The cycle continues.
The cycle continues
Other urls found in this thread:
but where's the water?
I miss my wife so much
father I cannot click the book
Hurricane dorian is going to kill me lol
Typical cuck pokemon fags
literally just drive away lol
i envy you
he should have been fetching a pail of pong creatures
Hey nigga, looks like you got some dirt on your shirt.
The sweet release of death
minecraft doesn't belong in the analogy because theres no high level competitive play
Why is the minecraft kid an ethnic
uhhhh hunger games idiot
i hate you
no it's not lol
It's not but boy oh boy is it about to wreak havoc on your finances.
I'm in Charleston bro I'm fucking toast
I wish it would fucking end. People complaining about Fortnite are fucks.
my condolences
I wonder if boomers even realize they are a tool
I feel blessed that I never bragged about anything "my generation was better" and alike, nor do I plan to, but it's such a normal feeling. It's retarded to think you were blessed with being born in the "right times" lol
>unironic Minecraft and Pewdiepie nostalgia on Yea Forums
is it time to kill myself?
N*gga it is just wind, like open the window or something.
Stopped reading right there.
Fortnite is the most cancerous game that has ever existed not even League of Legends could compete.
Minecraft was also shit, everything else was good.
I wonder if zoomers like you even realize you were born into a society?
just drink the water retard
Dude it's just a little wind like dude just turn off the fan
This. Literally just open a window on every side of your house and have every door open. The wind will blow through harmlessly.
gave me something to think
over a swede and some pixel blocks? lol
Does anyone else notice the massive time gap between the nigger and the N64 kid? It practically leaves out 2 whole generations
That's because your generation doesn't have anything to be proud of, faggot.
>it's time to imgflip
based joker
that's when video games were just really fucking good and no one had time to develop bullshit identities surrounding them.
>Imagine growing up in the 1990s and being so mercilessly KIKE'd your entire life that you think this was the pinnacle of human culture.
>Realizing your parents let this happen because it was easier to put you in front of a TV or a video game than fucking raising you.
>unknown person makes sameface comic of zero value
>has some stupid non-point that makes him feel really clever
I've seen this before somewhere....
Only retards blame it solely on the generation. Every era of games had shitty games that normalfags lapped up.
>buy 20$ fan
>place it in front of hurricane
>it cancels the wind
>everyone is safe and happy
The difference is that all of the games there other than fortnite are actually good.
The thing I've realized with age is that every one of them is right and wrong for different reasons. There's plenty of things older games get right that new games don't (not all) and more often, people had to be creative or have a little ingenuity to get peoples attention and push technology past what's expected of it. At the same time, most older games are shit because most games are shit. The things you remember standing out wasn't the common thing you'd see.
Remember that there was a time when almost a majority of games were sidescrolling platformers and every corporation was trying to sell to you based on a mascot.
>things get older as time passes
is it time to kill myself?
people get sad at the thought of kids having nostalgia for stuff like fortnite. but isn't that a lot better than a generation a people being all sad and shit because they were born into playing a certain game?
How is this even read?
That's why generally the best games were arcade ports, and games have been in decline ever since arcades died out.
How dumb are you
Proof that being a weeb fucking rots your brain. Retard.
No, but the property damage it'll do that won't be covered by insurance will make you wish it had.
le boomer comics xd
What are you implying?
is this you?
none of this happened before Fortnite
shit comic
Believe in yourself and make the kill count higher than Katrina
at least you'll die deliciously
The true cut-off point for whether you're a cancerous zoomer, as opposed to a boomer-zoomer hybrid that's about as cancerous as your average boomer, is whether you were taught basic cursive right before they had it cut out of the curriculum, and/or had VHS and DVDs side by side
You can't prove me wrong
>Batman begins to regret giving his Mom a pail of water
We made cancerous culture worse, but you started it.
>posts anime girl reaction image
Double-digit IQ weeaboo sperg. You read western comics left to right, top to bottom. It's the previous kid in every panel, going back a generation each time. Do you get it yet? Are the six neurons in your brain firing? Or do you need a generic anime girl saying it in Japanese with English subtitles?
Imagine dying by rain like a faggot.
Oh, its that overused and unoriginal "le nostalgia" argument that gets used to shut down any criticism or discussion on the current state of X thing.
I used to watch Thomas the Tank engine on VHS along with other 90's movies. Other than that I only watched bootleg DVD movies.
Nostalgia is a trap. You literally can't argue it isn't.
