Buy the game you fat dumb smelly gaijin!
Final fantasy spergs BTFO!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Zells jacket changed to all red on the back for no reason
>cut-content police
How could this happen to me...?
That's actually kind of clever to make an NPC just part of the background.
From a PS1 mindset where ever MB counted.
I was gonna make something like this, glad someone's more autistic than me.
I'm two hours in. Definitely talk the opening FMV ran slower than normal. The sound effects seem ever so slightly off. Like they are cut short before they are fully finished. Like the noises for loading a game. Also the shitty way the victory music is abruptly cut off after battle instead of faded out. Ifrit's card art was changed for some god unknown reason and looks like shit now.
Good things, they sped up the animation for the draw command.
The person who runs cut content police is actually an autistic furry tranny
Jesus, I wasn't really expecting anything out of this and it's somehow worse. What the fuck were they thinking?
imagine being such a jizzbrain that this bothers you
All the FMV is running at 15fps, the music turns into MIDI for no reason.
Looks like XChads and VIIChads win again for at least their remasters are better than this garbage, poor VIII virgins.
>made some of the language a little more politically correct
Does anyone know what this means, specifically?
What was the changed in the script ?
Is this what the retards complaining about 4:3 wanted? A stretched image? Here you go
>someone made this pic unironically
Thats so pathetic haha. Have some actual sex you sad losers.
XII was so far the best update. It wasn't a remake like VII is going to be. It had 60fps support and speed up time options, among other things for pc, really makes the game easier for people that want to play but don't have the extra few hours.
I honestly cant believe people are actually playing and paying for this remaster when they could just emulate that shit
No one on Yea Forums is paying for this game, user.
How can Squall ever recover from this?
This makes the mobile ports of FFV and VI look like masterpieces. Shit, I don't think I can bag on the FFX/X-2 HD version anymore, either.
Being fair: 12's port is literally just International with a changed license board, resolution bump, and I think texture reworks.
Kinda like 8's, but less shitty/lazy.
No, it really doesn't, stop deluding yourself
No, those remakes are worse. The UI make both games literally unplayable on PC.
In what way does this have "less content" than the original Steam version?
So Sony, Bandai Namco and Square Enix are getting cucked by Californian politics, what other Japanese companies are getting effected?
Jesus, did they make that in RPG maker?
>update the models but keep the shitty music and texture issues of the original PC release
yeah this was about as bad a cash grab as you can get, what a shame, to this day emulation or original hardware remain the only way to truly enjoy FF8, unacceptable
RPGMaker would be an improvement.
the only review of final fantasy 8 that matters
>something weird at the beginning of the game happens,,
and its exactlyw hat i had thought too about it.
they fixed vaans abs, this alone makes FF12 the best remaster of the bunch
No fucking way they could get away with a woman with no pants showing bush in this day and age
Nope, modded PC version is the best. It also has a mod that fixes all the retarded shit with the gameplay that is a must have. Things like uncapping the draw limit from 1 - 15 to 1 - 100 and giving magic set stats regardless of how many you have of a spell. Also makes it so you can't get the final weapons on the first disc and have to beat some of the optional bosses for the final components instead.
yeah but too bad that requires like 20+ mods and is a fucking pain in the dick to make work
The remasters of 12 and 7 show that less is more. All anyone really wanted from these is to relive their memories at a resolution that won't look like shit on modern TVs and some minor quality of life improvements. The updated models in this, and 9 to a lesser extent, just make it look like a Frankenstein's Monster of disparate elements that just make each other look worse in comparison.
Too much effort to get it working unless its "run an exe and perfect set up of mods installs right then and there"
No, it's the Roses and Wine PS1 music mod, the SeeD HD UI mod and the Ragnarok Rebalancing mod. Takes 1 minute to install.
That isnt bush you perv
I hurt myself today
AFAIK, they lost 8 and 9's source-code. So the backgrounds can't be fixed. 12's wasn't lost, so the textures could be reworked.
god nerds are pathetic
That could have cost them hundreds of thousands of sales from angry parents if it hit mainstream media.
Not really the same thing
>That could have cost them hundreds of thousands of sales from angry parents if it hit mainstream media.
this same logic could be applied to any other company's censorship.
nintendo caved in to resetera's screeching. if they were a western company, nobody would be making excuses for them. case in point: 3d realms and ion fury.
