Why is strategy a dead genre?

Why is strategy a dead genre?

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Too complicated, plain and simple. It's a shame because I used to love messing around with all the different units, even if I was too dumb to do actual strategy.

Target audience mostly shrinking.

Unironically zoomers. Strategy games were popular when gaming was more niche and traditionally nerd culture. Now that everyone and their fucking mother plays vidya plays, and what do zoomers like? Games that appeal to the attention span of a gnat.

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Dont under estimate air power.
it was a 2 vs 6, turtling was the right choice.
Game enders.

>Too complicated
how? it wasn't complicated in the 90s. make more of that. I am not asking for Aurora level strategy games. I'll be happy with C&C level games just bring em back.

These kinds of games attract a small % of the general population, and even less will bother with getting a PC setup for it. Compare that with the average person who eats up the latest AAA fad, currently being battle royale, and all they have to do is buy a $400 box, plug it in, and play.

Strategy games are far from dead. Microsoft has clearly invested quite a bit of energy into pushing Age of Empires/Mythology back into relevancy. With AoE2DE releasing in November, I'd be pretty excited for the future of strategy games.

If I remember correctly Blodir got rekt and Blackheart just rolled over them from that two-base resource pool.

>Age of Mythology
Is it getting a remaster??

I'd imagine so considering AoEI&2 are already remastered.

They always have a pretty high "barrier of entry" meaning you have to learn a lot of UI tricks and general game knowledge before you can compete with other players.
People don't really have time for it anymore.

C&C is too complicated for most gamers today user.


Blodir was fine

>AoE2DE releasing in November

Win10 only though.

Get Windows 10 if you want to play it then. PC is not immune to exclusivity, if anything, PC is the most fractured gaming platform.

The entire competitive atmosphere of those games is learning niche metagames and ways to fuck with the UI

If you could be competitive playing it like a real war would play out it'd be different

They said they would look into it after 2, 3 and 4

Oh, right, that was a different game. A 2v4 I think.

whats the point of Strategy if Moba exist?

This. I'd enjoy pvp rts a whole lot more if every single game's meta wasn't
>follow this but list and disconnect if the other guy finishes his first

how does a 2v6 work

it was an unbalanced match where 6 low ranked players faced off against 2 high ranked players. you should watch the cast of that match it was great.

Because while rts grinded away at the gameplay formula to near perfection, most of them ignored that it would be far better to be carried by an amazing naritive to give context and lasting impact of the game.
See World in Conflict and Homeworld.

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do they have a resource modifier or something

>They always have a pretty high "barrier of entry"
That's only an issue because new ones have either no single player at all to speak of or it teaches all the wrong fucking lessons. Like, the core point of a campaign should be to teach the core game values and beginner build orders, not to explain what a fucking harvester is. But the way they let the AI cheat completely destroys any ability to jump from SP to MP meaning you have to learn the game a second time.

the map is designed to be 6v6, so those on the side of the 2 just expanded to the non-existant player starting location and took the resources from there.

You're supposed to play with friends or at least those who want to try fun things instead of treating playing a video game like a fucking job. "Pro" gamers share part of the blame for the genre's death.

good players vs larger noob teams are always more fun to watch, you actually get to see all the end-game units and huge armies with lots of mega's.

that early raid from yellow was a beautiful attempt though

Attached: Why RTS dies.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

Didn't fire emblem sell well?

I always love seeing this bullshit webm.

Sudden Strike 4 and all the DLC are on sale. How is it?

The majority of people played and enjoyed the more casual aspect of RTS games of base/city building with moderate outside pressure.
These games are very much alive because they're single player.
Then you have the autist multiplayer tards who are on par with quakefags for their 'lmao gitgud fag', 'wahwah why is my genre dead'.
These games are dead because you fags killed them and for some reason you continue to wonder why.

This. Also, the A.I. usually plays the way devs want the game to be played, while in MP people play to fit the meta. This means that you go into your first MP game completely unprepared for the enemy who zerg rushes, or plays anything that isn't what the devs considered a perfectly balanced force.

how is it BS?

target audience has been eaten up by MOBAs
all my friends that used to play starcraft and warcraft now play league/dota instead, me included

>who are on par with quakefags
That was uncalled for. At least quakebots actually play an FPS like an FPS.

no teammates to blame for losing
too big brained for brainlets

Too much focus on multiplatform, and rts games have never done well on console.

Starcraft man is using the 'waste apm to keep the hands warm' technique.
Aside from switching view a bunch he does all of 3 things in the entire webm.
>build more units
>rally point
>move order

>triggered mobafag
Controlling 1 unit vs controlling an army and base. Gee, I wonder which requires more skill.

My bad, hardcore RTS fans at least have some enthusiasm about the genre in and outside playing other than the satisfaction of absolutely shitting on an opponent like they were when they were little nubs.

