All these people racing to level 60

>all these people racing to level 60
>all these people stressed out complaining that their lives are getting in the way of hitting max level
>still cant figure out why they want to max level so quickly in wow classic

What is wrong with wow players? What do they expect to happen when they get there? They will stop playing again.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>stressed out
Who the fuck are you talking to thats getting stressed out over a video game? Low quality bait. Especially considering Classic is a comfy grindan simulator.

a lot of people are stopping around 40, I dont see a lot getting past that point currently

Well there are like 2 or 3 other websites about vidja on the interwebs. And normie net is stressed out they cant level fast enough.

I think its just streamers whose idea of vanilla was probably not sitting in a 5-10 man dungeon farming group for 10 hours or more at a time. People's fond memories of vanilla tended to be questing with 2 random fucks because you died to some group quest twice and saw them also walking back while dead

not OP, but some of my friends who are playing classic are falling under the streamer syndrome where they want to be dick, end game. Constantly doing top echelon shit. They are dungeon grinding rather then doing any quests. It is cancer to the highest degree. They literally have addons for classic now that show all the quests (where they are and where to turn them in) and trivialize the old experience. I blame streamers a lot of changing the mentality and the way people approach the game.

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please dont post this user. I want to sever the scarlet crusade now.

I just hope they don't take forever to release all of the phase content so we can move onto classic+ before the hype dies. legit blizzard are sitting on a gold mine with the potential of classic+ which would essentially be a reboot of the game/second chance to correct all of the retardation that plagues retail

depending on the class they roll, i can't see a casual zoomer getting past level 10 on a warrior for example

the addons you're complaining about existed 15 years ago. do you think they also trivialised the vanilla experience then?

I cant see a zoomer playing this game at all desu. Too much instant gratification in games nowadays that feeds zoomers hype, as soon as they see they actually gotta work for their achievements theyll flock back to retail or some other shit

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I use the quest addon but I didn't at the start. There's just a lot of quests after like lvl 20 that dont give you much instruction in the quest text.

Idk man I'd end up googling it anyway if I didn't have it. I'm not in a rush to level up though. I take time to do professions and help lower lvl guildmates.

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I haven't seen a single addon for classic that didn't have an equivalent addon back in vanilla.


there's a difference between grinding for 60 via only dungeons and exploits and using an addon to tell you where to pick up quests dude, a lot of the quests still require you to read the text to know what to do anyway, afaik there isn't an addon that explicitly details exactly how to do each quest, i've been using questie but skim reading and plenty of times i've had to go back and actually fully read it to understand what to do

literally me

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Yea Forums, shittid and the forums are not indicative of the playerbase of WoW. You're looking at the 1% of morons who spend all day minmaxing, arguing about raids, and panicing over slight race/class imbalances and thinking they represent the entire WoW playerbase, they dont.

Look at any WoW thread on Yea Forums, good luck finding a single thread without at least 100 replies saying something along the lines of
>Well for raids [insert here] is best
Even though less than 20% of all WoW players after FIVE years from launch bothered with raids. As content in WoW raids are LITERALLY irrelevant. That shows you how concentrated that type of person is on forums as opposed to 80% of the playerbase who just play the game and enjoy it.

i wanted to race to 60 before i realized there was no 60 community or any real economy like there was when i started playing a few months after vanilla launch
i'd basically be alone doing nothing

They're retail retards.

In retail you race to max level and then just farm end game raids for better gear every week.

Vanilla was more about the experience from 1-60, actually reading the quests and becoming at least a little immersed with the world. Discovering new areas for the first time, etc.

99.99% of people have already seen everything there is to see in vanilla, so they want to just race to the end and farm gear again I guess.

Also MMOs are naturally addicting due to their design(Read into (brain reward system"). It's virtual drugs essentially.

>people start arguing in chat because someone said something vaguely offensive
i fucking hate 2019 we have to go back bros

What I love is all these people who complain about class balance at 60

From 1 to 59 Paladins are fucking kings, you always want one in a party. And yet this never comes up, people always just talk about how shitty raid paladins are as cloth bitches. Who gives a shit? Its about the journey and playing a Paladin in a group is amazing.

>complain that flying is expensive
>everyone starts saying the flight masters are a jewish cabal
Oh Australia

>spend hundreds of hours doing nothing but right clicking mobs
>finally get to 60
>be shit

>Snipe named enemy or escort quest from some group
>Instant kys whispers
It's good to be home

>spend hundreds of hours playing the best hybrid class with some of the most amazing buffs in the game, as well as strong offtank shenanigans in leveling and dungeons with the best single target heals and single handedly saving tens if not hundreds of parties from doom with your ability to adjust to any situation and keep the party alive in do or die moments of amazing fun
>worrying about raids, the single worse thing to ever happen to MMOs
Put simply, you're playing the game wrong.

And just for the sake of it im playing a warrior. But the fact remains idiots like you only think about "end game".

paladins are literally not a finished class in vanilla, i would 100% roll one if they were, there's a few classes that have issues but paladins stand out by a long shot

All of your thoughts relate to dungeons, but dungeons don't give a lot of exp, don't start until the late teens, and prevent you from experiencing the world through questing.

>partying up
>in the world
You're a fucking moron

>All of your thoughts relate to dungeons
Are you saying you literally never play with randoms, guilds or friends while leveling?

You're everything wrong with WoW.

Yeah people love partying up to do regular quests with guys who can't hold aggro or do any dps.

I levelled my paladin to 16 in a group with friends but it's not sustainable long term because people level at different rates and no one who you're not close with wants to do regular quests with someone who can't do damage or hold aggro.

>he cant hold aggro with paladin while leveling
Oh you're shit at the game, that explains everything. You should look up a guide before you play or talk about a class.

Nice ad hominem faggot. Judgment doesn't give you shit aggro and that's literally your only offensive spell until you unlock Consecration.

>Yeah people love partying up to do regular quests with guys who can't hold aggro or do any dps.
>Literally the best alliance side buffer and healer for leveling by miles
>no one wants this
You are actually downright moronic.

turns out the game doesn't make you go back in time to when people were interested in leveling. who knew?

Why do you want a healer when doing regular quests? Like, if you're in the world and you're doing the same quest you might get an invite, but you can't just log on to your Pally and be like "hey I'm a pally invite me for your regular quests to get my 5 minute buffs and occasional heals." You log onto your Pally and right click mobs.

>who can't hold aggro
Paladins can hold aggro on literally anything, dungeons are harder because you don't have taunts but in all questing you can hold aggro easily. You're just bad.

You realize 90% of your abilities increase threat right? Do you even know what threat is?

>Why would you play with other people
>Why would you play with other classes
>Why would you want less downtime, buffs or anything for anything
>What do you mean? This is a single player RPG not a MMO
Like I said, moronic. You simply should not be playing MMOs, they are not for you. You accidentally found some fun in playing alone but you're irrelevant to the community and therefore your opinion is irrelevant. Here is your last (you) and for your sake I hope you're shitposting and not actually this stupid.

>taking my time
>doing every quest
>no addons
>minimal keybinds
>comfy solo lay minding my own business
>3 days played and barely level 25

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Yeah I'll just spam heals on a full HP ally to get aggro. Like is this what you are seriously suggesting?

I almost solely play with friends like I said. I guess they don't teach reading comprehension in American school. You're missing the issue of practicality though. Of course everyone would like a pocket healer whenever they log on, but in reality you can't level with the same people all the way through to 60 because some have more or less time than others and then as a Pally you're fucked. I'd like to see you make a suggestion for how you do literally the entire levelling process grouped.

>comfy solo play minding my own business
Why even play this game by yourself? It's boring.

I'm still impressed with how often these threads draw out an og Naxx veteran who was full dreadnought and one of only a thousand odd people to see a full clear of Naxx.

This game isn't for you
Go play something more your speed

This game is for playing with friends.

If you don't play effectively, you won't get far in this game. Maybe it's just my obsessive behaviour, but once I start a character in WoW, I will not stop until that shit's done. It's the only thing on my mind, nagging my head.
If only I had this much motivation for important things instead...

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Imagine taking your game and then deciding
>Hm, no one is playing raids, maybe we should force them to?
Instead of just giving them more of what they were already enjoying. And its all the raidfags fault, both on the forums and working in Blizzard.

Important question, did they remove that shit that impedes you from creating an Alliance if you had an Horde already in the realm?

