Why do boomers hate this game so much?

is it because it requires skill and reflexes?

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Bet you couldn't beat F-Zero GX's story mode.

what the fuck is that?

The fandom ruined it for everyone, it’s like hearing the same joke over and over again, you eventually get tired of the joke and start hating it, also the retarded kids that say that it’s the best game ever and that every other game is shit

God damn you must be under age, even early Zoomers would have played it.

how does that effect the gameplay?

Skill and relfexes? As soon as 2 people see each other, they start spazzing out and building as much shit as possible. Go away, zoomer.

Nah,I am 18.

Because it cannibalized a real game that I actually enjoyed in order to chase a shitty fad that will be dead in a couple years.

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>requires skill and reflexes

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>spamming requires skill

God do you even know what a DVD is?

>anime faggot

Casual shit game that stolen everything from pubg, without it it will still be a shitty tower defense clone, now its just a shittier pubg clone.

They hate it because it's a shallow boring game that kids only play because their favorite streamer or youtuber plays it. It's not a terrible game but it's the same case as smash, its supposed to be a simple fun game that becomes competitive because of the community. Only fortnite has it worse because whenever they add cool fun vehicles, gimmick, or an item to help lower skilled players pro players bitch and complain until it gets nerfed or removed. The skins are tight though because the girls are hot and thick most of the time and they get used more than Male skins but are expensive and their premium currency never goes on sale despite them probably being rich enough to take the hit.

yeah its like a disk.

it's 1 map and 1 gamemode, sounds fucking boring

I'm amazed you even know how to operate a internet browser.

but you can do dances lmao
*flosses away from u at high speed*

>is it because it decides the winner mostly on who was lucky enough to drop closer to the op shit and the gameplay gets repetitive as soon as you play more than 2 matches?
ftfy, and the answer is yes.

jfc im only 3 years older than you. i hate to be placed in the same group as you.

Because it's popular and requires more APM than boomer CoD

>implying faggots have any interest in anime

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>what is sarcasm

sorry, i meant to say tranny

Shitty meme genre. The original was fun as fuck.

>merely pretending


Can I play as the thicc blonde without paying anything?


>it's like a disk

Do you think a of us are the same? I grew up with DVDs and fucking VHS/VHS Cassettes.

I am 18 but I already feel like a 50 year old.

yeah but it will take a long time to get enough free money to buy a skin. with the default skin i think you might randomly spawn as one sometimes. i played for over a year though so i don't really know.

Time to turn tranny.

>never played the game

Were you born around 9/11?

Nah, because it's bright and colorful. Back in the 90s there was a thing called grunge music which effectively killed the bright neon colors of the 80s and we were proud of that. We like our shooters brown and with soundtracks produced by Trent Reznor.

why tranny?

before. 5/18/01

The whole neon vibe is exactly what killed killing floor with 2

Well congratulations on being a Zoomer capable of understanding what physical media is.

Quake 3 is colorful.

Thanks? I guess I owe it on being poor when I was younger.


whats with all the zoomer shit tonight don't you faggots have school in the morning

In 31 and I just dont get the appeal.

I'm a 31 year old boomer who attempted to play this game multiple times with friends and heres why we dont like it:
1) primarily a game for children and I'm including anyone under around 21 in that category.
2) those same kids vehemently defend this game as it's something they absolutely adore and as a boomer I can only relate in how I used to get excited for whatever popular game all my friends were playing. Because of this, the fanbase turns me off and it's hard to be in a group and it's a bunch of whiny college freshmen or middle schoolers all spurging about the game. Theres nothing wrong with them, but its annoying to boomers. Factor in e celebs like ninja and we are disgusted.
3) too much of a learning curve when you have kids that do nothing but play all day. The building mechanic is fun but I dont give a shit enough to git gud I guess.
4) allowing anyone and everyone to access this game isn't a good thing. People should have to pay some amount of cash to keep the absolute degenerates away. This game being free attracts the worst types of people.
5) its simply catered to a younger crowd. From emotes to memes to its e celebs. Everything is design for children. I'm happy I dont like it but also fine with those that do enjoy it.

It turns kids into Epic Games paypigs who make their parents and grandparents buy them hundreds of dollars of v bucks every month. I see it happen, and it’s sad. Fuck Epic.

It's a game for kids. You're defending a fucking game for kids.
Play Quake III Arena and cry when people with actual skills destroy you.

1. It's zoomers shit
2. It's a multiplayer competitive game, Yea Forums is full of shitters and suck at anything requiring skill vs a another player

There's this little secret you can hide from all the Zoomers that don't. You can share physical copies of games, very useful for Nintendo stuff that one person would replay a lot and the other would only play once.

