Milk-BOSATU just disconfirmed Nakoruru and they're aware of the Terry/Ryu rumor as well

Milk-BOSATU just disconfirmed Nakoruru and they're aware of the Terry/Ryu rumor as well

it's over you waifufags, they got exposed for lying
>inb4 i-it's a bonus/second pass fighter

Attached: Milk-BULLSHITTU response to SNK speculation.png (888x370, 101K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>source gayming discord

go search of their twitter then retard

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> Leakfags
So basically this confirms that Sakura from Sakura Wars is in Smash despite being a Sony exclusive? What the fuck Nintendo?

A Smash thread died for thi-
oh wait

almost like they were making shit up to begin with

>half of them are male
abhorrent list and post

This literally deconfirms Terry & Ryu as well because their only argument was "Muh influence". I genuinely cannot think of a female who wears Japanese clothing & using flying weapons aside from Reimu & Nakoruru though

are you crying tranny?

Joker, a SEGA rep, is already in retard
also Sakura is WAAAAAAAY unlikely than fucking Reimu and Nako.

>Marco is a shoo-in

imagine thinking reimu has any chance of getting in lmao

smaaaashhh leaks ommgg yaassss

and you don't fit in Yea Forums
keep seething nigger

So long my love is on Wii dummy

Touhou is one of the 10 most iconic media franchises in Japan, but the problem is that zoomers in burgerland have no idea what it is

Is her clothes considered Japanese?

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Terry and Ryu aren't deconfirmed because BOSATU is a liar
meanwhile Yea Forums had legit leaks in the past, among the fake ones we had

It's literally going to be Kasumi you retard

Seething more you fucking autistic retard, they're only reason for being in Smash would be "Influence" now that this is deconfirmed they have absolutely no chance of getting in


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>high awareness than fucking Nako
you shitty leaker been exposed
follow the Yea Forums leak

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> Seething this badly, bbbut muh literal who Yea Forums leak
Cope more, you lost

BOSATU literally shot down two of the characters that make sense to what ever garbage he was claiming contradicting his shit leak and you're saying it affects something that was leaked by Nintendo and the most braindead obvious SNK rep

god you waifufags are so pathetic

you realize she throws her fans right

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your precious kunoichi whore can't even fucking use her sword in series and crossover over with 4th most popular SNK character (fucking Mai)
talk about pure cope

> Spamming Waifufag & other buzzwords
> Waaah how dare female characters exist
Kill yourself

> Bbbut doesn't count, i'm going to spam my buzzwords & sourcless opinions to show how badly i'm seething

she's literally the last DoA character to even be a thought for Smash
you'll either get Ryu, Ayana, or Marie in Smash first, not the boring ass bitch who can't even use her sword in DoA or have to copycat Ayane/Ryu to do anything in NG

keep up with the cope
and i know you were that one retard FEfaggot that said Erdrick and Banjo weren't getting in
hope you're ready be wrong again tomorrow

Metal Slug fits Smash the most out of any SNK property, I feel like people are just going with Terry due to him being used a lot in crossovers already

> Nobody leaked Joker
> These leakers spammed about how Minecraft content was going be in Smash
> These faggots had no idea that SNK was getting a rep
> Suddenly they are completely omniscient on who the next characters are due to some random literal who Yea Forums text leak
Genuine autism

> Muh Crossovers
Means absolutely nothing otherwise Athena would be in since she's been in 84 crossovers to Terry's 28

>Pirhana Plant got leaked
>2 of the DQ reps got leaked
>Banjo got leaked
>Terry and Metal fucking Slug is the most obvious fucking SNK choice and you cry about insider boogeyman

but we already got her in Smash!