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I kind of want to play either a goblin hunter or a orc warrior. Do i still need to grind out exalted with a 2 expansion old rep in order to be a chocolate orc girl?

I use questie too but only to tell me where to pick up quests so I don't miss any of them. I'm a completionest so having quests no-longer show up because I'm "too strong" bothers me. I'm never too strong to help the downtrodden.

I 100% turned off the turn in and objective markers though. I want to be able to FIND the quest. Not have it auto-complete for me.

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Ugh, not even trying

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Did something happen? Is the rep grind old news? I'm not super interested in retail but I wouldn't mind running around as a straight-backed, mag'har orc warrior.

The average Classic fan was a literal child when Vanilla was around, they don't remember jack shit about it and didn't have a clue as to what was going on. Hence the nostalgia for literally one of the most boring periods of WoW.

Peggle was created by the original Peggle developers for Vanilla. The version that is out for Classic was updated by a regular player.

I got banned until 5:30 PM tomorrow because some prude reported my name.


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they won't, and its a lot harder to get gear in vanilla than retail
you can't just get full epics from leveling up and doing a few retarded world quests

Im taking my time playing with a friend, won’t last unless they add bosses or something

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What was the best wow era
is it burning crusade or Wotlk?

I know right?
I mean i was just discussing to my wife getting an abortion, because frankly i just cannot see how i will ever be able to hit level 60 with a smelly snotnosed baby in my life.
I don't understand why she got angry at me, don't my interests matter at all?
I'm seriously considering filing for divorce, i can't take this anymore. If i can't play an Orc Warrior killing filthy disgusting humans, then i don't need this fucking bitch.

BC obviously

>is it burning crusade or Wotlk?

Flying gimmick and dailies galore. They were decent, and imo overrated. I liked MoP, comfy lock destruction spec, OG challenge mode for dungeons. Raids were decent.

Never played WoW except for a 7 day trial in the early days.
Just learned about training pet skills on Hunters which I'd been neglecting.
In the middle of a level 17 fishing tour from Darkshore to Westfall to get Screech on my owl.
I have no idea where I'm going, besides vaguely SW of Wetlands, and it's great.

These are the same people who use walkthroughs on the first playthrough.

The worst part about this is that there isn't even an endgame yet. All you can do for at least a month is farm mc and onyxia before honorable kills and dm is released

There are as many great things about classic that make it feel incredible as there are stupid-ass bullshit things that are a result of either poor design or the desire to waste people's time so they stay subscribed longer and don't burn through content too fast.

Back in vanilla before everything was mapped, no one knew where the hell to go for the 2nd part of the druid aquatic form.
The first bauble was in moonglade, which was easy.
The second part had two pieces which were completely vague hints, took people months to actually find out where the hell it was.
And even after finding out where the hell it was because a guildie of mine actually did it, i still don't remember.
For horde i think its outside silverpine forest by a wrecked ship really far down, and the first piece of the neck is in the sludge fens.
But seriously us 2 were like of the only alli's who actually did that quest.

>Stuck at 20/20 quests
>Travel somewhere to hand one in
>They give me another quest
>rinse and repeat for over an hour

get over the impulse to grab every quest and just focus on the ones you are doing right now

I don't understand it either. I'm only level 26, and i'm just leveling up my professions and enjoying the game.

What is the appeal of rushing to level 60 in the first few days?

The obtuseness of little things like that is great. Scatterings of esoteric knowledge from before everything was too well known and well documented.
Right now feels a lot of veterans are focused on racing, consolidating wealth, or optimising right now.
At some point I'll probably join the crowds, but right now I don't want to be caught up in anyone else's pace.

Just bought one of these for playing WoW, anyone use it? How do you like it?

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this is why deleting retail and focusing on classic+ without hired trannys is the desirable option

wow players are no better than drug addicts

>The obtuseness of little things like that is great. Scatterings of esoteric knowledge from before everything was too well known and well documented.
Here's how shit went down with your "obtuseness"
>alt-tab because this is 2004 and dual-monitors were almost unheard of
>use google
>use the wow forums/gamefaqs
WOOOOW SO OBTUSE AND ESOTERIC. People were doing that shit in 2004. Let's not just play pretend and ignore that google didn't exist at all.

Stay away from Mograine

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>Comparing wow players to drug addicts

>duo leveling hunter shaman level 25
>killing harpies because quest is to kill a bazillion harpies
>out of left field level thirty warrior charges the hunter
>we kite him around like a chump after the initial panic
>leave tremor down because FS concussive is enough
>kill more harpies until he gets up
>charges me this time
>Like. A. Chump.
this went on the whole time we were questing. do people not get that being 5 levels up isnt enough to beat 2 people at once?

People are stupid and bad at the game. I beat two rogues that were a level or two higher than me that tried to gank me as a warrior.

Like seriously motherfuckers. I should have died so fast if you actually worked together so that one of you was behind me.

Layers are ruining what could have been a nice launch experience. I hardly see anyone

this has to be ironic

I have a level 26 rogue on Grobulus but I'm thinking of just going to a low pop server.
I tried questing in Stonetalon and can't get shit done because of the crowds
Same with Thousand Needles and Hillsbrad.

A quest that takes 5 minutes on any private server now takes 45 with hordes of poopsocking gankers and people refusing to group and fighting over tags.

I have like 2 days played and I feel like I'd be at least late 30s with that kind of playtime on a private server.

Trust me, it isn't. I've seen the same shit posted on my realm too.

this shit is like pet semetery

Finally made the name Solaria, and then I get to level 10 and see someone's message in general chat named Solara. The hell, now I don't even feel like playing my character anymore because they sound so similar and I'm not sure if my name sounds better.

What do?

guildie has one and swears by it, he cant play using WASD cause of whatever is wrong with his wrist and loves the thumb analog for movement

i don't get why people play with wasd instead of just using qwe

I have a pinched nerve in my back that gives me bad arm pain, I'm hoping the orbweaver can make playing long hours of WoW less painful

>In WC
>With another Hunter
>he needs on a bow he already has and I don't
>ask him why he did that
>"second-hand need"

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Anyone got that BFA Classic smiley meme talking about the game is too easy.


this one?

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Kino addon for healers.

time to face facts. blizzard was spot-on when they said "you think you want it, but you don't." that was the one time since activision bought them that they've ever been honest with their fans.
classic wow was always a shit game. the constant begging for it was always fueled by nostalgia. you were never "going home," because streamers and zoomers were going to detract from the vintage 2004 experience. and regressing back to 2004 was never going to be a solution to wow's problems anyway. you all should have been asking for a "world of warcraft 2" that reboots the franchise and fixes all of the problems with retail instead.

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They didn't want to do Classic because it wasn't stuffed with microtransactions and there's no way to easily monetize it without ruining it, which is what they already did.

They only caved when they began to suspect the extra subs might actually be worth it even if they can't sell extra bullcrap and expansions to those people.

oh, don't worry, activision will be adding microtransactions as soon as the hype starts to decrease. they just did it with black ops 4 and crash team racing, don't think they won't do it with classic wow.

Based. Thanks bro

Muscle memory from other games.

>rushing to 60 like it was retail shit
The good shit in vanilla was the leveling

I played with qweasd

>rolled horde this time because of a friend
>stuck at level 10 with no motivation to continue
>want to go back to alliance

I can't handle the mudhuts and no shoes, bros

Lmao pathetic tranny

Don't worry. Like an infection it will run it's course and die

So many butthurt consolefags here, if you liisten closely you can hear the crickets in their shitty console threads and the munching sound of greasy fingers jerking off that abomination they call controler whille uttering...
>muh couch friends

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>Pet keeps attracting more mobs
Someone please tell me how to tell my pet to fucking position itself INFRONT of the enemy and not BEHIND the fucker and pull in his gay ass friends. I'm this close to going old yeller on this boar fuck

That's an intended effect I think isn't it? Because you do more damage from behind or something

Are you retarded? Use serpent sting or w/e to pull the mob to you, then pet attack and let it get aggro

>implying leveling is the only grind
People want to start gringing those bis items for the pvp launch

>only ever wanted to play for the sake of playing a shaman and doing cool elemental shit
>friends strongarm me into playing alliance because thats what they're playing and alliance "levels better"
>they all tell me that shaman is worthless unless you play healer anyway.
>classic finally drops
>They immediately leave me in the dust and im stuck solo leveling.
I'm enjoying the lore and stuff and warlocks are kinda cool but i just wanted to play an orc shaman man.