Yes, it is. Just like Shiva's frosty pubes.
Is the best way to play FF8 still an emu with a crt filter? Because everything else looks awkward
If so many people are asking for censorship how comes they don't vote positively for the games?
Reminder that random people in their basement can create upscales that look like this.
Resertera complaining won't affect shit
There was a chance of the injun hitting mainstream American media and causing major sales losses.
Is there a mod that inserts all these into the games?
I hate Final Fantasy 8.
Garbage taste.
I bet you're a IX cuck.
Or some AMAZING backgrounds remade from scratch, featuring Skyrim weapons like this badboy.
gamers are gonna keep rising up until devs learn. they are starting to, but they are learning slowly. we will teach them
the feather was in the game, resetera screeched about it, and then the feather was immediately patched out. it takes serious mental gymnastics to pretend this wasn't sjw censorship, especially in the same game that nerfed samus' anime titties.
10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
type zero is shit
7 Remake will be shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit
shut the fuck up nigger
that looks like someone took the original and ran it through waifu2x.
Nigger shut the fuck up
In a thread, on a topic full of gross overstatements, this is the biggest most reactionary overstatement of them all.
Nothing makes that RPG maker garbage look anything near playable.
imagine buying shitty old roms over and over again. at this point youre as dumb as a nintendie. now imagine buying censored roms. at this point you are as mentally disabled as a tranny.
>10-2 is shit
yes, but so is ffx.
>world of final fantasy is shit
>7 Remake will be shit
>yes, but so is ffx
wrong wrong and wrong.
Even in ant size, you can tell that fan remake is complete and total garbage. What kind of faggot would use Skyrim assets to recreate an FF7 background? wat
Anybody with a PC who buys this instead of just modding the original is a fucking moron
zoom zoom zoom.
>no attention to detail
Fuck SE.
Well it's the best even numbered FF on the PS1 I guess.
I'd never imagine wanting to replay it, the junction system is fucking stupid and drawing the right magic over and over is so mind numbing.
I really hope all the negative reviews aren't JUST because they slightly changed the textures on two models.
How can I be this cool?
>zoom zoom zoom.
>implying zoomers would defend anything below 11
People should have learned from FFXHD.
Just fucking emulate.
The HD UI makes up for the shit models, nigger.
>zoom zoom zoom.
>released in 2001
>it could legally vote in America
Nigga this game is literally as old as the people you're talking about. They wouldn't know shit about it.
No it doesn't. What kind of argument is that? The changes to the UI were terrible.
ffx was when final fantasy became zoomer shit. no more exploration, just a boring corridor simulator with cutscenes full of wacky anime tropes.
Too busy pushing it out to censor the game so zoomers will never know the original was nothing like it. They are doing the same with VII.
They also dont even bother to make sure the quality is any good since fuck white men.
why? i still own my original copy and like 3 PS2s
Imagine still trying to force a dead meme.
I was uh..12 apparently when it first came out and even I was like "wow they must have not realised that's literally her bush"
I promptly masturbated.
Nope keep dreaming zoomer.
An argument you want to ignore. The original UI looks like ASS above native res and with PCSX2 artifacts. You're out of your mind if you prefer it to the HD one, and even more out of your mind if you'll play an outdated version because you don't like how faces look in cutscenes. I don't know why I'm even responding to people like you, because clearly you're mentally ill.
Reminder that this has always been feathers and not pubes. Reminder that it still is feathers in the shitty remaster. Reminder that this is the least of the reasons the remaster is shit.
Also yes.
>the uglier UI makes up for the uglier models
How much of a dunce do you have to be to buy "remastered" PS1 games in the first place? Esepcially coming from squeenix. Fucking retards.
I don't remember this. I don't even remember Mr. Aki, who the fuck is Mr. Aki? Did you find a secret hotdog?
Shut the fuck up toy dirty nigger zoomer. I pray everyday there is a war and when it happens you and all your zoomer cunts will be thrown into a third world shit hole where you will go nuts and die. You will go before me and i will laugh while i fuck your bitches HAHAHA YOU HEAR THAT!? YOUR TIME IS OVER!
