Sequel makes the first game obsolete

>sequel makes the first game obsolete.
What's her name Yea Forums?

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Was it Mona?

MP1 > MP3 > MP2

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Warcraft 2

good lad


objectively correct, I don't get why people knock 3 for being grimdark when there wasn't a single humorous moment in 2

Let me guess, your only argument why you hate MP3 is "muh Brazil"?

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin


Team Fortress 2

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Dark Souls :^)

yeah, DaS2 really is better than 1

Street Fighter II

Played through the series for the first time last year and I agree.

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MP1 stands alone as a great game, even if the graphics aren't that great. The story, though it gets a little convoluted by the end, is complete and wraps up the game well. MP3, though it shifts the setting to an unconventional place for noir, managed to also have solid gameplay and put the story truly to rest. MP2 was basically just MP1 again except with slightly shinier graphics, some of the worst escort missions in vidya, and a story that wastes time meandering through Max's poisoned mind to reach an unreliable conclusion.

They're all worth playing, but stacked together 1 and 3 both outclass 2.

Space sim 2

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Gameplay wise
Ambience wise

gears of war


>thermal clips
After all those years some fags still defending it lore wise


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Why do people hate MP2 again?

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Lmao I don't get how people think MP3 has good gameplay, it's unbelievably clunky and unresponsive -- it takes like 2 seconds for Max to change direction when you're crouching, bullet time lasts about 2 attoseconds (maybe I'm just playing on hard or something) and the best strategy throughout the entire game is to just hide your model behind cover while exploiting the fact that your bullets come from your crosshair rather than your guns. Also the sawn off shotgun is dogshit that has a 10 foot spread at a distance of 2 feet

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Small dicks.

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Oh and despite R* sacrificing playability for fidelity/realism, the animation is still fucked anyway.

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The best thing is how valve decided to put the whole fucking previous game in the sequel.

Max Payne 3

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Sorry, my fingers slipped


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It's become even more true since the Source Code Project and the FSPort mod.

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Asylum is better.

I like the Valkyrie better than the Perseus though.

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3 is bad for alot of reasons, but most of them could be ignored if you didnt call the game max payne 3

>>sequel makes the first game obsolete.

First game is better. Suck it.

Though, I do like Max Payne 2 a lot.

Assassins Creed 2

Torchlight 2 makes torchlight 1 literally unplayable

>bad for alot of reasons
Such as

This is undubitubly true, the second one contains everything the first one does and more

I think it might have been somewhat of a panic move. I remember at release, people weren't liking the new campaign much (too sunny, not scary) and I think a lot of people simply kept playign the first (I was one of them). I moved over to 2 after I heard that they were remaking the original campaign in it.

>L4D2 not allow players to their torso and feer
Nah, I still prefer first game

see their torso and feet *

no one hates MP2, but in every ranking something has to come last.

The atmosphere was way better in mp1. Mp 2 had slightly more fluid gameplay and better mods.

Too short, levels are boring, weapons are identical, all characters from first game raped in most unbelievable way ever . Based slav Vlad is a member of illuminati, fucking most bland cop woman possible and giving a calls to her fucking desk, bravura's dead, mona's alive and dead and alive, annoying paedo Vinnie is a good guy now, Max extremely stupid and cant see obvious, fuck, he's being completely innocent after first game is already too strange.

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>>sequel makes the first game obsolete.What's her name Yea Forums?
pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time/darkness/sky

"Vlad is behind it all"

Why couldn't Mona just have said this?

pic unrelated?
I love MP2, but MP1 had better gameplay thanks to slow bullets you could dodge and also had to account to when firing at range. Bullet Time was limited, making it something you use in pinch, while spending most of combat in real-time. Only thing MP2 did better gameplay wise was that bosses were just noticeably more durable than normal enemies, rather than being able to soak in 50+ bullets like in MP1.

>bravura's dead
he survived, you can hear it from news
>Vinnie is a good guy now
lol, how?


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Burnout 3


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based taste

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Based and truthpilled

>Max is a depressed, miserable wreck throughout the game and for good reason
>haha joke in the end he gets a girlfriend and is fine with the murder of his family lol
This is why. The greatest thing MP3 did right is that Max is still hurting over his family and life choices

silent hill 2

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