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Honestly the micro transactions in wow are not as eregious as you imply. It’s gay cosmetic shit.

This what's been fucking me. Part of why my fucking nutters guild leader kicked me was because I wasn't running dungeons with anyone when nobody was even close to my level, I'd get no exp and it'd invalidate the whole thing
Once I get my mount I'm gonna level cooking, fucking and engineering, go to redridge and gank lowbies, train every single fucking skill, read every single quest text because fuck it.

Oh and fuck you I'm not doing your gay zoomer cleave aoe comp, one pack at a time, pulled carefully with precision and skill. Had my fill of that gay shit in retail.

I'm level 50 and having a great time. Should hit level 60 by the end of the week.

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Do it
Fuck these minmaxer retards that are gonna quit in two weeks

only a fool races to 60 and only stream watching fags are trying to keep with their faglords

just make a character to play solo retard

literally me

t. stressed lvl 41 warlock taking a break from playing

go to undead land

the game is made for solo players who make friends as they go. I've always been a lone wolf, but I've met so many people along the way. It's all about being an adventurer in this big world. Doing that in a constant party group takes away the sense of wonder and adventure

Should I just go for it?
Are they correct about shamans being shit unless you play them as a healer?

>tfw just hit level 40 after five straight days of temporary NEETdom
>have to return to my responsibilities tomorrow

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Because its standard since years

probably add bits of Burning Crusades content as MTX and still try to claim its "vanilla WoW". Like I dont hate Outlands, draenei, or Belfs but they arent vanilla shit.

>tfw only lvl 25 with 2 days played

>playing in a group of IRL friends
>only one of them has managed to keep up the pace with me
>we group together for dungeons and the occasional quest, but mostly do our own thing
>be in STV killing panthers
>suddenly a priest and a Mage get the jump on me
>hold out as long as I can, think all is lost
>suddenly my bro comes around the corner and sheep’s one of them
>we kill both of them while I’m at 5% health
God damn Vietnam is intense.

>imagine being poor and not leveling exclusively by grinding

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>What is wrong with wow players? What do they expect to happen when they get there? They will stop playing again.
like it or not there is a reason retail wow is this horrible skinner box of daily world quests grinding for random items with random upgrades and farming reputation and artifact power day in and day out until your hands bleed

blizzard knows these people have nothing short of a mental disorder

I don't understand how people can stomach the class design. Literally spamming one skill

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Warriors are a lot more interactive and fun in classic. The stance restrictions, rage flow, big crits, 30 minute cooldowns. Its great.

They're meant to be good for PvP and I mean what else are you doing lmao

>minimal keybinds
doing it wrong

Hunters mark Shoot, viper sting, tell pet to attack, concussive shot if they're too close otherwise arcane shot or aimed shot, multi shot and I'm only at level 20 and I'm bad
>tfw 8 arena master tickets between me and 2 friends
>all 3 of us are lvl 35

Honestly wish more people would show up, there really isnt a pvp experience in WOW that is comparable. Not because I want more people to slay but because yopu are legitimately missing out not showing up. I also really like how in classic even if two Skulls shows up they can still get gooned by a swarm of low levels, the stat jumps in retail are so ridiculous something like that would be impossible. Today I battled for 35 minutes over that chest it was insane, It was me vs 12 alliance and I almost got it. Even though its gimmicky, swapping through layers to find a good fight and maybe joining in on a fresh fight in the arena is fun as fuck too.

It wont be the same later when only lvl 60s show up. Trust me, go and enjoy it while its a complete shit show.

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>level 32 priest
>find 3 level 35 warriors and 1 enhancement shaman in 5 minutes just with who searches
>grind SM armory and lib with tailormade group
>three warriors with WW axe getting windfury procs
>destroy the instance in under 10 minutes multiple times
>power level to 35 in two hours

feels good man

But I thought leveling was important on classic. Why are people rushing to 60???

>missing out on STV

>go to org
>constant spam of LF AOE DPS SM CATH
i know what you mean, these people are in such a hurry to get to 60 its gonna be funny when they realize how fucking boring and terrible mc actually is

stopped at 35, just need to somehow get an essence of undeath for my gnomish death ray and im going to run around destroying noobs

those things have nothing to do with WoW players, its just MMO players in general.
we had people racing to cap for the new XIV expansion for no real reason aswell

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>still cant figure out why they want to max level so quickly in wow classic
Probably so they don't get camped for hours on end.

What realm is nice and talkative on the Horde side?

I keep trying realms and the general chats are always dead silence.

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yes, and you'll be spamming arcane shot or multi shot depending on what you're fighting, your class literally doesn't change from 20 to 60

benediction is fun


Fucking nobody is doing muh comfy grindan in classic lol have you even played it?

retail refugees think the game is about raiding

wasnt it 2005 when google was initially conveyed?

>playing priest/war combo with a friend

Easy leveling, easy dungeons, easy pvp, easy fun

shit i posted cringe, thats youtube
oh shid, oh fug

Hunter is more about positioning


Just like how I remember it

I joined a random guild and after 2 days I am already sick of them CONSTANTLY trying to get everyone to do everything together, and raising a fuss if people don't join in or drop what they are doing to run dungeons with them.

I have been enjoying questing and just doing dungeons once or twice for quests and I pointed that out that while I am leveling I am just relaxing and taking it at my own pace. At least 3 people spazzed out about how farming dungeons for xp is better and how dungeons have much better loot and get you to 60 faster. There will be PLENTY of time to re-run level 60 dungeons 600 times for specific gear, with brain dead retards who cant do anything properly most of the time. I am in no rush to get there.


gotta git muh t3 t3 gotta git muh t3 zoomer incel cuck

I am only level 11 and I am having a great time doing random quests.

>What is wrong with wow players?

Get out of the PvE server

you think you did but you really fucking didn't retard.

Those people sicken me and I want them removed from my game. I'm a 2005 player, coming back to classic levelling in the world by doing quests, going to dungeons when I have said quests for them, levelling professions, cooking, fishing, first aid, exploring, helping other players, and having fun all without using a single addon.

Is it really so fucking hard for people to los caster mobs

No idea, I'm taking it slow and don't even use questie so I have to read quests.

whats the fun in that, not like quests in wow are interesting to begin with

>he paid for a skill he doesnt use in raids
lol stupid ass refail tranny

I recommend at least checking google for quest hubs in new zones past 30 or you're going to find yourself grinding a lot


Based. Quest addons are for zoomers.

i'm a major alt-aholic so i have no worries

No one talks because talking slows you down from hitting 60

I didnt think it was but I play a warrior and when I try to LoS mobs in a dungeon theres always at least one if not multiple chucklefucks who will throw out spells before he reaches us, then everyone is so surprised when we pull extra groups and either die or have to use tons of consumables and cooldowns to live.

I will directly tell people to NOT DO THAT and they will still do it maybe every other pull. It blows my fucking mind. Its not a difficult concept.

I'm level 45 and having so much fun exploring the world (in game music only) with my friends. Gankin question n sheit. I'm so glad to be home.

Not him but I'm having... fun, reading the quests.
Yeah I could just google the location when they give pointers like "Find the hidden cave" and go to it in 2 mins but it's much more rewarding when you finally find it on your own.

How long am I supposed to wait before AoEing mobs in a dungeon? Feels like i end up drawing aggro almost every time even if im waiting a good 15 seconds after a pull.

what is it with zoomers hauling ass to 60 acting as though there is money and fame on the line and shit?
all the world firsts have now already happened twice over and even then it's not like anyone is going to treat you like a fucking celeb over it, even that gnome mage who broke the world record is just known as the guy who dabbed on method and people are actively trying to forget him when they arent trying to denounce his achievement

what the fuck does anyone see in classic wow endgame? no random literal who is going to live off of playing classic and getting camped at 60 only makes it more embarrassing lmao

I'm smashing two nostalgias together and listen to ambient skyrim music in the background while I play WoW. Amazing how well it fits.

>had over 10 mates logged on over the first week
>all the warriors are burnt out already

We warned them

Even getting rough for me, a 44 rogue.

How many of your friends are already quitting?