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Okay? I didn't say otherwise

PapaGenos' VR Plant is going to leak the direct soon, so i don't see the point of wrangling over leaks when judgement day is probably tonight

> Dragon Quest
Leaked by Datamine & Smash developers
> Banjo Kazooie
Microsoft stated last year they wanted him in
> Pirhanna Plant
Leaked by Resetera Administrators
> Terry & Metal Slug
Absolute literal who's that nobody gave a single fuck about until Nintendo leaked SNK themselves because Smashfags are autistic drones who suck Sakurai's dick & can do nothing but spam Reddit buzzwords & wojaks

You got proof for this?


get over yourself, maifags

>one of the best run n gun series widely known for its high quality spritework
>"literally who"
Nintendo fans

Are we /metalslug/ now?

>Leaked by Datamine & Smash developers
and several documented months of people crying Brave is not DQ/the Erdricks
>Microsoft stated last year they wanted him in
with a horde of Minecraft niggers and relevancyfags saying its not him for months
>Leaked by Resetera Administrators
it was leaked on Reddit first leaking ATs too then on Yea Forums saying he's based on Bowser Jr.
>Absolute literal who's
tell that to the fucking cartel and see what happens bitch

I fucking wish
>POWs appearing on a Metal Slug stage and dropping items from their underwear

>and several documented months of people crying Brave is not DQ/the Erdricks
Literally doesn't matter. The only people who were saying it wasn't Hero were delusional KH fans.
>with a horde of Minecraft niggers and relevancyfags saying its not him for months
Doesn't matter


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Kasumifags are Heihachifags 2.0
nobody wants the old man and Sakurai knows he's shit too

if there's a day they figure out Tekken gameplay in Smash, they're going to pick Jin, the protagonist of Tekken who killed Heihachi in their last battle.
the DoA character equivalent would be Ayane, who's in prominently in both DoA and Ninja Gaiden (where Kasumi was only playable in one game)

both would stand out uniquely in Smash gameplay while Heihachi/Kasumi have to wait in line to be Ryu echoes

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Sakurai literally had Heieichi in development as the Namco rep for Smash 4, and only cut him because they couldn't figure out his moveset. So i agree with your assessment, Kasumi is the Tecmo rep

>Literally doesn't matter. The only people who were saying it wasn't Hero were delusional KH fans.
and Bravely Default fags
and Crono fags
and Monster Hunter fags
and Tales of fags

the people who didn't matter at all were Geno and Agumon fans

>Doesn't matter
it does stevie

Well you just named more delusional people. A developer of the game practically admitted it on his Instagram.
Rent free

Smash bros you need to get in here NOW^

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Why is there even a debate on if it's Terry or not anymore? Those retards at GameXplain teased him, Veggieburger confirmed him, and Sabi did too. They all have pretty good track records with Smash. I wanted Nakoruru too but you'd have to be delusional to think it's not going to be Terry at this point.

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Yes because Smashfags are colassal retards who are always wrong about every single leak

>Sakurai literally had Heieichi in development as the Namco rep for Smash 4
no he did not
he said he was CONSIDERED but dismissed him because his gameplay wouldn't flesh out well in Smash

plus his material is fucking garbage, PSASBR even had to justify Heihachi's boring shit with a fucking ball for a projectile.

Attached: Sakurai gets asked to simply port Uprising on the Switch.png (427x375, 311K)

But Sakurai considered Heihachi before Miyamoto suggested Pac-Man

>Virgin Ben
Excited to play him with Tracer and have him fight the Enderdragon Boss and Isabelle who is JUST an echo fighter on my custom stage made out of Minecraft, maybe I'll even play Steve, his reveal trailer at Minecon was hype!

>A developer of the game practically admitted it on his Instagram.
Kumazaki and the rest of HAL doesn't work for Smash you retard
>Rent free
good job outing yourself stevenigger


Steve didn't get in Smash, he got to live in your head even after months of getting BTFO'd

People can't read what do you expect? Jugglefags have been trying to convince everyone that isn't the case but it says right there in the fine print he wouldn't work with Smash gameplay.

