ITT: Oh yeah, that happened

ITT: Oh yeah, that happened.

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Nintendo Switch

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Anyone know what happened to the developers of this game?

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Buried in a mass grave along with their careers.

I got it for 5 bucks and got the Plat. It was a fun 3rd person shooter but I felt like they didnt explain enough or the Orders Origins and it was over too soon.

Did it really?

Why the fuck was this game uItra wide screen, did they expect TVs to instantIy switch to that format or something?

Who the heII okayd that?

Still mad. Great concept wasted on shitty game dev artistic visions.

Someone post the "You can't make everything look like The Order" collage.

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I'm slow as shit with vidya and I got the plat in maybe 7 hours.

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Nothing wrong here. This was based.

I remember years ago the head developer of The Order 1886 complained about the used games market for games not selling well. After the game flopped, cut to a year or two later the company got bought out by Gamestop.
Deliciously ironic.

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Damn, remember when this was advertised as the "true next gen experience". Dear god I can smell the bullshit all the way from 2014.

To be fair, it's still a gorgeous as all fuck game. I just wish it were more of a video game in general, the shooting bits weren't even that shabby when they did pop up.

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Like this user said It's a pretty good game. Ridiculously short and ridiculously easy, but the aesthetic is fantastic and the sound design is great. The writing isn't bad, either, besides the vampire asspull everyone saw coming a mile away. Galahad was a top tier protagonist.


Got it for 7 bucks, worth about 35. Am I supposed to be mad?

>Win an action packed trip to Detroit

It never fucking gets old.

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I got it for $3 and I'd feel ripped off if I paid a penny more than that.

>Why the fuck was this game uItra wide screen
So they could have an excuse to (further) lower the resolution.

Good reason I stopped playing that shit.

it wasnt that bad

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I got a PS4 recently to play all the PS3/4 exclusives I've missed over the years, including The Order.

It's so, so boring. In every way, not just gameplay. Yeah the visuals are technically fantastic, but completely devoid of any atmosphere or originality. It's incredibly dull as a movie as well, with boring characters and nothing but wooden, surface-level interactions throughout. The fact that it's so short was actually a blessing in disguise, because I don't know if I'd have the patience to finish it otherwise.

Some part of me still loves this game though

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decent port desu

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I'll agree

Wait I'm retarded. Gamestop was working as a Publisher with them along with other developers. The game still did poorly though.

I thought that cover looked familiar.

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Based. 1886 could be something great with a little refinement and removal of the QTEs. The atmosphere was top tier, and the VA was great too.


>Action packed trip to detroit
I still don't understand why this makes me chuckle like an idiot every time.

Interesting artstyle, decent upgrade system, a pretty well thought out gameplay loop. If the game itself wasn't such shit to play with buggy online, it could've been great.

Oh wait, it didn't happen

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Isn't that the one that turned into some weird fucking anime thing

Yeah, and Yea Forums jizzing all over it until it came out and proved to be shit like a few nay sayers predicted happened too.

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I wanted to like it and I'm fine with cinematic games, I mean I bought it years later despite its reputation, but this was just super-mediocre in everything but graphics.

Damn i miss infogrames

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It doesn't have good graphics, it's all mostly pre-baked lighting. It has good art direction. It has good gunplay as well, good gore and gun effects.

sequel is just around the corner

are people even playing it after it went F2P?

>alan wake
man i loved that game

Yeah, a strange looking Hotline Miami/Persona knockoff that eventually got canned because the creator got depression

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You can install the GeForce now apk

>creator got depression
From getting dumped by a random whore.

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How many layers of JUST is that?

Servers taken down a fucking YEAR after release, even after going f2p. What a massive failure.

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>Both HL2 Episode 3 and MGSV Chapter 3 AT THE SAME TIME
The most significant game of out generation

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I still can't believe valve greenlit this, what a shit company


this is the problem of going from "heroic" proportions to realistic ones.

It went F2P and I reinstalled it. Unironically had a lot of fun. I remember playing it on release when I knew nothing about it and I enjoyed it, too. I think people only hated it because of the hype, like they were expecting Fallout/Oblivion in a post-global warming utopian society.

It was really good except for when you're watching cutscenes or engaging in gameplay

you still have to render the blacks bars

I was hype until they said they weren't prioritizing gameplay.

Then the guide book leaked, lost all hope. The world looked so interesting too. Couldn't they just balance fun gameplay and an engaging story? God of War did it, LoU kinda, still sad this game wasnt good man.

>Ruining this classic with Zoomer reactions and wojaks

It was too early for it's time. Bethesda could reboot it. Actually, I'm surprised they didn't and made it their BR or some shit

Should've launched F2P like they promised

>buy shitty transfat-filled burger meat because poor and hate self
>see that i won a trip to detroit
>oh no
>dragged screaming out of my house onto a bus, bound and gagged, dumped 13 hours later in a rat infested alleyway
>within 30 seconds being mugged
>raped by niggers until i am more cum than man

wasn't as bad as i expected desu

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Remember when this was going to a weird offline RPG online FPS mash up

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a classic, bravo

Did it have literally ANY interesting mechanics?

>By the books cover based shooting, they even erred on making the gameplay responsive instead of immersive so everything works exactly as you'd expect instead of having to account for realism
>Regenerating health is explained in universe but the button prompt to drink the healing potion only appears the first time you use it and one other time
>Bullet time
>Obligatory stealth sections with QTE's for melee kills; neat the first two times but they drag the pacing down as you have to do it about two dozen times before the game is over and it's the same animation
>Drawn out walking and talking sections
>Directional based QTE fight that is straight up copy and pasted
>Does the MGS3 thing where you have to kill a comrade at the very end by pressing R1 but the game has an on screen prompt to press R1
>Uncharted climbing sections

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Servers died a year ago, nigga.