They allowed mobile players to play it. Oversimplified garbage that hardly had any dept to it. It was like a worse call of duty free for all mode that everyone and their mom was playing.

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>free games
is it filled with HUEHUEHUES too or are you to new to know what i'm talking about?

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>play mobile game
>use mouse and keyboard
Cell phones were a mistake.

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Why would I want to play competitive minecraft?

name a better multiplayer shooter.

Fortnite BR is the only reason STW still exists user.
And I really like STW and I'm really glad they removed the blind aspect from the llamas you pay vbucks for to avoid any controversy.
Bit it's totally wrong to say that BR killed STW if anything it's paying the life support bill and allowing them to trickle in new content every so often.

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Why don't they make it free though? That was their plan originally. I payed for it too, but I don't care.

potentially wasnt alive for 9/11. good lord

>skill and reflexes
Wasn’t one of the bigger complaints leveled against it the random weapon bloom?

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Rainbow six siege and csgo of the top of my head.

I think they are treating it like another premium aspect of the game on top of the battlepass since STW lets you get 50 vbucks a day from daily quests and 100 every time you hit a login milestone.

They could just make it free but then everyone who buys vbucks would have the option to just wait/grind for a decent chunk of them instead without any purchase.

>shoot some guy
>instantly builds a wall and stairs
>forced to play his buildfest to shoot him

they are shit,Lmao.

Basic hate reasons. You tell someone it's shit because it's starting a shit trend, they never play the game, they rage.

Fortnite is fun for the first few times but then you see there's no real changes to the map apart from a few things and you're pretty much stuck with the same shit. After that it comes down to landing on the best spot, fuck around while people die and then raze the remaining one. It gets boring as shit after a while and there are way better games to play

But since kids don't know any better, they'll keep playing it over and over again, believing that it is okay to spend money on this F2P game.

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It's mostly the fanbase for the game.

Boomers don't want to play with a bunch of 12 year olds.

Or they could make it so that "founders" can only get the login bucks and those that play free get some lite version, just like BR sans the battlepass. I can see their reasoning behind the paywall, but I feel like a lot of my friends have missed out on a fun time, as have a lot of other people that don't care for battle royale.

I think kids and people in general sti buy physical copies of games so I'm not sure what you're trying to say here

They clearly still intend to. They took out v-bucks from mission alerts and dailies for non-founders. Which right now just means people that got the game from a gift copy.

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>Why do boomers hate this game so much?
The better question is why do zoomers have such shit taste? There's fuck all Penny porn around.

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This. If a game is full of zoomers I have no interest in it

Shit man. I hate it to. Lost all appeal after a few matches and niggas would not shut up about it.

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Oh, neat.

Is there even high quality fortnite porn? I looked it up once because I was curious but it was mostly shit

Most grunge music is shit.

its not even from this century,you fucking idiot.

1991 boomer who plays Fortnight with naphews here. I unironically think the building mechanics are too complicated and have too high skill ceiling for me.
I think I'm getting too old to make an effort to get good. I just want something simple.

-in any match you are instant-killed by snipers.
-Cross-play break the game because every platform (xbox, playstation, Switch, Pc, iPhone) has incompatible draw distances
-You are forced to use the Epic Store that get steam releases every 24 hours

This. I can't build like those zoomers and thus cannot play at a higher level

>be actual zoomer myself
>used to have GameInformer subscription that I still had from my 9th birthday and renewed every now and then as a teenager because I liked reading about vidya
>see Fortnite one day
>read about the base building stuff, like the zombie stuff, really like the more gritty and dark concept art
>read about plans to have multiplayer where both teams build their own bases together and try to push into each other's custom built shit
>get legitimately excited for it
>years later
>Fortnite comes out, but at the time I'm interested in other shit so I don't buy/download it
>it becomes a battle royale hunger games shitfest
>it gets absolutely SWARMED with little ultra-zoomer children like Minecraft did
>hear that the zombie mode isn't even that good from multiple people
>I have actually seen people/teens/kids actually do Fortnite dances at social gatherings
>can't say the word fortnight anymore without retards screeching about the game
I don't hate it because it's popular. Minecraft is popular right now, especially after Pewdiepie started playing it, and I fucking love me some autism blocks on hardcore mode with 100+ mods. I hate Fortnite because of what it could have been. I hate Fortnite because of how it influenced online culture to the point where I can't even fucking avoid it in rule34.xxx when I'm trying to rub one out. Fuck Fortnite, and fuck (((Epic Games))) for several reasons beyond just Fortnite.

