, no satellites, no nothing.

Mine launcher attachment
also the best gun in the game

small brain: leaving your attache case a mess because you don't care
slightly bigger brain: lightly organizing your case
medium brain: OCD organizing your attache case and making it aesthetic
ULTIMATE BRAIN: leaving your attache case a mess because you don't care

I don't think they knew for sure she was there.

for me, it's hoping i wouldn't get ntr'd by the spanish guy

>tfw played and beat RE4 multiple times over the years
>still haven't really tried using the Red9, Blacktail (except for all of a few times), the Killer7, etc.
>nor have I used any of the unlockable weapons, like the Handcannon or the laser thing
I know, I know. I must be a boring person.

Attache case tetris is literally more fun than the actual game. It's like Triple Triad in FF8.

Looks like the mine launcher scope?

I spent an hour yesterday trying to win the alexander card in space because of the fucking random rule.

>internet tells me for years that the mine thrower is shit
>finally try it in a playthrough
>it's actually good and the most fun weapon in the game
The punisher is probably the worst gun. All the other pistols are better.

The Red9 isn't the problem, it's using both that and the TMP at the same time

Either use a handgun or use the TMP, using both is redundant

>not turning all your cards other than your unique cards into items

I probably spent more hours in the shooting range than in the actual game.

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...are those fucking EGGS?

Based and black(bass)pilled.

Red9, riot gun, semi-auto rifle, tmp, and ditch the magnums for rocket launchers.


Imagine the smell.

Red9, Striker, Broken Butterfly. I remember instead of finding the parasites on regenerators I should poured shot on them with the striker until they died.

Broken Butterfly
Riot Gun
Blacktail / Punisher
Semi-Auto Rifle
Mine Launcher

Semi-Auto Rifle
Mine Launcher
Broken Butterfly
Riot Gun

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Top form, lads

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>eggs together
>healing items are all organized on the left side of the case
>all weapons and attachments stowed uniformly
It's good to see such a neat case.

>You have to eat ALL the eggs

I still need to try out a run with the mine launcher.
Apparently it hits retardedly hard and the exclusive gives it absurd 90-degree-right-around-the-corner homing.

The heat-seeking mines are actually kind of a downgrade. They're convenient against regular enemies but it makes it impossible to hit certain boss weak points like the gigantes. Without that upgrade it's actually a really good boss killer.

Did anyone here ever actually do the Salazar fight without the rocket launcher?

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Just did it the day before yesterday. Pretty easy to just shoot the eye in front of you and then pop him a few times with the Broken Butterfly. Fight is over in less than two minutes.

i did a few weeks ago because i wasted it on the bug nest. pretty easy with a magnum.

funny how it's probably the easiest boss fight in the castle. 2 Garradors and even the water room was harder

Fuck why was RE4 so good
Literally only game I bought thrice

Easiest boss in the whole game, I'd say, just because it's the only one that's stationary

Fair enough. I was rating it for peak aesthetic not peak efficiency.

I wish every part of the game was as good as The Village. Each section is shittier than the last, just like the story arcs in DBZ.

this, as you are walking over the draw bridge to the castle the game suddenly decreases in quality, and while the castle still had some great environments the island had no excuses at all

>weapons upside down
what are you, some kind of monster?

Rate mine

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looking good

post-workout shake retard

God bless modders.

Is rural spain really as dilapidated and shitty as RE4 makes it look? Shit makes Deliverance look like Sex and The City.

>most inaccurate
Don't you mean most accurate?

Red9 requires that you buy a whole separate attachment just to steady Leon's aim

I ask again, is there any mod that lets you play through the main campaign as Krauser?

Who was in the wrong here?

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how about you ask google

It's the strongest and most accurate pistol. Not to mention it looks the best. Space doesn't matter unless you actually need a shotgun like a pussy.

Pretty sure every single other handgun is more accurate on account of being smaller and lighter

I have the PC version and was never able to beat the roller coaster quick time event. Maybe game had a bug but the prompt showed up and I hit the button but nothing happened.

Never finished the game.

How does he get out?


Why do people even give a shit about organizing? I remember playing pc port and not giving a fuck how inventory looked.

Why the mine thrower?

Yea Forums is a hive of autistic people, you should know this by now

I hate this game so fucking much

Pretty great, but I don't see a Red9

Nope. The stock makes it the most accurate.

I am a hoarder so I tried to have the most shit on me as humanly possible. Hated organizing shit though.

Back in the day we had lots of free time.

>una forastero
>mori es vivir
this game and the retarded new spic zombies were a complete meme, this combined with the dumb ass qte (spamming) sections, bland and washed out environemts drained of every last drip of soul.
then on top of that the horrible ots 40fov shooter experience might just be the shittiest of it's kind. this made it to the one of the worst games i've ever played list. and i simply cannot understand why it's held in so high regard. might be the retarded zoomers born in late 90's who remembers it fondly being their first gaming experience or something.