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Zero so far out of the four of us, but its still early in the grind with most of us only in the mid 20s. You should roll a priest alt to give your warrior buds a hand

Don’t listen to the other user, under city is going to drive you nut until you been there enough time to just memorize it.

shaman is really comfy to level, take your time and enjoy it. go for it man, and don't worry about healing at 60, you're just waiting for an hp bar to go down, who cares what you're doing in the meantime.

also go troll because they're the coolest

40s is the real no man land

They cast spells during the pull and wonder why the warrior has a hard time holding aggro. Braindead shamans using earthshock as well. It's classic just like I remembered.

There's that boss that breaks hunters bows in BWL, maybe he's just getting accostumed to the idea

I'm not in the 40s yet, but I'm dreading it. I 'member grinding in the badlands.

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Is there at least less interzone travel? Personally I'm kinda tired of traveling to ashenvale and back to Eastern Kingdoms every two levels for more quests

imagine actually playing a game that is basically an unpaid job, just for a shot at some gamer gurl pussy.

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>Keep losing motivation to hit max level because friends level slow as fuck
>Keep leveling alts that keep going past their level by the next day
Barrens doesn't take 2 weeks to go through Dylan what the fuck

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It’s ok user. I played on day 1 and am yet level 17.

That's only on PvP realms and for obvious reasons, dipshit.

Based and Redpilled add on makers. Soon there will be a /pol/begone add on.

That a load of shit for leveling. Shaman can be pretty strong tank with good DPS and the ability to heal and revive when leveling. If you want to enjoy playing the game and not pressure by autistic min/max shit. Shaman is pretty fun to play, you can only equip leather in the beginning but when you are high enough, you can wear mail armor. But even with leather armor they can still tank decently with a lot of utility skill. and this is from someone who play with a good shaman.

Yesterday on my server in stv some incel was having an absolute meltdown because he got reported for having the name libtard and having a similar /pol/ guild name. Ended up getting banned and his friend spent the next 40 minutes raging. Good stuff.

I did RFC yesterday on my warrior. It was fun as fuck, and it felt so good to swap my shitty white gear for greens.

I'm still level 15 because I play at most 1 hour a day since I've already thrown enough of my life away playing wow. But I'm enjoying myself. It also feels like most people are playing like this, everyone seems quite relaxed. Overall a fun experience.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Classic Wow. The play style is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the nuances in rotations will go over a typical players head. There's also your class trainers nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into their characterisation - their personal philosophy draws heavily from panderan literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Classic Wow truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the murlocs existential catchphrase "Mrglrlrlrlrllr" which itself is a cryptic reference to Illidan's epic War of the Ancients. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Classic Wows genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Classic Wow tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own.

p.s. this community is so good, FREE LINEN BAGS (with your mats of course)

p.p.s. when I die please play the Grizzly Hills music at my funeral

"LOS doesn't work in Classic"
t. some retard in a low level dungeon

It's possible more people think like that? Have they removed LOS in retail? I'm so confused.

It depends on the focus you give to the game. I'm currently warrior lv 30 and yes, I would not know how to explain it but the hype is starting to decrease in me. I play around 3 hours a day, without add-ons but sometimes I Google something when I'm having a hard time finding it
For me the game this time, is about reading the quests, trying to make every penny possible without being a Korean gold farmer or a slave of your profession, messing with other players sometimes rping as a highly racist human that despises everything that is not human, or everyone that shares a mean of transportation with me. And group with totally randos to make those elite or high mob count quests. I like to give with my twist, I don't know.


It doesn’t work on some things like some trees. But I suspect they’re retards as it doesn’t take 140 iq to figure out that the only times it fails is on props.

Dude you’re at peak RP. First real contact with the enemy at stv and a big power spike in whirlwind axe to genocide some orcs, cows, and trolls.

wheres that clip from?

>chilling around STV as an orc warrior with ww axe
>some fucking rogue has the GALL to open on me
>he doesn't even use garrote
Oh boy

join world for shitposting, general was really only active in the first few days of most zones

there is no such thing as theoretical "physics". physics doesn't do conpiracies. you sound like someone who tries to act smart and would suck to play with.

Doesn't work on trees and hills unless the hill is really tall and you're on the complete opposite side of the caster. You need an actual wall.

>What is wrong with wow players? What do they expect to happen when they get there? They will stop playing again.

Yeah, that's the coal.
I mean most of us got only one month sub anyways, so it's not like we gain anything by larping a snail. Get to all the content asap and then wait for the sub to run out. And then possibly see if we get Classic+,if so then great we are now ready for that if not then no more money for blizz.

I really wish draenei were in the game...

Male Draenei were the best bros

everything blizzard does it made up. leeroy jenkins? yea thats right, made up. it was a setup by blizzard for attention.
i bet bfa was a setup to be the shittiest shit they could make while planning to release classic. make it the most useless thing to have something to portray against with classic. proably just to boost up bfa cause they dont care about the game since vanilla anyway anymore.
i was just watching
and thinking that, the whole way through.
u can expect blizzard to be shills as much as possible as much as they can.

did they increase xp gainz or does everyone use optimized leveling guides? member it taking a long time to get to 60 in vanilla.

Well i'm almost at 30 hours /played on my shaman and i'm only level 22. Just grinding spiders and bears in tarren mill and its fuckin great.

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Wasn't a big fan of the pandas, and they would have been received much better if they weren't the only thing the trailer focused on. Like, if they did what they did with BC, introduce them quickly along side a bunch of other features while being book-ended by a cool intimidating villain, it would have been less subject to ridicule.
That being said, I really liked the monk class and I always felt that WoW should have a class that actually uses the unarmed stat, though that was before Cata got rid of those sort of things.

>2 days and 16hrs played
>lvl 26
I'd be 60 soon enough but im not in a hurry

Are you not aware that keys can be rebound? Anybody with any sense rebinds A and D as strafe keys.

>dies to defias mobs
>wipes in deadmines

How? Me and my pals went in barely leveled and mostly all grays and didn't even have a healer and did just fine.

How the fuck does anyone wipe in deadmines?

>those pats that spawn behind you

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wailing caverns is far harder

How did you guys decide on a realm?

It's hard for me. One day I think I know then there's huge queues, another day I realise maybe its better to go to a newer one, then I get worried it will be empty in a month, then I get worried the faction wont be balanced, etc

Everything from choosing a realm to what faction, class, race, to roll is killing me.

Fuck off underage ESL faggot

Good. I don't like the rhythm games that are modern WoW clones. Having to press more buttons for the same result is not more engaging gameplay. Rotations are an arse concept.

just chose a realm thats always high/med

Maybe you have autism

You're doing okay.
Most people are early-mid 20s after 24 hours played.

Most of us have jobs now and can afford more than one month.

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It i still worth it to start now? I want to play a rogue but its seems to be a waste of time

What do you mean still worth it?

>why dont you enjoy the game the same way as me!!
>there's nothing to do after you hit 60 anyway!!!
imagine being this fucking stupid


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>still cant figure out why they want to max level so quickly in wow classic
The longer you go without hitting 60, the higher the chance you end up not being in a good raiding team. All the good players are already 60 and have formed good teams. If you get stuck in a shit team, then you will never relive your WoW fantasy of having full T3. Thats the entire point of Classic, everyone wants to be the T3 hero. But once they realize they cannot even get into MC, or even complete BRD. They're going to give up, because their dreams will never come true.

And thats where Blizzard offering a free character in retail comes in. Oh man, what a con this will be.

The content has already be cleared
Guilds and raid groups are finalized and on farm
Gathering materials cartels are running
Classic hot period for starting is over bro

>queue of 3000
>game feels dead as fuck
gg blizzard

You can’t even read world chat at the moment because of the amount of people spamming to get into and invite more to aoe instance grinding groups.
I tried the questing meme basically up to level 30, worst mistake of my life, there was absolutely nothing comfy about it at all, then as soon as I start instance grinding I made some cool friends

Is there ANY way of playing classic with a trial pass? I would just like to fuck around as a rogue for a few days, reminisce some old times and then fuck off. Cba to pay 12 euros for just this.

>american servers like herod and faerleina dont even have queues anymore at prime time even though they say their full
It begins.

Blizzard is doing free transfers from high realms soon, so just roll on one of the massive servers for now and have the luxury of choosing later

That's a ridiculous exaggeration.
We're still early in phase 1 and the average players are far from 60.

unironically true, and i know this because im one of those people
level 38 warlock.

