*ruins your game*
*ruins your game*
>best girl in the game
>ruining anything
>*enhances your game
>has a dick instead of not having any genitals
Adding a trap to a game is like adding icing on a cake you pleb.
no genitals + anus > feminine penis + anus > no genitals + no anus
Maybe if ur gay
liking traps is gay
You new to Yea Forums?
No but is still doesn't make it any less gay.
I thought it was confirmed to have no genitals? Damn I came many times to that thought, guess Im a twink now
I mean, it would be nice if she was just there as another ending BUT SHE FUCKING TOOK THE SPACE END
I thought all the original endings were still intact?
everybody knows traps are just crossdressing gay twinks
Daily reminder that Rin has a huge horse cock and plows Vincent's ass every night.
a straight male like Vincent would never bottom
and that's hot
He won't have a say in the matter.
Rin looks very weak, straight man's Vincent plows dat boipussi 100% of the time
You mean fixes the game. He's the only attractive character in it.
You mean he. He's a guy, not a disgusting tranny.
>Rin looks very weak
Never doubt alien strength.
Vincent isn't straight, since he likes a boy.
That's their way of saying that everyone that took the space end was a literal homo
>Was hoping for a sexless angel creature
>It's a tranny alien
the boy looks cute like a female, regular heterosexual stuff
He's a trap, not a tranny. Traps are cute boys and they hate trannies.
>It's a tranny alien
he isn't a disgusting tranny, he's a boy and he looks the part
are you that mentailly ill samefag who swears up and down that liking traps is straight? cus it's not. liking traps is wicked gay.
wouldn't you feel better as a cute girl?
-softer skin
-cute curvy body + wide hips
-improved mental state
-tiddies; self explanatory
-improved self confidence
-decimate your fapping addiction
-ability to wear adorable clothes
-ditch your angry, masculine mannerisms
-cuter, more feminine facial features
-thicker, longer lasting shinier hair
>samefag who swears up and down that liking traps is straight
probably not, but we are many
>cute girl
All of that is false or straight up ugly traits.
>softer skin
Wrong. Women have problems with acne. Boys actually have far softer skin.
>cute curvy body + wide hips
That isn't cute. Fatties are gross. Twinks have better bodies than women.
>improved mental state
Every woman I've ever met is bipolar or has other horrible mental issues.
>tiddies; self explanatory
>improved self confidence
Women are needy wrecks that need constant validation. They never have any real confidence.
>decimate your fapping addiction
I like jerking off. People with no sex drive are boring.
>ability to wear adorable clothes
Boys naturally look better in sexy clothes than any woman ever could.
>ditch your angry, masculine mannerisms
Women are generally angrier and less level headed than men. In fact, calm, rational behavior has always been seen as masculine behavior by Romans and cultures that care about philosophy.
>cuter, more feminine facial features
Females have pretty ugly potato faces. Yet again, boys are better.
>thicker, longer lasting shinier hair
Men inherently have longer, stronger, more lustrous hair. Women are always telling me how jealous they are of my hair and how they wish theirs would look like mine.
Honestly you come across as a mentally ill fetishist/cultist. Learn how to love yourself and your fellow man instead of wishing you were the inferior sex. It's healthier.
based as fuck.
>Honestly you come across as a mentally ill fetishist/cultist.
You hit the nail on the head. He's genuinely trying to gaslight people into falling for the tranny meme.
I like how this board is incel to the point of being gay to stick it to the roasties.
Kill yourself faggot
You are completely correct. Stay based gayanon.
I was always gay and I always hated women.
based trapchad
>improved mental state
Yeah I dunno about that.
I've turned away three women who wanted to be "friends with benefits" this year because guys are just sexier and more interesting in bed. Sorry I don't fit into your headcanon projections, user.
trannies btfo. based trapfag. homo superior wins again.
My number one reason for accepting to become a girl would be to marry my best friend, too bad trannies are just men who'll never be able to get pregnant.
ayyy lmao
>i'll never fuck her
why live?
Same. I won't deny I've dabbled in autogynephilia, frequently daydream about being a cute girl or trap and during one of my lowest moments I was really close to jumping into the tranny cult, but the fact is that there is no way for medical science to do real gender transitioning, not even transplant reproductive systems, and the modern "alternatives" are nothing short of poisoning and mutilation, and that fact was what saved me from going that path.
>inb4 ur gay
As a fucking rainbow, and you can't do shit about it. Seethe more.
you sound like a faggot, user.
Him. He's a boy.
She won't have a say in the matter.
>male love interest is the only pure one
Interesting. Did anyone else notice xer colors are the trans pride flag?
Just like real life.
seething tranny. you will never be a girl and now you will never be a cute boy because you fell for the meme and ruined your body. just kill yourself.
traps and Erica-tier trannies are both fine and straight
All trannies are disgusting, retard. It's also not straight.
Eh, he's alright.
bros the chad power coming from this is already making me feel more masculine
>girls are icky
>so that's why I do everything I can to look and act like one
Trapfags are mentally ill.
here's the thing: you won't be a cute girl. You wouldn't even be the average girl. You would be plain. Ugly. And with bad habits. Yes, things would improve in some ways, but you'd be trading a life of relative comfort looking probably average to below average for a life of hardship (and greater expense) and awful looks, to the point of possibly being undate-ably unattractive.
Like honestly no hate to trans people, whatever, idc if they want to do that. Hell, I respect them a bit, it takes guts to throw your whole life away for something like that. You have to really want it, so denying them that thing they want so badly seems cruel when they're willing to make sacrifices for it.
trying to act like guys here are trans/would be better as girls because they would trade being an average man for a great woman... it's plain trickery. An equal number of women would trade mediocrity for success at the cost of a gender change. That doesn't mean most would actually do it or should do it, because you'd be trading mediocrity for mediocrity, which only makes sense to do (or trade down) if you truly desperately want the thing.