Sheesh you could have just said so from the get go...
that ones actually good, maybe i should read PA again
Subhuman weeb.
most of them are still trash but every now and then they still show a little tooth
According to every previous generation, no generation after the one they were born in has anything to be proud of
Then they try to simultaneously try to perceive any generation that isn't their own as enemies while also wondering why things are getting worse
God sc is full of pussies. People in florida dont event get excited until its a direct hit from a cat3
Why would Tom not realize that whenever someone referred to a fruit as "some x" or "a glass of x" that they obviously mean in liquified form?
Fuck this reads like one of those english class pages that you had to listen to.
hahaha how is dying to a hurricane real hahahahah nigga just run away from the east coast like nigga just go to your basement haha.
Pokemon and Mortal Kombat are well made games with some depth to them. Minecraft is literally MS Paint with blocks. It's shit and I anyone who likes it has a harlequin baby as their firstborn so they don't reproduce ever again. Fortnite is meh, it's at least a game, unlike Minecraft. We still need a zoomer holocaust, though.
T. A zoomer who grew up in the Minefag generation.
>go to your basement
and drown haha
If you're not nostalgic about Minecraft (and you can be nostalgic about something that came out when you were 18; you don't need to have been a kid), then you're a newfag. Everyone fucking loved Minecraft here when it was new. It was fucking massive on Yea Forums before it hit mainstream. As for PDP, I see people not being nostalgic over him, but praising his current self. He's /ourguy/
Minecraft has a bit of depth but no real point. It's a game, but it's just kind of an autism simulator.
When did this bullshit nostalgia "ahh, my generation had better music, movies, ect" shit start anyway?
How the fuck does this work when both of Batman's parents are dead?
>Everyone fucking loved Minecraft here when it was new. It was fucking massive on Yea Forums before it hit mainstream.
I guarantee that someone here's going to throw a shitfit over this even though Minecraft had an in-game Yea Forums shoutout
Imagine living on the coast haha
>t. watched his 80 iq nephew play creative mode
why do black guys get the hot ones
I never played Fortnite for more than 3 minutes or Minecraft. I wish I had autism!
Man I got into Minecraft because of Yea Forums back in 2010 and it never did much of anything for me. It was just 10 or so hours of basebuilding and then endless boredom. It had a lot of potential but none of it was ever realized.
I've played it myself, thank you.
They leave the house and addict them to drugs
Also, your asian slut loves white chad cock
>white chad
oxymoron lmao
she fucks blacks btw
You spent all that time adding numbers and you couldn't find an idea for better bait? Even my slave QuelRone understood it. His only complaint was that niggers don't play anything but sportsan and fightan.
None of these games were exceptional.
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
lol hurricane durian cant kill you if you kill yourself first dude
Admitting to being 80iq lmao
Mortal Kombat sucks, but is absolutely a "real game".
Pokemon Stadium aged like shit, but is still a "real game".
Minecraft is a meme, but still a "real game".
Fortnite is not a real game.
That's the thing, it doesn't, the boomer who made this didn't know that. Which is surprising considering how popular DC and capeshit comics in general were back then
Ms. Marzo is cute.
Shame about her vore fetish though.
The best thing in this picture is warheads.
Subhuman nigger
Only retarded teenagers, single moms, drug addicts, and fat bitches fuck niggers
i'm pretty sure a mortal kombat fan would know what pacman is from being exposed to it at an arcade
minecraft is probably gonna outlive fortknife to be honest
Better than the 5 IQ of the Minefags that drool over an art program and call it a game, let alone worship it on Reddit, let alone make it the best selling """game""" of all time.
all the hot chicks fuck them for the big dicks
The renaissance era
>dude, things were SO GOOD during biblical times
Don't care for Fortnite, but it's literally a video game
but it was back then
>When did nostalgia start?
When the very first cave man regret.
Pretty sure there’s evidence of boomer mentality over paper vs stone
I'm positive Pac-man, mortal kombat and pokemon snap would all be friends.
As a faggot who has tried nigger dick for the same reason and was incredibly disappointed I can assure you this isn't true at all
I miss the earth so much
Incoming badly made WATER POST
you're a faggot, the alpha chat niggers are fucking bitches and not white boys
>Can only experience dick through anal
Niggers mostly fuck black women who emasculate them nonstop.
but all the hot chicks want to fuck a nig
I'm Filipino with a bubble butt you projecting incel
Yeah, but my generation is unironically better than the last generations and anything that comes afterwards, even the Alpha generation. So suck these nuts.
Leftist propaganda backup. Blacks are fucking crack addict welfare sponges and don't have any pick up skills.
But "black man good, white man bad" propaganda spewing from mainstream media in west brainwashed women so hard they believe dating a black guy is progressive.
Imagine if the same media started promoting super smash Bros melle players as perfect and prpfressive partner. You will fucking see 9/10 girls dating most filthy and stinky neckbeards.
