For me, it's Goro Majima.
For me, it's Goro Majima
good choice
For me, it's Kazuya Mishima.
what is
For me, it's Marisa Kirisame
For me, it's Marcia
For me.
For me, it's RX-139 Hambrabi.
Good taste
For me, it's Fuuka Yamagishi.
t. animal in human form
For me it's Dojima Daigo. Chad body, virgin soul just like myself.
For me, it's Zigludo-sama
>Virgin soul
Daigo is for bondage and rape
I love Reisen!
It's Lara
For me, it's Chaos Hero
Reisen loves me.
Were they actually trying to disguise him in yakuza 5 or was that a joke? I know shinada wouldn't know him but still
For me it's the spicy mcchicken
Shinada WOULD know him, though. They went to school together, so it makes even less sense.
For me, it's cloud strife.
Lets mosey.
Off-topic, but why are late-night Yea Forums threads so comfy?
He's in
>he still would've had that beautiful mullet and voice in high school
I think he probably changed enough to not be recognizable
Only in Yakuza 0. In that game he was interesting. I get his "LMOA CRAZY" incarnation in the other games but it just doesn't interest me.
After him you mean
Why does every yakuza suck aside from 0
>GOOOOOOOOD MOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’we another day closer to Majima (yes, THE Majima from Yakuza 0) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Majima walks into the spotlight!
Funny how perception works. I was always a fan of Majima before but 0 just fucking butchers his character and makes him boring, and then it only gets worse with Kiwami where they try to go way too far in the other direction. OG Yakuza 1 is still his best characterization: dangerous and crazy but not to the point of being wacky.
I unironically liked Majima more when I played Kiwami right after 0.
Majima everywhere made me fucking hate him
>its another slugger majima fight
I love him no matter what I wish he was around more in 6
>butchers his character and makes him boring
How the fuck do you "butcher" someone with literally zero character other than LOL WACKY SO RANDUMB
Kill yourself retard
>street Majima made you hate him
>not mini game Majima
Don't respond to this bait.
Course not pal whaddya think we are retarded?
You're the one posting bait you retarded cunt
How did 0 "butcher" his """""character""""" when he had none to speak of, it fucking gave him a character and made him a real human instead of a comedy relief one note character
For me, it's Monokuma
Kiryu is fighter
Majima is stage hazard
O-Of course not, Goro-san.
Ooooh kamurocho is next stage with Millennium tower for another
Every time I go to Mcdonalds they never have those. I'm pissed now.
What third-world country do you live in that doesn't serve a Based McChicken?
I was specifically referring to the Spicy McChicken. I'm in Florida, and they serve regular McChickens all the time. But every time I ask for a spicy onem they say they don't have it.
Oh you right, that is a rare boi to behold....
For me its gladio
For me it's Riku.
Good taste in men
go to sleep Mine
For me its Kanji Tatsumi
haha no way i could survive that fall
Daigo gets a raw deal. At any other point in the Tojo's history he would likely have come across as a good leader, but the fact that so much bullshit happens that is completely out of his control makes him seem incompetent.
Kazama and Sera pretty much killed Dojima Family, Kiryu then proceed to give all the big powers (Nishiki family, Kazama family, Shimano family) to Majima, a guy who doesn't give a shit about Tojo. Daigo is a leader without any force to back him up and doomed to fail right from the start.
>a guy who doesn't give a shit about Tojo
Majima does care though, he's essentially the only one Daigo trusts and vice-versa. He was even the only guy Daigo could trust with recruiting people in 5 before telling him he suspected a conspiracy. He says he doesn't care in 2 because he didn't trust Terada, not that he didn't care for the Tojo Clan. Hell, in 3 he's the top captain of the Tojo Clan and 4's the only real time Daigo does something so monumentally stupid it causes Majima to hate him for a while.
in 2
>i have power and i that outsider guy is fucking fishy but nah fuck it
in 3
>i have the power but nah just let them fight
>daigo? more like let him diego
>kashiwagi? more like kashiowari lmao
In 4, Daigo made the decision as a chairman of Tojo, If Majima cared about the clan and gave Daigo some respect then shits like that wouldn't happen.
Reminder to never ever respond to any post being in any way critical of any Yakuza game and to stay willfully delusional in a hugbox bubble without any meanies
>Japanese "men"
>hot and strong
Why are they so delusional?
Yakuza games are alpha simulators for betas
>but nah fuck it
But he only had the voting power of one family. Nishiki's family was just as strong as his was in terms of voting potential. He'd basically have to mutiny when Kiryu literally handed the reigns over to Terada.
>daigo? more like let him diego
I could have sworn Black Monday had already infiltrated the Tojo Clan by the point he could have done anything there.
>kashiwagi? more like kashiowari lmao
Did Majima even know that was going to happen though?
>If Majima cared about the clan and gave Daigo some respect then shits like that wouldn't happen
The problem is that Majima understood Kamuro Hills was pretty much the only thing keeping the Tojo afloat at that point and he already expressed his concerns that everything surrounding the deal was fishy which Daigo basically blew past. It's like if your boss decided he was going to sell your entire chain of stores to a drug dealer who insisted they weren't going to be fronts and you kept telling your boss not to go through with it so he cooks the books and pins it on you. Yeah, it's an executive decision, but it was a rushed and poorly thought out one that he didn't even seem to bring up with anyone else. Also, keep in mind that Daigo was adamant about not selling the orphanage because Kiryu was in it but immediately sold Majima down the river even though in both respects they were in dire need for money.
If Majima cared, He would've shown up in that clan meeting and punched Katsuragi in the face.
What Majima could've have done is either give Daigo some power (like Saejima) or take over the Tojo completely. Leaving Daigo to be a powerless cuck forever is just cruel.
the "hurr durr muh woman didn't see me so she can't recognize me, so I am going larp as an insane person" mary sue
Remember when Majima beat his wife after she aborted their unborn daughter because she thought it would threaten her career?
For me, it's also Goro Majima
I don't, but I'm 0 baby
Agreed. Goro in 0 was the right amount of crazy.
>in the other games
He barely shows any craziness in 3-4-5-6.
>lul majima so crazy what's his deal??
yakuza 4
>oh he got fucked over and his best bud got sent to jail in the process, so he kind of snapped and has no love for tojo bullshit
yakuza 0
>ACKSHUALLY he was a fuckup and got put on a short leash and was used so he just decided "im just gonna act insane for the lulz"
The only people who think Yakuza's writing is even considered passable are children or autists who have never watched anything other than anime
Majima is a cuck, a king takes on the whole world even if it means sacrificing his woman
but he let another man impregnate her and even move her away to some other country.
For me, it's Hideo Kojima
> I am... forgotten
He's not that crazy in the other games though, especially after 2
Majima is my nigga
t. Naoto
The only mistake Daigo did was almost getting the Tojo ruined by a literal who tier clan. In 3 events were out of his control and in 5 his plan actually works until he gets shot in the back by a guy who wasn't supposed to be there.
For me it's a shadow spawn