Fact: Smash is the single worst fandom in the history of the internet

Fact: Smash is the single worst fandom in the history of the internet

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You haven't seen kpop.

Have you seen undertale?

steam & overwatch are worse

Give me one good reason why Smash shouldn't have a containment board.

what about the /KSPG/

Wrong, Smashfags are so autistic & subhuman that not even Nintendo fans want to be associated with them. Even Sony wojak console war fags aren't remotely as bad

>video game history the series
>has the biggest retard fans that don't know anything about video games
>some of them don't even play the games their favorite characters come from

I literally can't

It's gotta be bottom five

Yeah, probably. That said, the DLC pack sucks and the Grinch leak characters were far superior to what we got.

atleast smash is a vidya
what I really can't stand is e-celeb retards

It's not their fault that most of the characters are literal who's that none of the fans asked for


Still cool that we got Banjo though.

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We ended up getting the most worthwhile character from the leak anyways

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Worst Yea Forums fandom? Yes, but not the worst in general.

I think the worst fandom is Steven Universe, can’t recall any other time in a fandom where fans drove an artist to nearly kill themselves for drawing a character “wrong”.

Where's shadow?

Only Isaac and Banjo were good from that leak.

I still can't believe people wanted Greg Heffley in the game.

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>pretending smashfags and Nintendofags are two different animals

All these threads about "X CONFIRMED FOR SMASH" are so fucking annoying.
They aren't even talking about the game.

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Thats correct

>some of them don't even play the games their favorite characters come from

These people are actually ok though, there's nothing wrong with playing a character because you enjoy how they play.

It is pretty bad, but part of that is being a sum of many parts and there has been shit like Homestuck, MLP and all those "Fanbases" that harassed people to suicide and shit like that.

Smashfags are just Stinky,Annoying, Autistic Shitposters so calling them worst is overkill, more like in the Top10, less if you remove the ones just using Smash as a vehicle for their "real" fandom from the calculation.

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Shut Up Grinch

Monster Hunter, Sonic and Pokemon are even worse

Fighting Games are more GAMES than FPS Games. Fighting Games are GAMES.

FPS Games are not even Games, FPS Games are just Shooting Simulators/War Simulators.

Smash rosterfags are some of the most mentally-ill subhumans I've seen. They dont even play the fucking game, and if they do, they drop it when spoiler season is over. They literally just hype shit up and seek for validation.

Fact: Any popular franchise will seem to be full of retards because retards are always extremely vocal on the internet.

Fucking this. No disrespect to the other bros, but Banjo fills a hole I've felt since Smash 64 and now the roster finally feels right.

Maybe in a better world where Rare didn't fall apart, we could've also had Conker and Joanna Dark, or even the other DKR characters had their games not been canceled. But I'm happy we got the goofy bear and his bitch bird.

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>>some of them don't even play the games their favorite characters come from

I admit that... õ___õ ... I'm a smashfag. Roy is my favorite and main, and I really never played FE6, his game. But at least I've watch gameplay videos.


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WRONG, Have you fucking SEEN the Sonicfags ever

Why jump around as the Eggplant Wizard when you could be shouting people off of mountains?

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Roy's Our Boy
Roy's Our Boy

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nice ears, green dwarf.

does overwatch's fandom even produce anything beyond porn

Course not and im not complaining and neither should you.

has smash's fanbase ever drove anyone to suicide? if not then its not any worse than steven universe

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Actually I THINK FPS GAMES should have IT'S OWN BOARD out of Yea Forums

Agreed. Kpop Fandom Sucks. Mostly composed of women, faggots, SJWs and trannies.

Smash didn't need an entire containment board made for it


I would legitimately say that the Sonic fanbase has stabilized to the point where there are several worse fanbases
At this point the average Sonicfag is just a depressed dude wanting to get another good game again

>interest is almost exclusively on arguing over WHO'S NEXT GUYS instead of the game itself
>rosterfags shit all over eachother because muh relevancy/muh arbitrary rules/muh whoever gives a shit
>ignoring the fact that all character additions have never been about relevancy but rather the potential to be fun (just fucking look at Ness in 64 and Pit in Brawl)
>being okay with input delay when offline
when is the game going to be about having fun again

>One Smashautist is going out of his way to derail Doom threads
Smashfags have crossed the line. The time for a containment board is now.

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>FPS arent games
The Wolfenstein/Doom era literally had the same ideas and features as any other genre until Half Life and the modern military autism
Rise of The Triad was the most arcade one and it was the 7th gen COD shit that flanderized FPS into "just the shooting"
Take away the guns and prespective in Doom, you can still have enemy variety and level design focus in it

i have, and smashfag manchildren are still so much worse.

they also brag about their ignorance of anything that isn't bing bing wahoo, while still touting smash as a "celebration of gaming" so they can stroke their own egos for playing it.

the worst part about the SNK character is smash is either going to contaminate KoF, SamSho or the rare Metal Slug threads depending on who gets in
its a death sentence for what little actual game discussion actually takes place

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Why are anti smash fag such faggots?

Nope, it will always be Soulsfags

Even Gravity Rush threads have Smash faggotry and that's a PS4/Vita series that did not even sell that much

oh boy time to make another epic rosterfag thread blehehehehehe

Kpop and Sonicfags keep their cancer to themselves most of the time. Their shit is at least contained in a thread or too, hell I havent seen full force sonicfaggotry in a long fucking time. Smash shitters do what they do best at shitting threads, wanking off leakers and contaminate any thread that has remotely any relation to the next character speculation.

Shut Up Nigger

Fighting Games > FPS Games

welcome to what countless other fanbases have had to deal with for a while now. kirby, persona, fire emblem come to mind. it's bad enough that smashfags shit up the board with their own threads, but they also derail other games' discussions with their autism all the time too.

nah, just post physical locations of smashfags+IPs all over Yea Forums

even now Yea Forums is full of psychopaths :^)

>thing i like > thing you like
You forgot the shitty Drake meme pic with a reddit filename

Smash is one of the only fanbases where the casuals are more autistic than the compfags.

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Especially true when you realize that the casuals care more about the fucking roster than playing the game. I wouldn't count out the compfags either, they have a loser's mentality of calling for bans instead of dealing with things they can't beat. Meleefags worship pros instead of training to beat them. Its just one big shitshow

competitive smashfags also refuse to take showers, shit themselves at tournaments, insist on bringing their roach-filled crts to tournaments, quit tournaments if their controllers AREN'T broken, and boo other games for not being smash.
casual, competitive, it doesn't matter, it's all autistic.

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By this point I've come to the conclusion that if Snake and Sonic were Ultimate newcomers instead or Brawl newcomers, Yea Forums would shit on them

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Honestly I don't care. I just like dropping for the crazy quality porn it gets.

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No shit Sherlock

>KoF threads will be swarming with Smash refugees
What did I do to deserve this punishment?

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We don't need validation. Games of any genre are hobbies. But I'm pretty good in Smash.


Smashfags and rosterfags will eventually stop flooding Yea Forums with autism after the final dlc character is announced. But then this’ll all happen again when Smash 6 gets announced and the rosterfaggotry will begin anew. You just gotta accept the cycle of autism after a certain point

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>tfw you like Smash but hate smashfags

Furries. Furries are the worst "fandom" to ever exist, and nothing will ever change that.
But if we are talking about video game fandom exclusively, then yes, Smash has some of the worst fans

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