That's what I was thinking, they're all just mediocre shit popular among kids because they're too dumb to know any better.
Can I have your stuff?
Minecraft is definitely a better game than Fortnite but otherwise the comic is correct. I honestly think for children minecraft is one of the best things they can play. You pay for it one time and its endless entertainment bound only by how limited your childs imagination is. So unless your kid sucks at life hell probably like minecraft more.
>t. white incel
So if I get Untitled Goose Game on Switch, does my Switch become part of Chinese government botnet?
no it wasnt
people dropped like flies
some thing, fags aren't the ones going around fucking all the hot chicks with their 10 inch nigger dicks
>holding a grudge over the opinions of school kids in a cafeteria
>treats the fusion chef owner as someone who told him that his food stinks as a kid
The artist is so thin skinned he'd be laughed out of his ancestral country.
Is this mlp?
Somehow this pic reminds me of barney.
the reno’s was about the Greek and Roman times, not biblical
it's funny though because the same kdis that said "lol ur food stink" now are all like "I love pho xD"
Nice reference
you're only safe because nip encryption is wise to chinese tricks
I want nostalgia to fuck me
still does
I'm honestly baffled that they removed references to Notch but this somehow slipped through
>kids have stupid opinions that can change as they grow up
Who would've thought?
peoples palates change as they grow up
But MC, PS and MK were amazingly well received on launch, MC's only memed on because of all the autistic children that play the game, not because the game is fundamentally a pile of trash like FN is.
>console version
>dont even have to craft anything its automatic
>no mods
Pretty sure it was a thing ever since men had generational divides between them. Hell, Ancient Greeks had disdain for their younger counterparts.
>10 inch nigger dicks
>xe fell for the bbc meme
Recently played Pokemon Stadium using the transfer pack. Tauros and Chansey OP. Game is pretty ass and the RNG is maddening.
I miss your wife too
"just a kid" shouldn't be an excuse
should just hang them tbqh
only if u live on a fishing boat user
Sorry I'm not autistic enough over Minecraft. I like actual vidya with a goal and depth, like FNV and the Doom series.
You should start with yourself, since I highly doubt you were a perfect little angel.
I hate these arguments. Yes, sometimes it's true, but video games have never been worse when it comes to fucking over the consumer. Except for last gen. Last gen was BAAAD.
The first two are from the same fucking generation.
I think the original joke is that they put a bunch of alternative shit in there like mayo or something. It's why the eggroll is dripping with semen.
try sevtech ages it has goal and depth
>actually getting assblasted that your countrys food has gotten more popular
>SEETHING over a white chef cooking it in a clearly successful restaurant
Why are asians so horribly insecure?
They don't know that, they're a webcomic artist.
trash kids turn into trash people who excuse trash kids
Believe it or not, Fortnite is generation Alpha.
Yea Forums constantly bitches about cultural appropriation but then gets mad when other people do.
I'm sorry, dude. She was a blonde bimbo bitch and wanted to sleep with lawyers. You WILL get there. She was an abusive cunt toward you. You will eventually see her as someone you used to know. Give it time.
I was a trash kid and woke up and now I wouldn't excuse trash kid behavior, nor the upbringing that makes trash kids.
Religion should be banned.
Who cares about Crummy cycles
Lets talk about pails of water
Water edit THIS!
A standard sauce finder will tell you that it isn't.
It's apparently an anime that came out this year.
Littererly just leave moron.
There were people saying it back when the NES got huge, because the games were simple and action focused compared to the more cerebral stuff on PCs.
you were a trash kid
Wouldn’t you rather want to fetch pokemon creatures?
i personally wont go through the effort of editing it, but ill throw in some ideas
water mental gymnastics
>i care about waters so i drink them
pokemon creatures mental gymnastics
>i love pokemon creatures
>but making them fight is totally legit
>look at my arcanine
>breeding them and storing them in a PC
or you could go the route of trying to write things from the perspective of a boomer that doesnt know shit about pokemon, but thats a bit harder to do
idk, im not very funny in comic form
We supposed to be evacuated bro
literally triggered
step away and come back tomorrow
Western AAA has absolutely gotten worse
no u
Should have replied to those posts that told you to reply or you die.
how do i get the bulldozer to fuck off?
trade places with me user i want to die
Everyday is the most enjoyable day
At least since ancient times, see Ages of Man from Greek Mythology
Those bottom two panels are such ass-pulls lol
Lying faggot it’s passing by off the coast. I fucking hate you retards
make one with fortnite kids complaining ab boomers playing classic wow
Fortnite is actually bad though unlike the other ones
damn yotsuba, read a fucking book or something
she's like 4
I made an attempt
nigga they make books for 4 year olds
6/10, I heh'd at the jetpack line
yeah but not about restaurants and shit
None of those games are that great.
