Why is the media attacking gamers as of late?

Why is the media attacking gamers as of late?

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Because in mass shooter manifestos they say they played video games and boomers are falsely equating gamers with killers

>as of late



wait why would dudebros fear women, aren't they fucking all the women?

The fuck are "bros" as a group? I get what gamers is supposed to mean, just people that play videogames i guess.

But what defines "Bros"? Mario bros?

Traditional masculine men

Chads I guess. But that doesn't make any sense. Chads don't fear women.

shut the fuck up

t. wooman

Maybe this is intended as an attack but I don't take it as one, womyn are scary as fuck. Never be alone with one, for any reason for any length of time. They all want to ruin your life, say no to 3D!

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you don't live on the coast, I see. Dudebro is a very specific thing.

>unironically using the term "gamers" to refer to a group
>gay ass bullshit
>netflix logo

That about checks out.

>radical feminist con artist drives man to suicide over false allegations
>people get mad

>Implying he's not right
Admit it Yea Forums.

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gamer "bros" are usually closet homos


Trump is trying to get violent games banned and he's using them to do it.

>son can't even go outside and run and do sports and shit
>he gets interested in fps games because he likes the competitiveness
>no more games son

What the fuck was he supposed to do? Just sit in his room and color? The fuck

You wanna know the truth?

Boomer media attacks demographics that they know arent watching or wont care except for literal retards like you, so that they dont have to come up with original jokes.

So the joke is making fun of homosexuals?

I thought these types of people supported gays.

>Trump is trying to get violent games banned
No he isn't

Because if you're playing video games you're not watching their programming. And that makes you scum.

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This! It's a big load of Fake News. Just like category 5 hurricanes. THEY DON'T EXIST.

I just hate the notion that enjoying a hobby makes you something
>you play games? lol, fucking gamer. I bet you hate this long list of groups and are a violent weirdo
that's like saying going to movies a lot makes you a total freak or reading too many books is the sign of mental instability

But what if i'm playing PROGRESSIVEtm games?

good goy, prove you're straight by groveling before a vagina!

Acting like a retard isn't helping your case

>Not living by and for labels.

Lmao get a load of this regressive antique.

That's exactly what I thought his depression fucked him up
But boomers dont understand mental health

Isn't this from the episode about the game development industry? He didn't attack gamers, just called out developers on inappropriate behaviour and shitty work conditions.

you must have been living under a rock, or something. You might not have noticed that some of the most vehement misogynists online claim to be gamers. Not, "people who play video games", because fucking everyone plays video games. I mean "gamers". Why the distinction? I don't fucking know. that is what these assholes call themselves.

>Sony demands that games on their system stick to "family friendly" costumes and content. Because the PS4 is the best selling console, right now, and the masses aren't used to giant titties flopping around, in their media.
"Gamers" freak the fuck out because CENSORSHIP.
>Game has some kind of progressive message, the kind of bland platitude that is typical in modern media.
"Gamers" raze the developers for selling out to "SJWs" and being "political"
>Game has some kind financial or development troubles. maybe doesn't sell well because of this.
"Gamers" find the ONE woman who worked on the project and flood her Twitter account with death threats.
>male developer accused of being handsy and using shitty, sexist language. gets fired. Again, totally normal, IRL.
"Gamers" rage against any and every woman who ever talked to the guy and accused them of trying to ruin him because feminism. also fling death threats like TicTacs.

Not a good look, guys.

Bros don't fear women they just use them and leave them. A woman is as disposable as a paper plate at a cookout to someone who lives in that kind of clique. I think this guy is just projecting his fear of women onto another group like a huge faggot.

>fuck woman
>10 years later they claim you raped them
>lose job, friends ditch you, life ruined because guilty before proven innocent
More and more dudes just aren't bothering with women anymore because of this shit, the media was even bitching about this recently.

Oh right, it was 4D hyper dimensional underwater backgammon. When he said numerous times that we need to put a "stop to violent video games" over a span of several years, even before he was president, he totally meant something else in his super special 300 IQ coded language.


I've not seen any of them try to hide it.

Fuck women

have you ever tried to drive a man to suicide? do you have any idea how fucking tough the human drive to survive is? I get it. you have only ever played vidya, your life, so you don't know how the real world works. but, you should try some different things.

Alec Holokawa had been suffering from anxiety and depression for years. He had also been a sexist asshole, for years. It is not just that one woman accused him. there were several. Alec didn't get ruined because some dumb bitch cried on Twitter. This had been a pattern. And, if poor Alec was so innocent, why didn't he fight back, like Projared? He had been caught, and he knew he had done wrong.

don't blame the victims for standing up for themselves and speaking out.

Saying "we need to put a stop to violent video games" in a tweet ≠ he's trying to get them banned

I know this is bait but I still want to call you a fag, enjoy your (you)

because gamers won't shut the fuck up

you know how when some Islamist does a terrorism, people start looking side-eyed at the Muslims in their neighborhood? Like, why don't these Muslims go get with those Muslims and talk some sense into them? Because, every Muslim hangs out with every other Muslim

well, now you know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of that bullshit


Mutual fear of women? What does he mean by that?

