Were the third party selections really that bad? Or is it simply impossible to please Smashfags?
Were the third party selections really that bad? Or is it simply impossible to please Smashfags?
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I think they've been pretty neat so far.
Joker is neat I guess (probably my least favorite)
The Hero is lots of fun to play, and got me to finally play some rpgs so yay
Banjo is ok I guess. No real feelings attached to him.
Terry looks cool, good excuse to get fighting games under my belt.
Ryu (supposedly) just looks cool so that alone is worth it. And we get a ninja character who isn't a frog or zelda trying to do her best mummy impression
The best has been added in the first few titles. Now every character is just a couple neat pebbles that can't really be more than that. The only people denying that are refugees
We don’t know the last dlc. faggots clinging to a fucking text leak
We don't know the final two definitively, I wish people would stop assuming shit
Nigga none of those are out yet, not even confirmed at all... The fuck you talking about nigga?
I mean I'd say it's pretty damn good and there's people that'll literally complain about anything. I mean we got Joker, Banjo, Hero, and Terry so far. I mean shit, there are people bitching about Banjo still and now Terry. I remember going to into faggotry threads and there were only positive posts about wanting SNK and that it'd have to be Terry, not one single person argued against it. Now that an SNK character is in, there's a bunch of fags posting about how boring he is, how they want Marco or Nakoruru more, and of course "Hat Ken". People will always find something to bitch about.
yes and yes
Assuming Sabi is correct like usual, Terry is at least in.
Ryu is just some guess from a Yea Forums post back in august that said terry/ryu were the last two. Not credible but I used him just so I could go ahead and fill the 5th slot.
All the good third party additions were already added in Brawl and Smash 4. Ultimate's third party newcomers are filler.
I don’t really see much disdain for them other than on Yea Forums.
Banjoke was a fucking disaster. The rest were ok to pretty good.
>People will always find something to bitch about.
To be fair, most of the actual SNK fans have only been quietly hoping and celebrating. The Marco/Nakoruru infighting, HOES MAD Terryfags and UGH FUCK HAT KEN GIVE ME MORE WESTERN MASCOTS fags are only falseflagging Stevoids trying to stir shit because the SNK leak killed their Tracer shitposting instantly.
Simon should've been in since Brawl
>Were the third party selections really that bad? Or is it simply impossible to please Smashfags?
We have Snake, Sonic, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Ryu, Cloud, Simon, Richter, Joker, Hero, Banjo-Kazooie, and Terry with one more slot open for another third party. So no, anyone that thinks the third party representation is bad are just autistic.
everyone who posts with that mario picture is always the biggest fucking faggot
Yeah exactly, so there's always gonna be shit posters. There will never be a character in Smash where a single person won't shit on.
cope, tranny.
Yeah they are pretty shit, literal last second base roster editions being sold for money
Sakurais a hack
who did you want, then?
Nobody said we wanted third parties in the first place. We've long hit the threshold.
dumb first party nigger.
dumb 3rd worlder
Go back to your failure of a franchise
Fuck off retard
the only threshold we hit was worthy and interesting first parties
Sakurai could have just added Crono. Do less work to make more people happy. Isn't that the optimal way of doing things?
This will never be true until we get a new Kirby rep.
shit enix won't let him. they couldn't care less about chrono trigger.
>Chrono Trigger before Dragon Quest
Yeah no that's retarded
The problem was selling people the season pass and then filling it with B-list third parties
Smash 4 had even more obscure picks with Corn and Bayo but the backlash was nowhere near as big because nobody had already locked in their purchases
With the season pass, if you don't like one of the characters that's $5 spent on something you don't like
You can say "well then don't buy the season pass!" but it's $5 cheaper than buying them all individually and has exclusive content included, and if you want one of the DLC characters, you don't want to wait for the rest of them to be released to decide if the season pass is worth it or not, so most people went ahead and bought the season pass
The fact that they sold people the season pass and then added only one character that's even semi-relevant in the US seems actively anti-consumer to me, especially if the next character is a fucking SNK rep, nobody has thought about SNK since the 90s
That's not even to speak on how weak the DLC characters have been mechanically, Joker and Hero both have most of their normal moves straight out ripped from other characters and Banjo looks to be the same, Joker's Arsene mechanic is really boring to play against and encourages stalling, and Hero is a RNG-based character which should be antithetical to the entire design philosophy of a fighting game
At least the musical choices would have been decent in comparison. The DQ choices were lame besides War Cry. And they even went with the inferior version.
Joker is really the only bad one.
Joker, Banjo, and Terry were all good choices. Hero isn't.
Banjo and Hero were reasonable enough. Joker could have been fine, but him not having multiple personas was a missed opportunity.
Honestly yes, smash community fucking sucks and this is coming from a smashfag.
wanted banjo since melee, hero is cool, and terry. fuck joker, though.
Banjo was the only half decent pick.
SNK/Terry is the only bad one so far. Joker and Banjo are good. Hero isn't for me personally, but I completely get why they're there.
I just wish that we didn't get so many realistically proportioned human characters. I would like more stylized additions since we already have so many human characters. Crash would be my top pic for a new fighter.
Remember to not be a fag
If the SNK speculation really holds true tomorrow then they're saving the best for last.
It's basically gonna entrench the weeb-Yea Forums delusion that Smash is only for Nintendo and Japanese game history.
I'm never going to join your discord but I must say your persistence is admirable
I don't feel bad for saying I want Undertale in Smash.
The possibility of some of those songs getting baller remixes by great composers and Toby getting to draw a shitty looking Mario for the trailer are way too good to pass up.
This. Any new First Party picks will be scraping the bottom of the barrel now.
I just want it for the success story; from shitty ROM hacker to entry in AAA Hall of Fame game.
It wasn't that they are bad, it is that literally any time somebody doesn't get exactly what they want, they will complain about it, and those complaints drown out the people who are happy about it.
Which irrelevant side character from a first party series do you want that didn't get in, user? Go on, I want a laugh about what hat goomba you think is more deserving of a spot than actually relevant characters.
the potential for Kirby reps is weak as fuck, and this is coming from someone who wouldn't mind Marx or Ado
And this will never be the case because the only Kirby character to have any genuine shot is Waddle Dee no matter how hard Yea Forums bitches and moans about it
>persona: whatever
>dragon quest: good choice but don't personally care for it
>banjo: good choice but don't personally care for it
>snk: should have used metal slug instead, fighting characters are boring
overall it's just kind of boring
americanfags think that sakurai is supposed to give a shit about them