>being a thin guy with long hair means you're acting like a woman
if anything you just showed that you're mentally ill and have zero grasp on reality.
Women don't have a monopoly on cute clothes or having long hair. In fact, most things considered feminine today like eyeliner and high heels were literally invented by men for the sake of being worn by men. You're just a retard who can't see past modern day cultural norms, which is actually classifiable as a mental illness.
seething retard
traps don't look like women (you're mistaking them for futas), they're long-haired twinks
Why are men so fragile about their sexuality that they'll spend hours trying to justify to themselves that being attracted to a guy that looks female isn't gay?
the math seems to check out, good job user.
this is one of the earliest examples of a anime trap
t. faggots raised in a house where the only hint of masculinity is what was left on mommy's bedsheet after she got finished fucking random guys
atlus has one weird trick and it's adding a random shitty character to a game and then reselling it to you
they're closetcucks. clostcucks might be the most pathetic people on earth. imagine being so ashamed you liked video games that you swear up and down the games you're playing aren't vidya, they're "interactive media" and that you're better than people who play video games. that's basically how the closetcuck mind works.
>no argument
You just admitted that they're right and that you're a seething mentally ill roastie/tranny.
>guy that looks female
>looks female
'cause it isn't
Not buying the game cause of him. Fuck omnipandering
I think it's a matter of definition and argument. It's definitely a homosexual attraction, but the term gay brings with it a different sort of baggage. It's a weird dichotomy, but it's based on the concept that though you may be attracted to another male, you're not attracted to males that exhibit stereotypically masculine traits. You're not attracted to men, but to males that embody a more delicate aesthetic or who possess a feminine appearance.
That's still just gay. There is no dichotomy. Being straight doesn't mean you're attracted to all women. Being gay doesn't mean you're attracted to all men. If you like any man, you are gay or bisexual. It's very, very simple.
>hurrr if you don't want to look like a bitch you're da tranny
If this was a porn game no one would care.
>tfw no bf
traps/futas/trannies, tomboys (real ones, not animu tomboys with short hair, but female appearance) and musclegirls are all gay in different levels
real straight men like real women with stereotypical feminine traits
>twinks talking about how they like being twinks
>barge in and complain about how you don't want to be a twink like them
>they laugh and call you stupid
You're definitely mentally ill and have insecurity problems. No one is telling you how to dress or how you should look. Seek therapy.
just tell me where this is from
weird science
pretty much, yeah
I don't mind having a trap character but he ruins the themes catherine had.
Catherine was meant to be a tale of a man choosing his future.
A future of order with Katherine, a future of choas with Catherine or a future of freedom where he follows his dreams.
Rin doesn't do any of that,it's just vincent coming to terms that he likes Rin who happens to a male. There's no overall theme, maybe acceptance that he's gay but that's a stretch.
>Easy Mode
What are you GAY?
catherine is a good game tho so play some version of it
The theme is that his life is better when he chooses the boy instead of the girl. It's a morality lesson. Real love and companionship only exists between males, and marrying boy is the only way to have a decent marriage.
>that guy was 30 when the movie was filmed
The message is clear. A homosexual relationship with a space alien is more direct and understandable than trying to deal with the bullshit put forward by women.
So is the space ending still in or not? Fags and roasties can eat the curb I wanna go to space nigga.
stop being delusional, they are the same thihg, but one have extra steps
it ruins the original dynamic of freedom or responsability
>maybe acceptance that he's gay but that's a stretch
not even that, the new endings all catter to straight incel fetishes
new C ending is a male power fantasy, R ending is fucking traps and new K is cuckoldry
why did atlus ruin this game
>Gay shit on jap games
But I thought Japan was based and redpilled?
atlus is notoriously leftist as fuck
it was a different time
They're polar opposites. You're the delusional one here. Traps are about celebrating male beauty and superiority. Trannies hate males and want to destroy their bodies because of how much they hate themselves. They could not be more different.
traps are the only good kind of homosexuality because they're pretty much girls with dicks
atlus is pretty anti-sjw tho
celebrate male beuaty trying to look like a girl, the one difference is that one use hormones and eventually a trap will too
they're so cute
not gay, but
yeah dude fuck those sjws lets put feminism in persona 5
Traps never use hormones, and they don't look like girls. They look like twinks in drag. That's all a trap is. They're gay crossdressers.
>They're gay crossdressers.
traps are straight crossdressers and they love women
they will use hormonies and most have shit head like trannies
you're gay stop being fucking delusional, faggot
you're an idiot. traps never, ever take hormones. and traps are literally just beautiful men who crossdress. they don't even look like girls they have masculine bodies.
aside from persona, at least
just go play SMT and Etrian Odyssey
Traps never take hormones. You're a tranny trying to push your agenda and it's obvious.
what world you live? trap away will use that shit, every trap become a tranny
>All these faggots on denial defending "males" dressing up as girls
Come out of the closet, lmao.
All traps are gay and they don't give a shit about women. Women are boring as fuck.
traps never become trannies. by definition, traps are natural males who never ever take hormones. you're the one living in a fucking fantasy dude.
most traps are straight, love girls and worship female beauty
no such thing as a straight trap. every trap is gay and hates women, because women are disgusting. only trannies waste time on women because they're mentally ill.
Traps are never straight. They're gay twinks who crossdress. Straights are always ugly and have bad hygiene, so they can't be traps.
traps are straight, horny and love the female smell