I'm just saying it makes it look like starcraft man is doing something the entire time when in reality hes just burning APM to keep his hands warm the majority of the time.

why can't he have cold hands?
are these the type of mega autists that play those games?
christ, I play AOE2 from time to time and I have never seen that

>hardcore RTS fans
That's not "pro players", though. They don't care about the setting, they don't care about the visuals, they don't care about actual strategy. They only care about winning because it's their only income source. They probably come to hate the game they "play" in about a year.
And BM very much exists in clickcraft.

Company of Heroes 2 is fun, even if it has some questionable balance decisions and is borderline P2W.

Well, that realisation certainly didn't WiC do much good. All we got was a half-finished Add-on, the console ports were cancelled and there was never a sequel.
Such a good game, did everything right but it still didn't have enough success, I don't understand why.

>why can't he have cold hands
makes you slow
gotta keep your 300 apm minimum so its there when you really need it.

>at least have SOME enthusiasm about the genre
key word 'some'
and there are still plenty of shitters that will ream out people for being bad

It is a shame, but World In Conflict is a much more memorable game because of it's solid campaign, then, let's say, Wargame: European Escalation series even though Wargame has a lot better gameplay.

But now we're delving into HOT OPINIONS territory.

Not that user, but Starcraft requires a LOT of multitasking at a high level of play, and in the early game you don't have much to do while in the late game you might not even have enough speed to be able to do everything, it's just like warming up before doing exercise, if you don't do it you can't do certain moves or push yourself to the limit without hurting yourself. Managing where you put your attention is a skill because of this, isn't strategy all about managing resources? The other faggots are butthurt because pro players not only have better strategies than them, they also execute them faster and better.
>They don't care about the setting, they don't care about the visuals
Should pro tennis or football players care about the history of their sport? I don't deny that pro players do care about their game, but why do they have to? There's gatekeeping, then there's being a faggot like you who won't accept people playing differently from you.
>they don't care about actual strategy
Now this is bait. Yeah sure, attack moving across the map with a maxed out army after half an hour is strategy, buddy.
>They only care about winning because it's their only income source. They probably come to hate the game they "play" in about a year.
I would give you this for SC2, but not for Brood War. Seems like you've only ever played singleplayer and you have no idea what you're talking about.

It's a great strategy.
-The gameplay is more simple
-It's pretty much blitzkrieg, not sudden strike.
-Maps are smaller

-Great graphics
-Lot Single-player mission with DLC.
- A good amount of faction
- skirmish vs A.i
-Offline DRM free. unlike blitzkrieg 3

Sounds to me like you're just a no-skill faggot who never played an RTS in multiplayer in their life.

was just playing CKII earlier, seemed like the game still worked. genre's thriving on my pc.

That WiC had a very good campaign isn't an opinion, it's the truth. I've heard some people say that Bannon's death was corny but other than that, I've heard very few complaints.

Wargame seems to have been heavily inspired by WiC and I was irritated to see that game succeed whereas WiC didn't. Especially after having played Wargame for a bit but not having liked its gameplay. Then I wondered how WiC, which I thought had better gameplay and campaign and multiplayer, failed while Wargame succeeded despite lacking in gameplay and campaign.

But as you said, that might be just opinions territory.

wargame red dragon is a masterpiece and it is a shame since the series is dead due to Eugen being dead.

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how many mg of adderall do you have to take to be this real-time strategy

A lot of people blame the rise of MOBA's but I'd actually say it's because of Starcraft II. Sure that game isn't really awful or anything but it showed that the genre had totally stagnated.
Still, if you want to play a multiplayer RTS it, COH2, and AoE2 are your only options.

Pretty much the antithesis to everything investors think sell games

what's the point of water if mountain dew gamer fuel exists???

It's not just that the console audience doesn't care for it, it's that the genre doesn't work at all on console. You either get casualized trash like Halo Wars or likely Iron Harvest or you get a game that's to complex for a controller like Universe at War (RIP).

rented this from gamestop and it seemed like the game was identical to sudden strike 1 and 2 which i already had. obviously shittier to play on a controller v. m&kb.

>implying a whole bunch of meaningless worker highlighting is at all important or skillful
>implying that mobas and RTS have ever directly competed for players outside of warcraft 3
Stop making excuses for shit devs putting out trash products. RTS is a niche genre that has had bad games for years straight with an autistic community squabbling about the small details. Stop trying to blame a whole other genre.

Hold your fire, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Does Red Dragon contain all the content of the previous 2 wargame games?

Fucking camptian america, goes off all the time.
I swear, if I hear him fire that one more time, I might mistake him for haji and smoke him.

It has the OSTs, a few maps, and all the factions/equipment and a bit more from the old games, but doesn't retain the campaigns and some maps. It adds a lot though.

love to take a bunch of speed and reduce an audiovisual gaming experience to pure binary, input output, produce, win, lose.
like fuck off, these are games. you wouldnt invite your friend over to play monopoly anymore if he identified a way to move 1.5 times as often, figured out a small passive income, and refused to talk or joke during the game.