His name is fun to pronounce but he is a shit comedian, I like when he was on a cooking show as a judge and his jokes fell flat and the other judge who was actually qualified to be judge couldn't hide her contempt for him

he's projecting his own insecurity.

Post clips please

you know what? because you called me a fag, I totally take back everything I said. You got me, man...

what better way to make a career change than to move from unfunny comedian to unfunny propaganda mill? It probably pays the bills a whole hell of a lot better anyhow.

Because as fucking sad as it is, there's a higher percentage within the gaming population that are able to think critically (puzzle solving, spacial reasoning, etc.) and that terrifies (((them))). That isn't even to say they all think the same or anything, it's just the fact they think at all.

That is a dumbass comparison. Gaming is not a fucking ideology. embarrassing post

Well that explains it. The fuck is wrong with the media? Where did it all go so wrong

>Hating women
Try to come up with 1 (one) reason why is that a bad thing.

why are new "comedians" like this?

because the people who choose who gets broadcasted/streamed to everyone's tv want them to be like this

someone says "All i do is play videogames, i hate it" and the media will spin that shit into the headline


if anyone here is going to do this shit please do a fucking news station and not a school.
be a positive influence for the world.

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The video Game industry can't be completely controlled by a central authority like HollyWood, so that's wrong because stuff like anime titties can go though.
Men enjoy them and that's wrong because they're happy.
Video Games make massive amounts of money, while some older forms of media are struggling.
They still haven't gotten over GG.

Comedians aren't allowed to be funny anymore. Some old comedians actually talked about this and went into depth about how comedy was supposed to be offensive to a level, to air out those thoughts we all have but don't say and paint them in a lighter light and even, to a point, make them sound absurd but now they're not allowed to do that as it will offend someone, somewhere, at some point so comedy has to be safe, sterile, and comity approved which resulted in the death of comedy itself. So the only avenue left for a comedian is to be like that asshat.

They've been doing this forever I think Ritchie valens parents found out he died from the news

>not a good look guys
kill yourself

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> if only you knew how bad things really are

I actually find him and John Oliver's shows to be well researched and informative but they are just so unfunny and rely on cheap jokes that only seem funnier than they are because of the subject matter

>as of late
they attack the vidya because they are not vidya but wish they were the vidya and will continue to do so until they are the vidya then carry on until they finally destroy the vidya
>why are we losing popularity with the younger demographics?
>must be those pesky musics/discotek/literature/cinema/energy drinks/vidya

you ever notice how nobody ever blames violence on violent hollywood movies?

very interesting.

Good goy, trump can do no wrong.

user, that's the same as any other person in your life talking about something you find humorous or interesting. I think you just find it mildly enjoyable because you can relate to it to some small degree, not that it is genuinely amusing. Especially if it comes from someone as unfunny as he is with the delivery of a valium addict.

I like John oliver too and I wish he'd stop undercutting serious parts of the segment with shitty jokes

t. literally ResetEra, it's obvious from the way you type like a faggot

How is Korea doing these days?


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I liked when he was on based Bumping Mics and he just seethed about an Aladdin joke and kept teasing how he had a hella fucking epic comeback burn but didn't unleash it because he's just that much of a nice guy :)

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Rape lawsuits and divorces.

Uhmm... Reflect, Evolve & Then And Only Then Come Back To Me. Okay? Thank You.

Then just don't rape or give a woman a reason for wanting to get divorced? What's supposed to be that hard about that?

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Anti-bully culture running up against women's natural hatred of nerds

>no evidence
>no legal charges filed
>destroy his entire life with hearsay
I guess he killed himself because he suddenly felt guilty a decade after he sinned.

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Gamers got bullied by preppy girls and jocks in school, so they developed misanthropic tendencies against them.

Think about it this way: you're bullied at school and are made fun of for liking shit like video games, anime, scifi shows, superhero comics, etc. So rather than socializing with people, you bury yourself in your hobbies and stay away from anyone who doesn't share them. You shape your identity around those hobbies and like the comfort of their escapism. But then as time goes on, those hobbies begin to open up to other markets and people who would have once made fun of you for liking those hobbies now find themselves taking them up as well. This causes a bunch of backlash from early adopters, who bash newcomers to the hobby as fakes and posers who don't really care about it and only like it cause it's cool now. Thus, the accusations of harassment and bigotry come into play.

That's basically what's happened with every nerdy hobby that's become popular in the last two decades or so.

Let me guess, you are one of those retards who think Republicans are trying to ban video games when Democrats are the only one who actually push real legislation towards video game.

You cannot even prove me wrong, at best, you'll only find Republicans being Republicans, saying one thing but never actually following it. Sorry, I care more about actions then words

But user, progressiveness has effectively eradicated bullying from the most expensive private schools wich means that retroactively it also did for the bullying in public schools of the past.

You people have literaly no excuse!