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>thinking Nintendo hasn't caught on to how out of control smash fags get with unrevealed newcomers
>thinking that Nintendo wouldn't inject false information into the world in order to throw you retards off their trail while they reveal the actual newcomer the way it was meant to be revealed, as a surprise

You fags can suck a dick for enabling leak niggers to roam free thinking they're worth something.

everything you spew was originated as fake Yea Forums leaks pushed to shame on Virginben so you can go "LALALALALALA" each time someone says "Erdrick" or "Incineroar"
not to mention a dataminer even pointed out the End_Dragon shit doesn't even exist in the codehash for Ultimate, meaning it was made up shit by Yea Forumsirgins like you

the only thing he got wrong for Smash was the Minecraft content/Boss, which could be part of boss rush mode anyways (further deconfirming Shiteve)

there's a 99% correct Yea Forums leak saying he's a mii costume
the one percent is description of Hero using multiple weapons which could actually be referencing the Hachet Man attack and his tilt attack (the Blockenspiel)
hope you're ready for that Shitvenigger

i can not see that getting into smash when they had to cover up mythra
i know bayo is in but she doesn't go full nude in-game she ends up in a sleeveless bodysuit at the most

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why the fuck do any of you children care so much about this shit that you have to keep making threads

Bayonetta's diamond cutouts on her leggings got censored in Smash 4

he said minecraft content was in the base game
and even if he magically didn't he's been dead wrong on tons of shit from other games, wheres those dragon ball fighterz characters?

Literally found in the datamine before any of "insider" got to say anything
Safest bet you could make

>he said minecraft content was in the base game
and we have a word twister here
he said neither base or DLC when he first said it, at the time people were believing that fake Reddit riddle leak

>Literally found in the datamine before any of "insider" got to say anything
then why did the Dataminers themselves had to go ask Vergeben and several other insiders if "brave" was supposed to be a Dragon Quest character?
why did the entire community go into full-denial it wasn't Erdrick and counter him with OTHER DQ reps like Luminary?
>Safest bet you could make
nobody was expecting the Gen 7 rep to be an ugly cat
even the more uglier cat/Lucario #92393423 was safer than Incineroar

>then why did the Dataminers themselves had to go ask Vergeben and several other insiders if "brave" was supposed to be a Dragon Quest character?
He has a cult-following, that's why. It's all for attention on both ends
>why did the entire community go into full-denial it wasn't Erdrick and counter him with OTHER DQ reps like Luminary?
People who were saying it wasn't DQ at all were either delusional or in denial because they knew it was going to be DQ. People who were saying it wasn't going to be Erdrick but Luminary suggested that because DQ11 is the newest one.
>nobody was expecting the Gen 7 rep to be an ugly cat
You're telling me nobody was expecting a starter to be the Gen 7 rep? Arrow Bird is another safe bet so it's 50/50.

bitching about Vergeben's credentials isn't stopping Terry, the most obvious SNK rep, from being included
you even tried this with Simon Belmont and Erdrick and they were confirmed later on with additional characters behind him'

he's only accurate leaker and not a 100% correct one, that's the fucking point.

so give it a break and watch Terry get a tag-team mechanic/striker with him with Mai (the only character that would match to BOSATU's leak) and Kyo

and if you keep fucking arguing, i will link you to my post.
this thread shitty needs to die

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>He has a cult-following, that's why.
they had no reason to resort to insiders regardless
they even talked to the guy saying a DQ rep was in insider circles for several months now (SpawnWave, who's Liam Roberson's lapdog i think)
>People who were saying it wasn't DQ at all were either delusional or in denial because they knew it was going to be DQ
so why say Erdrick was the easiest guess when the ENTIRE SMASH COMMUNITY threw a rebellion on him?
>You're telling me nobody was expecting a starter to be the Gen 7 rep?
people were expecting a Gen7 rep, Sakurai already stated they tradtionally do this per base game
nobody was expecting it to be Incineroar

and it took another focus episode in October to realized it's going to be him, after months saying it was going to be a ballot pick or Lycanroc or the Owl or Mimikyu or Pheromosa (most popular Gen7 starter worldwide)

shit, i mean Primarina

see stop arguing

fine, i'll stop
it's nice seeing retards still finding excuses against Vergeben and Sabi again.

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