Told you the community wouldn'y have been any close to 2005 one
Told you people would have gone ballistic on minmaxing and speedrush to 60 with layers abuse and power ultra AoE efficency dungeons
I was wrong on one thing though, i thought MC and Onyxia would have atleast take two weeks for world first

its dead because of layering

>omg why he play video game in way i don't like to play video game? wtf
classic is shit but so are u dumbass


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I'm only level 34 and taking it even slower now, maybe a level per day or less. Spent sometime yesterday killing lvl 35 - 40 horde, it's so damn easy as a rogue.

Wow players have been programmed by blizzard for the past decade to think anything but max level content is irrelevant. Naturally this mentality has slid into classic

>people always just talk about how shitty raid paladins
Rag and Onyxia went down on the first day to an undergeared raid of less than 40 people, some of which weren't even 60, half of which died at the start.
People have to FUCKING STOP with the autism. Warriors are the best tanks, bit the game is easy enough to not need them.

>They literally have addons for classic now that show all the quests
I see nothing wrong with questie and planning a route considering the absurd amount of travel time. I used to thottbot everything back in the day as well so what's your point?
I do find those 1-60 guide addons a bit much, but to each their own.

no one wants to be around cynical bitches like you so stay out

They had only Warrior Tanks
All their dps were frost mages for ranged and warriors for melee
All the paladins in their raid were healers
Any other were 1 of max 4 because of an utility they.had to provide
APES raid group was minmaxed as fuck in the composition

>I do find those 1-60 guide addons a bit much, but to each their own.
There isn't any yet

>Autistically grinding and actively ignoring the best parts of the game
>Still end up being slow as shit, slower than regular questing even for some
Are you guys actually retarded? Do you, in s non-meme sense, have a

Heres a lore question for everyone.

If Ragnaros was the reason the old gods were repelled from Azeroth because he was the strongest, then why did we kill Ragnaros?

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but i donated $100 to a streamer and theyre doing it and they are poggers

Yes, they minmaxed because they were suboptimal as all fuck. Do you understand that? They were, over all, far from optimal. That means you can easily cut corners, especially if you gear up properly and take it slower overall.

i tried to go without addons entirely but as a warlock there are some things that suck shit in vanilla like not being able to see when dots expire and such. considering getting a threat meter one too because i literally cannot do dps in any 5 man dungeons without peeling every enemy to myself

I keep telling myself this game isn’t fun but I keep playing it anyway

you even play the game nigger?

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the gameplay is shit & the content is boring so people speedrun to give themselves something to do
like 83% of people i know who play classic tell me that they only plan on leveling to 60 & don't care about endgame content

the game sucks

Thanks retail friend, but we are talking about vanilla

>get to tanaris
>be too bored to continue
this happened to me every time on private servers as well, there's so little to look forward to after you have your mount and final talent

I raced to level 40 with my Rogue, got a mount and did nothing but ganking people in stranglethorne for the past 5 days.

Most fun i had in years. People can be SO salty, its incredible.

How the fuck do you maintain money? I'm 21 and probably have about 1g. Everytime I go to train, every skill costs around 50s. I don't train every single once and I'm probably missing over 10 skills. I just can't maintain my fucking money. I don't remember it being this bad.

I don't even buy food, I just idle until I heal to full. What the fuck am I doing wrong.

the only fun I have left with this game is racebaiting on Whitemane general chat

fuck me casting frostnova & blizzard got boring fast

he didn't repel the old gods. the old gods literally swarmed the primals with garbage and were imprisoned. they were turned and used on the titans where the titans kicked their shit in and imprisoned them again just to flex

rattlegore best barrens chat

>hyped to play classic
>realise I need to purchase the whole game again and a brand new sub to play with NA friends
>"oh well I can just play with my EU cuck friend instead"
>EU cuck friend is a NEET suffering from extreme streamer syndrome and wants to "world first" everything
>by the time I get out of Dun Morogh after taking it comfy, he is already level 20 and has had no sleep
>has a mental breakdown in the mid-40's because he's "behind everyone"
>quits the game

He's not even a zoomer but a grown ass manchild. These people are ruining the game for themselves. But the other issue is they've already been playing it to death on private servers, so why even want "classic"?

not him but I'm sitting at 10 gold at level 26 and would have way more if i didn't buy tons of engineering mats.
play the auction house if you want fast gains. sell any boe greens and blues you get even if it doesn't seem worth the effort. most people will just buy the first decent listing they see on the AH because it's fast and easy. and if you really want money get 2 harvest professions and sell everything you get in stacks of 1-2

Current president would never allow that. If board of directors made him, he would intentionally make it shit. No man would ever admit just how wrong he was when he makes smug comments like you think you do.

>player ganks you in STV
>uses invite to new layer so you can't gank back
Layering has killed world PvP

they had warrior tanks because they are easier to gear. paladin tanks suck without raid gear and druid tank needs warden staff and other gear locked behind rng garbage to be good.

wish my friends didn't roll on a faggy pve server it's so boring running through the world with no risk even while pvp flagged. passed so many similarly leveled horde players on my gnome on the way to tanaris and not a single one engaged me at all

who here /no first attack/?

I will NOT attack first, and I will NOT help people of the same faction if they attack first

>playing with your faggot friends
lmao reroll on a pvp server and make new friends there. I've made some good pals so far and we've done a lot of leveling and world pvp together.

I could say this about League of Legends, it's boring to play by yourself without friends.
Stop questioning other people's flavor you mongoloid

How to play Warrior
>AA macro
>alt tab for 15 seconds
>tab back in
>repeat until 60

the first person on my server dinged 60 yesterday there's like only 20 people above 50 nobody outside private server niggers nobody wants to rush to 60

If I ever hit level 60 thats when I'll stop playing.

There isn't EVER going to be a 'Classic +' faggot. Stop shitposting this headcanon of yours. Blizz will move on to TBC and then Wrath of the Lich King the god of all wow expacs. Your pipe dream of classic + will never come to pass. Just kill yourself now and stop posting.


>have done deadmines like 10 times on private servers
>Always a pleasant, relaxed, sociable experience I enjoy
>Did it yesterday on classic
>Retailbabs constantly crying about pulling faster, dying (because they pulled as dps when the healer had no mana) crying about having to do the quests outside and wanting to get to the dungeon because that's where the loot is
>Rogue ragequits at the boat because someone rolled on a BOE agility cloak he wanted

*Sips* these days

then why play wow on pvp realms in the first place if you wanna be neutral

>there's never going to be legacy server
>people will quit after 1 month
>the next thing is they won't do classic content

cope bc and wotlk are both shit tier expansion nobody wants them people want more classic not shit tier expansion that ruined this game.

Dont you think they will release the xpacs after a while to keep people playing?

On ashbringer people are typing nigger and mudslime in world chat all the time

There will absolutely be TBC and WOTLK servers. That's where it'll end though since nobody fucking wants cata.

Look for a small guild and your problem is solved.

>Defending being offensive
Kill yourself Trumpanze

>having a good time just leveling a Dwarf Priest
>only just hit level 30 today, but still enjoying my time

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Raids are the whole point of MMOs senpai. How retarded are you? Oh.... Wait... You are one of those PvP players aren't you..... Yikes.

>tricked into playing on the muslim server by "friends"
Fuck you too.

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I'm not averse to PvP, I will not attack first but I will not hesitate to defend myself(and corpse camp you) if attacked

yeah implying someone with a cuck mentality like this has a chance to win anything in the first place

Im not too worried about rushing to 60
The way I see it, the next time lots of people will be seriously grinding will be the Christmas holidays.
If I'm 60 with some decent gear then I'm sure I can get picked up by a guild or just make some friends and run some of the higher end dungeons
I'm pretty excited I've only gotten as far as level 35 in vanilla - also it probably means there will be some people about to help me get my WW axe at 30

you'd be surprised, i come out on top a solid 70% of the time, some people are just bad at the game

Is it just me or are all the night elves not levling in their starting area and just running to other parts of the world to level faster? Teldrassil is lonely

>faggot shaman ganks me while i'm fighting two mobs
>see him two days later, lower level than me
>camp him for an hour until he logs out
fuck you

>the god of all wow expacs.

Hello Zoomer.

