>look at steam reviews
>"made some of the language a little more politically correct"
So what all did they change guys? This is the first I'm hearing about dialogue replacement.
Look at steam reviews
They don't say "fag" anymore.
They removed the scene where Seifer tells Zell to stop acting like a nigger.
I don't even remember that happening. Chicken wuss stands out to me as the only insult I can recall.
To be fair, it was a different time. Raimi got away with all kinds of shit.
Wait until you find out Tifa doesn't call Cloud a retard anymore.
So you don't even play the game you shitpost about?
you're fucking stupid
They are making the game worse visually, is that it?
That whole stop in Deling City where you can do the optional encounter of hanging out in the bar with Irving and he talks about banging underage girls is gone. Can't even enter the area now.
The maximum resolution that the background can be and still look that good
That same image at 4k resolution and then shrunk down
>Just you wait, Squall! I'm gonna fuck Rinoa with her other boyfriend Jamal and force you to watch!
Thank god they took this line out, what were they thinking?
Right so when is someone going to take the superior models and combine it with Gigapixel'd backgrounds so it's actually good
People will just port the new models edited into the original pc release. That will be the definitive version of the game.
Instead of "whatever" he now says "yeah, no".
you're dumb, AI can improve the left drastically. they just blurred it all
STFU that's impossible!
>thinking Square Enix would ever actually acknowledge AI-sharpening
lol keep waiting
What's the difference between the pc version and the psx version?
>People will just port the new models edited into the original pc release. That will be the definitive version of the game.
This exactly, the new character/enemy models are basically square giving modders something new to work with for the original version. Once we have HD models + AI-sharpening, we're good
They used scaling filters on everything in FFXII, which looked better than this.
Nothing in FFXII is a prerendered background image so idk what the heck that has to do with anything.
also it's pretty obvious they gave 120% more of a fuck about FFXII HD than this.
the person who started the ai backgrounds stopped working on it like half a year ago,its not happening
>one person stops so the project is just over
the FFIX one was only just recently finished man. Patience
FF12's remaster is dog shit. The texture filter is called emboss and looks god awful.
I didn't get people bitching about the backgrounds since they just put a very light smoothing filter over them to get rid of pixelation -- I was fine with that. The Siren change was slightly frustrating but I almost never use her so that didn't bother me.
The thing that pisses me off is that they just used the PC version as a base so there's no analog control or rumble. That really fucking gets my goat. I was super pumped for this and now I'm just...I dunno, I'll play it, it's still a nice, easy way to have the boosters like 3x speed and Enc-None but it still pisses me off that they couldn't do the one thing modders can't accomplish on their own.
Of course they were going to use the PC as the base for their code, do you honestly expect them to reverse engineer the PS1 code?
you're an autist for defending that
Even if they didn't, at minimum I'd hope they'd get the PC port to parity with the original console release by adding Rumble and Analog.
Defending what? The Siren thing? I still think it's bullshit but I'm willing to live with it for my favorite game in the franchise.
Gamers rise up.
>I can literally type this in 80% of all /b2.0/ threads now
>getting parity
It took them fucking years to fix the audio issues for the PC version AND fix the goddamn music being shit on the PC version for VII.
>Squall: Fuck seed...AND FUCK NIGGERS
It was a different time
I know. It's not so much what I expected but what I was hoping for. I really wish Square wasn't so shit at PC ports.
is japanese version also censored?
No, he's right. Tifa never calls Cloud a retard. She calls Barret the retard for his whining about the stairs.
You retard.
you are illiterate you dumb cunt stop trying to samefag
Yes desu, if they're going to sell it for this price. Square Enix ports are so fucking lazy.
That's exactly the mentality that got us to this point in the first place. People have to start taking this seriously.
They never will, user. Despite claiming not to care, liberals hate people who oppose censorship.
>actively finding things to be mad about
You faggots are just as bad as the "SJW" you fucking bitch and cry about. Jesus fuck grow a spine and hopefully in a few years your balls will finally drop.
Apologists always lash out despite getting their way.
Why do they also put people with no knowledge about art in charge of visual remasters? Why are there so many "official" remasters being made that just have shitty emulator blur filters applied. swear to fucking god people have no standards
>"made some of the language a little more politically correct"
Either post proof that they said that or you're a lying nigger.
In a terrible fucking translation, not the original game
I don't fucking care, I absolutely don't fucking care because I still have my fucking original discs to play them and don't have to masturbate over how much I hate that the devs changed something because Steam has policies that cause self-censorship.
If you're that annoyed by us, then wouldn't it be in you own best interest for censorship to stop?
Maybe the team got handed the design instructions upside down or something
does this fucking retard know that Soulcalibur 6 lets you put Kaine's and Taki's and Ivy's clothes on Talim, who is a child? That game is not rated AO, their logic is fucking terrible
It is impossible to be AO unless you're something like Subverse. The last notable AO game anybody would remember was that brief period where san Andreas was AO because of Hot Coffee mod.
What these chucklefucks are whining about is that other people care about something that they don't. Both sides of the spectrum need to stop constantly spotlighting their incredulity that WOW, DIFFERENT PEOPLE LIKE AND CARE ABOUT DIFFERENT THINGS, STOP THE PRESSES.
"I don't care about X, therefore, nobody is allowed to care about X and if you do that gives me the right to publicly single you out for mockery."
>It is impossible to be AO unless you're something like Subverse.
To them, a little bit of ass warrants an AO rating.
I've said this multiple times but all they did was scale up the only 240p images they have on file up to 4k and made no extra effort whatsoever to sharpen anything. Even FFIX HD had more effort put into it than this, because it was handled by Silicon Studios Thailand instead of the trash heap that cranked this out
They basically just left it to the fans yet again
>tries to invoke the rightwing christian demographic that has been systematically deconstructed and wiped out from modern american society
can these people project any fucking harder, christ almighty, they embody the preachy bullshit of the old-school rightwing evangelist while acting as if they are not the same
Siren changes make virtually no sense considering Shiva is untouched
>arr dees fans want gamu
>we have finaru fantasy seben on way!
>we needu have rong time fans stay on bold
>rets upscare the wolst finaru fantasty gamu then
>of cols thesa fansu eat upu shitu
>ramo baka gaijin
t. squeenix executive.
>Poland, Russia, and Brazil are Nazi contries cause they elected people we don't like
>The Nazis have been totally relevant to politics somehow since 1945
Yeah, no one ever brings up an old enemy years after they're gone.
I think the only reason Edea's not censored is because she is in all the fancy FMVs, which they can't change.
it honestly looks better
Shiva is a blue being and it's body covers are all consistant.
Siren's seashell isn't consistant with their body coverings (tit's nonwithstanding) and looks too much like a female human.
This idiot is only upset because he is a political fanboy that doesn't remember Tipper Gore wringing her hands in front of Congress, and is too stupid to realize that American Democrats only expand Federal authority for themselves instead of defending the Constitutional liberty.
>Steam requiring censorship when they have full blown porn games now
This is just Squeenix being fucking faggots like usual
If it bugs you so much why not head back to resetera? You don't see me making threads over there complaining about how everyone on the site is a transexual, so why are you here complaining about Yea Forums being Yea Forums?
Just a fucking idiot.
Based Genzoman.