Starcraft fags will concoct a million excuses as to why they APM spam but the real reason is that it's an epeen measuring contest, a lot of people go WOAH LOOK THAT GUY HAS 300 APM HES INSANE!!!! meanwhile if someone wins with a low APM no matter how well he did he'll still get ridiculed for having low APM, clicking drones and spamming your command centre hot keys non stop does nothing of value and is only done in starcraft 2 because of APM edick contests and nothing else.

I mean, to say that Wargame had better gameplay, I think it's more of a preference thing.
WiC was a lot simple, more casual drop in, limited resources and smaller maps.
Wargame was larger scale, more units, and a lot more conditions that went into combat.
It's like saying you prefer arcade racers or sim racers. They're both racers, but the pace, nuance, strategy, and skill are very much different.

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RTS dominated in the late 90s early 2000s, that shit had its day. Also RTS != Strategy

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Because using your brain is a dead genre

Oh shit time for a "why is X a dead genre" thread. Time for all the casuals to come out of their filthy holes and cry about being bad. Doesn't matter if it's rts or fighting, all casuals are welcome to bitch and moan instead of simply gitting gudder.

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4X, TBS and TBT are kinda alive.

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Fair enough, good point. but still, games have been oversimplified for the most part to cater to idiots. IMO, at least.

>being good at games is onions
now what the did the braindead wojakposter mean by this

Mostly that, but time is also a huge factor. What's left of the core audience, i.e. those who didn't stop playing altogether because muh wife and kids, those who didn't die and so on, don't have enough time to dedicate to an proper RTS.
In turn-based games you can save whenever and resume even a week later.

>It's not just that the console audience doesn't care for it, it's that the genre doesn't work at all on console.
That's what I meant, it doesn't work well on console. WC2 and Starcraft 64 tried but didn't really work.

Not really hard, might be hard to pick up how things work when its your first time dipping your feet into it but it's actually super simple and easy.
I haven't heard of any TBS that was successful in recent years but maybe I missed something if so please let me know as I would love to play any considering they are scarce or atleast im not aware of them.
No clue what that even means not gonna lie senpai.

Because people don't have dedication to keep up with RTS gameplay. Turns out all the dedicated autists went to the FGC to do that instead, so the entire RTS audience is like 20000 Koreans and a handful of Warcraft 3 fans.

well, they won so...

>I haven't heard of any TBS that was successful in recent years but maybe I missed something
I've seen positive opinions of AoW3. Can't stand the stacks though so haven't tried.

>No clue what that even means not gonna lie senpai.
Turn-based tactics.

no, SupCom is a game of Income + Decision Making vs Outcome + Friction. so two players with triple the potential income and 1/3rd friction is actually better then 6 people.

That looks impressive, here's a hint: That's not impressive at all

Supcom units suck dick at everything you do. It looks like an impressive horde going toward an enemy division, but the vast majority of those units won't even fire. They won't even stop to shoot if you ordered them. The half-assed unit engine made pretty much everything in Supcom that wasn't Tier 1 units absolutely fucking worthless because at least Tier 1 was good fodder for the few Tier 2 and Tier3 divisions you would make which you would micromanage in order to make them DO SOMETHING

>Hey gunships you need to take out these AA units and then circle around to attack the arty units at the back
>Yes sir! Will fly over the AA units several times so we lose half of our numbers and then maybe kill two or three after we finally engage

They aren't on the same level, though. If it was an equal field the smaller team would've stood a very good chance of being overwhelmed one way or another. If they got greedy they'd be scouted even by such scrubs soon enough and wouldn't have enough to defend with, if they tried to rush they'd get 1 or 2 players but the counter-attack from survivors would end the game.

What are you talking about? Video games have been mainstream since arcades and the NES in general. Games have always been very simple but fun and appeal to everyone. Gaming has never been 'niche'. Perhaps you meant 'computer games'? In that case yes, computer gamers were always niche, and are more mainstream now. But 'gaming' as a whole has been in the mainstream conscious since the 80's.

Because it's been perfected and literally nothing can match the golden age. People will play starcraft 1 and AOE 100 years from now.

I'm curious about Age of Empires 4. I'll get Definitive edition of 2 as well.

Unending seas of brainlets.

Fuck you Winblows 10 apologist bitch

The only reason Microsoft is even bothering to touch AOE is to make it Windows 10 exclusive and give more incentive to have people switch over by basically being forced to if they want to play it, they could have just made it for Win 10 and Win 7 but they didn't, they don't care about people enjoying an upgraded version of AOE as much as they care about new Win 10 converts as a result of being unable to play the game on anything else.

Forcing exclusives like that is bottom of the barrel console shit tier, not surprised microshit would stoop that low.

lmao this shit is so true it hurts
I still remember fags crying in SC2 forums because "boo hoo this guy won with 100 APM against a 300+ APM pls blizzard balance the game ;-;"

>Age of Empires 4
>Tywin Lannister voice in the trailer
A very good choice.