They really are.
>helping a warlock friend get to barrens for a class quest
>some tauren druid, higher level than us, at least 10 levels sees us and comes charging at us
>gets feared
>won't stop and keeps on coming after us
>decide to actually attack him
>dies like an absolute bitch to two 30s while he's at least 10 levels higher
>tries attacking us again, this time going full "hardcore" changing forms and trying to focus the warlock
>again dies like a bitch and neither of us had to use any cooldowns
>we then get a whisper from a warrior, asking us where we are

>dailies galore
>mentions mop

Bruh, mop has way more dailies than bc.

what addon is that I wanna try

Ah yes, the slightly talented yet completely overestimating their own abilities type. So frequently burning out after some completely normal period of failure.

You deserve no kind of help from anyone in any circumstance.

It's because these are BFA players trying to enjoy classic.

>The popular Soda american one
All of them are just boosting XP in dungeons over and over again, refusing to do anything else.

This minmax mentality is actual cancer.
lvl 24 mage with 183 engi for sheep memes

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He could be playing private servers 5 years ago if he cared all that much.

I've been playing about 20 hours. I'm level 14, I have 150 fishing, 150 cooking, and about 80 mining and 75 engineering. I am reading books I find, reading quest text, and having fun.

Sometimes you get put on a layer with few players. Do a /who on teldrassil and it should show 50 players.

>see low level undead warrior
>attack him a few times in travel form as i run passed
>he pops retaliation
>swooce on out of there and carry on with my day

innervate me pls

Always go arms. Immediately get improved rend. That's your primary dps from 1-30. Hamstring and kite mobs to effectively increase your health. Make a macro so that you can quickly change stances and overpower with a single button click. It's just two /cast in one macro, first battle stance then overpower. Use demo shout in groups, always keep battle shout up. Use thunder clap when you aren't using retaliation. Spam hamstring to get extra overpowers instead of heroic strike which costs 15 rage + swing rage income. Replace hamstring spam with slam spam at 30, keep your timing in mind and avoid fast attacking mobs like dualwielders, or go back to hamspam against those. At 40 you get mortal strike, and which point everything becomes trivial. At 36 you get whirlwind, this is almost as good as mortal strike, so use that frequently as well.
Grabbing two mobs, using sweeping strikes and cleave is easily some of the fattest dps you can do 1-40. Try it.

how do i make a pet attack macro for warlock?

>just wanted to heal
>have to run around as a cat for 30 more levels

Is warlock a good class to begin with?

I used to play warrior and rogue but I've seen way too many warriors, and for some reason I don't really feel like playing rogue this time. My only experience with warlocks was in WOTLK, and I didn't enjoy it too much back then desu, but maybe it's different in vanilla?

Is it to late to start playing now? Everybody is in their 50s now I imagine...

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How much do you like spamming Shadow bolt and be sure your curse of elements is always up for your Mage bull?

Zoomers don't play any kind of wow. Don't be a fucking retard.

pick a class you've never experienced user

>15 skeletal raiders
>3 skeletal healers
>3 skeletal wardens
>raiders are by far the least common

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I'm playing one right now. The voidwalker can't tank anything more than two dots so he's next to useless. I've read about drain tanking where you spec to avoid interruptions and use the succubus for dps and just drain life the mob the entire time which I will try now instead.
Fearing things is nice. My friend is a mage so we're nailing the aoe farming part.

>can't tank anything more than two dots
are you retards forgetting to buy pet tomes? I've seen so many complaints like this. What is your voidwalkers current torment rank?
It's not THAT bad

I'm lvl 25 and he's rank 2.

>need course stone
>check AH
>1g a fucking stack
>check dense stone which is end game stone
>20s a stack
>a fucking tin material is 1g a fucking stack

not him but it makes no difference. i have torment rank 2 and suffering, both of which are the highest i can currently get. and even with just agony and corruption up while wand attacking i pull aggro off of him after a few ticks of damage. i haven't tried maxed out improved voidwalker yet but i don't want to have to blow through respecs just to try it

>>And even after finding out where the hell it was because a guildie of mine actually did it, i still don't remember.
I still remember it due to the amount of time I spent on trying to get that bullshit form on my Night Elf. Westfall and Darkshore.

>when you grind up 10 stacks of bronze bars
>when you grind up a stack of silver
>when you have like 15 stacks of copper bars

Coarse stones are actually quite rare, as bronze is only partly made from tin, the only vein that has coarse stones.

Ulduar was the best time to play imo, but BC was a better expansion overall than Wrath. Both introduced a lot of shit that would end up ruining the game though.

If you use VW you better pull two at a time.
Dot the one your vw is tanking and solo the other with dots + wanding/fear/draining.
Wanding does too much damage too quickly for the VW to handle.
I would just use imp and kill enemies with fear+dots non-stop.

Supply vs demand. Less people are farming the lower level shit.

Taking your time is a meme. It's not like any of the content is interesting. Why are people complaining about dungeon grinds for example when quests are just shitty grinds themselves? The only thing about classic that is mildly fun is PvP.

I have just found a fucking Recipe : Potion of Limited Invulnerability.
You have no idea how happy I am about this.

What a glorious day to be an alchemist.

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>playing with boyfriend and a friend from scratch
>get to level 33 just questing
>we give SM farming a go to see how it is
>boring as fuck, instanced linear content
>go back to questing and kill niggas all day at arathi basin
>slower exp but more fulfilling mmo experience

open world or bust

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Literally all of my friends who started playing classic wow again have all stopped already, what's going on?

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SM is probably the most overrated dungeon in the game. Armoury in particular is painfully boring

no reason to cuck yourself by being a healslut. warrior/rogue party is unstoppable and doesnt need a healer

since you've always lost all of your social credits, your basic human rights: gone.

you're friends with niggers

game is boring. Especially if you have done it all before. There is no going back.

if you think this way then no its not worth it, you are a massive faggot anyway

The game can be really unpleasant when solo leveling as anyone but Hunter or Mage

Even as a hunter I get killed by unlucky spawns every now and then

Seriously. There's no better way to display your age to the world than to say "wotlk was the best version of wow."

>wool FINALLY beginning to drop often in my mid-20s
>medium leather is more consistent now with the occasional heavy hide
>only 16g and skills are going to become more expensive

Casuals are quitting, freeing up those queues.

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The reality that the game is pretty boring and tedious caught up to them

I love being a mage and getting to happily ignore half the skills the trainers sell.

Horde is the nigger faction. They never fight fair, they don't understand the idea of it. Especially undead players, those are the most insecure people in the real world and it shows by who they pick and how they play. They will almost always 2v1 you, and when they don't they will charge you like a giant retard. If you ever see an undead player, kill them on sight. Sparing them will only ensure that they come back to betray you. I'm still waiting on horde players to find out how to bypass the faction filter to /yell WORLDSTAR while they start shit, niggers, all of them.

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maybe because leveling isnt that fun?
its easy and slow. you spend so much time waiting. of course people want to be done with it asap.

That's me. I've ignored Blizzard and FS, for example, since I'm not AOE grinding.
>have ~4 different Mage guide things bookmarked but only follow a conglomerate guide

The nigger faction which owns Azeroth and half of the EK.
Night Elf females belong to us!

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i only get 2 levels a day, what am i doing wrong?
am lvl 23

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what kind of braindead retard thought that giving warrior a rooted cast that gets interrupted by attacks was a good idea

Bless you, cozy-posting user.

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Hey you could be me at 52 where I can't find a ST group because there's literally only a handful of people in my level range

Play with someone

>When you're too busy exploring the world again to care about racing through levels

Feels good, man. You HAVE gone under Orgrimmar and Stormwind, right, user?

You're taking it easy and enjoying it like a fine wine. Keep at it.

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>Feels good, man. You HAVE gone under Orgrimmar and Stormwind, right, user?
yeah, for about 15 years

I dont really care about that because there is nothing there and empty 3d maps stopped being interesting to me in the 90s already.


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Layers and TBC values on mobs have completely fucked and trivialized the game beyond belief.
Economies are all fucked.
World PvP is fucked.
Mobs are too easy. Some mobs like dustwallow dragons and crocolisks aren't even elite.

Game's fucking dead and you don't even know it yet

>wow was ever difficult

too easy means its even easier than it normally is you fucking retard

I'm playing in Ashbringer, the chat is mostly LFG, but there's banter once in a while.