MK2 is a somewhat simplistic, but fun game. I remember learning curve being a bit steeper than it appears but it was a very long time ago so I might be mistaken.
Pac-Man is, well, an arcade classic.
children who grew up with mortal combat did in fact have access to pacmac in the exact same arcades and game consoles they played mortal combat in. This 'every generation is the same, stop bitching' is pure fallacious kikery designed to smooth your brain so you will stop thinking and just consume product. Fuck that, and fuck you.
not wrong
I kind of just divide the eras of videogames into 2 categories: 2D and 3D.
Kind of like BC and AD.
There are people I find stuck in the 2D era.
It is almost as if their brains are wired to only be able to understand moving in 2 dimensional space when playing a videogame.
They beat-off to shit like Symphony of the Night, Link to the Past, FF6 and so on which are all great but fundamentally better games in their genre and series have been made.
People who'd put Tetris in their top 10.
It weirds me out because they seem almost retarded on some level that just happens to not really be integral to functioning in society so nobody cares.
They have 2 eyes, but no real concept of visualizing 3 dimensional space in their head.
I'm quite certain that none of these four comparisons have ever happened. Every single one of them was pretty much a new thing, not a dumbing down of an existing thing, casual and simplistic as some of them may be.
>People who'd put Tetris in their top 10
It's definitely in my top 100.
>liking 2D games better means you're incapable of understanding 3D games
none of these Yea Forumsedditors know the difference from your post and the post on reddit.
Nice meme from reddit!
are you black? it seems like only niggers die from hurricanes. like you guys are still confounded by swimming and you have a deep genetic fear of boats so I guess that adds up
>Yotsuba.exe is already running but not responding.
Trump said it's going to hit Alabama you fucking liberal tranny
>micro machines
I had the van that unfolds into a city
Those always make the rightards so buttblasted.
i honestly have no problem with minecraft or fortnite. i would never play fortnite though because the build mechanic makes me want to puke.
I thought it was funny, but not enough to laugh. I'm not really a right winger, but they would consider me as such.
This is most definitely NOT VIDYA, though.
>me good
>you bad
At least you'll get killed by something with a cool name.
I always read this as a japanese person trying to say "Dolan"
White man are faggots
>being this new
>I'm not really a right winger, but they would consider me as such.
Translation from far right speech to English:
>I lean right so far that theocracy doesn't look retarded to me, but I like to pretend I'm a centrist because this makes far righters look less extreme
Fags have bigger cocks on average and asian bitches love feminine guys so it checks out.
Based truth speaker.
How the fuck are hurricanes real close your eyes turn of the screen
just nuke it lol
Still don't see how Steam exclusives are superior to Epic exclusives on PC.
because Steam exclusives aren't exclusive
it doesn't even look that bad
It's because every new generation is literally IRL newfags.
the problem with reading yotsuba is that you have to wait for more once you make your way through whats been released, its suffering, nobody should have to feel sad after experiencing that happiness.
me neither, Epic has a TON of great games and its great competition to steam monopoly!
Plus a FREE game every two weeks, gee golly whatta deal!
>We shop for games on steam, just like everybody else
sometimes you're alright
I'm retarded and forgot my picture
>america isn't third wor-
Or according to your own image the coast
>it's just the edge
isn't that the worst part
Nick gave me a pie in the face fetish. That set me back a few years
Yotsuba is Japanese propaganda to make people want to have children. Damn I want kids.
Are you disabled?
>Skipping over the entire ps2 gen
I hate zoomers so much
typical woman
ain't no lobos
>hated lots of food when I was a kid
>grow up and try new things
>find out all the shit I hated was because I was allergic to it
>be fat as a kid
>end up with fatmind and fattaste as an adult
Letting a kid be fat is child abuse
>>end up with fatmind and fattaste as an adult
wtf does this mean
blessed Yotsuba poster
I can't tell which side it's supposed to be digging at here.
Whores like these should be stoned
I'm the user you responded to.
I was fat as a kid but I'm /fit/ now.
Did there need to bee 4 panels of this to get the joke across?
The minecraft nigga is playing on a PS3 so is only a 1 gen gap
It's already weakened significantly and models have it skirting the coast. Only way you're dying is if you try to go swimming in the ocean like an idiot, or it stalls and you live in a flood prone area.
How long do you take to add some numbers to a image? It's like 2 seconds in paint
that is funny!
stay safe faggot
Every time he is at computers he is so fat he can't stop seeing food.