I don't know how they thought having no 16:9 mode was fine
>the legible UI that's usable at high resolutions makes up for the shit models
Yes, you double, no, triple nigger. Stop being outraged by retarded things.
Add 10 to the list as disappointingly mediocre, change 12 to disappointingly mediocre, and this is spot on.
>Good things, they sped up the animation for the draw command.
Are you sure? In the original, sometimes Draws would be fast.
I'll wait for the mod.
You talk to some fag at the beginning of the game in the hallway after leaving the classroom, and then you choose to show him your sword. That sperg chases you. The NPC is random.
That straight up looks like pubes, even though it's probably not, I'm not surprised it was changed.
OK, this looks like some horse shit.
You mean the two white twitter yuppies that were willing to get mad on behalf of native Americans that didn't give a shit about one frame of a character?
It's censorship, even worse, it's censorship brought about by caving to retardera faggots. Nintendo's only saving grace is they don't fuck with third parties.
When are you going to go back to resetera and tell your overlords the incursion has failed?
Looks pretty soulful to me tbhfamalam, not sure what you nerds are complaining about.
Anybody else use to crush hard on the generic ponytail NPC?
Technically you can play FFIV on the PS1 so that's not even true either.
This is correct, Squeenix turned the FF franchise into pure trash, DQ is soon to follow.
I've played all the numbers FF games and I'm older than almost everyone on this board. You're a fucking idiot, and likely aren't even 25.
>10-2 is shit
Yes, except for the job system
>11 is shit
You could not be more wrong. You are so wrong, in fact, I am going to have to refer to you as a massive faggot from now on, you massive faggot.
>12 is shit
It suffers from some pacing and character issues, but is overall a decent game, you massive faggot.
>13 is shit
That is correct, you massive faggot.
>13-2 is shit
a bit less shit than the first, you massive faggot.
>13-3 is shit
Very true, you massive faggot.
>14 is shit
It has tons of core design elements that are inherently shit, but so does any other modern MMORPG, which are all shit, you massive faggot.
>15 is MEGA shit
The massive faggot is right again.
>Dissidia is shit
Dissidia is pretty fun you massive faggot. It is probably one of the best arena fighters around.
>world of final fantasy is shit
Yeah, probably is, you massive faggot.
>type zero is shit
Correct again, you massive faggot.
It is a special kind of bad, you massive faggot.
FFVIII could never be good if never was good, you massive faggot.
>7 Remake will be shit
It is looking ok, but the devil will be in the details, you massive faggot.
>16 will be shit
>17 will be shit
Knowing SE, this is easily predictable especially for a massive faggot like you.
Yes it does, antialiased vector menus are gross
I like this reply.
>Knowing SE, this is easily predictable especially for a massive faggot like you.
Implying i buy cuck enix products.
>Bla bla bla i like buying shit games bla bla bla i'm a nigger bla bla bla zoomer zoomey zooms!
>VII gets full remake
>VIII gets half-assed upscale
This favouritism is disgusting.
I take back what I said. You're no older than 20.
It reduces on polys, but it also prevents them from interating subtlely in ways you've come to expect, like facing the direction you speak to them from.
Did they lose the masters for the backgrounds or did they just not care?
Who am I kidding, it's probably both.
>make small minor change while retaining the gameplay
I hope they never try rereleases/remaster older games.
I hope you guys are stuck playing on a shittier reso.
Christ frogposters are childish.
That's a nice way of putting it.
Nothing you said precludes autism, in fact it seems more likely now.
yes, but then Kamoshida attacked.
Damn, that's genius.
I'm sure they're used to being called "underagefags" so it's time to explore other options.
>bought FFVIII during a sale a little while ago b/c it was cheaper than VII
>install a shit load of mods to fix the controls, music, etc.
>try to play it, but get bored during the intro, so I moved on to some Neptunia
>months later, SE E3 Direct announces the remaster
>start to regret buying the old version
>remaster comes out
>censorship, lack of graphical options, and clashing assets
>mfw I regret nothing
Looks like us cheapskateCHADs win again, baby!
You know damn well that VII sold way more than VIII did
Retarded, not childish.
i don't give a fuck do you know why? because anything past 10 is fucking utter garbage.