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Go play some fucking vanilla EQ on a TLP server zoom zoom, youll realize WoW classic is a super casual easy and fast grind.

somehow retards deluded themselves into thinking that slow=hardcore.

male or female undead rogue, Yea Forums?

full edgy boi or do i pretend to be a girl

female undead have the best melee attack animations

>undead players
i hope you get your life on track someday, best of luck

female ud has that atrocious looking front flip 1h animation so I'd say male. t. played female ud mt in a raiding guild on pservers

Neither, Vanilla was.

Doing this too. Maximum comfy desu

-t. John Smith, Human Player

I am Warlock lvl 15 in Westfall, i think i have done all the quests in GoldShire and Westfall and i need to get to lvl 18 to do the Deadmines, are there any quests i can do to level up or do i just kill mobs to level up?

Stop playing the game wrong reeeee

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Tfw 27 lock having a good time desu

You're supposed to play the fun specs and utilize engineering. That's what makes classic enjoyable and unique. For me, it's playing enhance with my warrior buddy. windfuring nerds down is fun

>tfw at Ashenvale and it starts raining.


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you go to loch modan or darkshore. optimally both.

You know I never really thought about it until now, but why can priests levitate?

There are numerous. However they are all utterly terrible and out of touch, possibly just theory crafted and not tested or just based on private server data as they'll say blatantly untrue things. Or they'll do insanely inefficient things like make you walk to a zone, take 2 quests, and then walk all the way to another zone randomly. I've stopped using them as a result.

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I never played classic before and I found a quest outside orc town that told me to find some random npc inside orc town within 45 mins for an antidote. I was able to track him down with 30 mins remaining but then I learned that I needed to kill scorpions for their venom sacs, I ran out of the town and found the scorpions being camped to high hell. By the time I got 4 sacs I was down to 7 mins remaining and every second of the walk back to town then the journey to the sick quest giver was tense as fuck. I completed the quest with 1 minute remaining completely blind without joining a group or using chat only using the quest log and npc text and it was fun as fuck.

look at my motherfucking hat

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Fellow chadbringer

>playing on a streamer server
This is your own fault

Try again in a year

while you guys are arguing over an attempt at Blizzard making a split playerbase happy I'm just gonna keep farming my levels.

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thats the meme beta actually, not even Faerlina is that bad

based runechad

Take it a day off to level professions, play peggle and chat about things. Don't go ham on leveling, it sucks

Fix your monitor settings.

What are some cool mobs that I can tame in my early twenties for hunter? Sick of my shitty wolf from that I got 12 levels ago.

please... play our game...

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>abandoning your pet

I was gonna take one of the worgs from Duskwood but because of the limited stable space I’m holding out for level 30 to get a thousand needles white turtle. Will be hard as a Nelf but I love a challenge

you make more money with higher levels and you dont need to learn all skills now.
like I dont care about 5% extra slow on hamstring for 3g currently.

24 here. Been killing time working professions so i can run BFD with my buddies. All the no-lifers racing to 60 can't see the forest for the trees.

>not abandoning worthless pets in order to attain stronger ones

Are the human zones far quicker at levelling than dorf zones?
They seem easier

loch modan is trash, wetlands is good though

> Will be hard as a Nelf but I love a challenge
what the fuck are you talking about?

where do i quest 30-40 as alliance prominently?
i'm 33 and have just been hopping from one zone to another because i'll do quests in one zone, then the next ones in that zone are too high for me at the time then repeating for another

>invite friend over, we play classic LAN style
>cozy as fuck great time
>wake up this morning
>some random fellow priest wants to barter enchanting materials for my tailoring goods just because he inspected my shit
>get 3 lesser magic essences for my stuff which is a steal and he also tips me silver
>also get to make my own wand for my undead priest
life is good bros

>tfw playing dick-ass thief looting chests under the nose of people fighting mobs

Feels good man

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that just makes you a fag

Seriously. I have no idea why they removed weather effects on retail. It’s like every retail design decision is the developers trying to out-shit each other

same bro. only complaint so far is that mining sucks ass to level up and my engineering needs so much shit i can't mine yet

im gonna give you a hint to help level mining whenever you feel stuck. Theyre are a couple mines in the game that have quest ores. Ores you can mine and get skill ups for that have no use outside of 1 or 2 quests. Use them to fill in the space between the big ones like the huge gap between smelt bronze and smelt iron. or smelt iron and smelt thorium

It not as shit as you make it out to be, at least not for another month or two. The theme around classic is nostalgia, so aside from zoomer and speed runner who rush to 60, 80% of the player base will just chill and actually enjoy the game either for the first time, or just be nostalgic. And gathering cartel wouldn’t work for like another 2 month, and it would be debatable whether it would happen at all, due to retail and how the currency value are so skew in classic. Most of them would just stay in retail save for a few mad men who just want to role play as a business cartel in a world with under inflated currency

>you think you want it, but you don't.

1-6 is faster as dwarf.

cool I'll look out for those

vanilla - i fell off in TBC

I'm taking my time. Not stalling or idling in the cities, but keeping my professions up to date and such.

>I blame streamers a lot of changing the mentality and the way people approach the game.
It's not streamers. I see this happening in other games. People want to rush to max level because they believe the end goal is to do stuff at max level. That's the fault of game design of the last decade or so.

>tfw begging for classic just so actiblizz will waste a bunch of money

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Level 25, want to go do Ashenvale instead of Duskwood.
Am i too late to the party?
Will I have to do a lot of grey quests?

I'm in Ashenvale at 25 right now, it's the perfect level.

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>love WoW
>hate being tied to a schedule for raiding
why is the game so unfriendly to non raiders, there's pretty much no progression unless you enlist to a second job

>paladins are amazing!
>plays a meta class
I agree paladins are great but that last point only hurts your argument

what was the name

>person stressing out about other wow players

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Was WotLK really that bad? I. Always assumed it was like Resident Evil 4 (which I've never played and have no interest in doing so), good but eventually led to the down fall of the series because of devs efforts to emulate its success.
What was wrong with it?

I'm so happy I can open a trade window with a person in a dungeon to give them a healing pot over whatever and know they're actually on the same server

A leveling guild I joined pretty early has been a goldmine for this. There's like 800-900 people total so there's at least 150 people online at any time and the Officers/GM get baited so easily. They had to change the ranks to now allow everyone to invite because 'some' people were re-inviting people that were kicked for racist comments and they couldn't figure out who it was.

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>mograine barely at Full
what happened bros?
Our server is already dead

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>What do they expect to happen when they get there? They will stop playing again.
no they won't, and that's part of the reason why they're stressing themselves out so much:
they WANT and NEED to be stressed

the stress releases cocktails of emotion reinforcement chemicals and addicts them to the activity.
They will simply keep doing it because it's the thing that has stressed them the most with the most positive stimulation associated.

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my server (pagle) still has a huge queue at peak hours. fucking sucks ass

>3 pm
>Skeram has no queue
>Get home at 5:30
>6k queue

I guess it's a boomer server.

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10M SM was actually incredibly fun, I'm kinda sad they nerfed it. I didn't even know it was bug abuse until they nerfed it.

I just talk about 13% 52% without saying anything about a race. I also call people hooknoses in chat. Keep it light without saying much. There is nothing in the EULA that states you can't quote a federal statistic :^)

It was fucking fantastic, excepting ToC and dungeon finder

Red Dragon makes a better one that is also mechanical for 35 dollars. Fucking idiots buying razer. They are all chinkshit so get the cheaper chinkshit that performs the same.

Had a guy in Barrens with one of those WoW Trivia Bots that started out with "Despite being 13% of the population, this Horde race causes 50% of the crime in Azeroth".

honestly, I'd laugh to myself if I saw those kids anywhere IRL
especially the nintendo wojack

I just say "if they have flight paths in game, then they have no reason not to add flying mounts." Then I sit back and wait.

what was the patch?

Our rogue sapped and failed a few times until he realized he should just let me sheep. Then the tank started bitching about it and they both would pull things to spite and blame each other. It was a miracle we made it through there. The tank died 10 seconds into Mr. Smite and 3 of us had to take him. Thankfully, when he stuns, mana goes up, so we got him down slowly. Then on the boat up to Van Cleef, they both kept pullling too many packs and it was a fucking nightmare of running back and fighting patrols on the way. At least I got an 11int staff.