Well, there is that and Dorian Gray which means that you got killed by something gay
people have already sufficiently answered your question user but the point is that yes, OLD GOOD NEW BAD has existed since ancient civilization
I can't
>Boomer doesnt understand zoomers are memeing on fortnite kiddos and fortnite kiddos are memeing on minecraft nerds
>I was told to tweet you about this situation
Imagine your only chance of survival being that a famous person sees your tweet and personally comes out and charges your meme car for you
>a gas station doesnt work in a hurricane? preposterous!
I'm not really fat now, even though still above perfect weight, it's just that I'm left with shitty habits and preferences
>healthy food smells and tastes bad, shitty food smells and tastes good
>everything on the plate has to be eaten now, no throwing out or storing for later
>"is it time to eat now? it was x hours, I have an excuse to eat"
>overeating in general, unless I consciously counter it
Fuck fatties and fat enablers.
>the last of us
Oh no no no no no no no no no hahaha ha
The author of this comic is missing one thing. To americans his food does stink and the food they are eating in that restaurant isn't his food. There is a huge difference in what they serve in western asian restaurants and what asians actually eat. You may like pho for example but try going over to a vietnamese families house to eat. Shit looks like that dinner scene in temple of doom. I married a thai woman and thai restaurant food is different than what her and her family eat. Its pretty gross. Ive always considered myself an adventurous eater but god damn they eat some gross shit.
Does anyone else think it is incredibly problematic they have portrayed an ethnic child being judgemental? That is incredibly problematic, and frankly makes me feel very uncomfortable. Being judgemental is something only cis wh*toids would do.
Nah man, I believe in a massive redistribution of wealth.
I just believe that it's necessary because people are inherently UNEQUAL, not because we're all equal so we deserve the same.
Some people are born, unfortunately, stupid and/or poor.
Being poor sucks, I know that from experience. It's hard to get ahead when rich people get everything handed to them.
I can't imagine being poor AND stupid.
That's why I believe in UBI. If you don't take care of the people on the bottom they're going to overthrow you, duh. It's happened many times.
I'm also a Deist, and you can't be both a Deist and a theocrat; it doesn't make any sense.
This isn't /pol/, though.
Just charge it at home
At least with an electric car you have the possibility of charging from home.
Can't really install a gasoline utility for when the stations run out in an emergency.
thanks, yotsuba poster
You're welcome
Teslas, at least this newest one, have a meme of an adapter. The only way you're charging at home is if you paid out 10 grand to have one installed.
Everybody liked Minecraft.
Nobody has nostalgia for Pong and Pac-Man.
I like this page
no edit
Lived in Charleston for many years and went through my fair share of close calls with hurricanes riding up the coast like this. You'll be fine, just don't go in the ocean or near the Battery area.
If Hurricane Hugo Part 2 decides to happen one day soon, though, you're proper fucked. It's been 30 years, so odds say we're about due for it. Most of my family still lives in fear of hurricanes because of Hugo, and it's also why the older folks get the fuck out of Dodge the moment one of the spaghetti models even hints that it could make landfall near the Lowcountry.
She fell down a pit and died
I saw it I was there and so was your dad
Then come to japan and find a hot asian wife
I'm desperate
i can hear it in his voice
We’re reaching Critcal Mass, too much Boomer
James she's in Silent Hill fucking drive there already you fucking faggot
>having a basement
Look at Richie fuckin Rich over here
I don’t like where this is going
Alright, maybe you aren't a right winger.
But the phrase "people would call me a right-winger while I'm not" is usually a red flag for someone so far right that it's not REAL right wing until you have death squads murdering political dissidents and atheists.
It's similar to how "I am smarter than everyone else" sounds fedora, even when it's true.
Nah, this isn't the doujin where she gets addicted to drugs and raped by niggers.
Lmao just eat when youre hungry how is being fat real. Just close your fridge
please I need help in 50kgs and can go days without being hungry and eating. Even so called good stuff like sweets I feel like I have to force myself to eat.
I cant think of a forced meme thats unfunnier than water.
Appetite loss is a sign of other maladies, possibly AIDS, cancer, reddit or all three.
Get a blood panel, see a doc. You have 8 weeks before things get serious.
Its been like that since forever.
cute! thank you user, i think tomorrow will be a fun day now even if i've got a lot of stuff to do.
Just eat when you feel hungry and soon you'll pack enough pounds to roll around! Just bite and swallow!
I don't enjoy food either, I'm just addicted to it. I get withdrawals when I eat less than fatmind demands.
Reddit causes loss of apetite?
Neckbeards, barafags and bloatmode confirmed for chemo.
Iori Io
>no way fag
depression is probably the most likely
Kids these days dont know you pay for the and get the whole game.
