Don't stop now, Naoto-kun!

Don't stop now, Naoto-kun!

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I love Fuuka!

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these characters always have the same fucking face

Anime tends to be like that

This is why Chie is patrician. She is ugly as shit but at least she is unique.


Fuuka Yamagishi!
Persona 3!

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Chie is cute as hell

Ok Naoto-kun, I know you don't like it but we have to make sure you look extra cute since nobody is going to want you when they realize that you're a third rate detective by the end of the game! Hopefully someone will love you! After all you'll be a low-tier girl but with my high-tier style! Maybe some of my Best Girl magic will rub off on you!~~

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I'm not much of a fan, but I WILL say that she's the only love interest that actually gives the protagonist a gift relevant to their interests at the end of their social link. Too bad we never get to see the actual design of the headphones.

It is a shame, I dream of a P3 remake with a bunch more details and dates with Fuuka

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What did she mean by this?

She's wet ALL THE TIME

>Rise is a nympho
I believe it

I want to anally fuck Rise Kujikawa

So do I.

This game is going to be on switch! Tomorrow is the announcement

>is a nympho
No you don't understand, she both is (but only for Yu), but also has no idea how to proceed once she's got him in the bedroom. Everything she knows about this she's learned from working on the set. "I love you" is when the scene cuts out and her awareness of what's supposed to happen ends.

Reminder that Rise is 15

Who cares !

Naoto and chie have different faces. Naotos is more angular and chie looks like an inbred show dog.

She's 16 by the time she joins the team.

I do!
I care a lot for Fuuka!

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17 in P4D


your cringe


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Technically she's 24 now and rapidly approaching cake status.

I want to Fuck Naoto
Rise is just an appetizer

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And Mitsuru is 28, and Yukari and Fuuka are 27.

Fuuka is 26! She'll be 27 on the 22nd of December!

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Yet no one complain about Dragon Ball

I want Rise to suck me off for hours

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>the reverse trap who started off rejecting the very idea of being a woman is the best at all womanly things
That was a fun recurring gag.

That might get painful after a while.

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Laura Bailey

Fucked a random dude at an anime con while she was married

What a whore. Poor Travis.

>My chin hurts, if I keep this up I'm going to develop a callus

Too bad Erin Fitzgerald happened and made her irredeemable

>tfw you'll never be cucked by Laura Bailey
Feels bad

I'm out of the loop with this story.

Someone care to explain ?

Who ?

She got drunk and slept with some dude at a con back in like 2015 and the guy posted photos of it on Tumblr.

>Soft skin
>Silky hair
>Big breasts
Naoto really based

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>ywn get selected by Laura Bailey to do a drunken sexual roleplay in the privacy of her hotel room

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Her Golden voice is adorable though

>nasally as fuck, constantly shouting and slurring her words

>He likes grandma Chie

It fits an adorable clumsy tomboy ditz who isn't good with femininity.

I don't like either of them. I don't like Chie in general. Her Golden voice is worse though.


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golden chie has grown on me, though i think she's way over the top during serious moments
the main problem can be seen in the early game moments compared to PS2 chie
i think it suits her energetic side more, but she's not meant to be jumping off the walls 24/7
how come every P4 waifu either has an issue with changing VAs, or in yukiko's case, a batshit VA?

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Fuuka's pretty good but aigis was the best. Her dialogues on what it means to be human were incredibly touching.

Rise, the only 2D somehow worse than her 3D English VA. God I want to fuck Laura Bailey.

Vanilla VA perfectly captures her serious side, Golden VA perfectly captures her energetic side. Japanese VA covers both, but I don't speak moon.

I will never stop posting Fuuka!

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Fuuka is the bestest!

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Imagine playing persona games "dubbed"

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h-haha, yeah...


P5 babby detected. Everyone here liked P3 and 4’s dubs.

where my naotobros at

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send noots

Based cabbage man

why the fuck would you ever marry her. I mean, banging her, of course, but marrying?

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Best girl.

gonna need source user

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is rise gonna suplex her

suplex implies she's going to hit the ground instead of be flung into space

I'm not really familiar with her. Why wouldn't you marry her? Isn't that one user in love with her for some reason?

>Why wouldn't you marry her?
because she'd make a terrible wife

>Isn't that one user in love with her for some reason?
there is also that one user that wants to marry a cartoon picture

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But why, is she a slut like Rise?

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They literally look like they fuck black men

Reminder that dykes are disgusting.