I think we can stop pretending they're old enough to browse these boards. They clearly aren't.
Does the switch port have all the same issues as the PC version? If so I’ll just emulate, but if the switch version is better I’d like to have it on the go.
You don't know shit LOL
Nigga just play it on an emulator
Why would they even change the dialogue? What was offensive in 8?
>Rinoa's outfit shows less cleavage
Oh fuck off. The rest is trash but people who tried to make a stink out of Rinoa's model are practically just being mad because they want to be mad.
Yes Rinoa's model show a little less cleavage than her old in game model. But is that because they simply shrunk her cleavage? Not quite. Her remastered model looks like the original's cutscene model, which for whatever the reason, always had a little less cleavage even back in the day.
All the other shit from the remaster is pure trash though, but being upset about Rinoa's model is just petty and makes you look like someone who wants to be mad for the sake of being mad.
Look at this faggot, he DRAWS his magic to STOCK
Look at him and laugh
That still looks shit, im contemplating buying Topaz gigapixel AI because it actually just werkz, even the Resident evil 4 HD modder uses this program.
im willing to bet half of those reviews are just because VIII is a steaming fucking pile. why they would remaster the worst title pre XIII is beyond me
Or play the superior preexisting PC port with mods.
is shit
>You could not be more wrong.
Oh, I don't know. He's using the present tense, so he's right if he's talking about the game Square-Enix offically present today and not what once was.
Norg was jewish
Does Shiva still keep her frost pubes
>I think we can stop pretending they're old enough to browse these boards.
We never started.
First time player here, impressions are that Squall's love of Triple Triad makes him basically Kaiba before Kaiba, Junction system is trying too hard to be FFVII Materia without actually being FFVII Materia and the game is taking too long to actually establish what the point of it all is. Just got on the train to Timber and switched to Laguna's team and I still have no idea why these random school kids matter
When does the actual plot start?
why didnt se use that ai shit to fix the backgrounds like moders with ff7?
No they wanted the original background masters so that the game actually didn't look like dogshit
Robin Willaims BTFO forever.
Hope he's spinning in his grave.
I agree that what has been lost can never be replaced and that we can never go back, but current XI is still leaps and bounds better than garbage like XIV, plus most of the old content is still intact.
So, what's the best way to actually play the game nowadays? Should I use the original Steam version and add some mods/patches to fix the music or should I just emulate?
original steam version with mods and the HD models ripped from this version.
>12 suffers from pacing, but 11 is fine
on a playstation hooked up to a CRT
Most of them are literal mongoloids from Korea.
Like your mom
Alright, thanks. Any mods I should use other than the music patch?
Yeah, no. I don't have either of those anymore. Besides, VIII was first released on PC back in 1999.
Let's see
Looks like that's exactly what that upscale is.
Could have had a single guy upscale the game's entire set of backgrounds in an afternoon on Waifu2x instead of shitty Bilinear resizing and then stretching to fit 16:9 as in
Ah, another enlightened middle ground faggot is here to preach without realizing Squeenix put more effort into finding shit to censor than they put into making a proper port, let alone a "remaster."
These lazy cash grabs are indefensible, and the censorship is just another red flag people should pick up on before blowing money on shit like this. Every company that gets heavy handed on censorship puts out buggy garbage, to a point where I'm convinced cutting content and playing the game of kissing twitter/resetera's ass is just a smokescreen to cover for grossly inept development and publishing practices.
The second I hear about petty censorship I avoid the game because I know it's going to be a pile of shit anyway, and that assumption has been correct almost 99% of the time.
>trannies claim that devs are oppressing them for not having enough trannies/faggots
>gamers claim that devs are oppressing them for covering anime titties/pussies
Have some self-awareness
why not just play it on an emulator instead?
It has already begun and you don't even realize it.
just look at the hong kong protests, frogposters eveywhere
90% of shitposting on this board is done by cuck koreans and east asians
You're going to be far more upset when you figure out what the actual plot is.
Post your face when you bought ff8 before the remaster hit steam.
Well it looks like all the budget went to Shadowbringers. For once, SE made a wise decision on where to spend their money on since FFXIV is obviously a cash cow for them now.
They still use the midi music from the first PC version, not the PSX tracks? How incompetent can these chink port houses get?