>As for PDP, I see people not being nostalgic over him, but praising his current self. He's /ourguy/
He's a fucking faggot, fuck him and fuck all his zoomer fans like you infesting this website
Steam "exclusives" only exist because the developer hasn't bothered selling it anywhere else. No-one is paying to stop them.
>middle easterners are white
>they just browned over time!!
Back in MY days we had to play the game to get the victory screen.
Those little brats don't know how good they have.
Why is this shiy in reverse?
They're all correct where's the joke?
thanks, that was a fun read
>never stole, only pirated
>no bastard children
>not born to single mother
>learned a trade
>executed for white collar crime
Though also
>didn't meet his father in person
>walked on water so that he didn't need to swim
Jesus must have been a spic.
I mean thats what happened to americans.
Wait, is she in the front seat?
What the fuck kind of father is this?
The cool one.
This manga is shit
The best father
Well epic exclusives are free. Thanks based Tim!
He's trying to get SJW sympathy by attacking whites and talking about Asian problems, because most SJWs consider Asians to be as privileged as white people.
I'm going to make Yotsuba cry
might not have airbags in the car retard
The top one looks better, ZOOMER!
I dare you fgt
It's weird how it's basically socially acceptable to make fun of gooks. A lot of them climb on the SJW bandwagon and reee about white people dressing as geishas and other shit but nobody gives a fuck.
she's so happy to eat her meal!!! how can you say that
you brought this upon yourself
why did that guy get deleted? did the hurrycane got him?
It's probably because white foids hate asians.
mods hate weather
This user was banned for this post
I don't agree with socrates but I thought him less of a dummy, so I checked
quote is not real
Maybe because Asians outperform white people academically and make more money then them, even in the U.S.
Makes it kinda hard to play the victim
>fortnite is la-
What about american politics?
There are no SJW points to gain by supporting Asians (because Asians are successful) and most people that bitch are Asian-Americans that get told to fuck off by people who actually live in Asia. For example, I believe it was Asian-Americans bitching about the geisha thing while the Japanese were either pretty chill or pretty nonchalant about non-Asians trying to take part in their culture.
were there really elitist atarifags back in the day?
You can just fill some gas canisters to keep on hand like me ol’ pa used to do the madman
I have literally never played any of those games.
Boomers are fucking gross.
no one in the 90s or early 2000s said that "kids these days dont play REAL games"
because games were good back then
games were games, not movies and not propaganda machines
Eighteen or older, user.
people absolutely did you zoomer
He's a cuck though
No user, they're great and I'm sorry that you're probably not attractive and very jealous of her.
Please trade places with me. I want to die in one of the craziest ways possible.
Who the fuck puts wine in a shot glass
Oh boy.
i was born in the 80s, kid
dont talk about shit from before you were born
Black Jesus
Don't you have powerbanks?
Then don't be wrong.
An elitist core of older players absolutely looked down upon a lot of the games that were big in the nineties.
She's 5 when the manga starts.
Arabs invaded the Levant 700 years after Jesus, so yeah that's right.
Whatever happened to that sanic movie?
Can you still get a boner? If you're dying you lose your appetite, weight, and boner.
Why would the story of Noah's children and their difference in skin color already exist long before that, if israelites had looked the same as white Europeans?
oldfag here,
i'm the kid in the MK shirt. i'm only 28 but don't understand why you niggers love pokemon so fucking much.
Just give it a few more years, kiddo.
Fucking waterfags
Slobs who still want to get drunk.
Although, at that point, you might as well drink out of the bottle.
That's stupid and wrong.
>Pokemon Stadium title screen is more like Pokemon Colosseum's
am I the only one set off by this?
Go back, dumb frogposter.
Not him, but that just happens to me if I don't eat very much for a few days. Nothing too dramatic about it.
If I eat some meat and sugar the problem is solved.
I have never played Fortnite and I've seen like 10 minutes of gameplay. I get the appeal but I've no interest in trying it myself. I get why kids (or anyone really) like it though, the concept has a pretty logical appeal. I'm 27.
>I feel blessed that I never bragged about anything "my generation was better"
Ironically, millenials ARE the best generation in recent history.
And I'm not some self-serving retard, I admit when my own groups are shit.
My nation is shit, my political group is only mediocre and there are ones with lower retard percentage, music made in my youth was nothing special, cartoons I nostalgia over are nothing special.
It's just that millenials are the best generation.
Exceeding both their predecessors and successors when it comes to:
>scientific, rational mindset
>pragmatic realism
Boomers had better economy given to them
Zoomers have better technology given to them
Millenials were born with the best environment to develop as people
Boomers and zoomers have
Millenials are
you know
without that one dude acting weird it is literally what happens though
Well that's more than baby boomers have then, since they caused 99% of the issues plaguing modern society and contributed literal nothing.
papaj ma racje
>tfw i'm old enough to remember the transition from VHS to LaserDisk then quickly back to VHS in my elementary school
Yeah! Who let that little shit skin in the house and why does he think he can judge fortnite when he played minecraft. Fucking velcro headed nigger.