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Did they lower it to 100? I remember getting 300-800 a lot but I haven't played since season 9 because I got bored of it. I only came back and paid for the pass because they brought back sparkle specialist (kinda) which is all I want from but but i have to grind a lot for it which gets kinda boring. But I'm letting them stack up so I can level faster without having to wait each week to wait for levels. Once I get her I'll probably drop the game again. They should just sell the old seasons as bundles or put the items in the shop for people to buy, locked content is never cool especially in a game like fortnite where theres 0 good reason to keep them locked forever

It makes you not play the game to begin with. Anyone who had it on the backlog puts it even further on their backlog after it got big.

I was shocked at how fast my 7 year old nephew is able to react and build. His fingers are all over the place. Kids these days are so good at video games.

>requires skill and reflexes
That would be quake

It's good if you play a few matches every 6 months or so, I enjoyed the Endgame mode and uninstalled after the event ended, it's TOO repetitive.

It should be legal and highly encouraged to violently beat whoever's obnoxious enough to fortnite dance IRL

boomers like Quake though which is pretty much the peak of vidya skill

They already do something similar since people were game sharing it on things like xbox. People that don't own it get something called x-ray tokens/tickets can't remember which
No, you still get anywhere between 150-1000 depending on the milestone

For log ins It's 150 every week, 300 every 2 weeks, and 800 every month, and a 1k a couple of times throughout the year.

Personally I avoid any game that falls for the crafting meme
I've been burned too many times by it


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So still a kiddo.

>random weapon bloom
Who the fuck coined this term lmao, don't they mean speard. Fucking 12 year olds.

>Play fortnite once.
>Sneak up on someone.
>Hit him with one bullet.
>He suddenly builds fucking Helms Deep around himself.

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I find it boring, but i don't hate, my youngest brother who's 10 and has severe autism loves it, keeps him happy and quiet for hours and it's pretty funny to watch him do the dances, fortnites alright in my book.

boomers love to hate, they think is cool or something.

That's because it is.

You just summed up my whole problem with this game

>shoot at some guy
>he instantly constructs the new york skyline
>have to play extremely faggy game of demolition tag
>finally kill the fucker
>get sniped by 3 different dudes immediately afterwards

the game is not for me

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I'm not a boomer, but the building system is kind of lame.

Boomer here (24 years old) I play fortnite for the girls butts lol

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I don’t like the game because it’s not fun. It lacks what makes other shooters fun. Doom 2016 is the best modern example of a shooter, and eternal looks to just be that plus more fun movement. If doom eternal got a battle royale mode I would play the shit out of that. Fortnite just isn’t fun to play. Lacks what makes building in Minecraft fun, lacks what makes shooters fun. It’s just a repetitive grind with an ugly art style.

born 83 here...offspring was the first cassette tape i ever stole. good shit.

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Map changes constantly and there is more than one game mode.

They do have some cute girls.

>Guy hides inside a box he keeps rebuilding that you can barely counter with a SMG
>Any nerf on that strat or any other defensive building strat gets 6,000+ kids and pros to complain about it on Twitter
It's a fun game but I fucking hate the community

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28 yo boomer here.
i stoppped playing because i got bored. Season 9 was waay to much self referential, and i have learned to recognize that as a symptom of quality going south quick. Turns out i was right, season X is pathetic as shit, im glad i enjoyed season 8 though, i consider it peak fortnite and the The Dream finally happening, volcano, beach and pirate ship.

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The building mechanic is autistic and not fun. If it wasn't in the game it'd be fun.

>born in the 90s

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its a meme you dip.

Answer honestly, did you come from reddit, lil zooms?

who's that boy? he cute

HEY, come out and play.

It’s purely, PURELY because of the fanbase, no one can come up with a single other reason. Yea Forums is still stuck in that highschooler mindset of hating things because children like them, because they’re so insecure about their own maturity that they think playing fortnite physically transforms them into a 7 year old autistic child with glasses that does nothing but floss.

Fortnite is a building and shooting battle royale game. Players practice building specific patterns like a "1x1 box for cover or a reinforced ramp to gain a positional advantage or "waterfalling" to drop to low ground without taking fall damage. Or the infamous technique called "90s" which refers to quickly cranking stacked ramps with 90 degree rotations to flex on bots.

So what I got from this thread was that Yea Forums is too insecure to like a game for what it is and would rather judge it by the fanbase and they’re too shit to adapt to new mechanics

If a game has an annoying, obnoxious fanbase; chances are it's shit and not worth playing.

that isn't the meme...so you must mean that you are the meme. thanks for clarifying that love.

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Nah,I grew up here.

Explain why you think this

It would have to be shit to attract shitty people.

Counter-Strike attracts some of the shittiest people in gaming and it’s stil a great game.