The result is scene specific. Most backgrounds look like shit upscaled with both Waifu2x and ERSGAN. There is an existing AI upscale mod for the original that's WIP. It looks like ass for the most part.
I agree that this is censorship
but this is autism
The original release of FF8 on PC was utter dog shit. Seems Square is following tradition again.
Really, what was the point of this when they re-released the original not to long ago?
All the budget is going into the VII remake, Shadowbringers doesn't even have a big enough budget for them to fix the worst job in the game
Then it needs to do a better job of making that clear. No stakes or tension right now. I give about as much of a shit about what's going on as the game's protagonist.
I came in knowing that the story is retarded, but I'm not aware in what ways. Hoping for some so bad it's good entertainment, but anything would be better than the current boredom.
honestly zoomers should not even be allowed to play ff8 nor any ff game just stick to fortnite and overwatch.
FF7 has several ports across multiple console generations, all of them still have a music looping glitch that causes music to restart from the beginning after each encounter. This glitch has been in place in the PC version ever since they updated from the old MIDI tracks in the original port.
Squeenix ports make streetshiters at IT helpdesk positions look brilliant.
Japanese publishers think of gamers as nothing more than animals.
>Playing games other than fortnite and overwatch
They just watch streamers play games instead, they don't play anything by themselves
>Then it needs to do a better job of making that clear. No stakes or tension right now. I give about as much of a shit about what's going on as the game's protagonist.
I'm sorry that you have been conditioned by modern high-speed action to the point you can't appreciate a slow-ish start.
Squall and friend have become SeeDs and received, as their firt job, the missin of meeting some people in Timber, near Galbadia. While on the train, they get a mysterious vision about a dumb dude calling Laguna. Big "?".
>I came in knowing that the story is retarded
The story is great, letting your opinion be so easily poisoned by memes and retarded reviews over the internet clearly show you simply aren't even giving the game a chance. You have already decided.
They delisted it, didn't they?
you know what? I don't give a fuck Im buying this game and playing it anyway motherfuckers.
No they didn't, you massive faggot that can't even be bothered to check.
Why not just play the original on your CRT?
Actually no. Its still there. Just sucks for people who bought the remaster first.
So they just upscaled the character models and did nothing else?
oh no no no
You can also pay for extra censorship and political correctness.
>Entire franchise.
>Doesnt have 1 or 2
Why must they lie?
I checked after I posted. And I'm only more confused what prompted that smugness in that case.
no they made the entire graphics system better and upgraded the animation on every level.
Or the real versions of 3-6.
I'm fine with a slow start if the story gives me something to be interested in, but the way they treated that exam in the middle of a warzone like it was some kinda stroll on sunday afternoon is not giving me high hopes here. The FMVs were making it out like this big epic event was heavily at odds with the actual dialogue treating it like a mundane, routine thing, and if that's the game's idea of interesting, well, it's gonna be fighting an uphill battle.
>show you simply aren't even giving the game a chance.
I'm nowhere near far enough to have an actual opinion, you overly defensive twit. Those are merely my expectations. Everyone said that FFIV and VI had a great story, and I disagree on both counts, so it wouldn't be the first time.
zero effort made for it
Commenters are saying that he's talking out of his ass.
Why does it matter? Yea Forums always treated Rinoa like shit.
The irony of this whole censorship thing not even mattering because it's just an all around shit "remaster" is funny.
a Boooaaaarr
What's the relation?
Really showing the sjws what your priorities are. Continue saving the west my dude.
>The FMVs were making it out like this big epic event was heavily at odds with the actual dialogue treating it like a mundane, routine thing, and if that's the game's idea of interesting, well, it's gonna be fighting an uphill battle.
They even tell you that the main SeeD forces are fighting in the mountains, away from it. The job given to SeeD cadets is to just clean up the already half-empty city streets. Literally just stand still, fight eventual random galbadian units and that's it. Even the big robot chase was beyond what anything would've requested from you.
Being a jew is bad and should be killed.
My last CRT's electron guns got fucked, everything is red. Also all of my PS1 controllers have stopped working. Guess I'll just emulate it.
Fuck off faggot.
I hope all the people who brought it despite the censorship got their money's worth.
I was ok with the look of ff5 and 6 but damn if it didnt have poor optimization on steam.