One of these games is not like the other. You know, the free to play one with microtransactions that is online only and has drm and requires a cancer storefront
I'm 26 and I play it, the intense competition and opportunities for 1v1 combat are quite addictive.
Stop being a crummy creature, user.
>no way fag
What's wrong with you
Noah existed thousands of years before the Israelites retard.
>have a friend who turns 24 in December
>already constant
>"muh old days"
>"oh god I'm old :("
>"why is everything so shit today"
Fuck I'm gonna be 26 in next november and I do none of that shit.
Who the fuck cares? Older gen nags on younger gen - been like that for fucking ages.
What causes this shit I literally dont get it.
IQ above average.
It doesn't let me enjoy shitty forced memes
It's a pretty funny comic, though.
that isn't a feels good man/feels bad man, it's just another fucking frog. I may be a newfag but a 2011 newfag is still someone from before the Pepe/Wojak cancer explosion.
>What causes this shit I literally dont get it.
it is a cultural thing
t. come from a culture where the younger generations aren't systematically blamed
Is this just a ameriburger thing or what?
I'm from Spurdoland and I dont remember this kinda thing being here but now it seems to seep in from somewhere.
Thanks user, sometimes we need a little light and optimism in the world to make that extra step forward and Yotsuba is pretty wholesome to read.
minecraft is such a weird pick i group them with fortnite its all the same kiddy shit to me
That's because you don't understand what an "exclusive" is.
If a developer releases their game on a single platform then that game is not an axclusive because it may come to other platforms later.
If the developer was paid money to sign a contract saying they will not release it on any other platform then that game is exclusive.
Did Efin land have a major political change in recent history?
Polsza obsrana gównem had communism until recently, which meant that old generations can't be blamed (ruskies were the ones ruining shit, not polacks) and new generations have shit that old generations like (being able to buy anything you can afford).
>Is this just a ameriburger thing or what?
it's an indo-european cultural thing old as indo-european cultures, it exists in india too
I'm not sure if it exists in asian cultures but I haven't heard of it atleast
>I'm from Spurdoland
>I dont remember this kinda thing being here but now it seems to seep in from somewhere.
Do you live in a city? I'm from a rural area in the east and it's non-existent here
I've seen a little of it, but mostly by cityfolk, especially from coastal areas, online, and not in any meaningful amounts in the end
But yes it did not exist before, I blame urbanites and losing touch with uralic culture
>why would I ever play fortnite or minecraft
>also old games are garbage and people who play them are nostalgia faggots
>y-your 12
Maybe you just havnt noticed the fact games are manipulative, creatively defunct, super streamlined shit these days , whereas back then games were all inclusive, had reward structures and endgame, didnt constantly break immersion with "BuY tHiS aRbItRaRy sKiN FoR cAsH mOnEy" and devs actually made what they want instead of doing what ethics departments dictate.
Of course indie games are still great but aaa and even aa at this point can crash for all i care. What was the last online game with community servers, mod support, no mtx and creative gameplay? End game is another concept that is dead at this point, because dumb asses let them destroy the idea of cosmetic rewards because "tHeY dOnT eFfEcT gAmEpLaY" (yeah only immersion, world building, reward structures, and customization).
There are no arguments to claim big budget video games havnt got worse unless all you care about is graphics. Most games just feel like overly long movies with worse plot and no sex appeal, completely neutered by the drive to get as many people as possible and appeal to lowest common denominator. Designed by committee bullshit that literally exists to manipulate you to buy pixels. Like theme parks whos sole reason to exist is selling gift store crap.
you done? What was the point of that.
Doesn't that remove like 90% of the reason to own an electric car?
fucking kids, I swear
Is that why trannies are becoming mainstream and a good chunk of millenials still live with their parents?
Moving out at 18 is another classic example of boomers thinking marketing strategies are part of socially accepted culture.
>rent out my apartment to some dumb fuck for 1000
>live comfy with my parents
>dont work
>still end up earning more than if i had to work and live on my own
Boomers wish they were this smart. Just calculate one day how much money you waste by living alone. Once i save up enough to buy 2-3 more apartments to rent out i might move to one of them. Before that its just fucking waste of money.
okay this one is actually funny
>this generation will probably develop general AI, which is literally the destiny of humanity, the most important thing this very species will ever do, by a huge margin
>but hol up, behold! a 0.3% appears! this surely brings them below a generation that brought women to workforce forever destroying wages and families
t. nigger
Go back to lurking, kid.
i olev you user
>he thinks that's AHHHHHH tier
>this is japanese plant say something nice about her.