Videogames were always fringe culture so we are used to be satanist rapists murderers, but the dudebros hobby which is as you said fucking random drunk girls in parties, was a pretty mainstream thing to do, so they are really sensible even when they are only sometimes called satanist rapists murderers now

Except Muslims all claim to get their morality from the same source, dumbass. Which incidentally they all claim is a perfect unalterable message from god. Must be a pretty shit god with garbage communication skills

This has to be bait

>And, if poor Alec was so innocent, why didn't he fight back

Because he was depressed? Have YOU ever been depressed? Depression means you lack the motivation to even just live your life, how the fuck is he supposed to get the motivation to fight against being treated unfairly when those doing so have already gotten what they wanted? He didn't have a job, his public name was ruined and so he had no prospects. Maybe, MAYBE he could have rallied if he had the time to think his options over, or talk to people who would help protect him from the allegations from ruining his career. But he didn't get that option, shit went from 0-60 so fast, I've never seen anyone get thrown under the bus by their employer in such a hurry.

And honestly, sure, maybe he was a shithead. I'm open to the possibility that he did shitty things, though I doubt they were exactly as presented by the accusers. Really I'd want to know what went down on a personal level between these individuals before it became a matter of public court - did they approach him, ask him to apologize about these things and he tried denying them again? Did they talk to his fellows at Infinite Fall about it? If these approaches were tried first I feel less uncomfortable about them resorting to what they did, as he would have been given a chance to be the better person he supposedly was today, or Infinite Fall would have been able to handle the matter more discretely.

If they went straight to the nuclear option out of some misguided need for vindication, they're worse than he is, there's no fucking doubt about that. They chose to knowingly attack an emotionally unstable person - that could have gone wrong in many different, possibly worse ways, let alone simply ended with him killing himself. The lack of responsibility on the part of people who claim they are interested in a society that acts responsibly towards interacting with others is beyond hypocritical.

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Because women want to fuck movie stars. Women think video game developers and gamers are pathetic unattractive scum. The level of moral panic targetted at entertainment mediums is inversely proportionate to how glamorous and attractive it is to women.

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It's basically hobby gentrification.

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I can't look at some mutt fuccboi like this and take anything he has to say with even a shred of seriousness lmao

>comparing a hobby with a religion

Video games are relatively free of political influence or agendas, until recently I mean. Your average gamer is mostly consuming games, unaffected by the propoganda most other forms of media or popular entertainment would be pushing onto them. It's a sort of "if you can't beat them, join them" situation, which is why you see the industry being attacked constantly by politically driven media, and it's the reason your average joe gamer is being turned into a villain to the public.

But fit brehs and gamers were always bros

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Islam is way more than a hobby, dude.

Progressiveness didn't eradicated bullying.
it just changed its name to "social justice"

think about it. bullying is now seems as a terrible thing. so bullies can't do it without facing a huge social reject. so they just have to change their tactics. now they dehumanize and make the victim looks like a monster before doing the act.
who would complain about bullying if the one being bullied is a "evil misogynist, sexist, racist bigot"

Women fear me because I'm ugly.
I lost 150lbs and got in shape, but you can't lift your face as they say.

I put the work in and women still exclude me. At what point is this shit not my fucking fault.


Comedians are only allowed to "punch up" now which means their only valid targets are straight white men (who I guess in a twisted sense they see as their superiors so they're allowed to be made fun of?) along with pretending to be your parents and shaming you for laughing at inappropriate humor.


He's Indian, you fuckwit. Not even poo in loo Indian. American born.

Who even is this guy? Is he the one that "cancelled" Apu from the Simpsons?

This post reminded something that happened when I was around 16, it was 1-2 years before tbbt in that time "geek culture" was beginning to be comercialized, my country version of seventeen made a interview with the moderator of a forum I used to go a lot since it was "the biggest" nerd forum and overnight we had tons of new users that clashed instantly with the old posters, things escalated when some people decided to organize a "miss nerd" pageant...which of course made the old posters livid and we organized so that the older and fatter of the old female posters would entered it and win thanks to fakes and such...when the princesses started losing they started flinging shit and since of course they were dating the moderators at that point pretty much every older poster was banned for harassment...and that was way before "pc culture" or "feminism"...hell, by today standards we would be the feminists

Bullshit. He doesn't look intoxicated.

>caring about what a liberal shit skin has to say

Improper wording on my part. His parents immigrated from India. He was born in America. Not only that but the episode OPs pick is from? Litterally lines up with the majority of Yea Forumss hatred of AAA punlishers. Even calling out a couple "woke" developer studios for doing sexist shit.

>Tfw this is the same logic libs use agianst whites

I don't understand, who's left? If you're not a dudebro or a gamer, what else is there? I haven't met a single male who doesn't fit into one of those 2 categories.

there's nothing that I hate more than a sandnigger feminist


One thing you can't say about Pajeets is that they fear women, I guess. Open bob.

A dog born in a stable isn't a horse. He's still a pajeet, and desu high-caste Indian immigrants are some of the most anti-white people. Anyone else read that article by some female Indian that was like "fuck America also let me work here?"

What are you even on about? "High-caste" Indians are uncle toms who espouse white ideals. The most anti-white people are other white people, which brown people adopt because they want to be accepted by those white people.

So youre saying gamers are oppressed?

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>when you want to play bomberman IRL

Didn't the guy who tried to kill Ronald Reagan watch Taxi Driver a million times or something?

What did he mean by this?