I am not defending this mess. I am just saying that Rinoa's model is one of the few things that are not wrong.
Continue to trigger the lib, my based kekerino.
Fight the good fight my fellow gamer.
>people were too retarded back then to get the drawing system
>somehow SE thought that modern gaymers would like it
The negativity doesn't come solely from the censor. But censoring it was still a stupid move, as the people who liked the game wanted a graphic update, but they got censor and stupid Squall hair.
oh my god that's horrific
Take your dragon dildo, shove it so far up your ass that it ruptures your spleen, bleed out and die a slow and painful death.
My only issue with the remaster is that in 8 hours the game has gone black screen on me twice, both times while opening the menu with the 3x speed active.
You first.
Why do you retards always make spelling errors?
>no you
As expected from a worthless libtard mongrel.
these stupid fucks complaining about censorship are so retarded holy shit.
Yes, game development in Japan back then would delete all the assets because they couldn't afford storage space
I think FF9 was the last game to do this
>My only issue
Literal retard
Not him, but the only reason I have trouble emulating old games is when their UI is pixely as shit. Its really obnoxious and I cant stand it, especially when its a UI constantly on the screen like .hack.
...I'm waiting.
>Even the big robot chase was beyond what anything would've requested from you.
Exactly, problem is that none of it appears to have any significance at the point I'm at. I thought the whole diversion from the main exam might have a point to it, and the game does throw out that hook with the communications tower after it's over, but then at the point I'm at the game does a 180 and has the cast do something that is, as far as I can tell, completely unrelated, and they didn't really talk about it afterwards either, so it seems less important than it was made out to be. And so I'm still left begging the question as to what actually is supposed to be important here
I do not understand why you are hostile towards me.
Im just a fellow soldier fighting against the evil sjws and nip game devs who are ruining our western civilization. Indeed they are responsible for the current state of affairs.
No refunds?
Just die already. You know you want to.
>graphics system
what the fuck is a graphics system
I'm having a great time with the game, m8, sorry you can't have fun anymore ;)
have ziel eat the secret weenie in the cafeteria then you can summon a hotdog aeon and make it through the chamber of secrets
It's a pre-rendered background game where the screens can start and end in any place and any any camera movement is custom for the screen, 16:9 is not...reasonable.
Are you legitimately retarded or just a zoomer? The remaster is objectively bad.
>thought the whole diversion from the main exam might have a point to it, and the game does throw out that hook with the communications tower after it's over
Yes, that's actually the plot. You think that the game did a 180 and now we are on a completely different track, but we really aren't. The question right now is "Why the hell did Galbadia invade a country just to activate a communications tower?". Timber is under Galbadian rule right now, who knows, maybe stuff will get relevant later.
>me no like game you must no like game 2 or else you bad think!
So retarded, gotcha.
I hope you realize how ridiculous you sound
The music is still good, f-f-fuck you guys.
this game is one of my favorites it's a lot like jak x combat racing it has depth and substance and chemical reactions I love when squall and ziel eat weiners
is this the next pokemon game?
No it isn't LMAO, it swaps to MIDI tracks for no reason
What is different in terms of what they did between the previous Steam version of FFVIII and the PS4 version of FFVII?
Fuck you guys. I like those ports. Yes I know I'm a stupid nigger but I found them enjoyable. If not a touch buggy.
I find it funny how it just so happens that the people who say ff8 remaster is bad are liberals unironically
So uh, fix that. OR, Don't call it a remaster.
Still ugly and awkward. PS1 was a Frankenstein monster of a console.
Seriously, what the actual fuck? Who the FUCK thinks this looks even remotely okay to look at?
It's not a remaster, this is a port with a like 2 tweaks
this is the buzzword every early to mid 20 something kid uses to describe low quality shit in the 5th gen.
I'm against censorship as much as the next guy, but even I have to admit that this is streching it so far it reaches to the realms of pathetic. I would even wager to say it's probably a false flag by a butthurt feminist to make anti-censorship people look bad, but honestly I don't know anymore.
Is this another one of those ports where the devs don't put any effort into it so the fanbase gets riled up and fixes it themselves?
according to this thread I am just going to assume v is just full of zoomers and I might as well just leave this shit board.