>say something nice about her.
Her lower limbs already look like tentacles.
how is it fucking not tho?
Im not even a yellow fever fag but god look at those curves
Also tfw no plant gf
Fuck cursive
I want to marry a plant.
I know and have played all of those games except Fortnite. Should I give it a shot?
>living in muttland
I'd consider death to be a blessing.
Fucking Fortnite apologists. This doesn't apply at all. I've never fucking heard that level of nonsense from earlier games because each gen was a major step up in terms of tech or capability. Except fortnite. It just took from Pubg who took DayZ, made it appealing to children, and fronted the bill. It still doesn't reinvent or innovate, opting instead to borrow from similar games then try something new.
at least you don't read yotsuba's lines in pen gilette's voice
t. nigger
they stopped teaching cursive somewhere/
The meme is being forced by the major world powers. The next major war will be fought over Earth's dwindling fresh water supplies, and this meme is intended to remind us of their importance.
>>living in muttland
>I'd consider death to be a blessing.
Be glad you don't live in eastern yuro or asia then.
There's a reason russian male kys rate is highest in the whole world.
>Be glad you don't live in eastern yuro
But I do.
>There's a reason russian male kys rate is highest in the whole world.
Last I checked it was Lithuanian, which is a neighbouring country of mine.
Get the fuck off my board, reddit baby
There is no country neighboring Lithuania that isn't much more shit than USA.
There is Latvia which isn't worth mentioning, Belarus which is a retarded police state and polsza obsrana gównem that is populated and ruled by retards. And that mini-russia bit.
what if things are actually getting worse
>Western games get worse and worse
No shit. Pokemon was at least, at one point creative. Japs are the only developers that can save us from bland sad dad simulators and Fortnite clones
Latvian here.
You're right, OP. People always had shit taste.
call down ahmed, go back to your cage
They should have been forcing Pokemon creatures!
I don’t get it, is that like poor people food or something?
I'd say fuck Latvia, but no one cares enough about this non-place to bother shitting on it.
It's an ontological void between Lithuania and Estonia. A blind spot between two irrelevant countries. The middle name of some loser. The "uuuuh" between "I'd like" and "a cheeseburger". The transitional fossil between two species of insects nobody bothered to include in any encyclopedia. That silent nerd between two people talking to each other. The Fallout Tactics.
This post is the highest recognition Latvia got this decade, as it proves somebody actually bothered to think about Latvia.
You can print it and parade around with it to boost morale and relevance of the Latvian country and nation.
>you have to defend whores or you're an incel!
Get accused of sexual harassment, "male" feminists
I remember having all the old Rankin/Bass movies on VHS when I was little. There was just something comfy about those bricks with tape.
>Mindless shooter with dabbing
>Creative builder
>Turn based tactical requiring planning
>Fighter making you require skill and talent to use that skill
Nah, kids these days play dog shit. Fortnite is literally cancer and it's killing the industry
t. got dabbed on
>I'd say fuck Latvia
You just did, retard. Also, fuck Latvia. It's a shithole thanks to mutts. Also, the asshurt just seeping out from you, priceless.
Trips of water
>anyone who disagrees with me is a mutt!
Epic cope
I actually revealed my shitty nationality which is comparably shitty to latvian, which is worse than brownest mutt. If you weren't so salty about being irrelevant, you could just read my post and see it.
>he's still going
Sasuga 56%
>another self hating eastern euro who won’t move to different country despite hating his country and everyone around him
Youre dumber than dumbest niggers who easily move to western europe or pajeets who immigrate to usa no problem. Just imagine for a second how worthless you are.
>baww baaaaawwww someone criticized something i like, baaaaaaaaawwww ur useles ;_;
He isn't wrong though. Faggots like you are the worst.
>people who disagree with me are the worst!!!
>missing the point entirely
Why am I not surprised that some US dicksucker is also low IQ?
>recognizing that the richest country in the world is better than some shithole in the anus of Europe is "dicksucking"
How do you manage not to swallow your own tongue with that room temperature IQ of yours?
>doesn't know a lick of history or economics
>muh richest country in the world
Based sub-zero IQ doing it for free for a shithole he's never even been to.
She likes rock music better.
>doesn't know a lick of history or economics
>muh mutts and trannies existing mean the standards of living, massive political and cultural sway, strongest military in the world, best universities in the world all don't count!
If IQ was temperature, your head would accumulate solid nitrogen on its surface.
Delayed to re do Sonic's look
yes you are
>things that have never ever happened ever
even if this was an ironic joke there's no way for it to land without the tonal shift of a spoken phrase.