Fear of missing out?

every wipe I've had there is on the boat because some weird enemy sight lines caught someone and pulled the entire ship

>lvl 43
>it's starting to get boring

oh no no no no

Fuck off, vanillacunts

Leveling in Vanilla was fucking awful. It's very mind numbing. It was clearly designed so that anyone with an IQ greater than 70 could hit 60. You might as well power through it.

>hit level 45
>literally no more content or quests
>surprised that people get bored

Anyone have a build for Disc Priest that is more suited to an offensive off-healer? Just something I can enjoy leveling with that doesnt touch shadow at all.

I don't wanna touch shadow until Phase 2 or 3.

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>he thinks vanilla allows player freedom

What does it matter you're going spirit tap + wanding no matter the spec

spirit tap + disc, it's not rocket science

mor'ladim is a fucking black nigger

>make a big deal about getting ahead of the wave of boomers so I can comfy level
>got to 40 yesterday after doing nothing but playing for 4 days
>realize all the boomers are still level fucking 25

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Well they have to level fast. They know the WoW community gatekeeps when enough people get to 60. LFM UBRS need 9000 GS.

>go into ashenvale
>all horde are like level 26 while I'm 22
>getting 2v1'd and attacked like crazy
>go back to darnassus and train
>get execute
>oh baby
>suddenly I'm a one man wrecking ball
>nobody attacks me anymore
>horde veer off the road when I come stomping down

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>alliancefag trains his execute
>hordechad fucks purple pussy all day long


cool hat, user

he said as he turned pvp off

what a weird thing to lie about

It would be cool to make a Minecraft version of Classic WoW.

bfa hasnt lost many players to classic though. different playerbase i guess.

its old content, youve already seen it, youve already done it, nothing new.

t. upset rogue/druid cuck who has to hide in stealth from the chad warriors

>hit level 40
>game goes from great fun where you feel like you're always making progress to the dullest fucking grind ever where you can play the entire day and only get 2 levels, 3 if you play like 16 hours

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>rave and whine about how Classic will kill WoW but at the same time will revitalize WoW by bringing attention to the "Good old content back when things had SOUL"
>turns out vanillacucks were full of hot air and bitterly realized classic was not as good as they remembered it to be and start to leave

Are we comfy?

>hitting max level with fun content in retail SOULLESS
>grinding to get to max level when there is no more content in classic SOUL

why is it fair that mages can pull 20 enemies at once and aoe them down risk free while warlocks can only do 2 or 3 at a time max with voidwalker + fear juggling

I know right

maybe im a filthy zoomer, but as wide as these maps are, trying to find a specific mob drives me up the wall, let alone a quest item. Its just too much space to trek without google or questie. Obviously this applies to quests that didnt hint at a mobs location

It isn't fair, eat shit.

mages are the cheat class which is why everybody and their mother rolled one and why most mages are already in their 50s or level 60 due to abusing the fuck out of the dungeons

I'm just trying to keep pace with my friends.
Also I made a char to level with my other friend, and now he's up to everybody's level so I have two characters I'm trying to level at the pace they're leveling one character. It's kinda tough.

all of you people are going to get tired of your pvp memes

I want to try but it seems extremely complex.

Whats a good starter race/class?

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Wait until streamers fuck the entire server for the AQ event. I can only imagine the large amounts of rage.

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Great: Huge talent rework that made every spec at least tolerable in raids. Great new areas.
Bad: Fucking rep grinds.
Great: Professions were fantastic and felt super rewarding to level up. When they balanced DK it was a great addition that finally gave us more tanks.
Bad: TOC+

i wanna do world pvp

hunter is comfiest leveling, but the pet stuff might be complex for beginners
mage is fairly easy to start with plus you can make food/drink for out of combat regeneration

Yeah 40-50 is the worst stretch in the game. When I hit 50 I always get a second win because it's the home stretch and you can fuck with dungeons and get some of your pre bis happening.

I'm taking my time leveling, running dungeons whenever i feel like it and enjoying myself immensely and I still use the questie addon because I don't want to either have to use wow head or just run around trying to figure out what the fuck I'm doing. Not sure why anyone would compare using a basic qol addon to chain running dungeons til your eyes bleed

Anyone else have a crazy amount of BR's on their server. Trying to communicate with a dungeon group is fucking annoying. Im convinced in leaving my server.

>all day for 2 levels
Im 34 now and this is already how it feels
I do notice people dropping like flies right at 40 though
Its that point where most people dont even know where the fuck to go for quests anymore and it feels most hopeless

I had to take a two day break when i hit 40 because it just drained me. When you hit that point you're basically wageslaving for free instead of playing a video game but i guess that is the point of MMOs.

It was the peak of WoW. The only bad thing about it was the dungeon finder and ToC.

Go on a RP server. Sure it has a lot of weirdos relatively but at least people are not at each other's throats yet.

Tfw you have been doing quests, exploring areas, and having fun

Classic has been great all the popular retail streamers are getting destroyed, game journalists can't cope with the fact classic is so popular, and Blizzard's ego is shattered. Feels good.

I'm on Smoulderweb and there's lots of funposting in barrens chat.

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you got to put on both fears, and dont even touch the mobs for like 3-4 seconds and let him build up aggro. then cast the 2 dots and you can sometimes shadowbolt. if im wrong so is the cracked servers i played on.
this was at level 60

I crafted my first wand.
Today was a good day :3

>all these mages doing AoE farming now that the gnome guy hit world first as one
Fudge. And I was planning on doing some cozy mage farming instead of warrior grinding for the 5th time.

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EVERY. SINGLE. GROUP. i get in has 2 chinks in it spamming runes the whole time.

This is US:E btw.

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Fuck you nacho

>Constantly needs to validate that he is a chad
>By telling others on Yea Forums

I have BR's on my server, is this a universal thing? Will it go away with time and the addition of new servers.

What server cuz thalnos is the br server

You should play on a less populated server
All the BRs and Chinks tend to congregate

Fellow Skeramchad here. Considering the curve of people level-wise is at the mid-20’s to early-30’s, I think what you said is right and this server is overwhelmingly populated by boomers. At least that’s the way it is on horde.

........................thalnos. My idiotic friends chose it without knowing of its BR heritage. And we already have about 8 of us at level 40 or so.

If it’s a problem then reroll now or hope they provide free transfers if your realm pop is high enough

>Turtle Meat: 10/10

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I just saw a guy hit 60 today with his hunter. He was stressing the fuck out about being the server first level 60 hunter. The game has already been beaten, and private server players have literally been farming the endgame raids for years now. There's no such thing as "world first" anymore because it's already been done. I can see some people wanting to break leveling records from vanilla, but with layering abuse and the recent dungeon raid group bug, it's meaningless. Once they remove layering, then you can have a verified legit 1-60 speed run record attempt.

As for me, I'm leveling my main and a few alts concurrently, leveling up my fishing, doing quests, some grinding, doing a few dungeons, etc.

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>hope they provide free transfers if your realm pop is high enough

Has this happened previously?

Ironically layering made the world first claims substantiated again. It's a different category altogether and cannot be compared to actual Vanilla, or even the private servers that try to emulate it. They're all different games to world first in.

>tfw buffing someone who already has your buff
>your buff is a higher rank

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Yes and they're doing it currently with some realms.

Remember that Azeroth is a magical place where you can ruin lifelong friendships

oh shit apparently thalnos is on the list, movements to netherwind only though. I wonder if the BR's will move with it.

BROS how do I find myself a qt healslut gf on horde? I will be a prot warrior if that helps

i deleted at 33 fuck wow, blizzard(activision), etc..

>Be a warlock
>Friend is mage
>Friend is priest
>Robes of Arugal drop


>have a 25 warrior and a 30 mage
>~30g between them
Well at least one should get mount money on time

>tfw most of the streamers are on their own containment server
>tfw retail guilds and streamer guilds have already been BTFO by private server guilds
>tfw when AQ is released, only one person can be a Scarab Lord, and it will probably be some private server player who gets it while the "hardcore" streamers are crying
>tfw when the streamers inevitably quit or move back to retail, their classic server will die as all their followers also quit
>tfw my cozy server will be left untouched by their faggotry

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I have 17g on my 28 mage and should have at least 20g by the time I hit 30 although idk how bad skills will fuck me up

No, I Mean 30g combined from the two of them. My mage has ~20 or 21 now, so yours is basically at the same point

Join Netherwind