Not that guy. Not ALL games but all multiplayer games are easily that. Because multiplayer games depend on interaction with other players for enjoyment. So when you're constantly interacting with obnoxious people and that is the core of the gameplay it becomes or seems like a shitty game.

Every multiplayer game attracts shitty people and kids. The most loved game on this board has the most obnoxious rosterfag thread spam. What’s your point? How about instead of judging a game by its fanbase, you try it out and form your own opinion?

CS 1.6 or Source sure. But GO is a terrible shit

it's a video game popular with younger people and thus older people just HAVE to hate it by default, no exceptions

today's bullshit, tomorrow's nostalgia

Play Fortnite

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literally it is a game designed for 8 year olds.

So is Nintendo products yet this board adores them

gross dude

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I thought it was funny.

>half a million people playing a day
>join a game
>at least 4 bots in the server

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Rock paper scissors
>Spastics argue that rock is OP
>Spastic devs nerf rock
Paper scissors

63 here

I don't believe you.

good point. nincels should love fortnite

>battle royale shit
Not how it works. Your generation killed competitive gaming with this shit. You people hate 1v1 so much because it actually exposes your inability to play the game, so you flock to battle royale shit.

nah, it was already dead before battle royale showed up. the previous generation killed it with team-based shooters.

mostly because of the art style and building

5v5 with set rules is still better than 100 people battle royal with staggering amounts of RNG.

nah, I've already accepted we won't see new competitive shooters anymore. you can keep being carried by your teammates.

I don’t care what anyone says, I think Fortnite is a landmark game in revolutionizing the free to play model and its done many things no other games have. Real life cross promotions has brought the medium into the mainstreams and in-game events are the kind of stuff you look back on in awe. It’s the greatest example of a game that includes everyone while making it a personal experience done right. If only more Online games would follow its model.

Boy i wanna kill myself

Hes talking about the constructor & no, it's not possible in br mode yet.

All of you stupid fags took the bait. God damn, get it together/v/.

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Gotta keep em seperated

wow the amount of unironic shartnite shilling in this thread is insane. how much does epic gaymes pay you retards to astroturf here? i need a job too so maybe i'll join you

This is what peak shilling looks like.

It's literally autsim: the game.

Oh crap i'm in a fight! time to build the empire state building in 2.6 seconds.

Bacause it killed UT and helps giving away welfare to indies

20 year old zoomer. This has to be the most soulless game ever. Everything in the game is just something from another game

I don't like the All v All random loot Battle Royale genre. I don't even like it in teams v team.
I even won a PUBG game once by driving a car around like a retard and honking for roadkills.

based post. Zoomers dead and buried

Did he died?

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I don't like battle royale, just play what you want.

at least standard shooters help you get your skills and movement sharp if you go out and play paintball. Fortnite building shithousery doesn't help you learn anything applicable at all. and the gunplay and physics in Fortnite are absolutely horrific, cheap.

>muh buildspam

It's the healthiest, most consumer-friendly product out there but Yea Forumstards will never accept it because it's normie central. Also epic games/EGS
They're also all shitters with misconceptions from a meta that's 2 years old
You can't refute those 2 things

The meta is worse than ever, though. They made two steps in the right direction by adding mechs and nerfing building but the tryhard wannabe eceleb crowd threw a bitch-fit and they reverted the building change and nerfed the mech because autists are too fucking dumb to survive if they can't pull a cuck-tower instantly out of their ass, instead of facing the consequences of their shitty positioning and awareness like in all actually competitive games.

More people should play Team Rumble, I think it's the better way to play the game, especially towards the end of the round as it gets smaller and everyone's clumped together. BR's biggest problem is how slow paced it is and how hard it is to find people. That's not a problem in Team Rumble, though.

The building was partially reverted. Same placement walls still have the same delay so you can't turtle anymore, and wall replacing is not ping-related anymore. You could argue that this is worse since it's not RNG related, but still remains another counter to turtling

how do other people ruin the gameplay of a game entirely about interacting with other people?

You never hate to hear anyone speak. There's solos
It's like saying you can't play smash because of all the autists and trannies playing it online

The game just needs better team modes honestly. Team Rumble is fucking stupid because it just devolves to people gliding right on your position from spawn to try and shotgun you from behind, it gets incredibly annoying real fast when you have to constantly check your back every time you hear gliders.

I was born in 92 and this game got me good. I thought I didn't even like multiplayer. But I've played it nonstop for more than a year
-it looks good (good post-processing)
-runs 60fps
-all MTs are cosmetic (truly no p2w)
-unique building mechanic is incredibly rewarding to learn and difficult to master
-colorful, not a brown and grey shit shooter
-funny and lighthearted, not a game for edgelords
-constantly updated
Absolute kino and GotY 2017/2018